- Version 11.0.5
- Published
- 146 kB
- 7 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i unified
yarn add unified
pnpm add unified
parse, inspect, transform, and serialize content through syntax trees
Type Aliases
variable emptyObjectSymbol
const emptyObjectSymbol: Symbol;
variable unified
const unified: Processor<undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined>;
Create a new processor.
New *unfrozen* processor (
).This processor is configured to work the same as its ancestor. When the descendant processor is configured in the future it does not affect the ancestral processor.
Example 1
This example shows how a new processor can be created (from
) and linked to **stdin**(4) and **stdout**(4).```js import process from 'node:process' import concatStream from 'concat-stream' import {remark} from 'remark'
process.stdin.pipe( concatStream(function (buf) { process.stdout.write(String(remark().processSync(buf))) }) ) ```
class Processor
class Processor< ParseTree extends import('unist').Node | undefined = undefined, HeadTree extends import('unist').Node | undefined = undefined, TailTree extends import('unist').Node | undefined = undefined, CompileTree extends import('unist').Node | undefined = undefined, CompileResult extends CompileResults | undefined = undefined> extends CallableInstance< [], Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>> {}
{Node | undefined} [ParseTree=undefined] Output of
(optional). {Node | undefined} [HeadTree=undefined] Input forrun
(optional). {Node | undefined} [TailTree=undefined] Output forrun
(optional). {Node | undefined} [CompileTree=undefined] Input ofstringify
(optional). {CompileResults | undefined} [CompileResult=undefined] Output ofstringify
(optional). {CallableInstance<[], Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>>}
Create a processor.
property attachers
attachers: [ plugin: Plugin<unknown[], undefined, undefined>, ...parameters: unknown[]][];
Internal list of configured plugins.
This is a private internal property and should not be used. {Array<PluginTuple<Array>>}
property compiler
compiler: Compiler< CompileTree extends undefined ? any : CompileTree, CompileResult extends undefined ? CompileResults : CompileResult>;
Compiler to use.
{( Compiler< CompileTree extends undefined ? Node : CompileTree, CompileResult extends undefined ? CompileResults : CompileResult > | undefined )}
property Compiler
Compiler: Compiler< CompileTree extends undefined ? any : CompileTree, CompileResult extends undefined ? CompileResults : CompileResult>;
Compiler to use (deprecated).
instead. {( Compiler< CompileTree extends undefined ? Node : CompileTree, CompileResult extends undefined ? CompileResults : CompileResult > | undefined )}
property freezeIndex
freezeIndex: number;
Internal state to track where we are while freezing.
This is a private internal property and should not be used. {number}
property frozen
frozen: boolean;
Internal state to track whether we’re frozen.
This is a private internal property and should not be used. {boolean | undefined}
property namespace
namespace: Data;
Internal state.
This is a private internal property and should not be used. {Data}
property parser
parser: Parser<ParseTree extends undefined ? any : ParseTree>;
Parser to use.
{( Parser<ParseTree extends undefined ? Node : ParseTree> | undefined )}
property Parser
Parser: Parser<ParseTree extends undefined ? any : ParseTree>;
Parser to use (deprecated).
instead. {( Parser<ParseTree extends undefined ? Node : ParseTree> | undefined )}
property transformers
transformers: any;
Internal list of configured transformers.
This is a private internal property and should not be used. {Pipeline}
method copy
copy: () => Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>;
Copy a processor.
{Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>} New *unfrozen* processor () that is configured to work the same as its ancestor. When the descendant processor is configured in the future it does not affect the ancestral processor.
This is a private internal method and should not be used.
method data
data: { <Key extends string | number | symbol>(): Data; <Key extends string | number | symbol>(dataset: Data): Processor< ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult >; <Key extends string | number | symbol>(key: Key): any; <Key extends string | number | symbol>(key: Key, value: any): Processor< ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult >;};
Configure the processor with info available to all plugins. Information is stored in an object.
Typically, options can be given to a specific plugin, but sometimes it makes sense to have information shared with several plugins. For example, a list of HTML elements that are self-closing, which is needed during all phases.
> **Note**: setting information cannot occur on *frozen* processors. > Call the processor first to create a new unfrozen processor.
> **Note**: to register custom data in TypeScript, augment the > interface.
Parameter dataset
Parameter key
Parameter key
Parameter value
Parameter key
Key to get or set, or entire dataset to set, or nothing to get the entire dataset (optional).
Parameter value
Value to set (optional).
{unknown} The current processor when setting, the value at
when getting, or the entire dataset when getting without key.Example 1
This example show how to get and set info:
```js import {unified} from 'unified'
const processor = unified().data('alpha', 'bravo')
processor.data('alpha') // => 'bravo'
processor.data() // => {alpha: 'bravo'}
processor.data({charlie: 'delta'})
processor.data() // => {charlie: 'delta'} ```
{keyof Data} Key
method freeze
freeze: () => Processor< ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>;
Freeze a processor.
Frozen processors are meant to be extended and not to be configured directly.
When a processor is frozen it cannot be unfrozen. New processors working the same way can be created by calling the processor.
It’s possible to freeze processors explicitly by calling
. Processors freeze automatically when.parse()
, or.processSync()
are called.Returns
{Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>} The current processor.
method parse
parse: ( file?: Compatible | undefined) => ParseTree extends undefined ? Node : ParseTree;
Parse text to a syntax tree.
> **Note**:
freezes the processor if not already *frozen*.> **Note**:
performs the parse phase, not the run phase or other > phases.Parameter file
file to parse (optional); typically
; any value accepted asx
innew VFile(x)
{ParseTree extends undefined ? Node : ParseTree} Syntax tree representing
method process
process: { ( file: Compatible | undefined, done: ProcessCallback<VFileWithOutput<CompileResult>> ): undefined; (file?: any): Promise<VFileWithOutput<CompileResult>>;};
Process the given file as configured on the processor.
> **Note**:
freezes the processor if not already *frozen*.> **Note**:
performs the parse, run, and stringify phases.Parameter file
Parameter done
Parameter file
Parameter file
File (optional); typically
]; any value accepted asx
innew VFile(x)
.Parameter done
Callback (optional).
{Promise | undefined} Nothing if
is given. Otherwise a promise, rejected with a fatal error or resolved with the processed file.The parsed, transformed, and compiled value is available at
(see note).> **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most > compilers return
). > Some compilers, such as the one configured with > [rehype-react
][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a > React tree). > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different > result values. > > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to > .[rehype-react]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react
method processSync
processSync: (file?: Compatible | undefined) => VFileWithOutput<CompileResult>;
Process the given file as configured on the processor.
An error is thrown if asynchronous transforms are configured.
> **Note**:
freezes the processor if not already *frozen*.> **Note**:
performs the parse, run, and stringify phases.Parameter file
File (optional); typically
; any value accepted asx
innew VFile(x)
{VFileWithOutput} The processed file.
The parsed, transformed, and compiled value is available at
(see note).> **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most > compilers return
). > Some compilers, such as the one configured with > [rehype-react
][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a > React tree). > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different > result values. > > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to > .[rehype-react]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react
method run
run: { ( tree: HeadTree extends undefined ? Node : HeadTree, done: RunCallback<TailTree extends undefined ? Node : TailTree> ): undefined; ( tree: HeadTree extends undefined ? any : HeadTree, file: any, done: RunCallback<TailTree extends undefined ? any : TailTree> ): undefined; (tree: HeadTree extends undefined ? any : HeadTree, file?: any): Promise< TailTree extends undefined ? any : TailTree >;};
Run *transformers* on a syntax tree.
> **Note**:
freezes the processor if not already *frozen*.> **Note**:
performs the run phase, not other phases.Parameter tree
Parameter done
Parameter tree
Parameter file
Parameter done
Parameter tree
Parameter file
Parameter tree
Tree to transform and inspect.
Parameter file
File associated with
(optional); any value accepted asx
innew VFile(x)
.Parameter done
Callback (optional).
{Promise<TailTree extends undefined ? Node : TailTree> | undefined} Nothing if
is given. Otherwise, a promise rejected with a fatal error or resolved with the transformed tree.
method runSync
runSync: ( tree: HeadTree extends undefined ? Node : HeadTree, file?: Compatible | undefined) => TailTree extends undefined ? Node : TailTree;
Run *transformers* on a syntax tree.
An error is thrown if asynchronous transforms are configured.
> **Note**:
freezes the processor if not already *frozen*.> **Note**:
performs the run phase, not other phases.Parameter tree
Tree to transform and inspect.
Parameter file
File associated with
(optional); any value accepted asx
innew VFile(x)
{TailTree extends undefined ? Node : TailTree} Transformed tree.
method stringify
stringify: ( tree: CompileTree extends undefined ? Node : CompileTree, file?: Compatible | undefined) => CompileResult extends undefined ? Value : CompileResult;
Compile a syntax tree.
> **Note**:
freezes the processor if not already *frozen*.> **Note**:
performs the stringify phase, not the run phase > or other phases.Parameter tree
Tree to compile.
Parameter file
File associated with
(optional); any value accepted asx
innew VFile(x)
{CompileResult extends undefined ? Value : CompileResult} Textual representation of the tree (see note).
> **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most compilers > return
). > Some compilers, such as the one configured with > [rehype-react
][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a > React tree). > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different > result values. > > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to > .[rehype-react]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react
method use
use: { < Parameters_1 extends unknown[] = [], Input extends unknown = undefined, Output = Input >( preset?: Preset | null | undefined ): Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>; < Parameters_1 extends unknown[] = [], Input extends unknown = undefined, Output = Input >( list: PluggableList ): Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>; < Parameters_1 extends unknown[] = [], Input extends unknown = undefined, Output = Input >( plugin: Plugin<Parameters_1, Input, Output>, ...parameters: Parameters_1 | [boolean] ): UsePlugin< ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult, Input, Output >;};
Configure the processor to use a plugin, a list of usable values, or a preset.
If the processor is already using a plugin, the previous plugin configuration is changed based on the options that are passed in. In other words, the plugin is not added a second time.
> **Note**:
cannot be called on *frozen* processors. > Call the processor first to create a new unfrozen processor.Parameter preset
Parameter list
Parameter plugin
Parameter parameters
Parameter value
Usable value.
Parameter parameters
Parameters, when a plugin is given as a usable value.
{Processor<ParseTree, HeadTree, TailTree, CompileTree, CompileResult>} Current processor.
Example 1
There are many ways to pass plugins to
. This example gives an overview:```js import {unified} from 'unified'
unified() // Plugin with options: .use(pluginA, {x: true, y: true}) // Passing the same plugin again merges configuration (to
{x: true, y: false, z: true}
): .use(pluginA, {y: false, z: true}) // Plugins: .use([pluginB, pluginC]) // Two plugins, the second with options: .use([pluginD, [pluginE, {}]]) // Preset with plugins and settings: .use({plugins: [pluginF, [pluginG, {}]], settings: {position: false}}) // Settings only: .use({settings: {position: false}}) ```{Array} [Parameters=[]] {Node | string | undefined} [Input=undefined] [Output=Input]
interface CompileResultMap
interface CompileResultMap {}
Interface of known results from compilers.
Normally, compilers result in text ( of
). When you compile to something else, such as a React node (as in,rehype-react
), you can augment this interface to include that type.import type {ReactNode} from 'somewhere'declare module 'unified' {interface CompileResultMap {// Register a new result (value is used, key should match it).ReactNode: ReactNode}}export {} // You may not need this, but it makes sure the file is a module.Use to access the values.
property string
string: string;
property Uint8Array
Uint8Array: Uint8Array;
interface Data
interface Data {}
Interface of known data that can be supported by all plugins.
Typically, options can be given to a specific plugin, but sometimes it makes sense to have information shared with several plugins. For example, a list of HTML elements that are self-closing, which is needed during all phases.
To type this, do something like:
declare module 'unified' {interface Data {htmlVoidElements?: Array<string> | undefined}}export {} // You may not need this, but it makes sure the file is a module.
property settings
settings?: Settings | undefined;
interface Settings
interface Settings {}
Interface of known extra options, that can be supported by parser and compilers.
This exists so that users can use packages such as
, which configure both parsers and compilers (in this caseremark-parse
), and still provide options for them.When you make parsers or compilers, that could be packaged up together, you should support
as input and merge it with explicitly passedoptions
. Then, to type it, usingremark-stringify
as an example, do something like:declare module 'unified' {interface Settings {bullet: '*' | '+' | '-'// …}}export {} // You may not need this, but it makes sure the file is a module.
property [emptyObjectSymbol]
[emptyObjectSymbol]?: never;
Type Aliases
type Compiler
type Compiler< Tree extends import('unist').Node = import('unist').Node, Result extends CompileResults = CompileResults> = (tree: Tree, file: VFile) => Result;
A **compiler** handles the compiling of a syntax tree to something else (in most cases, text) (TypeScript type).
It is used in the stringify phase and called with a and representation of the document to compile. It should return the textual representation of the given tree (typically
).> **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most compilers > return
). > Some compilers, such as the one configured with > [rehype-react
][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a > React tree). > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different > result values. > > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to > .[rehype-react]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react
type CompileResults
type CompileResults = CompileResultMap[keyof CompileResultMap];
Acceptable results from compilers.
To register custom results, add them to .
type Parser
type Parser<Tree extends import('unist').Node = import('unist').Node> = ( document: string, file: VFile) => Tree;
A **parser** handles the parsing of text to a syntax tree.
It is used in the parse phase and is called with a
and of the document to parse. It must return the syntax tree representation of the given file ().
type Pluggable
type Pluggable = | Plugin<Array<any>, any, any> | PluginTuple<Array<any>, any, any> | Preset;
Union of the different ways to add plugins and settings.
type PluggableList
type PluggableList = Array<Pluggable>;
List of plugins and presets.
type Plugin
type Plugin< PluginParameters extends unknown[] = [], Input extends string | import('unist').Node | undefined = import('unist').Node, Output = Input> = ( this: Processor, ...parameters: PluginParameters) => Input extends string ? Output extends Node | undefined ? undefined | void : never : Output extends CompileResults ? Input extends Node | undefined ? undefined | void : never : | Transformer< Input extends Node ? Input : Node, Output extends Node ? Output : Node > | undefined | void;
Single plugin.
Plugins configure the processors they are applied on in the following ways:
* they change the processor, such as the parser, the compiler, or by configuring data * they specify how to handle trees and files
In practice, they are functions that can receive options and configure the processor (
).> **Note**: plugins are called when the processor is *frozen*, not when > they are applied.
type PluginTuple
type PluginTuple< TupleParameters extends unknown[] = [], Input extends string | import('unist').Node | undefined = undefined, Output = undefined> = [plugin: Plugin<TupleParameters, Input, Output>, ...parameters: TupleParameters];
Tuple of a plugin and its configuration.
The first item is a plugin, the rest are its parameters.
type Preset
type Preset = { /** * List of plugins and presets (optional). */ plugins?: PluggableList | undefined; /** * Shared settings for parsers and compilers (optional). */ settings?: Settings | undefined;};
Sharable configuration.
They can contain plugins and settings.
type ProcessCallback
type ProcessCallback<File extends VFile = VFile> = ( error?: Error | undefined, file?: File | undefined) => undefined;
Callback called when the process is done.
Called with either an error or a result.
type RunCallback
type RunCallback<Tree extends import('unist').Node = import('unist').Node> = ( error?: Error | undefined, tree?: Tree | undefined, file?: VFile | undefined) => undefined;
Callback called when transformers are done.
Called with either an error or results.
type TransformCallback
type TransformCallback<Output extends import('unist').Node = import('unist').Node> = ( error?: Error | undefined, tree?: Output | undefined, file?: VFile | undefined ) => undefined;
Callback passed to transforms.
If the signature of a
accepts a third argument, the transformer may perform asynchronous operations, and must call it.
type Transformer
type Transformer< Input extends import('unist').Node = import('unist').Node, Output extends import('unist').Node = Input> = ( tree: Input, file: VFile, next: TransformCallback<Output>) => | Promise<Output | undefined | void> | Promise<never> // For some reason this is needed separately. | Output | Error | undefined | void;
Transformers handle syntax trees and files.
They are functions that are called each time a syntax tree and file are passed through the run phase. When an error occurs in them (either because it’s thrown, returned, rejected, or passed to
), the process stops.The run phase is handled by [
][trough], see its documentation for the exact semantics of these functions.> **Note**: you should likely ignore
: don’t accept it. > it supports callback-style async work. > But promises are likely easier to reason about.[trough]: https://github.com/wooorm/trough#function-fninput-next
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