- Version 4.79.2
- Published
- 809 kB
- 12 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i vue-docgen-api
yarn add vue-docgen-api
pnpm add vue-docgen-api
Toolbox to extract information from Vue component files for documentation generation purposes.
Type Aliases
function getDocblock
getDocblock: ( path: NodePath, { commentIndex }?: { commentIndex?: number }) => string | null;
Given a path, this function returns the closest preceding docblock if it exists.
function getDoclets
getDoclets: (str: string) => DocBlockTags;
Given a string, this functions returns an object with two keys: -
an array of tags {title: tagname, content: } -description
whatever is left once the tags are removed
function getProperties
getProperties: (path: NodePath, id: string) => NodePath[];
function parse
parse: ( filePath: string, opts?: DocGenOptions | { [alias: string]: string }) => Promise<ComponentDoc>;
Parse the component at filePath and return props, public methods, events and slots
Parameter filePath
absolute path of the parsed file
Parameter opts
function parseMulti
parseMulti: (filePath: string, opts?: DocGenOptions) => Promise<ComponentDoc[]>;
Parse all the components at filePath and returns an array of their props, public methods, events and slot
Parameter filePath
absolute path of the parsed file
Parameter opts
function parseSource
parseSource: ( source: string, filePath: string, opts?: DocGenOptions | { [alias: string]: string }) => Promise<ComponentDoc>;
Parse the
assuming that it is located atfilePath
and return props, public methods, events and slotsParameter source
source code to be parsed
Parameter filePath
absolute path of the parsed file
Parameter opts
class Documentation
class Documentation {}
constructor(fullFilePath: string);
property componentFullfilePath
readonly componentFullfilePath: string;
property sourceFiles
readonly sourceFiles: Set<string>;
method get
get: (key: string) => any;
method getEventDescriptor
getEventDescriptor: (eventName: string) => EventDescriptor;
method getExposeDescriptor
getExposeDescriptor: (exposedName: string) => ExposeDescriptor;
method getMethodDescriptor
getMethodDescriptor: (methodName: string) => MethodDescriptor;
method getPropDescriptor
getPropDescriptor: (propName: string) => PropDescriptor;
method getSlotDescriptor
getSlotDescriptor: (slotName: string) => SlotDescriptor;
method set
set: (key: string, value: any) => void;
method setDocsBlocks
setDocsBlocks: (docsBlocks: string[]) => void;
method setOrigin
setOrigin: (origin: Descriptor) => void;
method toObject
toObject: () => ComponentDoc;
interface DocGenOptions
interface DocGenOptions {}
property addScriptHandlers
addScriptHandlers?: ScriptHandler[];
Handlers that will be added at the end of the script analysis
property addTemplateHandlers
addTemplateHandlers?: TemplateHandler[];
Handlers that will be added at the end of the template analysis
property alias
alias?: { [alias: string]: string | string[];};
What alias should be replaced in requires and imports
property jsx
jsx?: boolean;
Does parsed components use jsx? true - if you do not disable it, babel will fail with
property modules
modules?: string[];
What directories should be searched when resolving modules
property nameFilter
nameFilter?: string[];
Which exported variables should be looked at undefined - means treat all exports
property pugOptions
pugOptions?: PugOptions;
all pug options passed to the pug compiler if you use it
property scriptHandlers
scriptHandlers?: ScriptHandler[];
Handlers that will replace the main script analysis
property scriptPreHandlers
scriptPreHandlers?: ScriptHandler[];
Handlers that will replace the extend and mixins analyzer They will be run before the main component analysis to avoid bleeding onto the main
property templateHandlers
templateHandlers?: TemplateHandler[];
Handlers that will replace the template analysis
property validExtends
validExtends?: (fullFilePath: string) => boolean;
Should extended components be parsed?
interface ParseOptions
interface ParseOptions extends DocGenOptions, Descriptor {}
property filePath
filePath: string;
property lang
lang?: 'ts' | 'js';
In what language is the component written undefined - let the system decide
property validExtends
validExtends: (fullFilePath: string) => boolean;
interface TemplateParserOptions
interface TemplateParserOptions {}
property functional
functional: boolean;
Type Aliases
type ScriptHandler
type ScriptHandler = ( doc: Documentation, componentDefinition: NodePath, ast: bt.File, opt: ParseOptions, deps: { parseFile: ParseFileFunction; addDefaultAndExecuteHandlers: HandlerExecutorsFunction; }) => Promise<void>;
type TemplateHandler
type TemplateHandler = ( documentation: Documentation, templateAst: TemplateChildNode, siblings: TemplateChildNode[], options: TemplateParserOptions) => void;
namespace ScriptHandlers
module 'dist/script-handlers/index.d.ts' {}
variable defaultHandlers
const defaultHandlers: ScriptHandler[];
variable extendsHandler
const extendsHandler: ScriptHandler;
Returns documentation of the component referenced in the extends property of the component
variable mixinsHandler
const mixinsHandler: ScriptHandler;
Look in the mixin section of a component. Parse the file mixins point to. Add the necessary info to the current doc object. Must be run first as mixins do not override components.
variable preHandlers
const preHandlers: ScriptHandler[];
function classDisplayNameHandler
classDisplayNameHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extracts the name of the component from a class-style component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function classEventHandler
classEventHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath, astPath: bt.File) => Promise<void>;
Extracts all events from a class-style component code
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
Parameter astPath
function classMethodHandler
classMethodHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extracts all information about methods in a class-style Component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function classPropHandler
classPropHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath<bt.ClassDeclaration>, ast: bt.File, opt: ParseOptions) => Promise<void>;
Extracts prop information from a class-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function componentHandler
componentHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extracts prop information from an object-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function displayNameHandler
displayNameHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, compDef: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extracts component name from an object-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function eventHandler
eventHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath, astPath: bt.File) => Promise<void>;
Extracts events information from a VueJs component wether it's a class based component or an option based one
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
Parameter astPath
function methodHandler
methodHandler: (documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extracts methods information from an object-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function propHandler
propHandler: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath, ast: bt.File, opt: ParseOptions) => Promise<void>;
Extract props information form an object-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function slotHandler
slotHandler: (documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extract slots information form the render function of an object-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function slotHandlerFunctional
slotHandlerFunctional: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extract slots information form the render function of an object-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
function slotHandlerLitteral
slotHandlerLitteral: ( documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath) => Promise<void>;
Extract slots information from the render or setup function of an object-style VueJs component
Parameter documentation
Parameter path
namespace TemplateHandlers
module 'dist/template-handlers/index.d.ts' {}
variable _default
const _default: (( documentation: Documentation, templateAst: TemplateChildNode, siblings: TemplateChildNode[], options: TemplateParserOptions) => void)[];
Package Files (23)
- dist/Documentation.d.ts
- dist/main.d.ts
- dist/parse-template.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/classDisplayNameHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/classEventHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/classMethodHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/classPropHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/componentHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/displayNameHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/eventHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/extendsHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/index.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/methodHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/mixinsHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/propHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/slotHandler.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/slotHandlerFunctional.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/slotHandlerLiteral.d.ts
- dist/script-handlers/utils/getProperties.d.ts
- dist/template-handlers/index.d.ts
- dist/types.d.ts
- dist/utils/getDocblock.d.ts
- dist/utils/getDoclets.d.ts
Dependencies (12)
Dev Dependencies (16)
Peer Dependencies (1)
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