- Version 9.4.3
- Published
- 1.14 MB
- 7 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i vue-eslint-parser
yarn add vue-eslint-parser
pnpm add vue-eslint-parser
The ESLint custom parser for `.vue` files.
- ErrorCode
- ESLintArrayExpression
- ESLintArrayPattern
- ESLintArrowFunctionExpression
- ESLintAssignmentExpression
- ESLintAssignmentPattern
- ESLintAssignmentProperty
- ESLintAwaitExpression
- ESLintBigIntLiteral
- ESLintBinaryExpression
- ESLintBlockStatement
- ESLintBooleanLiteral
- ESLintBreakStatement
- ESLintCallExpression
- ESLintCatchClause
- ESLintChainElement
- ESLintChainExpression
- ESLintClassBody
- ESLintClassDeclaration
- ESLintClassExpression
- ESLintConditionalExpression
- ESLintContinueStatement
- ESLintDebuggerStatement
- ESLintDeclaration
- ESLintDoWhileStatement
- ESLintEmptyStatement
- ESLintExportAllDeclaration
- ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration
- ESLintExportNamedDeclaration
- ESLintExportSpecifier
- ESLintExpression
- ESLintExpressionStatement
- ESLintExtendedProgram
- ESLintForInStatement
- ESLintForOfStatement
- ESLintForStatement
- ESLintFunctionDeclaration
- ESLintFunctionExpression
- ESLintIdentifier
- ESLintIfStatement
- ESLintImportDeclaration
- ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier
- ESLintImportExpression
- ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier
- ESLintImportSpecifier
- ESLintLabeledStatement
- ESLintLegacyRestProperty
- ESLintLegacySpreadProperty
- ESLintLiteral
- ESLintLogicalExpression
- ESLintMemberExpression
- ESLintMetaProperty
- ESLintMethodDefinition
- ESLintModuleDeclaration
- ESLintModuleSpecifier
- ESLintNewExpression
- ESLintNode
- ESLintNullLiteral
- ESLintNumberLiteral
- ESLintObjectExpression
- ESLintObjectPattern
- ESLintPattern
- ESLintPrivateIdentifier
- ESLintProgram
- ESLintProperty
- ESLintPropertyDefinition
- ESLintRegExpLiteral
- ESLintRestElement
- ESLintReturnStatement
- ESLintSequenceExpression
- ESLintSpreadElement
- ESLintStatement
- ESLintStaticBlock
- ESLintStringLiteral
- ESLintSuper
- ESLintSwitchCase
- ESLintSwitchStatement
- ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression
- ESLintTemplateElement
- ESLintTemplateLiteral
- ESLintThisExpression
- ESLintThrowStatement
- ESLintTryStatement
- ESLintUnaryExpression
- ESLintUpdateExpression
- ESLintVariableDeclaration
- ESLintVariableDeclarator
- ESLintWhileStatement
- ESLintWithStatement
- ESLintYieldExpression
- getFallbackKeys()
- HasConcreteInfo
- HasLocation
- HasParent
- Location
- LocationRange
- Namespace
- Node
- NS
- Offset
- OffsetRange
- ParseError
- Reference
- Token
- traverseNodes()
- Variable
- VAttribute
- VDirective
- VDirectiveKey
- VDocumentFragment
- VElement
- VEndTag
- VExpressionContainer
- VFilter
- VFilterSequenceExpression
- VForExpression
- VGenericExpression
- VIdentifier
- Visitor
- VLiteral
- VNode
- VOnExpression
- VSlotScopeExpression
- VStartTag
- VStyleElement
- VText
- ErrorCode
- ESLintArrayExpression
- ESLintArrayPattern
- ESLintArrowFunctionExpression
- ESLintAssignmentExpression
- ESLintAssignmentPattern
- ESLintAssignmentProperty
- ESLintAwaitExpression
- ESLintBigIntLiteral
- ESLintBinaryExpression
- ESLintBlockStatement
- ESLintBooleanLiteral
- ESLintBreakStatement
- ESLintCallExpression
- ESLintCatchClause
- ESLintChainElement
- ESLintChainExpression
- ESLintClassBody
- ESLintClassDeclaration
- ESLintClassExpression
- ESLintConditionalExpression
- ESLintContinueStatement
- ESLintDebuggerStatement
- ESLintDeclaration
- ESLintDoWhileStatement
- ESLintEmptyStatement
- ESLintExportAllDeclaration
- ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration
- ESLintExportNamedDeclaration
- ESLintExportSpecifier
- ESLintExpression
- ESLintExpressionStatement
- ESLintExtendedProgram
- ESLintForInStatement
- ESLintForOfStatement
- ESLintForStatement
- ESLintFunctionDeclaration
- ESLintFunctionExpression
- ESLintIdentifier
- ESLintIfStatement
- ESLintImportDeclaration
- ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier
- ESLintImportExpression
- ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier
- ESLintImportSpecifier
- ESLintLabeledStatement
- ESLintLegacyRestProperty
- ESLintLegacySpreadProperty
- ESLintLiteral
- ESLintLogicalExpression
- ESLintMemberExpression
- ESLintMetaProperty
- ESLintMethodDefinition
- ESLintModuleDeclaration
- ESLintModuleSpecifier
- ESLintNewExpression
- ESLintNode
- ESLintNullLiteral
- ESLintNumberLiteral
- ESLintObjectExpression
- ESLintObjectPattern
- ESLintPattern
- ESLintPrivateIdentifier
- ESLintProgram
- ESLintProperty
- ESLintPropertyDefinition
- ESLintRegExpLiteral
- ESLintRestElement
- ESLintReturnStatement
- ESLintSequenceExpression
- ESLintSpreadElement
- ESLintStatement
- ESLintStaticBlock
- ESLintStringLiteral
- ESLintSuper
- ESLintSwitchCase
- ESLintSwitchStatement
- ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression
- ESLintTemplateElement
- ESLintTemplateLiteral
- ESLintThisExpression
- ESLintThrowStatement
- ESLintTryStatement
- ESLintUnaryExpression
- ESLintUpdateExpression
- ESLintVariableDeclaration
- ESLintVariableDeclarator
- ESLintWhileStatement
- ESLintWithStatement
- ESLintYieldExpression
- getFallbackKeys()
- HasConcreteInfo
- HasLocation
- HasParent
- Location
- LocationRange
- Namespace
- Node
- NS
- Offset
- OffsetRange
- ParseError
- Reference
- Token
- traverseNodes()
- Variable
- VAttribute
- VDirective
- VDirectiveKey
- VDocumentFragment
- VElement
- VEndTag
- VExpressionContainer
- VFilter
- VFilterSequenceExpression
- VForExpression
- VGenericExpression
- VIdentifier
- Visitor
- VLiteral
- VNode
- VOnExpression
- VSlotScopeExpression
- VStartTag
- VStyleElement
- VText
- ESLintArrayExpression
- ESLintArrayPattern
- ESLintArrowFunctionExpression
- ESLintAssignmentExpression
- ESLintAssignmentPattern
- ESLintAssignmentProperty
- ESLintAwaitExpression
- ESLintBigIntLiteral
- ESLintBinaryExpression
- ESLintBlockStatement
- ESLintBooleanLiteral
- ESLintBreakStatement
- ESLintCallExpression
- ESLintCatchClause
- ESLintChainElement
- ESLintChainExpression
- ESLintClassBody
- ESLintClassDeclaration
- ESLintClassExpression
- ESLintConditionalExpression
- ESLintContinueStatement
- ESLintDebuggerStatement
- ESLintDeclaration
- ESLintDoWhileStatement
- ESLintEmptyStatement
- ESLintExportAllDeclaration
- ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration
- ESLintExportNamedDeclaration
- ESLintExportSpecifier
- ESLintExpression
- ESLintExpressionStatement
- ESLintExtendedProgram
- ESLintForInStatement
- ESLintForOfStatement
- ESLintForStatement
- ESLintFunctionDeclaration
- ESLintFunctionExpression
- ESLintIdentifier
- ESLintIfStatement
- ESLintImportDeclaration
- ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier
- ESLintImportExpression
- ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier
- ESLintImportSpecifier
- ESLintLabeledStatement
- ESLintLegacyRestProperty
- ESLintLegacySpreadProperty
- ESLintLiteral
- ESLintLogicalExpression
- ESLintMemberExpression
- ESLintMetaProperty
- ESLintMethodDefinition
- ESLintModuleDeclaration
- ESLintModuleSpecifier
- ESLintNewExpression
- ESLintNode
- ESLintNullLiteral
- ESLintNumberLiteral
- ESLintObjectExpression
- ESLintObjectPattern
- ESLintPattern
- ESLintPrivateIdentifier
- ESLintProgram
- ESLintProperty
- ESLintPropertyDefinition
- ESLintRegExpLiteral
- ESLintRestElement
- ESLintReturnStatement
- ESLintSequenceExpression
- ESLintSpreadElement
- ESLintStatement
- ESLintStaticBlock
- ESLintStringLiteral
- ESLintSuper
- ESLintSwitchCase
- ESLintSwitchStatement
- ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression
- ESLintTemplateElement
- ESLintTemplateLiteral
- ESLintThisExpression
- ESLintThrowStatement
- ESLintTryStatement
- ESLintUnaryExpression
- ESLintUpdateExpression
- ESLintVariableDeclaration
- ESLintVariableDeclarator
- ESLintWhileStatement
- ESLintWithStatement
- ESLintYieldExpression
- HasConcreteInfo
- HasParent
- Namespace
- Node
- NS
- Reference
- Variable
- VAttribute
- VDirective
- VDirectiveKey
- VDocumentFragment
- VElement
- VEndTag
- VExpressionContainer
- VFilter
- VFilterSequenceExpression
- VForExpression
- VGenericExpression
- VIdentifier
- VLiteral
- VNode
- VOnExpression
- VSlotScopeExpression
- VStartTag
- VStyleElement
- VText
namespace vue-eslint-parser
module 'vue-eslint-parser' {}
variable meta
const meta: { name: string; version: string | undefined };
function parse
parse: (code: string, options: any) => AST.ESLintProgram;
function parseForESLint
parseForESLint: (code: string, parserOptions: any) => AST.ESLintExtendedProgram;
namespace vue-eslint-parser.AST
namespace vue-eslint-parser.AST {}
variable KEYS
const KEYS: Readonly<{ [type: string]: readonly string[] }>;
variable NS
const NS: Readonly<{ HTML: ''; MathML: ''; SVG: ''; XLink: ''; XML: ''; XMLNS: '';}>;
function getFallbackKeys
getFallbackKeys: (node: Node) => string[];
function traverseNodes
traverseNodes: (node: Node, visitor: Visitor) => void;
class ParseError
class ParseError extends SyntaxError {}
constructor( message: string, code: ErrorCode, offset: number, line: number, column: number);
property code
code?: ErrorCode;
property column
column: number;
property index
index: number;
property lineNumber
lineNumber: number;
method fromCode
static fromCode: ( code: ErrorCode, offset: number, line: number, column: number) => ParseError;
method isParseError
static isParseError: (x: any) => x is ParseError;
method normalize
static normalize: (x: any) => ParseError | null;
interface ESLintArrayExpression
interface ESLintArrayExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintArrayPattern
interface ESLintArrayPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintArrowFunctionExpression
interface ESLintArrowFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentExpression
interface ESLintAssignmentExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentPattern
interface ESLintAssignmentPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentProperty
interface ESLintAssignmentProperty extends ESLintProperty {}
interface ESLintAwaitExpression
interface ESLintAwaitExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintBigIntLiteral
interface ESLintBigIntLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintBinaryExpression
interface ESLintBinaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property left
left: ESLintExpression | ESLintPrivateIdentifier;
property operator
operator: | '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '**' | '|' | '^' | '&' | 'in' | 'instanceof';
property right
right: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'BinaryExpression';
interface ESLintBlockStatement
interface ESLintBlockStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintBooleanLiteral
interface ESLintBooleanLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintBreakStatement
interface ESLintBreakStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintCallExpression
interface ESLintCallExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintCatchClause
interface ESLintCatchClause extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintChainExpression
interface ESLintChainExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintChainElement;
property type
type: 'ChainExpression';
interface ESLintClassBody
interface ESLintClassBody extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintClassDeclaration
interface ESLintClassDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: ESLintClassBody;
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
property superClass
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'ClassDeclaration';
interface ESLintClassExpression
interface ESLintClassExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: ESLintClassBody;
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
property superClass
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'ClassExpression';
interface ESLintConditionalExpression
interface ESLintConditionalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property alternate
alternate: ESLintExpression;
property consequent
consequent: ESLintExpression;
property test
test: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ConditionalExpression';
interface ESLintContinueStatement
interface ESLintContinueStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintDebuggerStatement
interface ESLintDebuggerStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'DebuggerStatement';
interface ESLintDoWhileStatement
interface ESLintDoWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintEmptyStatement
interface ESLintEmptyStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'EmptyStatement';
interface ESLintExportAllDeclaration
interface ESLintExportAllDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration
interface ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declaration
declaration: ESLintDeclaration | ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration';
interface ESLintExportNamedDeclaration
interface ESLintExportNamedDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declaration
declaration?: ESLintDeclaration | null;
property source
source?: ESLintLiteral | null;
property specifiers
specifiers: ESLintExportSpecifier[];
property type
type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration';
interface ESLintExportSpecifier
interface ESLintExportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintExpressionStatement
interface ESLintExpressionStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ExpressionStatement';
interface ESLintExtendedProgram
interface ESLintExtendedProgram {}
property ast
ast: ESLintProgram;
property scopeManager
scopeManager?: ScopeManager;
property services
services?: {};
property visitorKeys
visitorKeys?: { [type: string]: string[];};
interface ESLintForInStatement
interface ESLintForInStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintForOfStatement
interface ESLintForOfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintForStatement
interface ESLintForStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintFunctionDeclaration
interface ESLintFunctionDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintFunctionExpression
interface ESLintFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintIdentifier
interface ESLintIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintIfStatement
interface ESLintIfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property alternate
alternate: ESLintStatement | null;
property consequent
consequent: ESLintStatement;
property test
test: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'IfStatement';
interface ESLintImportDeclaration
interface ESLintImportDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property source
source: ESLintLiteral;
property specifiers
specifiers: ( | ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier)[];
property type
type: 'ImportDeclaration';
interface ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier
interface ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportExpression
interface ESLintImportExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier
interface ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportSpecifier
interface ESLintImportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLabeledStatement
interface ESLintLabeledStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLegacyRestProperty
interface ESLintLegacyRestProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLegacySpreadProperty
interface ESLintLegacySpreadProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLogicalExpression
interface ESLintLogicalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMemberExpression
interface ESLintMemberExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMetaProperty
interface ESLintMetaProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMethodDefinition
interface ESLintMethodDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintNewExpression
interface ESLintNewExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintNullLiteral
interface ESLintNullLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintNumberLiteral
interface ESLintNumberLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintObjectExpression
interface ESLintObjectExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property properties
properties: ( | ESLintProperty | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintLegacySpreadProperty)[];
property type
type: 'ObjectExpression';
interface ESLintObjectPattern
interface ESLintObjectPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property properties
properties: ( | ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintRestElement | ESLintLegacyRestProperty)[];
property type
type: 'ObjectPattern';
interface ESLintPrivateIdentifier
interface ESLintPrivateIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintProgram
interface ESLintProgram extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: (ESLintStatement | ESLintModuleDeclaration)[];
property comments
comments?: Token[];
property errors
errors?: ParseError[];
property sourceType
sourceType: 'script' | 'module';
property templateBody
templateBody?: VElement & HasConcreteInfo;
property tokens
tokens?: Token[];
property type
type: 'Program';
interface ESLintProperty
interface ESLintProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintPropertyDefinition
interface ESLintPropertyDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintRegExpLiteral
interface ESLintRegExpLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintRestElement
interface ESLintRestElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintReturnStatement
interface ESLintReturnStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintSequenceExpression
interface ESLintSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expressions
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
property type
type: 'SequenceExpression';
interface ESLintSpreadElement
interface ESLintSpreadElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintStaticBlock
interface ESLintStaticBlock extends HasLocation, HasParent, Omit<ESLintBlockStatement, 'type'> {}
interface ESLintStringLiteral
interface ESLintStringLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintSuper
interface ESLintSuper extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'Super';
interface ESLintSwitchCase
interface ESLintSwitchCase extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property consequent
consequent: ESLintStatement[];
property test
test: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'SwitchCase';
interface ESLintSwitchStatement
interface ESLintSwitchStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property cases
cases: ESLintSwitchCase[];
property discriminant
discriminant: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'SwitchStatement';
interface ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression
interface ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTemplateElement
interface ESLintTemplateElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTemplateLiteral
interface ESLintTemplateLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expressions
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
property quasis
quasis: ESLintTemplateElement[];
property type
type: 'TemplateLiteral';
interface ESLintThisExpression
interface ESLintThisExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'ThisExpression';
interface ESLintThrowStatement
interface ESLintThrowStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTryStatement
interface ESLintTryStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintUnaryExpression
interface ESLintUnaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintUpdateExpression
interface ESLintUpdateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintVariableDeclaration
interface ESLintVariableDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declarations
declarations: ESLintVariableDeclarator[];
property kind
kind: 'var' | 'let' | 'const';
property type
type: 'VariableDeclaration';
interface ESLintVariableDeclarator
interface ESLintVariableDeclarator extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintWhileStatement
interface ESLintWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintWithStatement
interface ESLintWithStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintYieldExpression
interface ESLintYieldExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface HasConcreteInfo
interface HasConcreteInfo {}
interface HasLocation
interface HasLocation {}
interface LocationRange
interface LocationRange {}
interface Reference
interface Reference {}
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier;
property isTypeReference
isTypeReference?: boolean;
property isValueReference
isValueReference?: boolean;
property mode
mode: 'rw' | 'r' | 'w';
property variable
variable: Variable | null;
interface Token
interface Token extends HasLocation {}
interface Variable
interface Variable {}
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier;
property kind
kind: 'v-for' | 'scope' | 'generic';
property references
references: Reference[];
interface VAttribute
interface VAttribute extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDirective
interface VDirective extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDirectiveKey
interface VDirectiveKey extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDocumentFragment
interface VDocumentFragment extends HasLocation, HasParent, HasConcreteInfo {}
interface VElement
interface VElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property children
children: (VElement | VText | VExpressionContainer)[];
property endTag
endTag: VEndTag | null;
property name
name: string;
property namespace
namespace: Namespace;
property parent
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement;
property rawName
rawName: string;
property startTag
startTag: VStartTag;
property type
type: 'VElement';
property variables
variables: Variable[];
interface VEndTag
interface VEndTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VExpressionContainer
interface VExpressionContainer extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: | ESLintExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VGenericExpression | null;
property parent
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement | VDirective | VDirectiveKey;
property references
references: Reference[];
property type
type: 'VExpressionContainer';
interface VFilter
interface VFilter extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VFilterSequenceExpression
interface VFilterSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintExpression;
property filters
filters: VFilter[];
property parent
parent: VExpressionContainer;
property type
type: 'VFilterSequenceExpression';
interface VForExpression
interface VForExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VGenericExpression
interface VGenericExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VIdentifier
interface VIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface Visitor
interface Visitor {}
property visitorKeys
visitorKeys?: VisitorKeys;
method enterNode
enterNode: (node: Node, parent: Node | null) => void;
method leaveNode
leaveNode: (node: Node, parent: Node | null) => void;
interface VLiteral
interface VLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VOnExpression
interface VOnExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VSlotScopeExpression
interface VSlotScopeExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VStartTag
interface VStartTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property attributes
attributes: (VAttribute | VDirective)[];
property parent
parent: VElement;
property selfClosing
selfClosing: boolean;
property type
type: 'VStartTag';
interface VStyleElement
interface VStyleElement extends VElement {}
interface VText
interface VText extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
type ErrorCode
type ErrorCode = | 'abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment' | 'absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference' | 'cdata-in-html-content' | 'character-reference-outside-unicode-range' | 'control-character-in-input-stream' | 'control-character-reference' | 'eof-before-tag-name' | 'eof-in-cdata' | 'eof-in-comment' | 'eof-in-tag' | 'incorrectly-closed-comment' | 'incorrectly-opened-comment' | 'invalid-first-character-of-tag-name' | 'missing-attribute-value' | 'missing-end-tag-name' | 'missing-semicolon-after-character-reference' | 'missing-whitespace-between-attributes' | 'nested-comment' | 'noncharacter-character-reference' | 'noncharacter-in-input-stream' | 'null-character-reference' | 'surrogate-character-reference' | 'surrogate-in-input-stream' | 'unexpected-character-in-attribute-name' | 'unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value' | 'unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name' | 'unexpected-null-character' | 'unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name' | 'unexpected-solidus-in-tag' | 'unknown-named-character-reference' | 'end-tag-with-attributes' | 'duplicate-attribute' | 'end-tag-with-trailing-solidus' | 'non-void-html-element-start-tag-with-trailing-solidus' | 'x-invalid-end-tag' | 'x-invalid-namespace' | 'x-missing-interpolation-end';
type ESLintChainElement
type ESLintChainElement = ESLintCallExpression | ESLintMemberExpression;
type ESLintDeclaration
type ESLintDeclaration = | ESLintFunctionDeclaration | ESLintVariableDeclaration | ESLintClassDeclaration;
type ESLintExpression
type ESLintExpression = | ESLintThisExpression | ESLintArrayExpression | ESLintObjectExpression | ESLintFunctionExpression | ESLintArrowFunctionExpression | ESLintYieldExpression | ESLintLiteral | ESLintUnaryExpression | ESLintUpdateExpression | ESLintBinaryExpression | ESLintAssignmentExpression | ESLintLogicalExpression | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintConditionalExpression | ESLintCallExpression | ESLintNewExpression | ESLintSequenceExpression | ESLintTemplateLiteral | ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression | ESLintClassExpression | ESLintMetaProperty | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintAwaitExpression | ESLintChainExpression;
type ESLintLiteral
type ESLintLiteral = | ESLintStringLiteral | ESLintBooleanLiteral | ESLintNullLiteral | ESLintNumberLiteral | ESLintRegExpLiteral | ESLintBigIntLiteral;
type ESLintModuleDeclaration
type ESLintModuleDeclaration = | ESLintImportDeclaration | ESLintExportNamedDeclaration | ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration | ESLintExportAllDeclaration;
type ESLintModuleSpecifier
type ESLintModuleSpecifier = | ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier | ESLintExportSpecifier;
type ESLintNode
type ESLintNode = | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintLiteral | ESLintProgram | ESLintSwitchCase | ESLintCatchClause | ESLintVariableDeclarator | ESLintStatement | ESLintExpression | ESLintProperty | ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintSuper | ESLintTemplateElement | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintPattern | ESLintClassBody | ESLintMethodDefinition | ESLintPropertyDefinition | ESLintStaticBlock | ESLintPrivateIdentifier | ESLintModuleDeclaration | ESLintModuleSpecifier | ESLintImportExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
type ESLintPattern
type ESLintPattern = | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintObjectPattern | ESLintArrayPattern | ESLintRestElement | ESLintAssignmentPattern | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
type ESLintStatement
type ESLintStatement = | ESLintExpressionStatement | ESLintBlockStatement | ESLintEmptyStatement | ESLintDebuggerStatement | ESLintWithStatement | ESLintReturnStatement | ESLintLabeledStatement | ESLintBreakStatement | ESLintContinueStatement | ESLintIfStatement | ESLintSwitchStatement | ESLintThrowStatement | ESLintTryStatement | ESLintWhileStatement | ESLintDoWhileStatement | ESLintForStatement | ESLintForInStatement | ESLintForOfStatement | ESLintDeclaration;
type Namespace
type Namespace = | typeof NS.HTML | typeof NS.MathML | typeof NS.SVG | typeof NS.XLink | typeof NS.XML | typeof NS.XMLNS;
type Node
type Node = | ESLintNode | VNode | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VGenericExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VFilter;
type Offset
type Offset = number;
type OffsetRange
type OffsetRange = [Offset, Offset];
type VNode
type VNode = | VAttribute | VDirective | VDirectiveKey | VDocumentFragment | VElement | VEndTag | VExpressionContainer | VIdentifier | VLiteral | VStartTag | VText;
namespace vue-eslint-parser/ast
module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast' {}
variable KEYS
const KEYS: Readonly<{ [type: string]: readonly string[] }>;
variable NS
const NS: Readonly<{ HTML: ''; MathML: ''; SVG: ''; XLink: ''; XML: ''; XMLNS: '';}>;
function getFallbackKeys
getFallbackKeys: (node: Node) => string[];
function traverseNodes
traverseNodes: (node: Node, visitor: Visitor) => void;
class ParseError
class ParseError extends SyntaxError {}
constructor( message: string, code: ErrorCode, offset: number, line: number, column: number);
property code
code?: ErrorCode;
property column
column: number;
property index
index: number;
property lineNumber
lineNumber: number;
method fromCode
static fromCode: ( code: ErrorCode, offset: number, line: number, column: number) => ParseError;
method isParseError
static isParseError: (x: any) => x is ParseError;
method normalize
static normalize: (x: any) => ParseError | null;
interface ESLintArrayExpression
interface ESLintArrayExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintArrayPattern
interface ESLintArrayPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintArrowFunctionExpression
interface ESLintArrowFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentExpression
interface ESLintAssignmentExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentPattern
interface ESLintAssignmentPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentProperty
interface ESLintAssignmentProperty extends ESLintProperty {}
interface ESLintAwaitExpression
interface ESLintAwaitExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintBigIntLiteral
interface ESLintBigIntLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintBinaryExpression
interface ESLintBinaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property left
left: ESLintExpression | ESLintPrivateIdentifier;
property operator
operator: | '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '**' | '|' | '^' | '&' | 'in' | 'instanceof';
property right
right: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'BinaryExpression';
interface ESLintBlockStatement
interface ESLintBlockStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintBooleanLiteral
interface ESLintBooleanLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintBreakStatement
interface ESLintBreakStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintCallExpression
interface ESLintCallExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintCatchClause
interface ESLintCatchClause extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintChainExpression
interface ESLintChainExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintChainElement;
property type
type: 'ChainExpression';
interface ESLintClassBody
interface ESLintClassBody extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintClassDeclaration
interface ESLintClassDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: ESLintClassBody;
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
property superClass
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'ClassDeclaration';
interface ESLintClassExpression
interface ESLintClassExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: ESLintClassBody;
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
property superClass
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'ClassExpression';
interface ESLintConditionalExpression
interface ESLintConditionalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property alternate
alternate: ESLintExpression;
property consequent
consequent: ESLintExpression;
property test
test: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ConditionalExpression';
interface ESLintContinueStatement
interface ESLintContinueStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintDebuggerStatement
interface ESLintDebuggerStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'DebuggerStatement';
interface ESLintDoWhileStatement
interface ESLintDoWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintEmptyStatement
interface ESLintEmptyStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'EmptyStatement';
interface ESLintExportAllDeclaration
interface ESLintExportAllDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration
interface ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declaration
declaration: ESLintDeclaration | ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration';
interface ESLintExportNamedDeclaration
interface ESLintExportNamedDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declaration
declaration?: ESLintDeclaration | null;
property source
source?: ESLintLiteral | null;
property specifiers
specifiers: ESLintExportSpecifier[];
property type
type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration';
interface ESLintExportSpecifier
interface ESLintExportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintExpressionStatement
interface ESLintExpressionStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ExpressionStatement';
interface ESLintExtendedProgram
interface ESLintExtendedProgram {}
property ast
ast: ESLintProgram;
property scopeManager
scopeManager?: ScopeManager;
property services
services?: {};
property visitorKeys
visitorKeys?: { [type: string]: string[];};
interface ESLintForInStatement
interface ESLintForInStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintForOfStatement
interface ESLintForOfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintForStatement
interface ESLintForStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintFunctionDeclaration
interface ESLintFunctionDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintFunctionExpression
interface ESLintFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintIdentifier
interface ESLintIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintIfStatement
interface ESLintIfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property alternate
alternate: ESLintStatement | null;
property consequent
consequent: ESLintStatement;
property test
test: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'IfStatement';
interface ESLintImportDeclaration
interface ESLintImportDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property source
source: ESLintLiteral;
property specifiers
specifiers: ( | ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier)[];
property type
type: 'ImportDeclaration';
interface ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier
interface ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportExpression
interface ESLintImportExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier
interface ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportSpecifier
interface ESLintImportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLabeledStatement
interface ESLintLabeledStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLegacyRestProperty
interface ESLintLegacyRestProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLegacySpreadProperty
interface ESLintLegacySpreadProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLogicalExpression
interface ESLintLogicalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMemberExpression
interface ESLintMemberExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMetaProperty
interface ESLintMetaProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMethodDefinition
interface ESLintMethodDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintNewExpression
interface ESLintNewExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintNullLiteral
interface ESLintNullLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintNumberLiteral
interface ESLintNumberLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintObjectExpression
interface ESLintObjectExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property properties
properties: ( | ESLintProperty | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintLegacySpreadProperty)[];
property type
type: 'ObjectExpression';
interface ESLintObjectPattern
interface ESLintObjectPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property properties
properties: ( | ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintRestElement | ESLintLegacyRestProperty)[];
property type
type: 'ObjectPattern';
interface ESLintPrivateIdentifier
interface ESLintPrivateIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintProgram
interface ESLintProgram extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: (ESLintStatement | ESLintModuleDeclaration)[];
property comments
comments?: Token[];
property errors
errors?: ParseError[];
property sourceType
sourceType: 'script' | 'module';
property templateBody
templateBody?: VElement & HasConcreteInfo;
property tokens
tokens?: Token[];
property type
type: 'Program';
interface ESLintProperty
interface ESLintProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintPropertyDefinition
interface ESLintPropertyDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintRegExpLiteral
interface ESLintRegExpLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintRestElement
interface ESLintRestElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintReturnStatement
interface ESLintReturnStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintSequenceExpression
interface ESLintSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expressions
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
property type
type: 'SequenceExpression';
interface ESLintSpreadElement
interface ESLintSpreadElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintStaticBlock
interface ESLintStaticBlock extends HasLocation, HasParent, Omit<ESLintBlockStatement, 'type'> {}
interface ESLintStringLiteral
interface ESLintStringLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintSuper
interface ESLintSuper extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'Super';
interface ESLintSwitchCase
interface ESLintSwitchCase extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property consequent
consequent: ESLintStatement[];
property test
test: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'SwitchCase';
interface ESLintSwitchStatement
interface ESLintSwitchStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property cases
cases: ESLintSwitchCase[];
property discriminant
discriminant: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'SwitchStatement';
interface ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression
interface ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTemplateElement
interface ESLintTemplateElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTemplateLiteral
interface ESLintTemplateLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expressions
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
property quasis
quasis: ESLintTemplateElement[];
property type
type: 'TemplateLiteral';
interface ESLintThisExpression
interface ESLintThisExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'ThisExpression';
interface ESLintThrowStatement
interface ESLintThrowStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTryStatement
interface ESLintTryStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintUnaryExpression
interface ESLintUnaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintUpdateExpression
interface ESLintUpdateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintVariableDeclaration
interface ESLintVariableDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declarations
declarations: ESLintVariableDeclarator[];
property kind
kind: 'var' | 'let' | 'const';
property type
type: 'VariableDeclaration';
interface ESLintVariableDeclarator
interface ESLintVariableDeclarator extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintWhileStatement
interface ESLintWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintWithStatement
interface ESLintWithStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintYieldExpression
interface ESLintYieldExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface HasConcreteInfo
interface HasConcreteInfo {}
interface HasLocation
interface HasLocation {}
interface LocationRange
interface LocationRange {}
interface Reference
interface Reference {}
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier;
property isTypeReference
isTypeReference?: boolean;
property isValueReference
isValueReference?: boolean;
property mode
mode: 'rw' | 'r' | 'w';
property variable
variable: Variable | null;
interface Token
interface Token extends HasLocation {}
interface Variable
interface Variable {}
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier;
property kind
kind: 'v-for' | 'scope' | 'generic';
property references
references: Reference[];
interface VAttribute
interface VAttribute extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDirective
interface VDirective extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDirectiveKey
interface VDirectiveKey extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDocumentFragment
interface VDocumentFragment extends HasLocation, HasParent, HasConcreteInfo {}
interface VElement
interface VElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property children
children: (VElement | VText | VExpressionContainer)[];
property endTag
endTag: VEndTag | null;
property name
name: string;
property namespace
namespace: Namespace;
property parent
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement;
property rawName
rawName: string;
property startTag
startTag: VStartTag;
property type
type: 'VElement';
property variables
variables: Variable[];
interface VEndTag
interface VEndTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VExpressionContainer
interface VExpressionContainer extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: | ESLintExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VGenericExpression | null;
property parent
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement | VDirective | VDirectiveKey;
property references
references: Reference[];
property type
type: 'VExpressionContainer';
interface VFilter
interface VFilter extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VFilterSequenceExpression
interface VFilterSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintExpression;
property filters
filters: VFilter[];
property parent
parent: VExpressionContainer;
property type
type: 'VFilterSequenceExpression';
interface VForExpression
interface VForExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VGenericExpression
interface VGenericExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VIdentifier
interface VIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface Visitor
interface Visitor {}
property visitorKeys
visitorKeys?: VisitorKeys;
method enterNode
enterNode: (node: Node, parent: Node | null) => void;
method leaveNode
leaveNode: (node: Node, parent: Node | null) => void;
interface VLiteral
interface VLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VOnExpression
interface VOnExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VSlotScopeExpression
interface VSlotScopeExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VStartTag
interface VStartTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property attributes
attributes: (VAttribute | VDirective)[];
property parent
parent: VElement;
property selfClosing
selfClosing: boolean;
property type
type: 'VStartTag';
interface VStyleElement
interface VStyleElement extends VElement {}
interface VText
interface VText extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
type ErrorCode
type ErrorCode = | 'abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment' | 'absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference' | 'cdata-in-html-content' | 'character-reference-outside-unicode-range' | 'control-character-in-input-stream' | 'control-character-reference' | 'eof-before-tag-name' | 'eof-in-cdata' | 'eof-in-comment' | 'eof-in-tag' | 'incorrectly-closed-comment' | 'incorrectly-opened-comment' | 'invalid-first-character-of-tag-name' | 'missing-attribute-value' | 'missing-end-tag-name' | 'missing-semicolon-after-character-reference' | 'missing-whitespace-between-attributes' | 'nested-comment' | 'noncharacter-character-reference' | 'noncharacter-in-input-stream' | 'null-character-reference' | 'surrogate-character-reference' | 'surrogate-in-input-stream' | 'unexpected-character-in-attribute-name' | 'unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value' | 'unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name' | 'unexpected-null-character' | 'unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name' | 'unexpected-solidus-in-tag' | 'unknown-named-character-reference' | 'end-tag-with-attributes' | 'duplicate-attribute' | 'end-tag-with-trailing-solidus' | 'non-void-html-element-start-tag-with-trailing-solidus' | 'x-invalid-end-tag' | 'x-invalid-namespace' | 'x-missing-interpolation-end';
type ESLintChainElement
type ESLintChainElement = ESLintCallExpression | ESLintMemberExpression;
type ESLintDeclaration
type ESLintDeclaration = | ESLintFunctionDeclaration | ESLintVariableDeclaration | ESLintClassDeclaration;
type ESLintExpression
type ESLintExpression = | ESLintThisExpression | ESLintArrayExpression | ESLintObjectExpression | ESLintFunctionExpression | ESLintArrowFunctionExpression | ESLintYieldExpression | ESLintLiteral | ESLintUnaryExpression | ESLintUpdateExpression | ESLintBinaryExpression | ESLintAssignmentExpression | ESLintLogicalExpression | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintConditionalExpression | ESLintCallExpression | ESLintNewExpression | ESLintSequenceExpression | ESLintTemplateLiteral | ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression | ESLintClassExpression | ESLintMetaProperty | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintAwaitExpression | ESLintChainExpression;
type ESLintLiteral
type ESLintLiteral = | ESLintStringLiteral | ESLintBooleanLiteral | ESLintNullLiteral | ESLintNumberLiteral | ESLintRegExpLiteral | ESLintBigIntLiteral;
type ESLintModuleDeclaration
type ESLintModuleDeclaration = | ESLintImportDeclaration | ESLintExportNamedDeclaration | ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration | ESLintExportAllDeclaration;
type ESLintModuleSpecifier
type ESLintModuleSpecifier = | ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier | ESLintExportSpecifier;
type ESLintNode
type ESLintNode = | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintLiteral | ESLintProgram | ESLintSwitchCase | ESLintCatchClause | ESLintVariableDeclarator | ESLintStatement | ESLintExpression | ESLintProperty | ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintSuper | ESLintTemplateElement | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintPattern | ESLintClassBody | ESLintMethodDefinition | ESLintPropertyDefinition | ESLintStaticBlock | ESLintPrivateIdentifier | ESLintModuleDeclaration | ESLintModuleSpecifier | ESLintImportExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
type ESLintPattern
type ESLintPattern = | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintObjectPattern | ESLintArrayPattern | ESLintRestElement | ESLintAssignmentPattern | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
type ESLintStatement
type ESLintStatement = | ESLintExpressionStatement | ESLintBlockStatement | ESLintEmptyStatement | ESLintDebuggerStatement | ESLintWithStatement | ESLintReturnStatement | ESLintLabeledStatement | ESLintBreakStatement | ESLintContinueStatement | ESLintIfStatement | ESLintSwitchStatement | ESLintThrowStatement | ESLintTryStatement | ESLintWhileStatement | ESLintDoWhileStatement | ESLintForStatement | ESLintForInStatement | ESLintForOfStatement | ESLintDeclaration;
type Namespace
type Namespace = | typeof NS.HTML | typeof NS.MathML | typeof NS.SVG | typeof NS.XLink | typeof NS.XML | typeof NS.XMLNS;
type Node
type Node = | ESLintNode | VNode | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VGenericExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VFilter;
type Offset
type Offset = number;
type OffsetRange
type OffsetRange = [Offset, Offset];
type VNode
type VNode = | VAttribute | VDirective | VDirectiveKey | VDocumentFragment | VElement | VEndTag | VExpressionContainer | VIdentifier | VLiteral | VStartTag | VText;
namespace vue-eslint-parser/ast/errors
module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/errors' {}
class ParseError
class ParseError extends SyntaxError {}
constructor( message: string, code: ErrorCode, offset: number, line: number, column: number);
property code
code?: ErrorCode;
property column
column: number;
property index
index: number;
property lineNumber
lineNumber: number;
method fromCode
static fromCode: ( code: ErrorCode, offset: number, line: number, column: number) => ParseError;
method isParseError
static isParseError: (x: any) => x is ParseError;
method normalize
static normalize: (x: any) => ParseError | null;
type ErrorCode
type ErrorCode = | 'abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment' | 'absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference' | 'cdata-in-html-content' | 'character-reference-outside-unicode-range' | 'control-character-in-input-stream' | 'control-character-reference' | 'eof-before-tag-name' | 'eof-in-cdata' | 'eof-in-comment' | 'eof-in-tag' | 'incorrectly-closed-comment' | 'incorrectly-opened-comment' | 'invalid-first-character-of-tag-name' | 'missing-attribute-value' | 'missing-end-tag-name' | 'missing-semicolon-after-character-reference' | 'missing-whitespace-between-attributes' | 'nested-comment' | 'noncharacter-character-reference' | 'noncharacter-in-input-stream' | 'null-character-reference' | 'surrogate-character-reference' | 'surrogate-in-input-stream' | 'unexpected-character-in-attribute-name' | 'unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value' | 'unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name' | 'unexpected-null-character' | 'unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name' | 'unexpected-solidus-in-tag' | 'unknown-named-character-reference' | 'end-tag-with-attributes' | 'duplicate-attribute' | 'end-tag-with-trailing-solidus' | 'non-void-html-element-start-tag-with-trailing-solidus' | 'x-invalid-end-tag' | 'x-invalid-namespace' | 'x-missing-interpolation-end';
namespace vue-eslint-parser/ast/locations
module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/locations' {}
interface HasLocation
interface HasLocation {}
interface LocationRange
interface LocationRange {}
type Offset
type Offset = number;
type OffsetRange
type OffsetRange = [Offset, Offset];
namespace vue-eslint-parser/ast/nodes
module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/nodes' {}
variable NS
const NS: Readonly<{ HTML: ''; MathML: ''; SVG: ''; XLink: ''; XML: ''; XMLNS: '';}>;
interface ESLintArrayExpression
interface ESLintArrayExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintArrayPattern
interface ESLintArrayPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintArrowFunctionExpression
interface ESLintArrowFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentExpression
interface ESLintAssignmentExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentPattern
interface ESLintAssignmentPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintAssignmentProperty
interface ESLintAssignmentProperty extends ESLintProperty {}
interface ESLintAwaitExpression
interface ESLintAwaitExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintBigIntLiteral
interface ESLintBigIntLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintBinaryExpression
interface ESLintBinaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property left
left: ESLintExpression | ESLintPrivateIdentifier;
property operator
operator: | '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '**' | '|' | '^' | '&' | 'in' | 'instanceof';
property right
right: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'BinaryExpression';
interface ESLintBlockStatement
interface ESLintBlockStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintBooleanLiteral
interface ESLintBooleanLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintBreakStatement
interface ESLintBreakStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintCallExpression
interface ESLintCallExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintCatchClause
interface ESLintCatchClause extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintChainExpression
interface ESLintChainExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintChainElement;
property type
type: 'ChainExpression';
interface ESLintClassBody
interface ESLintClassBody extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintClassDeclaration
interface ESLintClassDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: ESLintClassBody;
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
property superClass
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'ClassDeclaration';
interface ESLintClassExpression
interface ESLintClassExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: ESLintClassBody;
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
property superClass
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'ClassExpression';
interface ESLintConditionalExpression
interface ESLintConditionalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property alternate
alternate: ESLintExpression;
property consequent
consequent: ESLintExpression;
property test
test: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ConditionalExpression';
interface ESLintContinueStatement
interface ESLintContinueStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintDebuggerStatement
interface ESLintDebuggerStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'DebuggerStatement';
interface ESLintDoWhileStatement
interface ESLintDoWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintEmptyStatement
interface ESLintEmptyStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'EmptyStatement';
interface ESLintExportAllDeclaration
interface ESLintExportAllDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration
interface ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declaration
declaration: ESLintDeclaration | ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration';
interface ESLintExportNamedDeclaration
interface ESLintExportNamedDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declaration
declaration?: ESLintDeclaration | null;
property source
source?: ESLintLiteral | null;
property specifiers
specifiers: ESLintExportSpecifier[];
property type
type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration';
interface ESLintExportSpecifier
interface ESLintExportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintExpressionStatement
interface ESLintExpressionStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'ExpressionStatement';
interface ESLintExtendedProgram
interface ESLintExtendedProgram {}
property ast
ast: ESLintProgram;
property scopeManager
scopeManager?: ScopeManager;
property services
services?: {};
property visitorKeys
visitorKeys?: { [type: string]: string[];};
interface ESLintForInStatement
interface ESLintForInStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintForOfStatement
interface ESLintForOfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintForStatement
interface ESLintForStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintFunctionDeclaration
interface ESLintFunctionDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintFunctionExpression
interface ESLintFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintIdentifier
interface ESLintIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintIfStatement
interface ESLintIfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property alternate
alternate: ESLintStatement | null;
property consequent
consequent: ESLintStatement;
property test
test: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'IfStatement';
interface ESLintImportDeclaration
interface ESLintImportDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property source
source: ESLintLiteral;
property specifiers
specifiers: ( | ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier)[];
property type
type: 'ImportDeclaration';
interface ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier
interface ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportExpression
interface ESLintImportExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier
interface ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintImportSpecifier
interface ESLintImportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLabeledStatement
interface ESLintLabeledStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLegacyRestProperty
interface ESLintLegacyRestProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLegacySpreadProperty
interface ESLintLegacySpreadProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintLogicalExpression
interface ESLintLogicalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMemberExpression
interface ESLintMemberExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMetaProperty
interface ESLintMetaProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintMethodDefinition
interface ESLintMethodDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintNewExpression
interface ESLintNewExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintNullLiteral
interface ESLintNullLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintNumberLiteral
interface ESLintNumberLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintObjectExpression
interface ESLintObjectExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property properties
properties: ( | ESLintProperty | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintLegacySpreadProperty)[];
property type
type: 'ObjectExpression';
interface ESLintObjectPattern
interface ESLintObjectPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property properties
properties: ( | ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintRestElement | ESLintLegacyRestProperty)[];
property type
type: 'ObjectPattern';
interface ESLintPrivateIdentifier
interface ESLintPrivateIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintProgram
interface ESLintProgram extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property body
body: (ESLintStatement | ESLintModuleDeclaration)[];
property comments
comments?: Token[];
property errors
errors?: ParseError[];
property sourceType
sourceType: 'script' | 'module';
property templateBody
templateBody?: VElement & HasConcreteInfo;
property tokens
tokens?: Token[];
property type
type: 'Program';
interface ESLintProperty
interface ESLintProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintPropertyDefinition
interface ESLintPropertyDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintRegExpLiteral
interface ESLintRegExpLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintRestElement
interface ESLintRestElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintReturnStatement
interface ESLintReturnStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintSequenceExpression
interface ESLintSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expressions
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
property type
type: 'SequenceExpression';
interface ESLintSpreadElement
interface ESLintSpreadElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintStaticBlock
interface ESLintStaticBlock extends HasLocation, HasParent, Omit<ESLintBlockStatement, 'type'> {}
interface ESLintStringLiteral
interface ESLintStringLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {}
interface ESLintSuper
interface ESLintSuper extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'Super';
interface ESLintSwitchCase
interface ESLintSwitchCase extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property consequent
consequent: ESLintStatement[];
property test
test: ESLintExpression | null;
property type
type: 'SwitchCase';
interface ESLintSwitchStatement
interface ESLintSwitchStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property cases
cases: ESLintSwitchCase[];
property discriminant
discriminant: ESLintExpression;
property type
type: 'SwitchStatement';
interface ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression
interface ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTemplateElement
interface ESLintTemplateElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTemplateLiteral
interface ESLintTemplateLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expressions
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
property quasis
quasis: ESLintTemplateElement[];
property type
type: 'TemplateLiteral';
interface ESLintThisExpression
interface ESLintThisExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property type
type: 'ThisExpression';
interface ESLintThrowStatement
interface ESLintThrowStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintTryStatement
interface ESLintTryStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintUnaryExpression
interface ESLintUnaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintUpdateExpression
interface ESLintUpdateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintVariableDeclaration
interface ESLintVariableDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property declarations
declarations: ESLintVariableDeclarator[];
property kind
kind: 'var' | 'let' | 'const';
property type
type: 'VariableDeclaration';
interface ESLintVariableDeclarator
interface ESLintVariableDeclarator extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintWhileStatement
interface ESLintWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintWithStatement
interface ESLintWithStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface ESLintYieldExpression
interface ESLintYieldExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface HasConcreteInfo
interface HasConcreteInfo {}
interface Reference
interface Reference {}
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier;
property isTypeReference
isTypeReference?: boolean;
property isValueReference
isValueReference?: boolean;
property mode
mode: 'rw' | 'r' | 'w';
property variable
variable: Variable | null;
interface Variable
interface Variable {}
property id
id: ESLintIdentifier;
property kind
kind: 'v-for' | 'scope' | 'generic';
property references
references: Reference[];
interface VAttribute
interface VAttribute extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDirective
interface VDirective extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDirectiveKey
interface VDirectiveKey extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VDocumentFragment
interface VDocumentFragment extends HasLocation, HasParent, HasConcreteInfo {}
interface VElement
interface VElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property children
children: (VElement | VText | VExpressionContainer)[];
property endTag
endTag: VEndTag | null;
property name
name: string;
property namespace
namespace: Namespace;
property parent
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement;
property rawName
rawName: string;
property startTag
startTag: VStartTag;
property type
type: 'VElement';
property variables
variables: Variable[];
interface VEndTag
interface VEndTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VExpressionContainer
interface VExpressionContainer extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: | ESLintExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VGenericExpression | null;
property parent
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement | VDirective | VDirectiveKey;
property references
references: Reference[];
property type
type: 'VExpressionContainer';
interface VFilter
interface VFilter extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VFilterSequenceExpression
interface VFilterSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property expression
expression: ESLintExpression;
property filters
filters: VFilter[];
property parent
parent: VExpressionContainer;
property type
type: 'VFilterSequenceExpression';
interface VForExpression
interface VForExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VGenericExpression
interface VGenericExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VIdentifier
interface VIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VLiteral
interface VLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VOnExpression
interface VOnExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VSlotScopeExpression
interface VSlotScopeExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
interface VStartTag
interface VStartTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
property attributes
attributes: (VAttribute | VDirective)[];
property parent
parent: VElement;
property selfClosing
selfClosing: boolean;
property type
type: 'VStartTag';
interface VStyleElement
interface VStyleElement extends VElement {}
interface VText
interface VText extends HasLocation, HasParent {}
type ESLintChainElement
type ESLintChainElement = ESLintCallExpression | ESLintMemberExpression;
type ESLintDeclaration
type ESLintDeclaration = | ESLintFunctionDeclaration | ESLintVariableDeclaration | ESLintClassDeclaration;
type ESLintExpression
type ESLintExpression = | ESLintThisExpression | ESLintArrayExpression | ESLintObjectExpression | ESLintFunctionExpression | ESLintArrowFunctionExpression | ESLintYieldExpression | ESLintLiteral | ESLintUnaryExpression | ESLintUpdateExpression | ESLintBinaryExpression | ESLintAssignmentExpression | ESLintLogicalExpression | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintConditionalExpression | ESLintCallExpression | ESLintNewExpression | ESLintSequenceExpression | ESLintTemplateLiteral | ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression | ESLintClassExpression | ESLintMetaProperty | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintAwaitExpression | ESLintChainExpression;
type ESLintLiteral
type ESLintLiteral = | ESLintStringLiteral | ESLintBooleanLiteral | ESLintNullLiteral | ESLintNumberLiteral | ESLintRegExpLiteral | ESLintBigIntLiteral;
type ESLintModuleDeclaration
type ESLintModuleDeclaration = | ESLintImportDeclaration | ESLintExportNamedDeclaration | ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration | ESLintExportAllDeclaration;
type ESLintModuleSpecifier
type ESLintModuleSpecifier = | ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier | ESLintExportSpecifier;
type ESLintNode
type ESLintNode = | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintLiteral | ESLintProgram | ESLintSwitchCase | ESLintCatchClause | ESLintVariableDeclarator | ESLintStatement | ESLintExpression | ESLintProperty | ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintSuper | ESLintTemplateElement | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintPattern | ESLintClassBody | ESLintMethodDefinition | ESLintPropertyDefinition | ESLintStaticBlock | ESLintPrivateIdentifier | ESLintModuleDeclaration | ESLintModuleSpecifier | ESLintImportExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
type ESLintPattern
type ESLintPattern = | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintObjectPattern | ESLintArrayPattern | ESLintRestElement | ESLintAssignmentPattern | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
type ESLintStatement
type ESLintStatement = | ESLintExpressionStatement | ESLintBlockStatement | ESLintEmptyStatement | ESLintDebuggerStatement | ESLintWithStatement | ESLintReturnStatement | ESLintLabeledStatement | ESLintBreakStatement | ESLintContinueStatement | ESLintIfStatement | ESLintSwitchStatement | ESLintThrowStatement | ESLintTryStatement | ESLintWhileStatement | ESLintDoWhileStatement | ESLintForStatement | ESLintForInStatement | ESLintForOfStatement | ESLintDeclaration;
type Namespace
type Namespace = | typeof NS.HTML | typeof NS.MathML | typeof NS.SVG | typeof NS.XLink | typeof NS.XML | typeof NS.XMLNS;
type Node
type Node = | ESLintNode | VNode | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VGenericExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VFilter;
type VNode
type VNode = | VAttribute | VDirective | VDirectiveKey | VDocumentFragment | VElement | VEndTag | VExpressionContainer | VIdentifier | VLiteral | VStartTag | VText;
namespace vue-eslint-parser/ast/tokens
module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/tokens' {}
namespace vue-eslint-parser/ast/traverse
module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/traverse' {}
variable KEYS
const KEYS: Readonly<{ [type: string]: readonly string[] }>;
function getFallbackKeys
getFallbackKeys: (node: Node) => string[];
function traverseNodes
traverseNodes: (node: Node, visitor: Visitor) => void;
interface Visitor
interface Visitor {}
property visitorKeys
visitorKeys?: VisitorKeys;
method enterNode
enterNode: (node: Node, parent: Node | null) => void;
method leaveNode
leaveNode: (node: Node, parent: Node | null) => void;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (7)
Dev Dependencies (40)
- @babel/core
- @babel/eslint-parser
- @babel/plugin-syntax-decorators
- @babel/plugin-syntax-pipeline-operator
- @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript
- @types/debug
- @types/eslint
- @types/estree
- @types/lodash
- @types/mocha
- @types/node
- @types/semver
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- chokidar
- codecov
- cross-spawn
- dts-bundle
- eslint
- eslint-plugin-eslint-comments
- eslint-plugin-jsonc
- eslint-plugin-node
- eslint-plugin-node-dependencies
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- fs-extra
- jsonc-eslint-parser
- mocha
- npm-run-all
- nyc
- opener
- prettier
- rimraf
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- rollup-plugin-replace
- rollup-plugin-sourcemaps
- ts-node
- typescript
- wait-on
- warun
Peer Dependencies (1)
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