- Version 7.5.0
- Published
- 2.08 MB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
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A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
- calcInitialState
- calendar
- cancelFocusInput
- clear
- clearPreventFocusTimeout
- componentDidMount()
- componentDidUpdate()
- componentWillUnmount()
- defaultProps
- deferFocusInput
- getPreSelection
- handleBlur
- handleCalendarClickOutside
- handleChange
- handleDropdownFocus
- handleFocus
- handleSelect
- handleTimeChange
- input
- inputFocusTimeout
- inputOk
- isCalendarOpen
- modifyHolidays
- onClearClick
- onDayKeyDown
- onInputClick
- onInputKeyDown
- onPopperKeyDown
- onPortalKeyDown
- onScroll
- preventFocusTimeout
- render()
- renderAriaLiveRegion
- renderCalendar
- renderClearButton
- renderDateInput
- renderInputContainer()
- resetHiddenStatus
- sendFocusBackToInput
- setBlur
- setFocus
- setHiddenStateOnVisibilityHidden
- setHiddenStatus
- setOpen
- setPreSelection
- setSelected
- toggleCalendar
Type Aliases
variable CalendarContainer
const CalendarContainer: React.FC<CalendarContainerProps>;
function getDefaultLocale
getDefaultLocale: () => string | undefined;
Gets the default locale.
- The default locale.
function registerLocale
registerLocale: (localeName: string, localeData: LocaleObj) => void;
Registers a locale.
Parameter localeName
The name of the locale.
Parameter localeData
The data of the locale.
function setDefaultLocale
setDefaultLocale: (localeName?: string) => void;
Sets the default locale.
Parameter localeName
The name of the locale.
class DatePicker
class DatePicker extends Component<DatePickerProps, DatePickerState> {}
constructor(props: DatePickerProps);
property calcInitialState
calcInitialState: () => DatePickerState;
property calendar
calendar: Calendar;
property cancelFocusInput
cancelFocusInput: () => void;
property clear
clear: () => void;
property clearPreventFocusTimeout
clearPreventFocusTimeout: () => void;
property defaultProps
static readonly defaultProps: { allowSameDay: boolean; dateFormat: string; dateFormatCalendar: string; disabled: boolean; disabledKeyboardNavigation: boolean; dropdownMode: 'scroll'; preventOpenOnFocus: boolean; monthsShown: number; readOnly: boolean; withPortal: boolean; selectsDisabledDaysInRange: boolean; shouldCloseOnSelect: boolean; showTimeSelect: boolean; showTimeInput: boolean; showPreviousMonths: boolean; showMonthYearPicker: boolean; showFullMonthYearPicker: boolean; showTwoColumnMonthYearPicker: boolean; showFourColumnMonthYearPicker: boolean; showYearPicker: boolean; showQuarterYearPicker: boolean; showWeekPicker: boolean; strictParsing: boolean; swapRange: boolean; timeIntervals: number; timeCaption: string; previousMonthAriaLabel: string; previousMonthButtonLabel: string; nextMonthAriaLabel: string; nextMonthButtonLabel: string; previousYearAriaLabel: string; previousYearButtonLabel: string; nextYearAriaLabel: string; nextYearButtonLabel: string; timeInputLabel: string; enableTabLoop: boolean; yearItemNumber: number; focusSelectedMonth: boolean; showPopperArrow: boolean; excludeScrollbar: boolean; customTimeInput: null; calendarStartDay: undefined; toggleCalendarOnIconClick: boolean; usePointerEvent: boolean;};
property deferFocusInput
deferFocusInput: () => void;
property getPreSelection
getPreSelection: () => Date;
property handleBlur
handleBlur: (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;
property handleCalendarClickOutside
handleCalendarClickOutside: (event: MouseEvent) => void;
property handleChange
handleChange: ( event?: | React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement> | undefined) => void;
property handleDropdownFocus
handleDropdownFocus: () => void;
property handleFocus
handleFocus: (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;
property handleSelect
handleSelect: ( date: Date, event?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>, monthSelectedIn?: number) => void;
property handleTimeChange
handleTimeChange: (time: Date) => void;
property input
input: HTMLElement;
property inputFocusTimeout
inputFocusTimeout: number;
property inputOk
inputOk: () => boolean;
property isCalendarOpen
isCalendarOpen: () => boolean;
property modifyHolidays
modifyHolidays: () => HolidayItem[] | undefined;
property onClearClick
onClearClick: (event?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => void;
property onDayKeyDown
onDayKeyDown: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
property onInputClick
onInputClick: () => void;
property onInputKeyDown
onInputKeyDown: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;
property onPopperKeyDown
onPopperKeyDown: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
property onPortalKeyDown
onPortalKeyDown: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
property onScroll
onScroll: (event: Event) => void;
property preventFocusTimeout
preventFocusTimeout: number;
property renderAriaLiveRegion
renderAriaLiveRegion: () => React.JSX.Element;
property renderCalendar
renderCalendar: () => React.JSX.Element | null;
property renderClearButton
renderClearButton: () => JSX.Element | null;
property renderDateInput
renderDateInput: () => React.FunctionComponentElement<any>;
property resetHiddenStatus
resetHiddenStatus: () => void;
property sendFocusBackToInput
sendFocusBackToInput: () => void;
property setBlur
setBlur: () => void;
property setFocus
setFocus: () => void;
property setHiddenStateOnVisibilityHidden
setHiddenStateOnVisibilityHidden: () => void;
property setHiddenStatus
setHiddenStatus: () => void;
property setOpen
setOpen: (open: boolean, skipSetBlur?: boolean) => void;
property setPreSelection
setPreSelection: (date?: Date | null) => void;
property setSelected
setSelected: ( date: Date | null, event?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>, keepInput?: boolean, monthSelectedIn?: number) => void;
property toggleCalendar
toggleCalendar: () => void;
method componentDidMount
componentDidMount: () => void;
method componentDidUpdate
componentDidUpdate: ( prevProps: DatePickerProps, prevState: DatePickerState) => void;
method componentWillUnmount
componentWillUnmount: () => void;
method render
render: () => JSX.Element | null;
method renderInputContainer
renderInputContainer: () => JSX.Element;
interface ReactDatePickerCustomHeaderProps
interface ReactDatePickerCustomHeaderProps {}
property changeMonth
changeMonth: (month: number) => void;
property changeYear
changeYear: (year: number) => void;
property customHeaderCount
customHeaderCount: number;
property date
date: CalendarState['date'];
property decreaseMonth
decreaseMonth: VoidFunction;
property decreaseYear
decreaseYear: VoidFunction;
property increaseMonth
increaseMonth: VoidFunction;
property increaseYear
increaseYear: VoidFunction;
property monthDate
monthDate: Date;
property nextMonthButtonDisabled
nextMonthButtonDisabled: boolean;
property nextYearButtonDisabled
nextYearButtonDisabled: boolean;
property prevMonthButtonDisabled
prevMonthButtonDisabled: boolean;
property prevYearButtonDisabled
prevYearButtonDisabled: boolean;
Type Aliases
type DatePickerProps
type DatePickerProps = OmitUnion< CalendarProps, | 'setOpen' | 'dateFormat' | 'preSelection' | 'onSelect' | 'onClickOutside' | 'highlightDates' | 'holidays' | 'shouldFocusDayInline' | 'outsideClickIgnoreClass' | 'monthSelectedIn' | 'onDropdownFocus' | 'onTimeChange' | 'className' | 'container' | 'handleOnKeyDown' | 'handleOnDayKeyDown' | 'isInputFocused' | 'setPreSelection' | 'selectsRange' | 'selectsMultiple' | 'dropdownMode'> & Pick<CalendarIconProps, 'icon'> & OmitUnion<PortalProps, 'children' | 'portalId'> & OmitUnion< PopperComponentProps, | 'className' | 'hidePopper' | 'targetComponent' | 'popperComponent' | 'popperOnKeyDown' | 'showArrow' > & { dateFormatCalendar?: CalendarProps['dateFormat']; calendarClassName?: CalendarProps['className']; calendarContainer?: CalendarProps['container']; dropdownMode?: CalendarProps['dropdownMode']; onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void; popperClassName?: PopperComponentProps['className']; showPopperArrow?: PopperComponentProps['showArrow']; open?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; readOnly?: boolean; startOpen?: boolean; onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLElement>; onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLElement>; onClickOutside?: ClickOutsideHandler; onInputClick?: VoidFunction; preventOpenOnFocus?: boolean; closeOnScroll?: boolean | ((event: Event) => boolean); isClearable?: boolean; clearButtonTitle?: string; clearButtonClassName?: string; ariaLabelClose?: string; className?: string; customInput?: Parameters<typeof cloneElement>[0]; dateFormat?: string | string[]; showDateSelect?: boolean; highlightDates?: (Date | HighlightDate)[]; onCalendarOpen?: VoidFunction; onCalendarClose?: VoidFunction; strictParsing?: boolean; swapRange?: boolean; onInputError?: (error: { code: 1; msg: string }) => void; allowSameDay?: boolean; withPortal?: boolean; focusSelectedMonth?: boolean; showIcon?: boolean; calendarIconClassname?: never; calendarIconClassName?: string; toggleCalendarOnIconClick?: boolean; holidays?: Holiday[]; startDate?: Date; selected?: Date | null; value?: string; customInputRef?: string; id?: string; name?: string; form?: string; autoFocus?: boolean; placeholderText?: string; autoComplete?: string; title?: string; required?: boolean; tabIndex?: number; ariaDescribedBy?: string; ariaInvalid?: string; ariaLabelledBy?: string; ariaRequired?: string; onChangeRaw?: ( event?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement> ) => void; onSelect?: ( date: Date | null, event?: | React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement> ) => void; } & ( | { selectsRange?: never; selectsMultiple?: never; onChange?: ( date: Date | null, event?: | React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement> ) => void; } | { selectsRange: true; selectsMultiple?: never; onChange?: ( date: [Date | null, Date | null], event?: | React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement> ) => void; } | { selectsRange?: never; selectsMultiple: true; onChange?: ( date: Date[] | null, event?: | React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement> ) => void; } );
Package Files (4)
Dependencies (4)
Dev Dependencies (54)
- @babel/core
- @babel/eslint-parser
- @babel/helpers
- @babel/plugin-external-helpers
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-react
- @babel/preset-typescript
- @react-docgen/cli
- @rollup/plugin-babel
- @rollup/plugin-commonjs
- @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
- @rollup/plugin-terser
- @rollup/plugin-typescript
- @testing-library/dom
- @testing-library/react
- @types/eslint
- @types/jest
- @types/node
- @types/react
- @types/react-dom
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- axe-core
- babel-jest
- babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types
- core-js
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jest
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks
- eslint-plugin-unused-imports
- husky
- jest
- jest-canvas-mock
- jest-environment-jsdom
- lint-staged
- lodash
- prettier
- react
- react-dom
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-filesize
- sass
- slugify
- stylelint
- stylelint-config-standard
- stylelint-config-standard-scss
- stylelint-scss
- ts-jest
- tslib
- typescript
Peer Dependencies (2)
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