- Version 0.5.14
- Published
- 34.7 kB
- 11 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i umi-types
yarn add umi-types
pnpm add umi-types
Type definitions for umi.
- addBlockUIResource
- addEntryCode
- addEntryCodeAhead
- addEntryImport
- addEntryImportAhead
- addEntryPolyfillImports
- addHTMLHeadScript
- addHTMLLink
- addHTMLMeta
- addHTMLScript
- addHTMLStyle
- addMiddleware
- addMiddlewareAfterMock
- addMiddlewareAhead
- addMiddlewareBeforeMock
- addPageWatcher
- addRendererWrapperWithComponent
- addRendererWrapperWithModule
- addRouterImport
- addRouterImportAhead
- addRuntimePlugin
- addRuntimePluginKey
- addUIPlugin
- addUmiExports
- addVersionInfo
- afterDevServer
- applyPlugins
- beforeBlockWriting
- beforeDevServer
- chainWebpackConfig
- changePluginOption
- compatDirname
- config
- cwd
- debug
- findCSS
- findJS
- getRouteComponents
- getRoutes
- locale
- log
- modifyAFWebpackOpts
- modifyBlockUIResources
- modifyDefaultConfig
- modifyEntryHistory
- modifyEntryRender
- modifyHTMLChunks
- modifyHTMLContext
- modifyHTMLWithAST
- modifyPublicPathStr
- modifyRouteComponent
- modifyRouterRootComponent
- modifyRoutes
- modifyWebpackConfig
- onBuildFail
- onBuildSuccess
- onBuildSuccessAsync
- onDevCompileDone
- onGenerateFiles
- onHTMLRebuild
- onOptionChange
- onPatchRoute
- onPrintUmiError
- onRouteChange
- onStart
- onStartAsync
- onUISocket
- paths
- pkg
- rebuildHTML
- rebuildTmpFiles
- refreshBrowser
- register
- registerCommand
- registerMethod
- registerPlugin
- relativeToTmp
- restart
- routes
- service
- UmiError
- webpackConfig
- winPath
- writeTmpFile
Type Aliases
- FuseOptions
- Hooks
- IAction
- IAddDashboard
- IAddLocales
- IAddPanel
- IAnalyze
- IApi
- IApiActionFactory
- IApiClass
- IBasicUI
- ICallRemote
- IConfigFormProps
- IConfigTypes
- IConnect
- IContext
- IconType
- ICurrentProject
- IDashboard
- IDebug
- IDetectLanguage
- IDirectoryForm
- IEvent
- IFieldLabel
- IFieldProps
- IFormatMessage
- IGetBasicUI
- IGetCwd
- IGetDashboard
- IGetLocale
- IGetSearchParams
- IGetSharedDataDir
- IHideLogPanel
- IHideMini
- IIntl
- ILang
- ILaunchEditor
- ILaunchEditorParams
- IListenRemote
- ILocale
- ILodash
- IMini
- IModifyBasicUI
- IMoment
- INotify
- INotifyParams
- IPanel
- IPanelAction
- IPanelConfigAction
- IRedirect
- IRegisterModel
- ISend
- IService
- ISetActionPanel
- IShowLogPanel
- IShowMini
- IStepForm
- IStepFormProps
- IStepItemForm
- IStepItemProps
- ITerminal
- ITerminalProps
- ITheme
- ITwoColumnPanel
- IValue
- LaunchEditorTypes
- Locale
- PickIntl
- SetFactory
- UmiHooks
interface IAdd
interface IAdd<T, U = {}> {}
call signature
(fn: IAddFunc<T, U> | T | T[]): void;
interface IAddFunc
interface IAddFunc<T, U> {}
call signature
(memo: T[], args: U): T | T[];
interface IAddImportOpts
interface IAddImportOpts {}
interface IAfterDevServerFunc
interface IAfterDevServerFunc {}
call signature
(args: { server: any; devServerPort: number }): void;
interface IApi
interface IApi {}
property addBlockUIResource
addBlockUIResource: IAdd<object>;
property addEntryCode
addEntryCode: IAdd<string>;
property addEntryCodeAhead
addEntryCodeAhead: IAdd<string>;
property addEntryImport
addEntryImport: IAdd<IAddImportOpts>;
property addEntryImportAhead
addEntryImportAhead: IAdd<IAddImportOpts>;
property addEntryPolyfillImports
addEntryPolyfillImports: IAdd<IAddImportOpts>;
property addHTMLHeadScript
addHTMLHeadScript: IAdd<object, { route?: IRoute }>;
property addHTMLLink
addHTMLLink: IAdd<object, { route?: IRoute }>;
property addHTMLMeta
addHTMLMeta: IAdd<object, { route?: IRoute }>;
property addHTMLScript
addHTMLScript: IAdd<object, { route?: IRoute }>;
property addHTMLStyle
addHTMLStyle: IAdd<object, { route?: IRoute }>;
property addMiddleware
addMiddleware: IAdd<IMiddlewareFunction>;
property addMiddlewareAfterMock
addMiddlewareAfterMock: IAdd<IMiddlewareFunction>;
property addMiddlewareAhead
addMiddlewareAhead: IAdd<IMiddlewareFunction>;
property addMiddlewareBeforeMock
addMiddlewareBeforeMock: IAdd<IMiddlewareFunction>;
property addPageWatcher
addPageWatcher: IAdd<string>;
property addRendererWrapperWithComponent
addRendererWrapperWithComponent: IAdd<string, () => string>;
property addRendererWrapperWithModule
addRendererWrapperWithModule: IAdd<string>;
property addRouterImport
addRouterImport: IAdd<IAddImportOpts>;
property addRouterImportAhead
addRouterImportAhead: IAdd<IAddImportOpts>;
property addRuntimePlugin
addRuntimePlugin: IAdd<string>;
property addRuntimePluginKey
addRuntimePluginKey: IAdd<string>;
property addUIPlugin
addUIPlugin: IAdd<string>;
property addUmiExports
addUmiExports: IAdd<object>;
property addVersionInfo
addVersionInfo: IAdd<string>;
property afterDevServer
afterDevServer: IAfterDevServer;
property API_TYPE
System level variable
property applyPlugins
applyPlugins: IApplyPlugins;
property beforeBlockWriting
beforeBlockWriting: IBeforeBlockWriting;
property beforeDevServer
beforeDevServer: IBeforeDevServer;
Event class API
property chainWebpackConfig
chainWebpackConfig: IChangeWebpackConfig<IWebpackChainConfig, IAFWebpackConfig>;
property changePluginOption
changePluginOption: IChangePluginOption;
property compatDirname
compatDirname: ICompatDirname;
property config
config: IConfig;
property cwd
cwd: string;
property debug
debug: ILog;
property findCSS
findCSS: IFind;
property findJS
findJS: IFind;
property getRouteComponents
getRouteComponents: IGetRouteComponents;
property getRoutes
getRoutes: IGetRoutes;
property locale
locale: any;
property log
log: { [key in DefaultMethods]: ILog<any> };
Tool class API
property modifyAFWebpackOpts
modifyAFWebpackOpts: IModify<IAFWebpackConfig>;
property modifyBlockUIResources
modifyBlockUIResources: IModify<object[]>;
property modifyDefaultConfig
modifyDefaultConfig: IModify<object>;
Application class API
property modifyEntryHistory
modifyEntryHistory: IModify<string>;
property modifyEntryRender
modifyEntryRender: IModify<string>;
property modifyHTMLChunks
modifyHTMLChunks: IModify<string[], { route?: IRoute }>;
property modifyHTMLContext
modifyHTMLContext: IModify<object, { route?: IRoute }>;
property modifyHTMLWithAST
modifyHTMLWithAST: IModifyHTMLWithAST;
property modifyPublicPathStr
modifyPublicPathStr: IModify<string>;
property modifyRouteComponent
modifyRouteComponent: IModify<string, IModifyRouteComponentArgs>;
property modifyRouterRootComponent
modifyRouterRootComponent: IModify<string>;
property modifyRoutes
modifyRoutes: IModify<IRoute[]>;
property modifyWebpackConfig
modifyWebpackConfig: IModify<IWebpack.Configuration>;
property onBuildFail
onBuildFail: IOnBuildFail;
property onBuildSuccess
onBuildSuccess: IOnBuildSuccess;
property onBuildSuccessAsync
onBuildSuccessAsync: IOnBuildSuccessAsync;
property onDevCompileDone
onDevCompileDone: IOnDevCompileDone;
property onGenerateFiles
onGenerateFiles: IOnGenerateFiles;
property onHTMLRebuild
onHTMLRebuild: IOnHTMLRebuild;
property onOptionChange
onOptionChange: IOnOptionChange;
property onPatchRoute
onPatchRoute: IOnPatchRoute;
property onPrintUmiError
onPrintUmiError: onPrintUmiError;
property onRouteChange
onRouteChange: (callback: () => void) => void;
property onStart
onStart: IOnStart;
property onStartAsync
onStartAsync: IEventAsync;
property onUISocket
onUISocket: IOnUISocket;
property paths
paths: { cwd: string; outputPath: string; absOutputPath: string; absNodeModulesPath: string; pagesPath: string; absPagesPath: string; absSrcPath: string; tmpDirPath: string; absTmpDirPath: string;};
property pkg
pkg: IPkg;
property rebuildHTML
rebuildHTML: IReDo<void>;
property rebuildTmpFiles
rebuildTmpFiles: IReDo<string>;
property refreshBrowser
refreshBrowser: IReDo<void>;
property register
register: IRegister;
System level API
property registerCommand
registerCommand: IRegisterCommand;
property registerMethod
registerMethod: IRegisterMethod;
property registerPlugin
registerPlugin: IRegisterPlugin;
property relativeToTmp
relativeToTmp: IRelativeToTmp;
property restart
restart: IReDo<string>;
property routes
routes: IRoute[];
property service
service: any;
property UmiError
UmiError: any;
property webpackConfig
webpackConfig: IWebpack.Configuration;
property winPath
winPath: IWinPath;
property writeTmpFile
writeTmpFile: IWriteTmpFile;
interface IApplyPluginsOpts
interface IApplyPluginsOpts {}
property args
args?: any;
property initialValue
initialValue?: any;
interface IBeforeBlockWritingFunc
interface IBeforeBlockWritingFunc {}
call signature
(args: { service: any; sourcePath: string; blockPath: string }): void;
interface IBeforeDevServerFunc
interface IBeforeDevServerFunc {}
Event class API
call signature
(args: { server: any }): void;
interface IBlockDependencies
interface IBlockDependencies {}
property conflicts
conflicts: [string, string, string][];
property devConflicts
devConflicts: [string, string, string][];
property devLacks
devLacks: [string, string][];
property lacks
lacks: [string, string][];
interface IChangeWebpackConfig
interface IChangeWebpackConfig<T, U> {}
Application class API
call signature
(fn: IChangeWebpackConfigFunc<T, U>): void;
interface IChangeWebpackConfigFunc
interface IChangeWebpackConfigFunc<T, U> {}
call signature
(webpackConfig: T, AFWebpack: { webpack: U }): T | void;
interface ICommandOpts
interface ICommandOpts {}
property description
description?: string;
Parameter description
: Description displayed when running
umi help
Parameter details
: Details displayed when running
umi help [YOUR_COMMAND]
Parameter hide
: Hide your command in
umi help
Parameter options
: Options displayed when running
umi help [YOUR_COMMAND]
Parameter usage
: Usage displayed when running
umi help [YOUR_COMMAND]
Parameter webpack
: Whether to initialize webpack config
property details
details?: string;
property hide
hide?: boolean;
property options
options?: object;
property usage
usage?: string;
property webpack
webpack?: boolean;
interface IConfig
interface IConfig extends IAFWebpackConfig {}
property base
base?: string;
property block
block?: object;
property chainWebpack
chainWebpack?: IChangeWebpackConfigFunc<IWebpackChainConfig, IAFWebpackConfig>;
property context
context?: object;
property disableRedirectHoist
disableRedirectHoist?: boolean;
property dva
dva?: any;
property exportStatic
exportStatic?: boolean | IExportStaticOpts;
property history
history?: 'browser' | 'hash' | 'memory';
property locale
locale?: any;
property mock
mock?: IMockOpts;
property mountElementId
mountElementId?: string;
property outputPath
outputPath?: string;
property plugins
plugins?: IPlugin[];
property routes
routes?: IRoute[] | null;
property runtimePublicPath
runtimePublicPath?: boolean | string;
property singular
singular?: boolean;
property ssr
ssr?: IExportSSROpts;
property targets
targets?: { [key: string]: number;};
property treeShaking
treeShaking?: boolean;
interface IMiddlewareFunction
interface IMiddlewareFunction {}
call signature
(req: any, res: any, next: any): void;
interface IModify
interface IModify<T, U = {}> {}
call signature
(fn: IModifyFunc<T, U> | T): void;
interface IModifyCommandFunc
interface IModifyCommandFunc {}
call signature
(opts: IModifyCommandFuncOpts): IModifyCommandFuncOpts;
interface IModifyCommandFuncOpts
interface IModifyCommandFuncOpts {}
interface IModifyFunc
interface IModifyFunc<T, U> {}
call signature
(memo: T, args: U): T | T;
interface IModifyHelpInfoOpts
interface IModifyHelpInfoOpts {}
property commands
commands: { [commandName: string]: { opts: { hide: boolean; options: { [key: string]: string; }; }; };};
property scriptName
scriptName: string;
interface IModifyHTMLWithASTFunc
interface IModifyHTMLWithASTFunc {}
call signature
($: CheerioStatic, args: IModifyHTMLWithASTArgs): CheerioStatic;
interface IOnBuildFailFunc
interface IOnBuildFailFunc {}
call signature
(args: { stats: IWebpack.Stats[]; err: Error }): void;
interface IOnBuildSuccessFunc
interface IOnBuildSuccessFunc {}
call signature
(args: { stats: IWebpack.Stats[] }): void;
interface IOnDevCompileDoneFunc
interface IOnDevCompileDoneFunc {}
call signature
(args: { isFirstCompile: boolean; stats: IWebpack.Stats }): void;
interface IOnGenerateFilesFunc
interface IOnGenerateFilesFunc {}
call signature
(args: { isRebuild?: boolean }): void;
interface IOnOptionChangeFunc
interface IOnOptionChangeFunc<T = any> {}
call signature
(newOpts: T): void;
interface IOnPatchRouteFunc
interface IOnPatchRouteFunc {}
call signature
(args: { route: IRoute }): void;
interface IOnUISocket
interface IOnUISocket {}
call signature
(fn: IOnUISocketFunc): void;
interface IOnUISocketFunc
interface IOnUISocketFunc {}
call signature
(args: { action: IAction; send: ISend; success: ISuccess<{}>; failure: IFailure<{}>; log: IUiLog;}): void;
interface IPkg
interface IPkg {}
property dependencies
dependencies?: { [prop: string]: string;};
property devDependencies
devDependencies?: { [prop: string]: string;};
property name
name?: string;
property version
version?: string;
interface IPluginMethod
interface IPluginMethod {}
call signature
(opts: IPluginMethodOpts, ...args: any[]): any;
Parameter opts
: Includes args passed in from
and memoParameter args
: Arguments passed in from other plug-ins when they call this method
interface IPluginMethodOpts
interface IPluginMethodOpts {}
interface IRegisterConfigFunc
interface IRegisterConfigFunc {}
call signature
(api: IApi): IRegisterConfigOpts;
interface IRegisterConfigOpts
interface IRegisterConfigOpts<T = any> {}
property name
name: string;
Parameter name
: Name of your configuration
Parameter validate
: Verify that the value of configuration is valid
Parameter onChange
: Callback when the value of configuration changes
property onChange
onChange?: (newConfig: IConfig, oldConfig: IConfig) => void;
property validate
validate?: (value: T) => void;
interface IRegisterMethodOpts
interface IRegisterMethodOpts {}
interface IRegisterPluginOpts
interface IRegisterPluginOpts {}
System level API
interface IRoute
interface IRoute {}
interface MultiStats
interface MultiStats {}
Type Aliases
type IFailure
type IFailure<T = object> = (payload: T) => void;
type IPlugin
type IPlugin<T = any> = string | [string, T];
type ISend
type ISend = (action: IAction<{}>) => void;
type ISuccess
type ISuccess<T = object> = (payload: T) => void;
type IUiApi
type IUiApi = IUi.IApi;
type IUiLog
type IUiLog = (type: IUiLogType, payload: string) => void;
namespace IUi
namespace IUi {}
class IApiClass
class IApiClass {}
constructor(service: IService);
property addDashboard
addDashboard: IAddDashboard;
property addLocales
addLocales: IAddLocales;
add plugin locales { zh-CN: {}, en-US: {} }
property addPanel
addPanel: IAddPanel;
add plugin Panel
property bigfish
readonly bigfish: boolean;
whether Bigfish
property callRemote
callRemote: ICallRemote<unknown, unknown>;
property ConfigForm
ConfigForm: FC<IConfigFormProps>;
React Config Form Component
property connect
connect: any;
property currentProject
currentProject: ICurrentProject;
property debug
readonly debug: Debugger;
debug for client
property detectLanguage
detectLanguage: IDetectLanguage;
property detectNpmClients
detectNpmClients: () => Promise<string[]>;
property DirectoryForm
DirectoryForm: FC<IDirectoryForm>;
property event
event: NodeJS.EventEmitter;
property Field
Field: FC<IFieldProps>;
Antd Form Field
property getBasicUI
getBasicUI: IGetBasicUI;
get Plugin UI Service
property getCwd
getCwd: IGetCwd;
property getDashboard
getDashboard: IGetDashboard;
get dashboard list
property getLocale
getLocale: IGetLocale;
get current locale: zh-CN or en-US
property getSearchParams
getSearchParams: IGetSearchParams;
get location search params
property getSharedDataDir
getSharedDataDir: IGetSharedDataDir;
get the current project's temp dir path
property hideLogPanel
hideLogPanel: IHideLogPanel;
close footer log panel
property hideMini
hideMini: IHideMini;
hide Mini Modal
property hooks
readonly hooks: Hooks;
React hooks for UI development
property intl
intl: IIntl<PickIntl>;
intl, formatMessage
property launchEditor
launchEditor: ILaunchEditor;
property listenRemote
listenRemote: IListenRemote;
property mini
readonly mini: boolean;
can use as vars
property modifyBasicUI
modifyBasicUI: IModifyBasicUI;
property moment
moment: any;
property notify
notify: INotify;
system notify
property redirect
redirect: IRedirect;
property registerModel
registerModel: IRegisterModel;
register dva model Panel
property request
readonly request: any;
property send
send: ISend;
property service
service: IService;
property setActionPanel
setActionPanel: ISetActionPanel;
property showLogPanel
showLogPanel: IShowLogPanel;
open footer log panel
property showMini
showMini: IShowMini;
show Mini Modal
property StepForm
StepForm: any;
property Terminal
Terminal: FC<ITerminalProps>;
Terminal Component
property TwoColumnPanel
TwoColumnPanel: FC<ITwoColumnPanel>;
React Two Column Panel Layout
method getContext
getContext: () => Context<IContext>;
react component context
method isMini
isMini: () => boolean;
current is in Mini version
interface FuseOptions
interface FuseOptions<T> {}
property caseSensitive
caseSensitive?: boolean;
property distance
distance?: number;
property findAllMatches
findAllMatches?: boolean;
property getFn
getFn?: (obj: any, path: string) => any;
property id
id?: keyof T;
property includeMatches
includeMatches?: boolean;
property includeScore
includeScore?: boolean;
property keys
keys?: (keyof T)[] | T[keyof T] | { name: keyof T; weight: number }[];
property location
location?: number;
property matchAllTokens
matchAllTokens?: boolean;
property maxPatternLength
maxPatternLength?: number;
property minMatchCharLength
minMatchCharLength?: number;
property shouldSort
shouldSort?: boolean;
property sortFn
sortFn?: (a: { score: number }, b: { score: number }) => number;
property threshold
threshold?: number;
property tokenize
tokenize?: boolean;
property tokenSeparator
tokenSeparator?: RegExp;
property verbose
verbose?: boolean;
interface Hooks
interface Hooks extends UmiHooks {}
interface IAction
interface IAction<T = object, K = void> {}
property keep
keep?: boolean;
property onMessage
onMessage?: (data: any) => void;
property onProgress
onProgress?: (data: K) => void;
property payload
payload?: T;
property type
type: string;
interface IBasicUI
interface IBasicUI {}
property 'create.project.button'
'create.project.button': ReactNode;
create Project Button ReactNode
property 'project.pages'
'project.pages': { /** create step */ create: ReactNode;};
project pages current step
property dashboard
dashboard: { /** sider Footer */ siderFooter: ReactNode;};
Dashboard extend
property feedback
feedback: { /** Image src */ src: string; /** Image width */ width: number; /** Image height */ height: number;};
feedback Image
property helpDoc
helpDoc: string;
helpDoc link
property logo
logo: ReactNode;
framework logo ReactNode
property logo_remote
logo_remote: string;
framework logo image url
property name
name: string;
framework name, Umi / Bigfish
interface IConfigFormProps
interface IConfigFormProps {}
interface IContext
interface IContext {}
property basicUI
basicUI: IBasicUI;
property currentProject
currentProject?: ICurrentProject;
property formatMessage
formatMessage: typeof intl.formatMessage;
property FormattedMessage
FormattedMessage: typeof intl.FormattedMessage;
property hideLogPanel
hideLogPanel: IHideLogPanel;
close footer log panel
property isMini
isMini: boolean;
property locale
locale: ILang;
property service
service: IService;
property setLocale
setLocale: typeof intl.setLocale;
property setTheme
setTheme: (theme: ITheme) => void;
property showLogPanel
showLogPanel: IShowLogPanel;
open footer log panel
property theme
theme: ITheme;
interface IconType
interface IconType {}
property rotate
rotate?: number;
property theme
theme?: 'filled' | 'outlined' | 'twoTone';
property twoToneColor
twoToneColor?: string;
property type
type: string;
interface ICurrentProject
interface ICurrentProject {}
property created_at
created_at?: number;
property key
key?: string;
property name
name?: string;
property npmClient
npmClient?: string;
property opened_at
opened_at?: number;
property path
path?: string;
property taobaoSpeedUp
taobaoSpeedUp?: boolean;
interface IDashboard
interface IDashboard {}
property backgroundColor
backgroundColor?: string;
icon background color, default #459BF7
property colClassName
colClassName?: string;
col wrapper container className
property content
content: ReactNode | ReactNode[];
property description
description: ReactNode;
card description
property enable
enable?: boolean;
property icon
icon: ReactNode;
property key
key: string;
uniq dashboard Card id, required
property right
right?: ReactNode;
card Right button
property title
title: ReactNode;
card title
interface IDirectoryForm
interface IDirectoryForm {}
interface IFieldLabel
interface IFieldLabel {}
property description
description: string;
label description
property link
link: string;
description detail link
property title
title: string;
label title
interface IFieldProps
interface IFieldProps {}
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: IValue;
defaultValue(only using in
field type)
property form
form: object;
antd form ins
property label
label: string | ReactNode | IFieldLabel;
antd label, if object using
property name
name: string;
form field name
property options
options?: string[];
Array Select options
property size
size?: 'default' | 'small' | 'large';
size, default
property type
type: IConfigTypes;
formItem type
index signature
[key: string]: any;
same as antd Form.Item props
interface ILaunchEditorParams
interface ILaunchEditorParams {}
property editor
editor?: string;
property lineNumber
lineNumber?: number;
property type
type: LaunchEditorTypes;
interface INotifyParams
interface INotifyParams {}
property message
message: string;
property open
open?: string;
URL to open on click
property subtitle
subtitle?: string;
property timeout
timeout?: number;
The amount of seconds before the notification closes. Takes precedence over wait if both are defined.
property title
title: string;
property type
type?: 'error' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'success';
notify type, default info
interface IPanel
interface IPanel extends IRoute {}
property actions
actions?: IPanelAction;
property beta
beta?: boolean;
property component
component: FunctionComponent | ComponentClass;
property headerTitle
headerTitle?: ReactNode;
header title, default use
property icon
icon: IconType | string;
property path
path: string;
property renderTitle
renderTitle?: (title: string) => ReactNode;
custom title Component
interface IPanelConfigAction
interface IPanelConfigAction {}
interface IService
interface IService {}
property basicUI
basicUI: Partial<IBasicUI>;
property configSections
configSections: any[];
property dashboard
dashboard: IDashboard[];
property locales
locales: ILocale[];
property panels
panels: IPanel[];
interface IStepFormProps
interface IStepFormProps {}
interface IStepItemForm
interface IStepItemForm {}
property active
active: boolean;
property currentStep
currentStep: number;
property goNext
goNext: () => void;
property goPrev
goPrev: () => void;
property handleFinish
handleFinish: () => void;
property index
index: number;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface IStepItemProps
interface IStepItemProps {}
property children
children: ReactElement<Partial<IStepItemForm>>;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface ITerminalProps
interface ITerminalProps {}
property className
className?: string;
property config
config?: ITerminalOptions;
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
defaultValue in Terminal
property onInit
onInit?: (ins: XTerminal, fitAddon: any) => void;
terminal init event
property onResize
onResize?: (ins: XTerminal) => void;
property terminalClassName
terminalClassName?: string;
property title
title?: ReactNode;
Terminal title
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface ITwoColumnPanel
interface ITwoColumnPanel {}
property className
className?: string;
property disableLeftOverflow
disableLeftOverflow?: boolean;
property disableRightOverflow
disableRightOverflow?: boolean;
property sections
sections: Array<{ key?: string; title: string; icon: string | ReactNode; description: string; component: FunctionComponent<any>;}>;
enum CONFIG_TYPES { 'string' = 'string', 'string[]' = 'string[]', 'boolean' = 'boolean', 'object' = 'object', 'object[]' = 'object[]', 'list' = 'list', 'textarea' = 'textarea', 'any' = 'any',}
member 'any'
'any' = 'any'
member 'boolean'
'boolean' = 'boolean'
member 'list'
'list' = 'list'
member 'object'
'object' = 'object'
member 'object[]'
'object[]' = 'object[]'
member 'string'
'string' = 'string'
member 'string[]'
'string[]' = 'string[]'
member 'textarea'
'textarea' = 'textarea'
enum LOCALES { 'zh-CN' = '中文', 'en-US' = 'English',}
enum THEME
enum THEME { 'dark' = 'dark', 'light' = 'light',}
type IAddDashboard
type IAddDashboard = (dashboard: IDashboard | IDashboard[]) => void;
type IAddLocales
type IAddLocales = (locale: ILocale) => void;
type IAddPanel
type IAddPanel = (panel: IPanel) => void;
type IApi
type IApi = InstanceType<typeof IApiClass>;
type IApiActionFactory
type IApiActionFactory<P = {}, K = {}> = (action: IAction<P, K>) => Promise<K>;
type ICallRemote
type ICallRemote<T = unknown, P = unknown> = IApiActionFactory<T, P>;
type IConfigTypes
type IConfigTypes = keyof typeof CONFIG_TYPES;
type IConnect
type IConnect = typeof connect;
type IDebug
type IDebug = Debugger;
type IDetectLanguage
type IDetectLanguage = () => Promise<string>;
type IEvent
type IEvent = NodeJS.EventEmitter;
type IFormatMessage
type IFormatMessage = typeof intl.formatMessage;
type IGetBasicUI
type IGetBasicUI = () => IBasicUI;
type IGetCwd
type IGetCwd = () => Promise<string>;
type IGetDashboard
type IGetDashboard = () => IDashboard[];
type IGetLocale
type IGetLocale = () => ILang;
type IGetSearchParams
type IGetSearchParams = () => any;
type IGetSharedDataDir
type IGetSharedDataDir = () => Promise<string>;
type IHideLogPanel
type IHideLogPanel = () => void;
type IHideMini
type IHideMini = () => void;
type IIntl
type IIntl<T = PickIntl> = { [key in keyof T]: T[key] } & typeof intl.formatMessage;
type ILang
type ILang = keyof typeof LOCALES;
type ILaunchEditor
type ILaunchEditor = (params: ILaunchEditorParams) => void;
type IListenRemote
type IListenRemote = IApiActionFactory<{}, () => void>;
type ILocale
type ILocale = { [x in ILang]: Locale };
type ILodash
type ILodash = typeof lodash;
type IMini
type IMini = () => boolean;
type IModifyBasicUI
type IModifyBasicUI = (memo: Partial<IBasicUI>) => void;
type IMoment
type IMoment = typeof moment;
type INotify
type INotify = (params: INotifyParams) => void | boolean;
type IPanelAction
type IPanelAction = (IPanelConfigAction | ReactNode | FC)[];
type IRedirect
type IRedirect = (url: string) => void;
type IRegisterModel
type IRegisterModel = (model: any) => void;
type ISend
type ISend = IApiActionFactory<{}, void>;
type ISetActionPanel
type ISetActionPanel = (action: SetFactory<IPanelAction>) => void;
type IShowLogPanel
type IShowLogPanel = () => void;
type IShowMini
type IShowMini = () => void;
type IStepForm
type IStepForm = FC<IStepFormProps> & { StepItem: FC<IStepItemProps>;};
type ITerminal
type ITerminal = XTerminal;
type ITheme
type ITheme = keyof typeof THEME;
type IValue
type IValue = string | object | boolean | string[] | object[];
type LaunchEditorTypes
type LaunchEditorTypes = 'project' | 'config';
type Locale
type Locale = { [key in string]: string };
type PickIntl
type PickIntl = Pick< typeof intl, | 'FormattedDate' | 'FormattedTime' | 'FormattedRelative' | 'FormattedNumber' | 'FormattedPlural' | 'FormattedMessage' | 'FormattedHTMLMessage' | 'formatMessage' | 'formatHTMLMessage' | 'formatDate' | 'formatTime' | 'formatRelative' | 'formatNumber' | 'formatPlural'>;
type SetFactory
type SetFactory<T> = ((state: T) => T) | T;
type UmiHooks
type UmiHooks = typeof hooks;
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