- Version 6.7.0
- Published
- 124 kB
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- MIT license
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Runtime validation for static types
Type Aliases
variable BigInt
const BigInt: BigInt;
Validates that a value is a bigint.
variable Boolean
const Boolean: boolean;
Validates that a value is a boolean.
variable Failcode
variable Function
const Function: Function;
Construct a runtype for functions.
variable Never
const Never: Never;
Validates nothing (unknown fails).
variable Null
const Null: Literal<null>;
An alias for Literal(null).
variable Nullish
const Nullish: Union<[Literal<null>, Literal<undefined>]>;
An alias for
Union(Null, Undefined)
variable Number
const Number: number;
Validates that a value is a number.
variable RuntypeName
const RuntypeName: Symbol;
variable String
const String: string;
Validates that a value is a string.
variable Symbol
const Symbol: Symbol;
Validates that a value is a symbol, regardless of whether it is keyed or not.
variable Undefined
const Undefined: Literal<undefined>;
An alias for Literal(undefined).
variable Unknown
const Unknown: Unknown;
Validates anything, but provides no new type information about it.
variable Void
const Void: Unknown;
Void is an alias for Unknown
Please use Unknown instead
function Array
Array: <E extends RuntypeBase<unknown>, RO extends boolean>( element: E) => Arr<E, false>;
function AsyncContract
AsyncContract: < A extends readonly RuntypeBase<unknown>[], R extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>( ...runtypes: [...A, R]) => AsyncContract<A, R>;
Create a function contract.
function Brand
Brand: <B extends string, A extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>( brand: B, entity: A) => any;
function check
check: (target: any, propertyKey: PropKey, parameterIndex: number) => void;
A parameter decorator. Explicitly mark the parameter as checked on every method call in combination with
method decorator. The number of@check
params must be the same as the number of provided runtypes into@checked
.\ Usage:@checked(Runtype1, Runtype3)method(@check p1: Static1, p2: number, @check p3: Static3) { ... }
function checked
checked: ( ...runtypes: RuntypeBase[]) => (target: any, propertyKey: PropKey, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => void;
A method decorator. Takes runtypes as arguments which correspond to the ones of the actual method.
Usually, the number of provided runtypes must be _**the same as**_ or _**less than**_ the actual parameters.
If you explicitly mark which parameter shall be checked using
parameter decorator, the number of@check
parameters must be _**the same as**_ the runtypes provided into@checked
@checked(Runtype1, Runtype2)method1(param1: Static1, param2: Static2, param3: any) {...}@checked(Runtype1, Runtype3)method2(@check param1: Static1, param2: any, @check param3: Static3) {...}
function Constraint
Constraint: < A extends RuntypeBase<unknown>, T extends Static<A> = Static<A>, K = unknown>( underlying: A, constraint: ConstraintCheck<A>, options?: { name?: string; args?: K }) => Constraint<A, T, K>;
function Contract
Contract: < A extends readonly RuntypeBase<unknown>[], R extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>( ...runtypes: [...A, R]) => Contract<A, R>;
Create a function contract.
function Dictionary
Dictionary: { <V extends RuntypeBase<unknown>, K extends DictionaryKeyRuntype>( value: V, key?: K ): Dictionary<V, Static<K>>; <V extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>(value: V, key: 'string'): StringDictionary<V>; <V extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>(value: V, key: 'number'): NumberDictionary<V>;};
Construct a runtype for arbitrary dictionaries.
Parameter value
for value.Parameter key
for key.Construct a runtype for arbitrary dictionaries.
Parameter value
for value.Parameter key
A string representing a type for key.
When you want to specify
, pass aRuntype
for it.
function Guard
Guard: <T, K = unknown>( guard: (x: unknown) => x is T, options?: { name?: string | undefined; args?: K }) => Constraint<Unknown, T, K>;
function InstanceOf
InstanceOf: <V>(ctor: Constructor<V>) => InstanceOf<V>;
function InternalRecord
InternalRecord: < O extends { [_: string]: RuntypeBase<unknown> }, Part extends boolean, RO extends boolean>( fields: O, isPartial: Part, isReadonly: RO) => InternalRecord<O, Part, RO>;
Construct a record runtype from runtypes for its values.
function Intersect
Intersect: < A extends readonly [RuntypeBase<unknown>, ...RuntypeBase<unknown>[]]>( ...intersectees: A) => Intersect<A>;
Construct an intersection runtype from runtypes for its alternatives.
function Lazy
Lazy: <A extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>(delayed: () => A) => A;
Construct a possibly-recursive Runtype.
function Literal
Literal: <A extends LiteralBase>(valueBase: A) => Literal<A>;
Construct a runtype for a type literal.
function match
match: <A extends [PairCase<any, any>, ...PairCase<any, any>[]]>( ...cases: A) => Matcher< { [key in keyof A]: A[key] extends PairCase< infer RT extends RuntypeBase<unknown>, any > ? RT : unknown; }, { [key in keyof A]: A[key] extends PairCase<any, infer Z> ? Z : unknown }[number]>;
function Optional
Optional: <R extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>(runtype: R) => Optional<R>;
Validates optional value.
function Partial
Partial: <O extends { [_: string]: RuntypeBase<unknown> }>( fields: O) => Partial<O, false>;
function Record
Record: <O extends { [_: string]: RuntypeBase<unknown> }>( fields: O) => Record<O, false>;
function Template
Template: { <A extends TemplateStringsArray, B extends readonly RuntypeBase<LiteralBase>[]>( strings: A, ...runtypes: B ): Template<A & [string, ...string[]], B>; < A extends readonly [string, ...string[]], B extends readonly RuntypeBase<LiteralBase>[] >( strings: A, ...runtypes: B ): Template<A, B>; <A extends readonly (LiteralBase | RuntypeBase<LiteralBase>)[]>( ...args: A ): Template<ExtractStrings<A, ''>, ExtractRuntypes<A>>;};
Validates that a value is a string that conforms to the template.
You can use the familiar syntax to create a
runtype:const T = Template`foo${Literal('bar')}baz`;But then the type inference won't work:
type T = Static<typeof T>; // inferred as stringBecause TS doesn't provide the exact string literal type information (
["foo", "baz"]
in this case) to the underlying function. See the issue [microsoft/TypeScript#33304](, especially this comment [microsoft/TypeScript#33304 (comment)]( we hope to be implemented.If you want the type inference rather than the tagged syntax, you have to manually write a function call:
const T = Template(['foo', 'baz'] as const, Literal('bar'));type T = Static<typeof T>; // inferred as "foobarbaz"As a convenient solution for this, it also supports another style of passing arguments:
const T = Template('foo', Literal('bar'), 'baz');type T = Static<typeof T>; // inferred as "foobarbaz"You can pass various things to the
constructor, as long as they are assignable tostring | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined
and the correspondingRuntype
s:// Equivalent runtypesTemplate(Literal('42'));Template(42);Template(Template('42'));Template(4, '2');Template(Literal(4), '2');Template(String.withConstraint(s => s === '42'));Template(Intersect(Number.withConstraint(n => n === 42),String.withConstraint(s => s.length === 2),// `Number`s in `Template` accept alternative representations like `"0x2A"`,// thus we have to constraint the length of string, to accept only `"42"`),);Trivial items such as bare literals,
s, and single-elementUnion
s andIntersect
s are all coerced into strings at the creation time of the runtype. Additionally,Union
s of such runtypes are converted intoRegExp
patterns like(?:foo|bar|...)
, so we can assumeUnion
s is a fully supported runtype inTemplate
.### Caveats
internally constructs aRegExp
to parse strings. This can lead to a problem if it contains multiple non-literal runtypes:const UpperCaseString = Constraint(String, s => s === s.toUpperCase(), {name: 'UpperCaseString',});const LowerCaseString = Constraint(String, s => s === s.toLowerCase(), {name: 'LowerCaseString',});Template(UpperCaseString, LowerCaseString);The only thing we can do for parsing such strings correctly is brute-forcing every single possible combination until it fulfills all the constraints, which must be hardly done. Actually
runtypes as the simplestRegExp
and the “greedy” strategy is always used, that is, the above runtype won't work expectedly because the entire pattern is just^(.*)(.*)$
and the first.*
always wins. You have to avoid usingConstraint
this way, and instead manually parse it using a singleConstraint
which covers the entire string.
function Tuple
Tuple: <T extends readonly RuntypeBase<unknown>[]>(...components: T) => Tuple<T>;
Construct a tuple runtype from runtypes for each of its elements.
function Union
Union: <T extends readonly [RuntypeBase<unknown>, ...RuntypeBase<unknown>[]]>( ...alternatives: T) => Union<T>;
Construct a union runtype from runtypes for its alternatives.
function when
when: <A extends RuntypeBase<any>, B>( runtype: A, transformer: (value: Static<A>) => B) => PairCase<A, B>;
class ValidationError
class ValidationError extends Error {}
constructor(failure: Failure);
property code
code: Failcode;
property details
details?: Details;
property name
name: string;
interface Array
interface Arr<E extends RuntypeBase, RO extends boolean> extends Runtype<ArrayStaticType<E, RO>> {}
property element
element: E;
property isReadonly
isReadonly: RO;
property tag
tag: 'array';
method asReadonly
asReadonly: () => Arr<E, true>;
interface AsyncContract
interface AsyncContract<A extends readonly RuntypeBase[], R extends RuntypeBase> {}
method enforce
enforce: ( f: ( ...args: { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase<unknown> ? Static<A[K]> : unknown; } ) => Promise<Static<R>>) => ( ...args: { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase<unknown> ? Static<A[K]> : unknown; }) => Promise<Static<R>>;
interface Brand
interface Brand<B extends string, A extends RuntypeBase> extends Runtype<Static<A> & RuntypeBrand<B>> {}
interface Constraint
interface Constraint< A extends RuntypeBase, T extends Static<A> = Static<A>, K = unknown> extends Runtype<T> {}
property args
args?: K;
property name
name?: string;
property tag
tag: 'constraint';
property underlying
underlying: A;
method constraint
constraint: (x: Static<A>) => boolean | string;
interface Contract
interface Contract<A extends readonly RuntypeBase[], R extends RuntypeBase> {}
method enforce
enforce: ( f: ( ...args: { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase<unknown> ? Static<A[K]> : unknown; } ) => Static<R>) => ( ...args: { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase<unknown> ? Static<A[K]> : unknown; }) => Static<R>;
interface Dictionary
interface Dictionary<V extends RuntypeBase, K extends DictionaryKeyType> extends Runtype< V extends Optional<any> ? { [_ in K]?: Static<V>; } : { [_ in K]: Static<V>; } > {}
interface Function
interface Function extends Runtype<(...args: any[]) => any> {}
property tag
tag: 'function';
interface InstanceOf
interface InstanceOf<V> extends Runtype<V> {}
interface InternalRecord
interface InternalRecord< O extends { [_: string]: RuntypeBase; }, Part extends boolean, RO extends boolean> extends Runtype<RecordStaticType<O, Part, RO>> {}
property fields
fields: O;
property isPartial
isPartial: Part;
property isReadonly
isReadonly: RO;
property tag
tag: 'record';
method asPartial
asPartial: () => InternalRecord<O, true, RO>;
method asReadonly
asReadonly: () => InternalRecord<O, Part, true>;
method extend
extend: <P extends { [_: string]: RuntypeBase<unknown> }>(fields: { [K in keyof P]: K extends keyof O ? Static<P[K]> extends Static<O[K]> ? P[K] : RuntypeBase<Static<O[K]>> : P[K];}) => InternalRecord< { [K in keyof (O & P)]: K extends keyof P ? P[K] : K extends keyof O ? O[K] : never; }, Part, RO>;
method omit
omit: <K extends keyof O>( ...keys: K[] extends (keyof O)[] ? K[] : never[]) => InternalRecord<Omit<O, K>, Part, RO>;
method pick
pick: <K extends keyof O>( ...keys: K[] extends (keyof O)[] ? K[] : never[]) => InternalRecord<Pick<O, K>, Part, RO>;
interface Intersect
interface Intersect<A extends readonly [RuntypeBase, ...RuntypeBase[]]> extends Runtype< { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase ? (parameter: Static<A[K]>) => any : unknown; }[number] extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never > {}
property intersectees
intersectees: A;
property tag
tag: 'intersect';
interface Literal
interface Literal<A extends LiteralBase> extends Runtype<A> {}
interface Match
interface Match<A extends readonly [RuntypeBase, ...RuntypeBase[]]> {}
call signature
<Z>( ...a: { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase ? Case<A[K], Z> : never; }): Matcher<A, Z>;
interface NumberDictionary
interface NumberDictionary<V extends RuntypeBase> extends Runtype< V extends Optional<any> ? { [_ in number]?: Static<V>; } : { [_ in number]: Static<V>; } > {}
interface Optional
interface Optional<R extends RuntypeBase> extends Runtype<Static<R> | undefined> {}
property tag
tag: 'optional';
property underlying
underlying: R;
interface Runtype
interface Runtype<A = unknown> extends RuntypeBase<A> {}
A runtype determines at runtime whether a value conforms to a type specification.
method And
And: <B extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>(B: B) => Intersect<[this, B]>;
Intersect this Runtype with another.
method nullable
nullable: () => Union<[this, typeof Null]>;
Union this Runtype with
method optional
optional: () => Optional<this>;
Optionalize this Runtype.
method Or
Or: <B extends RuntypeBase<unknown>>(B: B) => Union<[this, B]>;
Union this Runtype with another.
method withBrand
withBrand: <B extends string>(brand: B) => Brand<B, this>;
Adds a brand to the type.
method withConstraint
withConstraint: <T extends Static<this>, K = unknown>( constraint: ConstraintCheck<this>, options?: { name?: string; args?: K }) => Constraint<this, T, K>;
Use an arbitrary constraint function to validate a runtype, and optionally to change its name and/or its static type.
T - Optionally override the static type of the resulting runtype
Parameter constraint
Custom function that returns
if the constraint is satisfied,false
or a custom error message if not.Parameter options
{string} [] - allows setting the name of this constrained runtype, which is helpful in reflection or diagnostic use-cases.
method withGuard
withGuard: <T extends Static<this>, K = unknown>( guard: (x: Static<this>) => x is T, options?: { name?: string; args?: K }) => Constraint<this, T, K>;
Helper function to convert an underlying Runtype into another static type via a type guard function. The static type of the runtype is inferred from the type of the guard function.
T - Typically inferred from the return type of the type guard function, so usually not needed to specify manually.
Parameter guard
Type guard function (see
Parameter options
{string} [] - allows setting the name of this constrained runtype, which is helpful in reflection or diagnostic use-cases.
interface RuntypeBrand
interface RuntypeBrand<B extends string> {}
property [RuntypeName]
[RuntypeName]: { [k in B]: B;};
interface StringDictionary
interface StringDictionary<V extends RuntypeBase> extends Runtype< V extends Optional<any> ? { [_ in string]?: Static<V>; } : { [_ in string]: Static<V>; } > {}
interface Symbol
interface Symbol extends Runtype<symbol> {}
property tag
tag: 'symbol';
call signature
<K extends string | undefined>(key: K): SymbolFor<K>;
Validates that a value is a symbol with a specific key or without any key.
Parameter key
Specify what key the symbol is for. If you want to ensure the validated symbol is *not* keyed, pass
interface SymbolFor
interface SymbolFor<K extends string | undefined> extends Runtype<symbol> {}
interface Template
interface Template< A extends readonly [string, ...string[]], B extends readonly RuntypeBase<LiteralBase>[]> extends Runtype< A extends TemplateStringsArray ? string : TemplateLiteralType<A, B> > {}
interface Tuple
interface Tuple<A extends readonly RuntypeBase[]> extends Runtype<{ [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase ? Static<A[K]> : unknown; }> {}
property components
components: A;
property tag
tag: 'tuple';
interface Union
interface Union<A extends readonly [RuntypeBase, ...RuntypeBase[]]> extends Runtype< { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase ? Static<A[K]> : unknown; }[number] > {}
Type Aliases
type Case
type Case<T extends RuntypeBase, Result> = (v: Static<T>) => Result;
type ConstraintCheck
type ConstraintCheck<A extends RuntypeBase> = (x: Static<A>) => boolean | string;
type Details
type Details = | (string | Details)[] | { [key in string | number | symbol]: string | Details; };
A detailed object enumerating where the validation failed exactly.
type Failcode
type Failcode = typeof Failcode[keyof typeof Failcode];
A predefined error code indicating what type of failure has occured.
type Failure
type Failure = { /** * A tag indicating failure. */ success: false; /** * An error code assigned to this type of error. */ code: Failcode; /** * A message indicating the reason why the validation failed. */ message: string; /** * A detailed object enumerating where the validation failed exactly. */ details?: Details;};
A failed validation result.
type Matcher
type Matcher<A extends readonly [RuntypeBase, ...RuntypeBase[]], Z> = ( x: { [K in keyof A]: A[K] extends RuntypeBase<infer Type> ? Type : unknown; }[number]) => Z;
type PairCase
type PairCase<A extends RuntypeBase, Z> = [A, Case<A, Z>];
type Partial
type Partial< O extends { [_: string]: RuntypeBase; }, RO extends boolean> = InternalRecord<O, true, RO>;
type Record
type Record< O extends { [_: string]: RuntypeBase; }, RO extends boolean> = InternalRecord<O, false, RO>;
type Reflect
type Reflect = | ({ tag: 'unknown'; } & Runtype) | ({ tag: 'never'; } & Runtype<never>) | ({ tag: 'void'; } & Runtype<void>) | ({ tag: 'boolean'; } & Runtype<boolean>) | ({ tag: 'number'; } & Runtype<number>) | ({ tag: 'bigint'; } & Runtype<bigint>) | ({ tag: 'string'; } & Runtype<string>) | ({ tag: 'symbol'; key: string | undefined; } & Runtype<symbol>) | ({ tag: 'symbol'; (key: string | undefined): Runtype<symbol>; } & Runtype<symbol>) | ({ tag: 'literal'; value: LiteralBase; } & Runtype<LiteralBase>) | ({ tag: 'template'; strings: string[]; runtypes: Runtype<LiteralBase>[]; } & Runtype<string>) | ({ tag: 'array'; element: Reflect; isReadonly: boolean; } & Runtype<ReadonlyArray<unknown>>) | ({ tag: 'record'; fields: { [_: string]: Reflect; }; isPartial: boolean; isReadonly: boolean; } & Runtype<{ readonly [_ in string]: unknown; }>) | ({ tag: 'dictionary'; key: 'string' | 'number' | 'symbol'; value: Reflect; } & Runtype<{ [_: string]: unknown; }>) | ({ tag: 'tuple'; components: Reflect[]; } & Runtype<unknown[]>) | ({ tag: 'union'; alternatives: Reflect[]; } & Runtype) | ({ tag: 'intersect'; intersectees: Reflect[]; } & Runtype) | ({ tag: 'optional'; underlying: Reflect; } & Runtype) | ({ tag: 'function'; } & Runtype<(...args: any[]) => any>) | ({ tag: 'constraint'; underlying: Reflect; constraint: ConstraintCheck<Runtype<never>>; args?: any; name?: string; } & Runtype) | ({ tag: 'instanceof'; ctor: Constructor<unknown>; } & Runtype) | ({ tag: 'brand'; brand: string; entity: Reflect; } & Runtype);
type Result
type Result<T> = Success<T> | Failure;
The result of a type validation.
type Static
type Static<A extends RuntypeBase> = A['_falseWitness'];
Obtains the static type associated with a Runtype.
type Success
type Success<T> = { /** * A tag indicating success. */ success: true; /** * The original value, cast to its validated type. */ value: T;};
A successful validation result.
type Void
type Void = Unknown;
Package Files (31)
- lib/asynccontract.d.ts
- lib/contract.d.ts
- lib/decorator.d.ts
- lib/errors.d.ts
- lib/index.d.ts
- lib/match.d.ts
- lib/reflect.d.ts
- lib/result.d.ts
- lib/runtype.d.ts
- lib/types/array.d.ts
- lib/types/bigint.d.ts
- lib/types/boolean.d.ts
- lib/types/brand.d.ts
- lib/types/constraint.d.ts
- lib/types/dictionary.d.ts
- lib/types/function.d.ts
- lib/types/instanceof.d.ts
- lib/types/intersect.d.ts
- lib/types/lazy.d.ts
- lib/types/literal.d.ts
- lib/types/never.d.ts
- lib/types/number.d.ts
- lib/types/optional.d.ts
- lib/types/record.d.ts
- lib/types/string.d.ts
- lib/types/symbol.d.ts
- lib/types/template.d.ts
- lib/types/tuple.d.ts
- lib/types/union.d.ts
- lib/types/unknown.d.ts
- lib/types/void.d.ts
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Dev Dependencies (8)
Peer Dependencies (0)
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