- Version 0.6.0-beta.1
- Published
- 221 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i react-native-material-kit
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pnpm add react-native-material-kit
react-native-material-kit, the toolkit introducing Material Design to React Native.
Author: ywu on 15/6/1.
Type Aliases
variable AccentFab
const AccentFab: SFC<ButtonProps>;
Accent colored floating action button
variable AccentRaisedButton
const AccentRaisedButton: SFC<ButtonProps>;
Raised button with Accent color
variable ButtonStyles
const ButtonStyles: { buttonText: typeof buttonText; buttonTextAccent: typeof buttonTextAccent; buttonTextPrimary: typeof buttonTextPrimary; coloredButtonText: typeof coloredButtonText;};
Pre-defined Button props/styles for common cases
variable ColoredFab
const ColoredFab: SFC<ButtonProps>;
Primary floating action button
variable ColoredRaisedButton
const ColoredRaisedButton: SFC<ButtonProps>;
Primary raised button
variable Fab
const Fab: SFC<ButtonProps>;
Default floating action button
variable FlatButton
const FlatButton: SFC<ButtonProps>;
Flat button (text button)
variable MKColor
const MKColor: { Amber: string; Blue: string; BlueGrey: string; Brown: string; Cyan: string; DeepOrange: string; DeepPurple: string; Green: string; Grey: string; Indigo: string; LightBlue: string; LightGreen: string; Lime: string; Orange: string; Pink: string; Purple: string; Red: string; Silver: string; Teal: string; Yellow: string; Transparent: string; RGBAmber: string; RGBIndigo: string; RGBPink: string; RGBPurple: string; RGBTeal: string; palette_blue_400: string; palette_green_500: string; palette_red_500: string; palette_yellow_600: string;};
The default palette.
Created by ywu on 15/7/16.
variable RaisedButton
const RaisedButton: SFC<ButtonProps>;
Default raised button
function buttonText
buttonText: (theme?: Theme, color?: AttrValue) => TextStyle;
Text style for buttons, default color is
function buttonTextAccent
buttonTextAccent: (theme?: Theme) => TextStyle;
Text style using accent color
function buttonTextPrimary
buttonTextPrimary: (theme?: Theme) => TextStyle;
Text style using primary color
function coloredButtonText
coloredButtonText: (theme?: Theme) => TextStyle;
Text style for colored buttons
function getTheme
getTheme: () => Theme;
Retrieve a copy of the current theme
function setTheme
setTheme: (aTheme: Theme) => void;
Set the current theme.
the new ThemeSee
class Button
class Button extends Component<ButtonProps, ButtonState> {}
With configurable shadow, ripple effect, and FAB style. See ButtonProps for the available props.
Refer to Guideline or MDL implementation
constructor(props: ButtonProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: ButtonProps;
Default props
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
See documentation for Component.render from package @types/react.
class Checkbox
class Checkbox extends Component<CheckboxProps, CheckboxState> {}
See Guideline & MDL implementation
constructor(props: any);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: any;
Default props
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: CheckboxProps) => void;
TODO using controlled components.
See Also
class IconToggle
class IconToggle extends Component<IconToggleProps, IconToggleState> {}
constructor(props: IconToggleProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: IconToggleProps;
Default props
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: IconToggleProps) => void;
class IndeterminateProgress
class IndeterminateProgress extends Component<SimpleProgressProps> {}
Indeterminate linear progress indicator.
Continually growing and shrinking along the track until the process is complete. See SimpleProgressProps for the available props.
Refer to Guideline or MDL implementation
constructor(props: SimpleProgressProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: SimpleProgressProps;
Defaults, see defaultSimpleProps
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
See documentation for Component.render from package @types/react.
class Progress
class Progress extends Component<ProgressProps> {}
Determinate linear progress indicator.
Increasing in width from 0 to 100% of the track, in sync with the process’s progress, with a simplified buffering effect. Refer to Guideline or MDL implementation
constructor(props: ProgressProps);
property buffer
buffer: number;
Get current buffering progress
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: ProgressProps;
Defaults, see defaultSimpleProps
property Indeterminate
static Indeterminate: typeof IndeterminateProgress;
The indeterminate version of Progress
property progress
progress: number;
Get current progress
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
See documentation for Component.render from package @types/react.
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: ProgressProps) => void;
class RadioButton
class RadioButton extends Component<RadioButtonProps, RadioButtonState> {}
See Guideline & MDL implementation
constructor(props: RadioButtonProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: RadioButtonProps;
Default props
method componentWillUnmount
componentWillUnmount: () => void;
method confirmToggle
confirmToggle: () => void;
method confirmUncheck
confirmUncheck: () => void;
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: RadioButtonProps) => void;
class RadioButtonGroup
class RadioButtonGroup {}
Managing a group of radio buttons.
constructor(onAdd?: Pred, onRemove?: Pred);
method add
add: (btn: RadioButton) => void;
method onChecked
onChecked: (btn: RadioButton, checked: boolean) => void;
method remove
remove: (btn: RadioButton) => void;
class RangeSlider
class RangeSlider extends Component<RangeSliderProps> {}
See RangeSliderProps for the available props. Refer to Guideline or MDL implementation
constructor(props: RangeSliderProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: RangeSliderProps;
Defaults, see defaultProps
property maxValue
maxValue: number;
Retrieve the current
property minValue
minValue: number;
Retrieve the current
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: RangeSliderProps) => void;
class Ripple
class Ripple extends Component<RippleProps, RippleState> {}
constructor( props: { rippleColor?: string; rippleDuration?: number; rippleLocation?: RippleLocation; maskEnabled?: boolean; maskColor?: string; borderWidth?: number; maskBorderRadius?: number; maskBorderRadiusInPercent?: number; maskDuration?: number; shadowAniEnabled?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; } & MKTouchableProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: { rippleColor?: string; rippleDuration?: number; rippleLocation?: RippleLocation; maskEnabled?: boolean; maskColor?: string; borderWidth?: number; maskBorderRadius?: number; maskBorderRadiusInPercent?: number; maskDuration?: number; shadowAniEnabled?: boolean; disabled?: boolean;} & MKTouchableProps;
Default props
method hideRipple
hideRipple: () => void;
Stop the ripple effect
method measure
measure: (cb: MeasureOnSuccessCallback) => any;
Measure the size of the
.Parameter cb
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
See documentation for Component.render from package @types/react.
method showRipple
showRipple: () => void;
Start the ripple effect
class Slider
class Slider extends Component<SliderProps> {}
See SliderProps for the available props. Refer to Guideline or MDL implementation
constructor(props: SliderProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: SliderProps;
Defaults, see defaultProps
property value
value: number;
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: SliderProps) => void;
class Spinner
class Spinner extends Component<SpinnerProps, SpinnerState> {}
The default
See SpinnerProps for the available props.
Refer to Guideline or MDL implementation
constructor(props: SpinnerProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: SpinnerProps;
Default props of Spinner
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
See documentation for Component.render from package @types/react.
class Switch
class Switch extends Component<SwitchProps, SwitchState> {}
Which is made up of a
and a Thumb.See Guideline & MDL implementation
constructor(props: SwitchProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: SwitchProps;
Default props
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
See documentation for Component.render from package @types/react.
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: SwitchProps) => void;
class Textfield
class Textfield extends Component<TextfieldProps, TextfieldState> {}
component, which has an optional FloatingLabel and Underline. - TODO stylingread-only
constructor(props: TextfieldProps);
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: Partial<TextfieldProps>;
Defaults, see defaultProps
method blur
blur: () => void;
Removes focus from an input or view. This is the opposite of
method componentDidMount
componentDidMount: () => void;
method focus
focus: () => void;
Requests focus for the given input or view. The exact behavior triggered will depend on the platform and type of view.
method isFocused
isFocused: () => boolean;
Checks if the input is currently focused.
method render
render: () => JSX.Element;
method UNSAFE_componentWillMount
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: () => void;
method UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps: TextfieldProps) => void;
interface ButtonProps
interface ButtonProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, RippleProps {}
Props of Button, which extends RippleProps and TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps
interface CheckedEvent
interface CheckedEvent {}
property checked
checked: boolean;
interface IconToggleProps
interface IconToggleProps extends RippleProps, TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps {}
Props of IconToggle
property checked
checked?: boolean;
Toggle status
property enabled
enabled?: boolean;
property onCheckedChange
onCheckedChange?: CheckedListener;
Callback when the toggle status is changed
interface NumRange
interface NumRange {}
Numeric range
interface ProgressProps
interface ProgressProps extends SimpleProgressProps {}
Props of Progress, which extends SimpleProgressProps
property buffer
buffer?: number;
Initial value of buffering, Number: [0, 1.0]
property bufferAniDuration
bufferAniDuration?: number;
Duration of the buffering animation, in milliseconds
property bufferColor
bufferColor?: string;
Color of the buffering layer
property progress
progress?: number;
Initial value of progress, Number: [0, 1.0]
interface RadioButtonProps
interface RadioButtonProps extends RippleProps, TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps {}
Props of RadioButton
property borderOffColor
borderOffColor?: string;
property borderOnColor
borderOnColor?: string;
property checked
checked?: boolean;
property extraRippleRadius
extraRippleRadius?: number;
property fillColor
fillColor?: string;
property group
group?: RadioButtonGroup;
property onCheckedChange
onCheckedChange?: CheckedListener;
interface RangeSliderProps
interface RangeSliderProps extends ViewProps {}
Props of RangeSlider
property lowerTrackColor
lowerTrackColor?: any;
Color of the lower part of the track, it's also the color of the thumb
property max
max: number;
Upper limit of the range, default is
property min
min: number;
Lower limit of the range, default is
property onChange
onChange?: (range: NumRange) => void;
Callback when value changed
property onConfirm
onConfirm?: (range: NumRange) => void;
Callback when the value is confirmed
property onStart
onStart?: ThumbGestureCallback;
Callback when drag gesture begins
property range
range?: NumRange;
Initial value of range
property step
step?: number;
Step value of the RangeSlider, must be a divisor of max
property thumbPadding
thumbPadding?: number;
Padding for the hitSlop on the RangeSlider thumb
property thumbRadius
thumbRadius?: number;
Radius of the thumb of the RangeSlider
property trackSize
trackSize?: number;
The thickness of the RangeSlider track
property upperTrackColor
upperTrackColor?: any;
Color of the upper part of the track
interface SimpleProgressProps
interface SimpleProgressProps extends ViewProps {}
property progressAniDuration
progressAniDuration?: number;
Animation duration (milliseconds)
property progressColor
progressColor?: string;
Color of the progress layer
interface SliderProps
interface SliderProps extends ViewProps {}
Props of Slider
property lowerTrackColor
lowerTrackColor?: any;
Color of the lower part of the track, it's also the color of the thumb
property max
max: number;
Maximum value of the range, default is
property min
min: number;
Minimum value of the range, default is
property onChange
onChange?: (value: number) => void;
Callback when value changed
property onConfirm
onConfirm?: (value: number) => void;
Callback when the value is confirmed
property onPressIn
onPressIn?: () => void;
Callback when slider is pressed anywhere
property onPressOut
onPressOut?: () => void;
Callback when slider stops being pressed
property step
step?: number;
Step value of the Slider, must be a divisor of max
property thumbPadding
thumbPadding?: number;
Padding for the hitSlop on the Slider thumb
property thumbRadius
thumbRadius?: number;
Radius of the thumb of the Slider
property trackSize
trackSize?: number;
The thickness of the Slider track
property upperTrackColor
upperTrackColor?: any;
Color of the upper part of the track
property value
value: number;
Current value
interface SpinnerProps
interface SpinnerProps extends ViewProps {}
property spinnerAniDuration
spinnerAniDuration?: number;
Duration of the spinner animation, in milliseconds
property strokeColor
strokeColor?: any;
Colors of the progress stroke.
type: {
} can be a list of colors or a single one
property strokeWidth
strokeWidth?: number;
Width of the progress stroke
interface SwitchProps
interface SwitchProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps {}
Props of Switch
property checked
checked?: boolean;
Toggle status of the
property offColor
offColor?: string;
Color of the track, when switch is off
property onCheckedChange
onCheckedChange?: CheckedListener;
Callback when the toggle status is changed.
property onColor
onColor?: string;
Color of the track, when switch is checked
property rippleAniDuration
rippleAniDuration?: number;
Duration of the ripple effect, in milliseconds
property rippleColor
rippleColor?: string;
Color of the ripple layer
property thumbAniDuration
thumbAniDuration?: number;
Duration of the thumb sliding animation, in milliseconds
property thumbOffColor
thumbOffColor?: string;
Color of the thumb, when switch is off
property thumbOnColor
thumbOnColor?: string;
Color of the thumb, when switch is checked
property thumbRadius
thumbRadius?: number;
Radius of the thumb button
property trackLength
trackLength?: number;
The length of the Switch track
property trackSize
trackSize?: number;
The thickness of the Switch track
interface TextfieldProps
interface TextfieldProps extends TextInputProps, FloatingLabelPublicProps, UnderlinePublicProps {}
Props of the Textfield component
property additionalInputProps
additionalInputProps?: TextInputProps;
Additional props passed directly to the react native
property highlightColor
highlightColor?: any;
Color of the highlighted underline, and also the floating label
property onTextChange
onTextChange?: (text: string) => void;
alias to
property password
password?: boolean;
Alias to
property textInputStyle
textInputStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;
Style applied to the
component, ok to useStyleSheet
property tint
tint?: any;
Color of the un-highlighted underline, and the placeholder - TODO cursor color is not affected for now
See Also
interface Theme
interface Theme {}
index signature
[name: string]: AttrValue;
Type Aliases
type AttrValue
type AttrValue = string | number | Theme | AttrReference;
type CheckboxProps
type CheckboxProps = { /** Color of the border (outer circle), when checked */ borderOnColor?: string; /** Color of the border (outer circle), when unchecked */ borderOffColor?: string; /** Toggle status */ checked?: boolean; /** Callback when the toggle status is changed */ onCheckedChange?: CheckedListener; /** How far the ripple can extend outside the Checkbox's border, `5` by default */ extraRippleRadius?: number; /** Toggle Editable */ editable?: boolean;} & TickProps & RippleProps & TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps;
Props of Checkbox
type CheckedListener
type CheckedListener = (event: CheckedEvent) => void;
type NullableAttrValue
type NullableAttrValue = AttrValue | null | undefined;
type NullableReactChild
type NullableReactChild = ReactChild | null | undefined;
type NullableString
type NullableString = string | null | undefined;
type NullableStyle
type NullableStyle = object | any[] | null | undefined;
type Prediction
type Prediction<T> = (obj?: T) => boolean;
type RippleLocation
type RippleLocation = 'tapLocation' | 'center';
type RippleProps
type RippleProps = { /** Color of the `Ripple` layer */ rippleColor?: string; /** Duration of the ripple effect, in milliseconds */ rippleDuration?: number; /** Hot-spot position of the ripple effect, see {@link RippleLocation} */ rippleLocation?: RippleLocation; /** * Whether a `Mask` layer should be used, to clip the ripple to the container’s bounds, default is `true` * @defaultValue `true` */ maskEnabled?: boolean; /** Color of the `Mask` layer */ maskColor?: string; /** Border width TODO move to `style`? */ borderWidth?: number; /** Border radius of the `Mask` layer */ maskBorderRadius?: number; /** Border radius of the `Mask` layer, in percentage (of min(width, height)) */ maskBorderRadiusInPercent?: number; /** Duration of the mask effect (alpha), in milliseconds */ maskDuration?: number; /** Animating the shadow (on pressed/released) or not */ shadowAniEnabled?: boolean; /** Whether the component is disabled */ disabled?: boolean;} & MKTouchableProps;
Props of Ripple
type Style
type Style = object | any[];
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (18)
- @microsoft/api-documenter
- @microsoft/api-extractor
- @react-native-community/eslint-config
- @types/jest
- @types/ramda
- @types/react-native
- @types/react-test-renderer
- babel-eslint
- babel-jest
- eslint
- jest
- react-native-typescript-transformer
- react-test-renderer
- tslint
- tslint-config-prettier
- tslint-config-standard
- tslint-react
- typescript
Peer Dependencies (2)
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