- Version 16.0.1
- Published
- 106 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i react-dnd-touch-backend
yarn add react-dnd-touch-backend
pnpm add react-dnd-touch-backend
Touch backend for react-dnd
- connectDragPreview()
- connectDragSource()
- connectDropTarget()
- document
- handleCancelOnEscape
- handleMove
- handleMoveStart
- handleTopMove
- handleTopMoveCapture
- handleTopMoveEndCapture
- handleTopMoveStart
- handleTopMoveStartCapture
- handleTopMoveStartDelay
- profile()
- setup()
- sourceNodes
- sourcePreviewNodeOptions
- sourcePreviewNodes
- targetNodes
- teardown()
variable TouchBackend
const TouchBackend: BackendFactory;
class TouchBackendImpl
class TouchBackendImpl implements Backend {}
constructor( manager: DragDropManager, context: TouchBackendContext, options: Partial<TouchBackendOptions>);
property document
readonly document: Document;
property handleCancelOnEscape
handleCancelOnEscape: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void;
property handleMove
handleMove: (_evt: MouseEvent | TouchEvent, targetId: string) => void;
property handleMoveStart
handleMoveStart: (sourceId: string) => void;
property handleTopMove
handleTopMove: (e: TouchEvent | MouseEvent) => void;
property handleTopMoveCapture
handleTopMoveCapture: () => void;
property handleTopMoveEndCapture
handleTopMoveEndCapture: (e: Event) => void;
property handleTopMoveStart
handleTopMoveStart: (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
property handleTopMoveStartCapture
handleTopMoveStartCapture: (e: Event) => void;
property handleTopMoveStartDelay
handleTopMoveStartDelay: (e: Event) => void;
property sourceNodes
sourceNodes: Map<Identifier, HTMLElement>;
property sourcePreviewNodeOptions
sourcePreviewNodeOptions: Map<string, any>;
property sourcePreviewNodes
sourcePreviewNodes: Map<string, HTMLElement>;
property targetNodes
targetNodes: Map<string, HTMLElement>;
method connectDragPreview
connectDragPreview: ( sourceId: string, node: HTMLElement, options: unknown) => Unsubscribe;
method connectDragSource
connectDragSource: (sourceId: string, node: HTMLElement) => Unsubscribe;
method connectDropTarget
connectDropTarget: (targetId: string, node: HTMLElement) => Unsubscribe;
method profile
profile: () => Record<string, number>;
Generate profiling statistics for the HTML5Backend.
method setup
setup: () => void;
method teardown
teardown: () => void;
interface AngleRange
interface AngleRange {}
interface EventName
interface EventName {}
property contextmenu
contextmenu?: 'contextmenu';
property end
end?: 'mouseup' | 'touchend';
property keydown
keydown?: 'keydown';
property move
move?: 'mousemove' | 'touchmove';
property start
start?: 'mousedown' | 'touchstart';
interface TouchBackendContext
interface TouchBackendContext {}
interface TouchBackendOptions
interface TouchBackendOptions {}
property delay
delay: number;
property delayMouseStart
delayMouseStart: number;
property delayTouchStart
delayTouchStart: number;
property enableHoverOutsideTarget
enableHoverOutsideTarget: boolean;
property enableKeyboardEvents
enableKeyboardEvents: boolean;
property enableMouseEvents
enableMouseEvents: boolean;
property enableTouchEvents
enableTouchEvents: boolean;
property getDropTargetElementsAtPoint
getDropTargetElementsAtPoint?: | undefined | ((x: number, y: number, dropTargets: HTMLElement[]) => HTMLElement[]);
property ignoreContextMenu
ignoreContextMenu: boolean;
property rootElement
rootElement: Node | undefined;
property scrollAngleRanges
scrollAngleRanges?: AngleRange[] | undefined;
property touchSlop
touchSlop: number;
enum ListenerType
enum ListenerType { mouse = 'mouse', touch = 'touch', keyboard = 'keyboard',}
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