- Version 5.37.0
- Published
- 2.22 MB
- 4 dependencies
- BSD-2-Clause license
npm i terser
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pnpm add terser
JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+
- arguments
- arrows
- booleans
- booleans_as_integers
- collapse_vars
- comparisons
- computed_props
- conditionals
- dead_code
- defaults
- directives
- drop_console
- drop_debugger
- ecma
- evaluate
- expression
- global_defs
- hoist_funs
- hoist_props
- hoist_vars
- ie8
- if_return
- inline
- join_vars
- keep_classnames
- keep_fargs
- keep_fnames
- keep_infinity
- loops
- module
- negate_iife
- passes
- properties
- pure_funcs
- pure_getters
- pure_new
- reduce_funcs
- reduce_vars
- sequences
- side_effects
- switches
- top_retain
- toplevel
- typeofs
- unsafe
- unsafe_arrows
- unsafe_comps
- unsafe_Function
- unsafe_math
- unsafe_methods
- unsafe_proto
- unsafe_regexp
- unsafe_symbols
- unsafe_undefined
- unused
Type Aliases
function minify
minify: ( files: string | string[] | { [file: string]: string }, options?: MinifyOptions) => Promise<MinifyOutput>;
function minify_sync
minify_sync: ( files: string | string[] | { [file: string]: string }, options?: MinifyOptions) => MinifyOutput;
interface CompressOptions
interface CompressOptions {}
property arguments
arguments?: boolean;
property arrows
arrows?: boolean;
property booleans
booleans?: boolean;
property booleans_as_integers
booleans_as_integers?: boolean;
property collapse_vars
collapse_vars?: boolean;
property comparisons
comparisons?: boolean;
property computed_props
computed_props?: boolean;
property conditionals
conditionals?: boolean;
property dead_code
dead_code?: boolean;
property defaults
defaults?: boolean;
property directives
directives?: boolean;
property drop_console
drop_console?: DropConsoleOption;
property drop_debugger
drop_debugger?: boolean;
property ecma
ecma?: ECMA;
property evaluate
evaluate?: boolean;
property expression
expression?: boolean;
property global_defs
global_defs?: object;
property hoist_funs
hoist_funs?: boolean;
property hoist_props
hoist_props?: boolean;
property hoist_vars
hoist_vars?: boolean;
property ie8
ie8?: boolean;
property if_return
if_return?: boolean;
property inline
inline?: boolean | InlineFunctions;
property join_vars
join_vars?: boolean;
property keep_classnames
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
property keep_fargs
keep_fargs?: boolean;
property keep_fnames
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
property keep_infinity
keep_infinity?: boolean;
property loops
loops?: boolean;
property module
module?: boolean;
property negate_iife
negate_iife?: boolean;
property passes
passes?: number;
property properties
properties?: boolean;
property pure_funcs
pure_funcs?: string[];
property pure_getters
pure_getters?: boolean | 'strict';
property pure_new
pure_new?: boolean;
property reduce_funcs
reduce_funcs?: boolean;
property reduce_vars
reduce_vars?: boolean;
property sequences
sequences?: boolean | number;
property side_effects
side_effects?: boolean;
property switches
switches?: boolean;
property top_retain
top_retain?: null | string | string[] | RegExp;
property toplevel
toplevel?: boolean;
property typeofs
typeofs?: boolean;
property unsafe
unsafe?: boolean;
property unsafe_arrows
unsafe_arrows?: boolean;
property unsafe_comps
unsafe_comps?: boolean;
property unsafe_Function
unsafe_Function?: boolean;
property unsafe_math
unsafe_math?: boolean;
property unsafe_methods
unsafe_methods?: boolean;
property unsafe_proto
unsafe_proto?: boolean;
property unsafe_regexp
unsafe_regexp?: boolean;
property unsafe_symbols
unsafe_symbols?: boolean;
property unsafe_undefined
unsafe_undefined?: boolean;
property unused
unused?: boolean;
interface FormatOptions
interface FormatOptions {}
property ascii_only
ascii_only?: boolean;
property beautify
beautify?: boolean;
Not implemented anymore
property braces
braces?: boolean;
property comments
comments?: | boolean | 'all' | 'some' | RegExp | (( node: any, comment: { value: string; type: 'comment1' | 'comment2' | 'comment3' | 'comment4'; pos: number; line: number; col: number; } ) => boolean);
property ecma
ecma?: ECMA;
property ie8
ie8?: boolean;
property indent_level
indent_level?: number;
property indent_start
indent_start?: number;
property inline_script
inline_script?: boolean;
property keep_numbers
keep_numbers?: boolean;
property keep_quoted_props
keep_quoted_props?: boolean;
property max_line_len
max_line_len?: number | false;
property preamble
preamble?: string;
property preserve_annotations
preserve_annotations?: boolean;
property quote_keys
quote_keys?: boolean;
property quote_style
quote_style?: OutputQuoteStyle;
property safari10
safari10?: boolean;
property semicolons
semicolons?: boolean;
property shebang
shebang?: boolean;
property shorthand
shorthand?: boolean;
property source_map
source_map?: SourceMapOptions;
property webkit
webkit?: boolean;
property width
width?: number;
property wrap_func_args
wrap_func_args?: boolean;
property wrap_iife
wrap_iife?: boolean;
interface MangleOptions
interface MangleOptions {}
property eval
eval?: boolean;
property keep_classnames
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
property keep_fnames
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
property module
module?: boolean;
property nth_identifier
nth_identifier?: SimpleIdentifierMangler | WeightedIdentifierMangler;
property properties
properties?: boolean | ManglePropertiesOptions;
property reserved
reserved?: string[];
property safari10
safari10?: boolean;
property toplevel
toplevel?: boolean;
interface ManglePropertiesOptions
interface ManglePropertiesOptions {}
property builtins
builtins?: boolean;
property debug
debug?: boolean;
property keep_quoted
keep_quoted?: boolean | 'strict';
property nth_identifier
nth_identifier?: SimpleIdentifierMangler | WeightedIdentifierMangler;
property regex
regex?: RegExp | string;
property reserved
reserved?: string[];
interface MinifyOptions
interface MinifyOptions {}
property compress
compress?: boolean | CompressOptions;
property ecma
ecma?: ECMA;
property enclose
enclose?: boolean | string;
property format
format?: FormatOptions;
property ie8
ie8?: boolean;
property keep_classnames
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
property keep_fnames
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
property mangle
mangle?: boolean | MangleOptions;
property module
module?: boolean;
property nameCache
nameCache?: object;
property output
output?: FormatOptions;
property parse
parse?: ParseOptions;
property safari10
safari10?: boolean;
property sourceMap
sourceMap?: boolean | SourceMapOptions;
property toplevel
toplevel?: boolean;
interface MinifyOutput
interface MinifyOutput {}
property code
code?: string;
property decoded_map
decoded_map?: DecodedSourceMap | null;
property map
map?: EncodedSourceMap | string;
interface ParseOptions
interface ParseOptions {}
property bare_returns
bare_returns?: boolean;
property ecma
ecma?: ECMA;
legacy option. Currently, all supported EcmaScript is valid to parse.
property html5_comments
html5_comments?: boolean;
property shebang
shebang?: boolean;
interface SimpleIdentifierMangler
interface SimpleIdentifierMangler {}
An identifier mangler for which the output is invariant with respect to the source code.
method get
get: (n: number) => string;
Obtains the nth most favored (usually shortest) identifier to rename a variable to. The mangler will increment n and retry until the return value is not in use in scope, and is not a reserved word. This function is expected to be stable; Evaluating get(n) === get(n) should always return true.
Parameter n
The ordinal of the identifier.
interface SourceMapOptions
interface SourceMapOptions {}
interface WeightedIdentifierMangler
interface WeightedIdentifierMangler extends SimpleIdentifierMangler {}
An identifier mangler that leverages character frequency analysis to determine identifier precedence.
method consider
consider: (chars: string, delta: number) => number;
Modifies the internal weighting of the input characters by the specified delta. Will be invoked on the entire printed AST, and then deduct mangleable identifiers.
Parameter chars
The characters to modify the weighting of.
Parameter delta
The numeric weight to add to the characters.
method reset
reset: () => void;
Resets character weights.
method sort
sort: () => void;
Sorts identifiers by character frequency, in preparation for calls to get(n).
enum InlineFunctions
enum InlineFunctions { Disabled = 0, SimpleFunctions = 1, WithArguments = 2, WithArgumentsAndVariables = 3,}
member Disabled
Disabled = 0
member SimpleFunctions
SimpleFunctions = 1
member WithArguments
WithArguments = 2
member WithArgumentsAndVariables
WithArgumentsAndVariables = 3
enum OutputQuoteStyle
enum OutputQuoteStyle { PreferDouble = 0, AlwaysSingle = 1, AlwaysDouble = 2, AlwaysOriginal = 3,}
member AlwaysDouble
AlwaysDouble = 2
member AlwaysOriginal
AlwaysOriginal = 3
member AlwaysSingle
AlwaysSingle = 1
member PreferDouble
PreferDouble = 0
Type Aliases
type ConsoleProperty
type ConsoleProperty = keyof typeof console;
type DropConsoleOption
type DropConsoleOption = boolean | ConsoleProperty[];
type ECMA
type ECMA = 5 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020;
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