
  • Version 0.56.2
  • Published
  • 59.6 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i react-monaco-editor
yarn add react-monaco-editor
pnpm add react-monaco-editor


Monaco Editor for React



function MonacoDiffEditor

MonacoDiffEditor: typeof MonacoDiffEditor;

    function MonacoEditor

    MonacoEditor: typeof MonacoEditor;


      interface MonacoDiffEditorProps

      interface MonacoDiffEditorProps extends MonacoEditorBaseProps {}

        property editorDidMount

        editorDidMount?: DiffEditorDidMount;
        • An event emitted when the editor has been mounted (similar to componentDidMount of React).

        property editorWillMount

        editorWillMount?: DiffEditorWillMount;
        • An event emitted before the editor mounted (similar to componentWillMount of React).

        property editorWillUnmount

        editorWillUnmount?: DiffEditorWillUnmount;
        • An event emitted before the editor unmount (similar to componentWillUnmount of React).

        property modifiedUri

        modifiedUri?: (monaco: typeof monacoEditor) => monacoEditor.Uri;
        • Let the language be inferred from the uri

        property onChange

        onChange?: DiffChangeHandler;
        • An event emitted when the content of the current model has changed.

        property options

        options?: monacoEditor.editor.IDiffEditorConstructionOptions;
        • Refer to Monaco interface {monaco.editor.IDiffEditorConstructionOptions}.

        property original

        original?: string;
        • The original value to compare against.

        property originalUri

        originalUri?: (monaco: typeof monacoEditor) => monacoEditor.Uri;
        • Let the language be inferred from the uri

        property overrideServices

        overrideServices?: monacoEditor.editor.IEditorOverrideServices;
        • Refer to Monaco interface {monaco.editor.IEditorOverrideServices}.

        property value

        value?: string;
        • Value of the auto created model in the editor. If you specify value property, the component behaves in controlled mode. Otherwise, it behaves in uncontrolled mode.

        interface MonacoEditorBaseProps

        interface MonacoEditorBaseProps {}

          property className

          className?: string | null;
          • Optional string classname to append to the editor.

          property defaultValue

          defaultValue?: string;
          • The initial value of the auto created model in the editor.

          property height

          height?: string | number;
          • Height of editor. Defaults to 100%.

          property language

          language?: string;
          • The initial language of the auto created model in the editor. Defaults to 'javascript'.

          property theme

          theme?: Theme | (string & NonNullable<unknown>) | null;
          • Theme to be used for rendering. The current out-of-the-box available themes are: 'vs' (default), 'vs-dark', 'hc-black'. You can create custom themes via monaco.editor.defineTheme.

          property width

          width?: string | number;
          • Width of editor. Defaults to 100%.

          interface MonacoEditorProps

          interface MonacoEditorProps extends MonacoEditorBaseProps {}

            property editorDidMount

            editorDidMount?: EditorDidMount;
            • An event emitted when the editor has been mounted (similar to componentDidMount of React).

            property editorWillMount

            editorWillMount?: EditorWillMount;
            • An event emitted before the editor mounted (similar to componentWillMount of React).

            property editorWillUnmount

            editorWillUnmount?: EditorWillUnmount;
            • An event emitted before the editor unmount (similar to componentWillUnmount of React).

            property onChange

            onChange?: ChangeHandler;
            • An event emitted when the content of the current model has changed.

            property options

            options?: monacoEditor.editor.IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions;
            • Refer to Monaco interface {monaco.editor.IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions}.

            property overrideServices

            overrideServices?: monacoEditor.editor.IEditorOverrideServices;
            • Refer to Monaco interface {monaco.editor.IEditorOverrideServices}.

            property uri

            uri?: (monaco: typeof monacoEditor) => monacoEditor.Uri;
            • Let the language be inferred from the uri

            property value

            value?: string | null;
            • Value of the auto created model in the editor. If you specify null or undefined for this property, the component behaves in uncontrolled mode. Otherwise, it behaves in controlled mode.

            Type Aliases

            type ChangeHandler

            type ChangeHandler = (
            value: string,
            event: monacoEditor.editor.IModelContentChangedEvent
            ) => void;

              type DiffChangeHandler

              type DiffChangeHandler = ChangeHandler;

                type DiffEditorDidMount

                type DiffEditorDidMount = (
                editor: monacoEditor.editor.IStandaloneDiffEditor,
                monaco: typeof monacoEditor
                ) => void;

                  type DiffEditorWillMount

                  type DiffEditorWillMount = (
                  monaco: typeof monacoEditor
                  ) => void | monacoEditor.editor.IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions;

                    type DiffEditorWillUnmount

                    type DiffEditorWillUnmount = (
                    editor: monacoEditor.editor.IStandaloneDiffEditor,
                    monaco: typeof monacoEditor
                    ) => void;

                      type EditorConstructionOptions

                      type EditorConstructionOptions = NonNullable<
                      Parameters<typeof monacoEditor.editor.create>[1]
                      • Remarks

                        This will be IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions in newer versions of monaco-editor, or IEditorConstructionOptions in versions before that was introduced.

                      type EditorDidMount

                      type EditorDidMount = (
                      editor: monacoEditor.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor,
                      monaco: typeof monacoEditor
                      ) => void;

                        type EditorWillMount

                        type EditorWillMount = (
                        monaco: typeof monacoEditor
                        ) => void | EditorConstructionOptions;

                          type EditorWillUnmount

                          type EditorWillUnmount = (
                          editor: monacoEditor.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor,
                          monaco: typeof monacoEditor
                          ) => void | EditorConstructionOptions;

                            type Theme

                            type Theme = 'vs' | 'vs-dark' | 'hc-black';


                              namespace MonacoDiffEditor

                              namespace MonacoDiffEditor {}

                                variable defaultProps

                                var defaultProps: {
                                width: string;
                                height: string;
                                original: any;
                                value: any;
                                defaultValue: string;
                                language: string;
                                theme: any;
                                options: {};
                                overrideServices: {};
                                editorWillMount: typeof noop;
                                editorDidMount: typeof noop;
                                editorWillUnmount: typeof noop;
                                onChange: typeof noop;
                                className: any;

                                  variable displayName

                                  var displayName: string;

                                    namespace MonacoEditor

                                    namespace MonacoEditor {}

                                      variable defaultProps

                                      var defaultProps: {
                                      width: string;
                                      height: string;
                                      value: any;
                                      defaultValue: string;
                                      language: string;
                                      theme: any;
                                      options: {};
                                      overrideServices: {};
                                      editorWillMount: typeof noop;
                                      editorDidMount: typeof noop;
                                      editorWillUnmount: typeof noop;
                                      onChange: typeof noop;
                                      className: any;

                                        variable displayName

                                        var displayName: string;

                                          Package Files (4)

                                          Dependencies (1)

                                          Dev Dependencies (16)

                                          Peer Dependencies (3)


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