- Version 2.4.0
- Published
- 115 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeSafe CSS
class TypeStyle
class TypeStyle {}
Maintains a single stylesheet and keeps it in sync with requested styles
constructor({ autoGenerateTag }: { autoGenerateTag: boolean });
property cssRaw
cssRaw: (mustBeValidCSS: string) => void;
CSS as a string. This is useful for e.g. - third party CSS that you are customizing with template strings - generating raw CSS in JavaScript - reset libraries like normalize.css that you can use without loaders
property cssRule
cssRule: (selector: string, ...objects: types.NestedCSSProperties[]) => void;
Takes CSSProperties and registers it to a global selector (body, html, etc.)
property fontFace
fontFace: (...fontFace: types.FontFace[]) => void;
Utility function to register an @font-face
property forceRenderStyles
forceRenderStyles: () => void;
Renders styles to the singleton tag imediately NOTE: You should only call it on initial render to prevent any non CSS flash. After that it is kept sync using
and we haven't noticed any bad flashes.
property getStyles
getStyles: () => string;
Allows use to use the stylesheet in a node.js environment
property keyframes
keyframes: (frames: types.KeyFrames) => string;
Takes keyframes and returns a generated animationName
property reinit
reinit: () => void;
Helps with testing. Reinitializes FreeStyle + raw
property setStylesTarget
setStylesTarget: (tag: StylesTarget) => void;
Sets the target tag where we write the css on style updates
property stylesheet
stylesheet: <Classes extends string>( classes: types.CSSClasses<Classes>) => { [ClassName in Classes]: string };
Takes an object where property names are ideal class names and property values are CSSProperties, and returns an object where property names are the same ideal class names and the property values are the actual generated class names using the ideal class name as the $debugName
method style
style: { (...objects: types.NestedCSSProperties[]): string; (...objects: (false | types.NestedCSSProperties)[]): string;};
Takes CSSProperties and return a generated className you can use on your component
Type Aliases
type StylesTarget
type StylesTarget = { textContent: string | null };
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (2)
Dev Dependencies (7)
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