
  • Version 2.18.0
  • Published
  • 78.5 kB
  • 7 dependencies
  • MIT license


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React Mentions



variable Mentions

const Mentions: any;


    interface MentionsProps

    interface MentionsProps extends BaseTextareaAttrs {}

      property autoFocus

      autoFocus?: boolean;

        property children

        children?: React.ReactNode;

          property className

          className?: string;

            property classNames

            classNames?: CommonInputProps['classNames'] & {
            mentions?: string;

              property defaultValue

              defaultValue?: string;

                property direction

                direction?: Direction;

                  property dropdownClassName

                  dropdownClassName?: string;

                    property filterOption

                    filterOption?: false | typeof defaultFilterOption;

                      property getPopupContainer

                      getPopupContainer?: () => HTMLElement;

                        property notFoundContent

                        notFoundContent?: React.ReactNode;

                          property onBlur

                          onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement>;

                            property onChange

                            onChange?: (text: string) => void;

                              property onFocus

                              onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement>;

                                property onPopupScroll

                                onPopupScroll?: (event: React.UIEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;

                                  property onSearch

                                  onSearch?: (text: string, prefix: string) => void;

                                    property onSelect

                                    onSelect?: (option: OptionProps, prefix: string) => void;

                                      property open

                                      open?: boolean;
                                      • Testing usage. Do not use in prod. It will not work as your expect.

                                      property options

                                      options?: DataDrivenOptionProps[];

                                        property placement

                                        placement?: Placement;

                                          property prefix

                                          prefix?: string | string[];

                                            property prefixCls

                                            prefixCls?: string;

                                              property silent

                                              silent?: boolean;

                                                property split

                                                split?: string;

                                                  property style

                                                  style?: React.CSSProperties;

                                                    property transitionName

                                                    transitionName?: string;

                                                      property validateSearch

                                                      validateSearch?: typeof defaultValidateSearch;

                                                        property value

                                                        value?: string;

                                                          Package Files (2)

                                                          Dependencies (7)

                                                          Dev Dependencies (20)

                                                          Peer Dependencies (2)


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