- Version 5.2.0
- Published
- 56 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i rollup-plugin-node-resolve
yarn add rollup-plugin-node-resolve
pnpm add rollup-plugin-node-resolve
Bundle third-party dependencies in node_modules
function nodeResolve
nodeResolve: (options?: Options) => Plugin;
Locate modules using the Node resolution algorithm, for using third party modules in node_modules
interface Options
interface Options {}
property browser
browser?: boolean;
some package.json files have a "browser" field which specifies alternative files to load for people bundling for the browser. If that's you, either use this option or add "browser" to the "mainfields" option, otherwise pkg.browser will be ignored false
property customResolveOptions
customResolveOptions?: AsyncOpts;
Any additional options that should be passed through to node-resolve
property dedupe
dedupe?: string[] | ((importee: string) => boolean);
Force resolving for these modules to root's node_modules that helps to prevent bundling the same package multiple times if package is imported from dependencies.
property extensions
extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
not all files you want to resolve are .js files [ '.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node' ]
property jail
jail?: string;
Lock the module search in this path (like a chroot). Module defined outside this path will be marked as external '/'
property jsnext
jsnext?: boolean;
use "mainFields" instead use "jsnext:main" if possible legacy field pointing to ES6 module in third-party libraries, deprecated in favor of "pkg.module": - see: false
property main
main?: boolean;
use "mainFields" instead use "main" field or index.js, even if it's not an ES6 module (needs to be converted from CommonJS to ES6) – see true
property mainFields
mainFields?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
the fields to scan in a package.json to determine the entry point if this list contains "browser", overrides specified in "pkg.browser" will be used ['module', 'main']
property module
module?: boolean;
use "mainFields" instead use "module" field for ES6 module if possible true
property modulesOnly
modulesOnly?: boolean;
If true, inspect resolved files to check that they are ES2015 modules false
property only
only?: ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp> | null;
Set to an array of strings and/or regexps to lock the module search to modules that match at least one entry. Modules not matching any entry will be marked as external null
property preferBuiltins
preferBuiltins?: boolean;
whether to prefer built-in modules (e.g.
) or local ones with the same names true
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (5)
Dev Dependencies (12)
Peer Dependencies (1)
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