- Version 7.0.4
- Published
- 233 kB
- 8 dependencies
- BSD-3-Clause license
npm i react-intl
yarn add react-intl
pnpm add react-intl
Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
Type Aliases
variable createIntl
const createIntl: CreateIntlFn<React.ReactNode, IntlConfig, IntlShape>;
Create intl object
Parameter config
intl config
Parameter cache
cache for formatter instances to prevent memory leak
variable FormattedDate
const FormattedDate: React.FC<any>;
variable FormattedDateParts
const FormattedDateParts: React.FC<any>;
variable FormattedDateTimeRange
const FormattedDateTimeRange: React.FC<Props>;
variable FormattedDisplayName
const FormattedDisplayName: React.FC<Intl.DisplayNamesOptions & { value: string }>;
variable FormattedList
const FormattedList: React.FC< Intl.ListFormatOptions & { value: readonly React.ReactNode[] }>;
variable FormattedListParts
const FormattedListParts: React.FC<any>;
variable FormattedMessage
const FormattedMessage: React.ComponentType<Props<Record<string, any>>>;
variable FormattedNumber
const FormattedNumber: React.FC<any>;
variable FormattedNumberParts
const FormattedNumberParts: React.FC<any>;
variable FormattedPlural
const FormattedPlural: React.FC<Props>;
variable FormattedRelativeTime
const FormattedRelativeTime: React.FC<Props>;
variable FormattedTime
const FormattedTime: React.FC<any>;
variable FormattedTimeParts
const FormattedTimeParts: React.FC<any>;
variable IntlContext
const IntlContext: React.Context<IntlShape>;
variable RawIntlProvider
const RawIntlProvider: React.Provider<IntlShape>;
function defineMessage
defineMessage: <T extends MessageDescriptor>(msg: T) => T;
function defineMessages
defineMessages: < K extends string | number | symbol, T = MessageDescriptor, U extends Record<K, T> = Record<K, T>>( msgs: U) => U;
function injectIntl
injectIntl: { < IntlPropName extends string = 'intl', P extends WrappedComponentProps<IntlPropName> = WrappedComponentProps<any> >( WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>, options?: Opts<IntlPropName, false> ): React.FC<WithIntlProps<P>> & { WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P> }; < IntlPropName extends string = 'intl', P extends WrappedComponentProps<IntlPropName> = WrappedComponentProps<any>, T extends React.ComponentType<P> = any >( WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>, options?: Opts<IntlPropName, true> ): any;};
function useIntl
useIntl: (this: void) => IntlShape;
class IntlProvider
class IntlProvider extends React.PureComponent< React.PropsWithChildren<IntlConfig>, State> {}
property defaultProps
static defaultProps: DefaultIntlConfig;
property displayName
static displayName: string;
property state
state: State;
method getDerivedStateFromProps
static getDerivedStateFromProps: ( props: Readonly<IntlConfig>, { prevConfig, cache }: State) => Partial<State> | null;
method render
render: () => React.JSX.Element;
interface IntlShape
interface IntlShape extends ResolvedIntlConfig, IntlFormatters<React.ReactNode> {}
property formatters
formatters: Formatters;
method formatMessage
formatMessage: { ( this: void, descriptor: MessageDescriptor, values?: Record< string, PrimitiveType | FormatXMLElementFn<string, string> >, opts?: IntlMessageFormatOptions ): string; ( this: void, descriptor: MessageDescriptor, values?: Record<string, any>, opts?: IntlMessageFormatOptions ): React.ReactNode[];};
interface ResolvedIntlConfig
interface ResolvedIntlConfig extends CoreResolvedIntlConfig<React.ReactNode> {}
property textComponent
textComponent?: React.ComponentType | keyof React.JSX.IntrinsicElements;
property wrapRichTextChunksInFragment
wrapRichTextChunksInFragment?: boolean;
Type Aliases
type IntlConfig
type IntlConfig = Omit<ResolvedIntlConfig, keyof typeof DEFAULT_INTL_CONFIG> & Partial<typeof DEFAULT_INTL_CONFIG>;
type WithIntlProps
type WithIntlProps<P> = DistributedOmit<P, keyof WrappedComponentProps> & { forwardedRef?: React.Ref<any>;};
type WrappedComponentProps
type WrappedComponentProps<IntlPropName extends string = 'intl'> = { [k in IntlPropName]: IntlShape;};
Package Files (11)
Dependencies (8)
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Peer Dependencies (2)
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