- Version 5.0.4
- Published
- 423 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i signature_pad
yarn add signature_pad
pnpm add signature_pad
Library for drawing smooth signatures.
class SignaturePad
class SignaturePad extends SignatureEventTarget {}
constructor(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, options?: Options);
property backgroundColor
backgroundColor: string;
property canvasContextOptions
canvasContextOptions: CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings;
property compositeOperation
compositeOperation: GlobalCompositeOperation;
property dotSize
dotSize: number;
property maxWidth
maxWidth: number;
property minDistance
minDistance: number;
property minWidth
minWidth: number;
property penColor
penColor: string;
property throttle
throttle: number;
property velocityFilterWeight
velocityFilterWeight: number;
method clear
clear: () => void;
method fromData
fromData: (pointGroups: PointGroup[], { clear }?: FromDataOptions) => void;
method fromDataURL
fromDataURL: ( dataUrl: string, options?: { ratio?: number; width?: number; height?: number; xOffset?: number; yOffset?: number; }) => Promise<void>;
method isEmpty
isEmpty: () => boolean;
method off
off: () => void;
method on
on: () => void;
method toData
toData: () => PointGroup[];
method toDataURL
toDataURL: { (type: 'image/svg+xml', encoderOptions?: ToSVGOptions): string; (type?: string, encoderOptions?: number): string;};
method toSVG
toSVG: ({ includeBackgroundColor }?: ToSVGOptions) => string;
interface FromDataOptions
interface FromDataOptions {}
property clear
clear?: boolean;
interface Options
interface Options extends Partial<PointGroupOptions> {}
property backgroundColor
backgroundColor?: string;
property canvasContextOptions
canvasContextOptions?: CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings;
property minDistance
minDistance?: number;
property throttle
throttle?: number;
interface PointGroup
interface PointGroup extends PointGroupOptions {}
property points
points: BasicPoint[];
interface PointGroupOptions
interface PointGroupOptions {}
property compositeOperation
compositeOperation: GlobalCompositeOperation;
This is the globalCompositeOperation for the line. *default: 'source-over'*
See Also
property dotSize
dotSize: number;
property maxWidth
maxWidth: number;
property minWidth
minWidth: number;
property penColor
penColor: string;
property velocityFilterWeight
velocityFilterWeight: number;
interface SignatureEvent
interface SignatureEvent {}
interface ToSVGOptions
interface ToSVGOptions {}
property includeBackgroundColor
includeBackgroundColor?: boolean;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (28)
- @eslint/js
- @rollup/plugin-terser
- @rollup/plugin-typescript
- @semantic-release/changelog
- @semantic-release/commit-analyzer
- @semantic-release/git
- @semantic-release/github
- @semantic-release/npm
- @semantic-release/release-notes-generator
- @types/jest
- @types/node
- cpy-cli
- del
- del-cli
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- globals
- jest
- jest-canvas-mock
- jest-environment-jsdom
- prettier
- rollup
- semantic-release
- serve
- ts-jest
- tslib
- typescript
- typescript-eslint
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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