- Version 4.0.17
- Published
- 6.79 kB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for gulp
variable GulpClient
const GulpClient: GulpClient.Gulp;
interface Gulp
interface Gulp extends Undertaker {}
property dest
dest: DestMethod;
Can be piped to and it will write files. Re-emits all data passed to it so you can pipe to multiple folders. Folders that don't exist will be created.
Parameter path
The path (output folder) to write files to. Or a function that returns it, the function will be provided a vinyl File instance.
property src
src: SrcMethod;
Emits files matching provided glob or array of globs. Returns a stream of Vinyl files that can be piped to plugins.
Parameter globs
Glob or array of globs to read.
Parameter options
Options to pass to node-glob through glob-stream.
property symlink
symlink: typeof vfs.symlink;
Functions exactly like gulp.dest, but will create symlinks instead of copying a directory.
Parameter folder
A folder path or a function that receives in a file and returns a folder path.
property watch
watch: WatchMethod;
Takes a path string, an array of path strings, a glob string or an array of glob strings as globs to watch on the filesystem. Also optionally takes options to configure the watcher and a fn to execute when a file changes.
Parameter globs
A path string, an array of path strings, a glob string or an array of glob strings that indicate which files to watch for changes.
Parameter opts
Options that are passed to chokidar.
Parameter fn
Once async completion is signalled, if another run is queued, it will be executed.
interface WatchMethod
interface WatchMethod {}
call signature
(globs: Globs, fn?: Undertaker.TaskFunction): fs.FSWatcher;
call signature
(globs: Globs, opts?: WatchOptions, fn?: Undertaker.TaskFunction): fs.FSWatcher;
interface WatchOptions
interface WatchOptions extends chokidar.WatchOptions {}
property delay
delay?: number | undefined;
The delay to wait before triggering the fn. Useful for waiting on many changes before doing the work on changed files, e.g. find-and-replace on many files. 200
property events
events?: string | string[];
An event name or array of event names to listen for. Useful if you only need to watch specific events.
Example 1
gulp.watch is imported from glob-watcher (see https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/v4.0.2/index.js lines 6, 28 and 48) gulp use glob-watcher@^5.0.3 (see https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/v4.0.2/package.json#L33) glob-watcher declare publicly options.events (see https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-watcher/blob/v5.0.3/README.md?plain=1#L101) ['add','change','unlink']
property queue
queue?: boolean | undefined;
Whether or not a file change should queue the fn execution if the fn is already running. Useful for a long running fn. true
Type Aliases
type DestMethod
type DestMethod = typeof vfs.dest;
type Globs
type Globs = string | string[];
type SrcMethod
type SrcMethod = typeof vfs.src;
type TaskCallback
type TaskCallback = TaskFunction;
- Now use
type TaskFunction
type TaskFunction = Undertaker.TaskFunction;
type TaskFunctionCallback
type TaskFunctionCallback = Undertaker.TaskCallback;
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