- Version 11.0.5
- Published
- 536 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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React notification made easy
Type Aliases
variable Icons
const Icons: { info: typeof Info; warning: typeof Warning; success: typeof Success; error: typeof Error; spinner: typeof Spinner;};
function Bounce
Bounce: ({ children, position, preventExitTransition, done, nodeRef, isIn, playToast,}: ToastTransitionProps) => React.JSX.Element;
function clearWaitingQueue
clearWaitingQueue: (p?: ClearWaitingQueueParams) => void;
function CloseButton
CloseButton: ({ closeToast, theme, ariaLabel,}: CloseButtonProps) => React__default.JSX.Element;
function collapseToast
collapseToast: (node: HTMLElement, done: () => void, duration?: Default) => void;
Used to collapse toast after exit animation
function cssTransition
cssTransition: ({ enter, exit, appendPosition, collapse, collapseDuration,}: CSSTransitionProps) => ({ children, position, preventExitTransition, done, nodeRef, isIn, playToast,}: ToastTransitionProps) => React__default.JSX.Element;
Css animation that just work. You could use animate.css for instance
cssTransition({enter: "animate__animated animate__bounceIn",exit: "animate__animated animate__bounceOut"})
function Error
Error: (props: BuiltInIconProps) => React__default.JSX.Element;
function Flip
Flip: ({ children, position, preventExitTransition, done, nodeRef, isIn, playToast,}: ToastTransitionProps) => React.JSX.Element;
function handlePromise
handlePromise: <TData = unknown, TError = unknown, TPending = unknown>( promise: Promise<TData> | (() => Promise<TData>), { pending, error, success }: ToastPromiseParams<TData, TError, TPending>, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Promise<TData>;
function Info
Info: (props: BuiltInIconProps) => React__default.JSX.Element;
function isToastActive
isToastActive: (id: Id, containerId?: Id) => boolean;
function Slide
Slide: ({ children, position, preventExitTransition, done, nodeRef, isIn, playToast,}: ToastTransitionProps) => React.JSX.Element;
function Spinner
Spinner: () => React__default.JSX.Element;
function Success
Success: (props: BuiltInIconProps) => React__default.JSX.Element;
function toast
toast: typeof toast;
function ToastContainer
ToastContainer: (props: ToastContainerProps) => React__default.JSX.Element;
function Warning
Warning: (props: BuiltInIconProps) => React__default.JSX.Element;
function Zoom
Zoom: ({ children, position, preventExitTransition, done, nodeRef, isIn, playToast,}: ToastTransitionProps) => React.JSX.Element;
interface ClearWaitingQueueParams
interface ClearWaitingQueueParams {}
property containerId
containerId?: Id;
interface CloseButtonProps
interface CloseButtonProps {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
property closeToast
closeToast: CloseToastFunc;
property theme
theme: Theme;
property type
type: TypeOptions;
interface IconProps
interface IconProps {}
Used when providing custom icon
interface ToastContainerProps
interface ToastContainerProps extends CommonOptions, Pick<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, 'aria-label'> {}
property className
className?: ToastClassName;
An optional css class to set.
property hotKeys
hotKeys?: (e: KeyboardEvent) => boolean;
Shortcut to focus the first notification with the keyboard
default: Alt+t
// focus when user presses ⌘ + Fconst matchShortcut = (e: KeyboardEvent) => e.metaKey && e.key === 'f'
property limit
limit?: number;
Limit the number of toast displayed at the same time
property newestOnTop
newestOnTop?: boolean;
Whether or not to display the newest toast on top.
Default: false
property stacked
stacked?: boolean;
Will stack the toast with the newest on the top.
property style
style?: React__default.CSSProperties;
An optional inline style to apply.
property toastClassName
toastClassName?: ToastClassName;
An optional css class for the toast.
property toastStyle
toastStyle?: React__default.CSSProperties;
An optional inline style to apply for the toast.
interface ToastContentProps
interface ToastContentProps<Data = unknown> {}
property closeToast
closeToast: CloseToastFunc;
property data
data: Data;
property isPaused
isPaused: boolean;
property toastProps
toastProps: ToastProps;
interface ToastItem
interface ToastItem<Data = {}> {}
property containerId
containerId?: Id;
property content
content: ToastContent<Data>;
property data
data: Data;
property icon
icon?: ToastIcon;
property id
id: Id;
property isLoading
isLoading?: boolean;
property reason
reason?: boolean | string;
property status
status: ToastItemStatus;
property theme
theme?: Theme;
property type
type?: TypeOptions;
interface ToastOptions
interface ToastOptions<Data = unknown> extends CommonOptions {}
property ariaLabel
ariaLabel?: string;
Let you specify the aria-label
property className
className?: ToastClassName;
An optional css class to set.
property data
data?: Data;
Let you provide any data, useful when you are using your own component
property delay
delay?: number;
Add a delay in ms before the toast appear.
property isLoading
isLoading?: boolean;
property onClose
onClose?: (reason?: boolean | string) => void;
Called when toast is unmounted. The callback first argument is the closure reason. It is "true" when the notification is closed by a user action like clicking on the close button.
property onOpen
onOpen?: () => void;
Called when toast is mounted.
property progress
progress?: number;
Set the percentage for the controlled progress bar.
Value must be between 0 and 1.
property style
style?: React__default.CSSProperties;
An optional inline style to apply.
property toastId
toastId?: Id;
Set a custom
property type
type?: TypeOptions;
Set the toast type.
One of: 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error', 'default'
property updateId
updateId?: Id;
Used during update
interface ToastPromiseParams
interface ToastPromiseParams< TData = unknown, TError = unknown, TPending = unknown> {}
interface ToastTransitionProps
interface ToastTransitionProps {}
property children
children?: React__default.ReactNode;
property done
done: () => void;
property isIn
isIn: boolean;
property nodeRef
nodeRef: React__default.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
property position
position: ToastPosition | string;
property preventExitTransition
preventExitTransition: boolean;
method playToast
playToast: () => void;
interface UpdateOptions
interface UpdateOptions<T = unknown> extends Nullable<ToastOptions<T>> {}
property render
render?: ToastContent<T>;
Used to update a toast. Pass any valid ReactNode(string, number, component)
Type Aliases
type ClearWaitingQueueFunc
type ClearWaitingQueueFunc = typeof clearWaitingQueue;
type DraggableDirection
type DraggableDirection = 'x' | 'y';
type Id
type Id = number | string;
type OnChangeCallback
type OnChangeCallback = (toast: ToastItem) => void;
type Theme
type Theme = 'light' | 'dark' | 'colored' | (string & {});
type ToastClassName
type ToastClassName = | ((context?: { type?: TypeOptions; defaultClassName?: string; position?: ToastPosition; rtl?: boolean; }) => string) | string;
ClassName for the elements - can take a function to build a classname or a raw string that is cx'ed to defaults
type ToastContent
type ToastContent<T = unknown> = | React__default.ReactNode | ((props: ToastContentProps<T>) => React__default.ReactNode);
type ToastIcon
type ToastIcon = | false | ((props: IconProps) => React__default.ReactNode) | React__default.ReactElement<IconProps>;
type ToastPosition
type ToastPosition = | 'top-right' | 'top-center' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-center' | 'bottom-left';
type ToastTransition
type ToastTransition = | React__default.FC<ToastTransitionProps> | React__default.ComponentClass<ToastTransitionProps>;
type TypeOptions
type TypeOptions = 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'default';
namespace toast
namespace toast {}
variable dismiss
var dismiss: { (params: RemoveParams): void; (params?: Id): void };
variable isActive
var isActive: (id: Id, containerId?: Id) => boolean;
variable promise
var promise: <TData = unknown, TError = unknown, TPending = unknown>( promise: Promise<TData> | (() => Promise<TData>), { pending, error, success }: ToastPromiseParams<TData, TError, TPending>, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Promise<TData>;
function clearWaitingQueue
clearWaitingQueue: (p?: ClearWaitingQueueParams) => void;
function dark
dark: (content: ToastContent, options?: ToastOptions) => Id;
function done
done: (id: Id) => void;
function error
error: <TData = unknown>(content: any, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Id;
function info
info: <TData = unknown>(content: any, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Id;
function loading
loading: <TData = unknown>(content: any, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Id;
function onChange
onChange: (cb: OnChangeCallback) => () => void;
function pause
pause: (opts?: IdOpts) => void;
function play
play: (opts?: IdOpts) => void;
function success
success: <TData = unknown>(content: any, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Id;
function update
update: <TData = unknown>(toastId: Id, options?: UpdateOptions<TData>) => void;
function warn
warn: <TData = unknown>(content: any, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Id;
function warning
warning: <TData = unknown>(content: any, options?: ToastOptions<TData>) => Id;
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