
  • Version 2.0.2
  • Published
  • 182 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).



function any

any: () => Struct<any, null>;
  • Ensure that any value passes validation.

function array

array: {
<T extends Struct<any, unknown>>(Element: T): Struct<Infer<T>[], T>;
(): Struct<unknown[], undefined>;
  • Ensure that a value is an array and that its elements are of a specific type.

    Note: If you omit the element struct, the arrays elements will not be iterated at all. This can be helpful for cases where performance is critical, and it is preferred to using array(any()).

function assert

assert: <T, S>(
value: unknown,
struct: Struct<T, S>,
message?: string
) => asserts value is T;
  • Assert that a value passes a struct, throwing if it doesn't.

function assign

assign: {
<A extends ObjectSchema, B extends ObjectSchema>(
A: Struct<ObjectType<A>, A>,
B: Struct<ObjectType<B>, B>
): Struct<ObjectType<Assign<A, B>>, Assign<A, B>>;
<A extends ObjectSchema, B extends ObjectSchema, C extends ObjectSchema>(
A: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof A]: Infer<A[K]> }>>, A>,
B: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof B]: Infer<B[K]> }>>, B>,
C: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof C]: Infer<C[K]> }>>, C>
): Struct<
[K in keyof Simplify<
C & Omit<Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>, keyof C>
>]: Infer<
Simplify<C & Omit<Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>, keyof C>>[K]
Simplify<C & Omit<Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>, keyof C>>
A extends ObjectSchema,
B extends ObjectSchema,
C extends ObjectSchema,
D extends ObjectSchema
A: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof A]: Infer<A[K]> }>>, A>,
B: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof B]: Infer<B[K]> }>>, B>,
C: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof C]: Infer<C[K]> }>>, C>,
D: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof D]: Infer<D[K]> }>>, D>
): Struct<
[K in keyof Simplify<
D &
C & Omit<Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>, keyof C>
keyof D
>]: Infer<
D &
C & Omit<Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>, keyof C>
keyof D
D &
Simplify<C & Omit<Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>, keyof C>>,
keyof D
A extends ObjectSchema,
B extends ObjectSchema,
C extends ObjectSchema,
D extends ObjectSchema,
E extends ObjectSchema
A: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof A]: Infer<A[K]> }>>, A>,
B: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof B]: Infer<B[K]> }>>, B>,
C: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof C]: Infer<C[K]> }>>, C>,
D: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof D]: Infer<D[K]> }>>, D>,
E: Struct<Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof E]: Infer<E[K]> }>>, E>
): Struct<
[K in keyof Simplify<
E &
D &
C &
Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>,
keyof C
keyof D
keyof E
>]: Infer<
E &
D &
C &
B & Omit<A, keyof B>
keyof C
keyof D
keyof E
E &
D &
C & Omit<Simplify<B & Omit<A, keyof B>>, keyof C>
keyof D
keyof E
  • Create a new struct that combines the properties properties from multiple object or type structs. Its return type will match the first parameter's type.

    Like JavaScript's Object.assign utility.

function bigint

bigint: () => Struct<bigint, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a bigint.

function boolean

boolean: () => Struct<boolean, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a boolean.

function coerce

coerce: <T, S, C>(
struct: Struct<T, S>,
condition: Struct<C, any>,
coercer: Coercer<C>
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Augment a Struct to add an additional coercion step to its input.

    This allows you to transform input data before validating it, to increase the likelihood that it passes validation—for example for default values, parsing different formats, etc.

    Note: You must use create(value, Struct) on the value to have the coercion take effect! Using simply assert() or is() will not use coercion.

function create

create: <T, S>(value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>, message?: string) => T;
  • Create a value with the coercion logic of struct and validate it.

function date

date: () => Struct<Date, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a valid Date.

    Note: this also ensures that the value is *not* an invalid Date object, which can occur when parsing a date fails but still returns a Date.

function defaulted

defaulted: <T, S>(
struct: Struct<T, S>,
fallback: any,
options?: { strict?: boolean }
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Augment a struct to replace undefined values with a default.

    Note: You must use create(value, Struct) on the value to have the coercion take effect! Using simply assert() or is() will not use coercion.

function define

define: <T>(name: string, validator: Validator) => Struct<T, null>;
  • Define a new struct type with a custom validation function.

function deprecated

deprecated: <T>(
struct: Struct<T>,
log: (value: unknown, ctx: Context) => void
) => Struct<T>;
  • Create a new struct based on an existing struct, but the value is allowed to be undefined. log will be called if the value is not undefined.

function dynamic

dynamic: <T>(
fn: (value: unknown, ctx: Context) => Struct<T, any>
) => Struct<T, null>;
  • Create a struct with dynamic validation logic.

    The callback will receive the value currently being validated, and must return a struct object to validate it with. This can be useful to model validation logic that changes based on its input.

function empty

empty: <T extends string | any[] | Map<any, any> | Set<any>, S extends unknown>(
struct: Struct<T, S>
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Ensure that a string, array, map, or set is empty.

function enums

enums: {
<U extends number, T extends readonly U[]>(values: T): Struct<
{ [K in T[number]]: K }
<U extends string, T extends readonly U[]>(values: T): Struct<
{ [K in T[number]]: K }
  • Ensure that a value is one of a set of potential values.

    Note: after creating the struct, you can access the definition of the potential values as struct.schema.

function func

func: () => Struct<Function, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a function.

function instance

instance: <T extends new (...args: any) => any>(
Class: T
) => Struct<InstanceType<T>, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is an instance of a specific class.

function integer

integer: () => Struct<number, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is an integer.

function intersection

intersection: <A extends AnyStruct, B extends AnyStruct[]>(
Structs: [A, ...B]
) => Struct<Infer<A> & UnionToIntersection<InferStructTuple<B>[number]>, null>;
  • Ensure that a value matches all of a set of types.

function is

is: <T, S>(value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>) => value is T;
  • Check if a value passes a struct.

function lazy

lazy: <T>(fn: () => Struct<T, any>) => Struct<T, null>;
  • Create a struct with lazily evaluated validation logic.

    The first time validation is run with the struct, the callback will be called and must return a struct object to use. This is useful for cases where you want to have self-referential structs for nested data structures to avoid a circular definition problem.

function literal

literal: {
<T extends boolean>(constant: T): Struct<T, T>;
<T extends number>(constant: T): Struct<T, T>;
<T extends string>(constant: T): Struct<T, T>;
<T>(constant: T): Struct<T, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is an exact value, using === for comparison.

function map

map: {
(): Struct<Map<unknown, unknown>, null>;
<K, V>(Key: Struct<K, unknown>, Value: Struct<V, unknown>): Struct<
Map<K, V>,
  • Ensure that a value is a Map object, and that its keys and values are of specific types.

function mask

mask: <T, S>(value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>, message?: string) => T;
  • Mask a value, returning only the subset of properties defined by a struct.

function max

max: <T extends number | Date, S extends unknown>(
struct: Struct<T, S>,
threshold: T,
options?: { exclusive?: boolean }
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Ensure that a number or date is below a threshold.

function min

min: <T extends number | Date, S extends unknown>(
struct: Struct<T, S>,
threshold: T,
options?: { exclusive?: boolean }
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Ensure that a number or date is above a threshold.

function never

never: () => Struct<never, null>;
  • Ensure that no value ever passes validation.

function nonempty

nonempty: <
T extends string | any[] | Map<any, any> | Set<any>,
S extends unknown
struct: Struct<T, S>
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Ensure that a string, array, map or set is not empty.

function nullable

nullable: <T, S>(struct: Struct<T, S>) => Struct<T | null, S>;
  • Augment an existing struct to allow null values.

function number

number: () => Struct<number, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a number.

function object

object: {
(): Struct<Record<string, unknown>, null>;
<S extends ObjectSchema>(schema: S): Struct<
Simplify<Optionalize<{ [K in keyof S]: Infer<S[K]> }>>,
  • Ensure that a value is an object, that is has a known set of properties, and that its properties are of specific types.

    Note: Unrecognized properties will fail validation.

function omit

omit: <S extends ObjectSchema, K extends keyof S>(
struct: Struct<ObjectType<S>, S>,
keys: K[]
) => Struct<ObjectType<Omit<S, K>>, Omit<S, K>>;
  • Create a new struct based on an existing object struct, but excluding specific properties.

    Like TypeScript's Omit utility.

function optional

optional: <T, S>(struct: Struct<T, S>) => Struct<T | undefined, S>;
  • Augment a struct to allow undefined values.

function partial

partial: <S extends ObjectSchema>(
struct: Struct<ObjectType<S>, S> | S
) => Struct<ObjectType<PartialObjectSchema<S>>, PartialObjectSchema<S>>;
  • Create a new struct based on an existing object struct, but with all of its properties allowed to be undefined.

    Like TypeScript's Partial utility.

function pattern

pattern: <T extends string, S extends unknown>(
struct: Struct<T, S>,
regexp: RegExp
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Ensure that a string matches a regular expression.

function pick

pick: <S extends ObjectSchema, K extends keyof S>(
struct: Struct<ObjectType<S>, S>,
keys: K[]
) => Struct<ObjectType<Pick<S, K>>, Pick<S, K>>;
  • Create a new struct based on an existing object struct, but only including specific properties.

    Like TypeScript's Pick utility.

function record

record: <K extends string, V>(
Key: Struct<K>,
Value: Struct<V>
) => Struct<Record<K, V>, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is an object with keys and values of specific types, but without ensuring any specific shape of properties.

    Like TypeScript's Record utility.

function refine

refine: <T, S>(
struct: Struct<T, S>,
name: string,
refiner: Refiner<T>
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Augment a Struct to add an additional refinement to the validation.

    The refiner function is guaranteed to receive a value of the struct's type, because the struct's existing validation will already have passed. This allows you to layer additional validation on top of existing structs.

function regexp

regexp: () => Struct<RegExp, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a RegExp.

    Note: this does not test the value against the regular expression! For that you need to use the pattern() refinement.

function set

set: {
(): Struct<Set<unknown>, null>;
<T>(Element: Struct<T, unknown>): Struct<Set<T>, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a Set object, and that its elements are of a specific type.

function size

size: <
T extends string | number | any[] | Map<any, any> | Set<any> | Date,
S extends unknown
struct: Struct<T, S>,
min: number,
max?: number
) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Ensure that a string, array, number, date, map, or set has a size (or length, or time) between min and max.

function string

string: () => Struct<string, null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a string.

function struct

struct: <T>(name: string, validator: Validator) => Struct<T, null>;
  • Define a new struct type with a custom validation function.


    This function has been renamed to define.

function trimmed

trimmed: <T, S>(struct: Struct<T, S>) => Struct<T, S>;
  • Augment a struct to trim string inputs.

    Note: You must use create(value, Struct) on the value to have the coercion take effect! Using simply assert() or is() will not use coercion.

function tuple

tuple: <A extends AnyStruct, B extends AnyStruct[]>(
Structs: [A, ...B]
) => Struct<[Infer<A>, ...InferStructTuple<B>], null>;
  • Ensure that a value is a tuple of a specific length, and that each of its elements is of a specific type.

function type

type: <S extends ObjectSchema>(schema: S) => Struct<ObjectType<S>, S>;
  • Ensure that a value has a set of known properties of specific types.

    Note: Unrecognized properties are allowed and untouched. This is similar to how TypeScript's structural typing works.

function union

union: <A extends AnyStruct, B extends AnyStruct[]>(
Structs: [A, ...B]
) => Struct<Infer<A> | InferStructTuple<B>[number], null>;
  • Ensure that a value matches one of a set of types.

function unknown

unknown: () => Struct<unknown, null>;
  • Ensure that any value passes validation, without widening its type to any.

function validate

validate: <T, S>(
value: unknown,
struct: Struct<T, S>,
options?: { coerce?: boolean; mask?: boolean; message?: string }
) => [StructError, undefined] | [undefined, T];
  • Validate a value against a struct, returning an error if invalid, or the value (with potential coercion) if valid.


class Struct

class Struct<T = unknown, S = unknown> {}
  • Struct objects encapsulate the validation logic for a specific type of values. Once constructed, you use the assert, is or validate helpers to validate unknown input data against the struct.


constructor(props: {
type: string;
schema: S;
coercer?: Coercer;
validator?: Validator;
refiner?: Refiner<T>;
entries?: Struct<T, S>['entries'];

    property coercer

    coercer: (value: unknown, context: Context) => unknown;

      property entries

      entries: (
      value: unknown,
      context: Context
      ) => Iterable<[string | number, unknown, Struct<any> | Struct<never>]>;

        property refiner

        refiner: (value: T, context: Context) => Iterable<Failure>;

          property schema

          schema: {};

            property type

            type: string;

              property TYPE

              readonly TYPE: {};

                property validator

                validator: (value: unknown, context: Context) => Iterable<Failure>;

                  method assert

                  assert: (value: unknown, message?: string) => asserts value is T;
                  • Assert that a value passes the struct's validation, throwing if it doesn't.

                  method create

                  create: (value: unknown, message?: string) => T;
                  • Create a value with the struct's coercion logic, then validate it.

                  method is

                  is: (value: unknown) => value is T;
                  • Check if a value passes the struct's validation.

                  method mask

                  mask: (value: unknown, message?: string) => T;
                  • Mask a value, coercing and validating it, but returning only the subset of properties defined by the struct's schema. Masking applies recursively to props of object structs only.

                  method validate

                  validate: (
                  value: unknown,
                  options?: { coerce?: boolean; mask?: boolean; message?: string }
                  ) => [StructError, undefined] | [undefined, T];
                  • Validate a value with the struct's validation logic, returning a tuple representing the result.

                    You may optionally pass true for the coerce argument to coerce the value before attempting to validate it. If you do, the result will contain the coerced result when successful. Also, mask will turn on masking of the unknown object props recursively if passed.

                  class StructError

                  class StructError extends TypeError {}
                  • StructError objects are thrown (or returned) when validation fails.

                    Validation logic is design to exit early for maximum performance. The error represents the first error encountered during validation. For more detail, the error.failures property is a generator function that can be run to continue validation and receive all the failures in the data.


                  constructor(failure: Failure, failures: () => Generator<Failure>);

                    property branch

                    branch: any[];

                      property failures

                      failures: () => Array<Failure>;

                        property key

                        key: any;

                          property path

                          path: any[];

                            property refinement

                            refinement: string;

                              property type

                              type: string;

                                property value

                                value: any;

                                  Type Aliases

                                  type Coercer

                                  type Coercer<T = unknown> = (value: T, context: Context) => unknown;
                                  • A Coercer takes an unknown value and optionally coerces it.

                                  type Context

                                  type Context = {
                                  branch: Array<any>;
                                  path: Array<any>;
                                  mask?: boolean;
                                  • A Context contains information about the current location of the validation inside the initial input value. It also carries mask since it's a run-time flag determining how the validation was invoked (via mask() or via validate()), plus it applies recursively to all of the nested structs.

                                  type Describe

                                  type Describe<T> = Struct<T, StructSchema<T>>;
                                  • A type utility to describe that a struct represents a TypeScript type.

                                  type Failure

                                  type Failure = {
                                  value: any;
                                  key: any;
                                  type: string;
                                  refinement: string | undefined;
                                  message: string;
                                  explanation?: string;
                                  branch: Array<any>;
                                  path: Array<any>;
                                  • A StructFailure represents a single specific failure in validation.

                                  type Infer

                                  type Infer<T extends Struct<any, any>> = T['TYPE'];
                                  • A type utility to extract the type from a Struct class.

                                  type Refiner

                                  type Refiner<T> = (value: T, context: Context) => Result;
                                  • A Refiner takes a value of a known type and validates it against a further constraint.

                                  type Result

                                  type Result =
                                  | boolean
                                  | string
                                  | Partial<Failure>
                                  | Iterable<boolean | string | Partial<Failure>>;
                                  • A Result is returned from validation functions.

                                  type Validator

                                  type Validator = (value: unknown, context: Context) => Result;
                                  • A Validator takes an unknown value and validates it.

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