- Version 3.0.5
- Published
- 9.58 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for vinyl-fs
function dest
dest: ( folder: string | ((file: File) => string), opt?: DestOptions) => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
On write the stream will save the vinyl File to disk at the folder/cwd specified. After writing the file to disk, it will be emitted from the stream so you can keep piping these around. The file will be modified after being written to this stream: cwd, base, and path will be overwritten to match the folder stat.mode will be overwritten if you used a mode parameter contents will have it's position reset to the beginning if it is a stream
Parameter folder
destination folder or a function that takes in a file and returns a folder path
function src
src: (globs: string | string[], opt?: SrcOptions) => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
Gets files that match the glob and converts them into the vinyl format
Parameter globs
Takes a glob string or an array of glob strings as the first argument Globs are executed in order, so negations should follow positive globs fs.src(['!b*.js', '*.js']) would not exclude any files, but this would: fs.src(['*.js', '!b*.js'])
Parameter opt
Options Vinyl source options, changes the way the files are read, found, or stored in the vinyl stream
function symlink
symlink: ( folder: string | ((File: File) => string), opts?: { cwd?: string | ((file: File) => string); dirMode?: number | ((file: File) => number); overwrite?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean); relativeSymlinks?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean); useJunctions?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean); }) => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
On write the stream will create a symbolic link (i.e. symlink) on disk at the folder/cwd specified. After creating the symbolic link, it will be emitted from the stream so you can keep piping these around. The file will be modified after being written to this stream: cwd, base, and path will be overwritten to match the folder
interface DestOptions
interface DestOptions {}
property append
append?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
Whether or not new data should be appended after existing file contents (if any). Default is false, to always replace existing contents
property cwd
cwd?: string | ((file: File) => string) | undefined;
Specify the working directory the folder is relative to Default is process.cwd()
property dirMode
dirMode?: number | ((file: File) => number) | undefined;
Specify the mode the directory should be created with. Default is the process mode
property encoding
encoding?: string | false | ((file: File) => string | false) | undefined;
Optionally transcode to the given encoding. The default is 'utf8'.
property mode
mode?: number | ((file: File) => number) | undefined;
Specify the mode the files should be created with Default is the mode of the input file (file.stat.mode) or the process mode if the input file has no mode property
property overwrite
overwrite?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
Specify if existing files with the same path should be overwritten or not. Default is true, to always overwrite existing files
property relativeSymlinks
relativeSymlinks?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
When creating a symlink, whether or not the created symlink should be relative. If false, the symlink will be absolute. Note: This option will be ignored if a junction is being created.
property sourcemaps
sourcemaps?: | boolean | string | ((file: File) => string | false | undefined) | undefined;
Enables sourcemap support on files passed through the stream. Will write inline soucemaps if specified as true. Specifying a string path will write external sourcemaps at the given path.
property useJunctions
useJunctions?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
interface SrcOptions
interface SrcOptions extends globStream.Options {}
property buffer
buffer?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
Setting this to false will make file.contents a paused stream If true it will buffer the file contents Default: true
property encoding
encoding?: string | false | ((file: File) => string | false) | undefined;
Optionally transcode from the given encoding. The default is 'utf8'.
property read
read?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
Setting this to false will ignore the contents of the file and disable writing to disk to speed up operations Default: true
property removeBOM
removeBOM?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
Causes the BOM to be removed on UTF-8 encoded files. Set to false if you need the BOM for some reason. Default: true
property resolveSymlinks
resolveSymlinks?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
Whether or not to recursively resolve symlinks to their targets. Setting to false to preserve them as symlinks and make file.symlink equal the original symlink's target path. Default: false
property since
since?: Date | number | ((file: File) => Date | number) | undefined;
Only find files that have been modified since the time specified
property sourcemaps
sourcemaps?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
Setting this to true will enable sourcemaps. Default: false
namespace global
namespace global {}
namespace global.NodeJS
namespace global.NodeJS {}
interface WritableStream
interface WritableStream {}
method write
write: (buffer: any, cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void) => boolean;
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