
  • Version 5.3.0
  • Published
  • 229 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i react-native-safe-area-context
yarn add react-native-safe-area-context
pnpm add react-native-safe-area-context


A flexible way to handle safe area, also works on Android and web.



variable initialWindowMetrics

const initialWindowMetrics: Metrics;

    variable initialWindowSafeAreaInsets

    const initialWindowSafeAreaInsets: EdgeInsets;
    • Deprecated

    variable SafeAreaConsumer

    const SafeAreaConsumer: React.Consumer<EdgeInsets>;
    • Deprecated

    variable SafeAreaContext

    const SafeAreaContext: React.Context<EdgeInsets>;
    • Deprecated

    variable SafeAreaFrameContext

    const SafeAreaFrameContext: React.Context<Rect>;

      variable SafeAreaInsetsContext

      const SafeAreaInsetsContext: React.Context<EdgeInsets>;

        variable SafeAreaView

        const SafeAreaView: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>;


          function SafeAreaProvider

          SafeAreaProvider: ({
          }: SafeAreaProviderProps) => React.JSX.Element;

            function useSafeArea

            useSafeArea: () => EdgeInsets;
            • Deprecated

            function useSafeAreaFrame

            useSafeAreaFrame: () => Rect;

              function useSafeAreaInsets

              useSafeAreaInsets: () => EdgeInsets;

                function withSafeAreaInsets

                withSafeAreaInsets: <T>(
                WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<any>
                ) => React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>;


                  interface EdgeInsets

                  interface EdgeInsets {}

                    property bottom

                    bottom: number;

                      property left

                      left: number;

                        property right

                        right: number;

                          property top

                          top: number;

                            interface Metrics

                            interface Metrics {}

                              property frame

                              frame: Rect;

                                property insets

                                insets: EdgeInsets;

                                  interface NativeSafeAreaProviderProps

                                  interface NativeSafeAreaProviderProps extends ViewProps {}

                                    property children

                                    children?: React.ReactNode;

                                      property onInsetsChange

                                      onInsetsChange: InsetChangeNativeCallback;

                                        interface NativeSafeAreaViewProps

                                        interface NativeSafeAreaViewProps extends ViewProps {}

                                          property children

                                          children?: React.ReactNode;

                                            property edges

                                            edges?: Edges;

                                              property mode

                                              mode?: 'padding' | 'margin';

                                                interface Rect

                                                interface Rect {}

                                                  property height

                                                  height: number;

                                                    property width

                                                    width: number;

                                                      property x

                                                      x: number;

                                                        property y

                                                        y: number;

                                                          interface SafeAreaProviderProps

                                                          interface SafeAreaProviderProps extends ViewProps {}

                                                            property children

                                                            children?: React.ReactNode;

                                                              property initialMetrics

                                                              initialMetrics?: Metrics | null;

                                                                property initialSafeAreaInsets

                                                                initialSafeAreaInsets?: EdgeInsets | null;
                                                                • Deprecated

                                                                Type Aliases

                                                                type Edge

                                                                type Edge = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';

                                                                  type EdgeMode

                                                                  type EdgeMode = 'off' | 'additive' | 'maximum';

                                                                    type EdgeRecord

                                                                    type EdgeRecord = Partial<Record<Edge, EdgeMode>>;

                                                                      type Edges

                                                                      type Edges = readonly Edge[] | Readonly<EdgeRecord>;

                                                                        type InsetChangedEvent

                                                                        type InsetChangedEvent = NativeSyntheticEvent<Metrics>;

                                                                          type InsetChangeNativeCallback

                                                                          type InsetChangeNativeCallback = (event: InsetChangedEvent) => void;

                                                                            type NativeSafeAreaViewInstance

                                                                            type NativeSafeAreaViewInstance = InstanceType<typeof NativeSafeAreaView>;

                                                                              type SafeAreaViewProps

                                                                              type SafeAreaViewProps = NativeSafeAreaViewProps;

                                                                                type WithSafeAreaInsetsProps

                                                                                type WithSafeAreaInsetsProps = {
                                                                                insets: EdgeInsets;

                                                                                  Package Files (5)

                                                                                  Dependencies (0)

                                                                                  No dependencies.

                                                                                  Dev Dependencies (28)

                                                                                  Peer Dependencies (2)


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