- Version 3.5.1
- Published
- 492 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i react-parallax
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pnpm add react-parallax
A React Component for parallax effect working in client-side and server-side rendering environment
class Background
class Background extends React.Component<BackgroundProps, {}> {}
class Parallax
class Parallax extends React.Component<ParallaxProps, ParallaxState> {}
interface SplitChildrenResultType
interface SplitChildrenResultType {}
property bgChildren
bgChildren: Array<ReactNode>;
property children
children: Array<ReactNode>;
interface StyleObjectType
interface StyleObjectType {}
index signature
[key: string]: string;
Type Aliases
type BackgroundProps
type BackgroundProps = { className?: string; children?: React.ReactNode;};
type BgImageProp
type BgImageProp = string;
type BgImageSizesProp
type BgImageSizesProp = string;
type BgImageSrcSetProp
type BgImageSrcSetProp = string;
type BlurProp
type BlurProp = number | DynamicBlurProp;
type DynamicBlurProp
type DynamicBlurProp = { min: number; max: number };
type ParallaxChildrenProps
type ParallaxChildrenProps = { className?: string; children?: React.ReactNode; onMount(node: HTMLDivElement): void;};
type ParallaxProps
type ParallaxProps = { bgClassName?: string; bgImage?: BgImageProp; bgImageAlt?: string; bgImageSizes?: BgImageSizesProp; bgImageSrcSet?: BgImageSrcSetProp; bgImageStyle?: { [key: string]: any }; onLoad?: (event: Event) => void; bgStyle?: { [key: string]: any }; blur?: BlurProp; children?: React.ReactNode; className?: string; contentClassName?: string; disabled?: boolean; parent?: HTMLElement; renderLayer?: (percentage: number) => any; strength?: number; style?: { [key: string]: any }; lazy?: boolean;};
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (42)
- @babel/core
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-react
- @types/jest
- @types/jsdom
- @types/node
- @types/react
- @types/react-dom
- @types/react-router-dom
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- babel-eslint
- babel-jest
- babel-loader
- cross-env
- eslint
- eslint-config-airbnb
- eslint-config-airbnb-typescript
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-destructuring
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jest
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- eslint-plugin-react
- file-loader
- html-webpack-plugin
- husky
- jest
- jsdom
- lint-staged
- prettier
- react-hot-loader
- react-router-dom
- terser-webpack-plugin
- ts-jest
- ts-loader
- typescript
- webpack
- webpack-cli
- webpack-dev-server
- webpack-merge
Peer Dependencies (2)
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