- Version 2.9.6
- Published
- 106 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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Grants Reactotron clients the ability to talk to a Reactotron server.
Type Aliases
variable corePlugins
const corePlugins: ( | ((reactotron: ReactotronCore) => { features: { log: (...args: any[]) => void; logImportant: (...args: any[]) => void; debug: (message: any, important?: any) => void; warn: (message: any) => void; error: (message: any, stack: any) => void; }; }) | ((reactotron: ReactotronCore) => { features: { image: (payload: import('./plugins/image').ImagePayload) => void; }; }) | ((reactotron: ReactotronCore) => { features: { benchmark: (title: string) => { step: (stepTitle: string) => void; stop: (stopTitle: string) => void; last: (stopTitle: string) => void; }; }; }) | ((reactotron: ReactotronCore) => { features: { stateActionComplete: ( name: string, action: Record<string, any>, important?: any ) => void; stateValuesResponse: (path: string, value: any, valid?: any) => void; stateKeysResponse: ( path: string, keys: string[], valid?: boolean ) => void; stateValuesChange: ( changes: { path: string; value: any }[] ) => false | void; stateBackupResponse: (state: Record<string, any>) => void; }; }) | ((reactotron: ReactotronCore) => { features: { apiResponse: ( request: { status: number }, response: any, duration: number ) => void; }; }) | ((reactotron: ReactotronCore) => { features: { clear: () => void } }) | ((reactotron: ReactotronCore) => { onCommand: ({ type, payload }: Command<CommandTypeKey, any>) => void; features: { repl: ( name: string, value: import('./plugins/repl').AcceptableRepls ) => void; }; }))[];
function assertHasLoggerPlugin
assertHasLoggerPlugin: ( reactotron: ReactotronCore) => asserts reactotron is ReactotronCore & { log: (...args: any[]) => void; logImportant: (...args: any[]) => void; debug: (message: any, important?: any) => void; warn: (message: any) => void; error: (message: any, stack: any) => void;};
function assertHasStateResponsePlugin
assertHasStateResponsePlugin: ( reactotron: ReactotronCore) => asserts reactotron is ReactotronCore & { stateActionComplete: ( name: StateActionCompletePayload, action: StateActionCompletePayload, important?: any ) => void; stateValuesResponse: ( path: StateValuesResponsePayload, value: StateValuesResponsePayload, valid?: StateValuesResponsePayload ) => void; stateKeysResponse: ( path: StateKeysResponsePayload, keys: StateKeysResponsePayload, valid?: StateKeysResponsePayload ) => void; stateValuesChange: (changes: StateValuesChangePayload) => false | void; stateBackupResponse: (state: StateBackupResponsePayload) => void;};
function createClient
createClient: <Client extends ReactotronCore = ReactotronCore>( options?: ClientOptions<Client>) => Client;
function hasStateResponsePlugin
hasStateResponsePlugin: ( reactotron: ReactotronCore) => reactotron is ReactotronCore & { stateActionComplete: ( name: StateActionCompletePayload, action: StateActionCompletePayload, important?: any ) => void; stateValuesResponse: ( path: StateValuesResponsePayload, value: StateValuesResponsePayload, valid?: StateValuesResponsePayload ) => void; stateKeysResponse: ( path: StateKeysResponsePayload, keys: StateKeysResponsePayload, valid?: StateKeysResponsePayload ) => void; stateValuesChange: (changes: StateValuesChangePayload) => false | void; stateBackupResponse: (state: StateBackupResponsePayload) => void;};
class ReactotronImpl
class ReactotronImpl implements Omit< ReactotronCore, 'options' | 'plugins' | 'configure' | 'connect' | 'use' > {}
property connected
connected: boolean;
Are we connected to a server?
property customCommandLatestId
customCommandLatestId: number;
The current ID for custom commands
property customCommands
customCommands: CustomCommand<CustomCommandArg[]>[];
The registered custom commands
property isReady
isReady: boolean;
Are we ready to start communicating?
property lastMessageDate
lastMessageDate: Date;
The last time we sent a message.
property options
options: ClientOptions<ReactotronCore>;
property plugins
plugins: Plugin<this>[];
Available plugins.
property send
send: <Type extends CommandTypeKey, Payload extends any>( type: Type, payload?: Payload, important?: boolean) => void;
Sends a command to the server
property sendQueue
sendQueue: string[];
Messages that need to be sent.
property socket
socket: WebSocket;
The socket we're using.
property startTimer
startTimer: () => () => number;
Starts a timer and returns a function you can call to stop it and return the elapsed time.
method close
close: () => void;
method configure
configure: ( options: ClientOptions<this>) => ClientOptions<this>['plugins'] extends PluginCreator<this>[] ? this & InferFeaturesFromPlugins<this, ClientOptions<this>['plugins']> : this;
Set the configuration options.
method connect
connect: () => this;
Connect to the Reactotron server.
method display
display: (config: DisplayConfig) => void;
Sends a custom command to the server to displays nicely.
method onCustomCommand
onCustomCommand: ( config: CustomCommand | string, optHandler?: () => void) => () => void;
method reportError
reportError: (this: any, error: Error) => void;
Client libraries can hijack this to report errors.
method use
use: ( pluginCreator: PluginCreator<this>) => this & PluginFeatures<this, typeof pluginCreator>;
Adds a plugin to the system
interface ClientOptions
interface ClientOptions<Client> extends Omit<LifeCycleMethods, 'onCommand'> {}
Configuration options for the Reactotron Client.
property client
client?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
A way for the client libraries to identify themselves.
property createSocket
createSocket?: | ((path: string) => BrowserWebSocket) | ((path: string) => NodeWebSocket) | null;
A function which returns a websocket.
This is over-engineered because we need the ability to create different types of websockets for React Native, React, and NodeJS. :|
property environment
environment?: string;
The NODE_ENV environment, if any.
property getClientId
getClientId?: (name: string) => Promise<string>;
Get the client id provided by the server
property host
host?: string | null;
The hostname or ip address of the server. Default: localhost.
property name
name?: string;
The name of this client. Usually the app name.
property onCommand
onCommand?: ((command: any) => void) | null;
Fires when the server sends a command.
property onConnect
onConnect?: () => void;
Fires when we connect to the server.
property onDisconnect
onDisconnect?: () => void;
Fires when we disconnect from the server.
property plugins
plugins?: PluginCreator<Client>[];
A list of plugins.
property port
port?: number | null;
The port to connect to the server on. Default: 9090.
property proxyHack
proxyHack?: boolean;
property safeRecursion
safeRecursion?: boolean;
Performs safety checks when serializing. Default: true.
Will do things like: - remap falsy values to transport-friendly version - remove any circular dependencies - remap functions to something that shows their name
Hooray for JavaScript!
property secure
secure?: boolean;
Will we be connecting via SSL?
property setClientId
setClientId?: (clientId: string) => Promise<void>;
Save the client id provided by the server
interface CustomCommand
interface CustomCommand<Args extends CustomCommandArg[] = CustomCommandArg[]> {}
interface CustomCommandArg
interface CustomCommandArg {}
interface LifeCycleMethods
interface LifeCycleMethods {}
property onCommand
onCommand?: (command: Command) => void;
property onConnect
onConnect?: () => void;
property onDisconnect
onDisconnect?: () => void;
interface Plugin
interface Plugin<Client> extends LifeCycleMethods {}
interface Reactotron
interface Reactotron extends ReactotronCore, CorePluginFeatures {}
interface ReactotronCore
interface ReactotronCore {}
property close
close: () => void;
property configure
configure: ( options: ClientOptions<this>) => ClientOptions<this>['plugins'] extends PluginCreator<this>[] ? this & InferFeaturesFromPlugins<this, ClientOptions<this>['plugins']> : this;
Set the configuration options.
property connect
connect: () => this;
property display
display: (config: DisplayConfig) => void;
property onCustomCommand
onCustomCommand: < Args extends CustomCommandArg[] = Exclude<CustomCommand['args'], undefined>>( config: CustomCommand<Args>) => () => void | ((config: string, optHandler?: () => void) => () => void);
property options
options: ClientOptions<this>;
property plugins
plugins: Plugin<this>[];
property send
send: <Type extends CommandTypeKey, Payload extends Command<Type>['payload']>( type: Type, payload?: Payload, important?: boolean) => void;
property startTimer
startTimer: () => () => number;
property use
use: <P extends PluginCreator<this>>( pluginCreator: P) => this & InferFeaturesFromPlugin<this, P>;
Type Aliases
type CustomCommandArgs
type CustomCommandArgs<Args extends CustomCommandArg[]> = UnionToIntersection< Args extends Array<infer U> ? U extends CustomCommandArg ? { [K in U as U['name']]: ArgTypeMap[U['type']]; } : never : never>;
type InferFeatures
type InferFeatures< Client = ReactotronCore, PC extends PluginCreator<Client> = PluginCreator<Client>> = PC extends (client: Client) => { features: infer U;} ? U : never;
type InferFeaturesFromPlugins
type InferFeaturesFromPlugins< Client, Plugins extends PluginCreator<Client>[]> = UnionToIntersection<PluginFeatures<Client, Plugins[number]>>;
type InferPluginsFromCreators
type InferPluginsFromCreators< Client, PC extends PluginCreator<Client>[]> = PC extends Array<infer P extends PluginCreator<Client>> ? ReturnType<P>[] : never;
type LoggerPlugin
type LoggerPlugin = ReturnType<typeof logger>;
type PluginCreator
type PluginCreator<Client> = (client: Client) => Plugin<Client>;
type StateResponsePlugin
type StateResponsePlugin = ReturnType<typeof stateResponse>;
Package Files (5)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (34)
- @babel/core
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-typescript
- @types/jest
- @types/node
- @types/ws
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- babel-eslint
- babel-jest
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-config-standard
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-n
- eslint-plugin-promise
- eslint-plugin-standard
- get-port-please
- jest
- jest-environment-node
- prettier
- rimraf
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-babel
- rollup-plugin-babel-minify
- rollup-plugin-filesize
- rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- rollup-plugin-replace
- rollup-plugin-resolve
- ts-jest
- tslib
- typescript
- ws
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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