- Version 13.4.4
- Published
- 745 kB
- 26 dependencies
- ISC license
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A framework for building GitHub Apps to automate and improve your workflow
Type Aliases
variable ProbotOctokit
const ProbotOctokit: any;
function createNodeMiddleware
createNodeMiddleware: ( appFn: ApplicationFunction, { probot, webhooksPath }?: MiddlewareOptions) => RequestListener;
function createProbot
createProbot: ({ overrides, defaults, env }?: CreateProbotOptions) => Probot;
Merges configuration from defaults/environment variables/overrides and returns a Probot instance. Finds private key using [
]( defaults
default Options, will be overwritten if according environment variable is set
Parameter overrides
overwrites defaults and according environment variables
Parameter env
defaults to process.env
See Also
function run
run: ( appFnOrArgv: ApplicationFunction | string[], additionalOptions?: AdditionalOptions) => Promise<Server>;
Parameter appFnOrArgv
set to either a probot application function:
(app) => { ... }
or to process.argv
class Context
class Context<Event extends WebhookEvents = WebhookEvents> {}
The context of the event that was triggered, including the payload and helpers for extracting information can be passed to GitHub API calls.
```js export default app => { app.on('push', context => {'Code was pushed to the repo, what should we do with it?'); }); }; ```
{octokit} octokit - An Octokit instance {payload} payload - The webhook event payload {log} log - A pino instance
constructor(event: WebhookEvent<Event>, octokit: any, log: Logger);
property id
id: string;
property isBot
readonly isBot: boolean;
Returns a boolean if the actor on the event was a bot. {boolean}
property log
log: Logger;
property name
name: WebhookEvents;
property octokit
octokit: any;
property payload
payload: WebhookEvent<K>;
method config
config: <T>( fileName: string, defaultConfig?: T, deepMergeOptions?: merge.Options) => Promise<T | null>;
Reads the app configuration from the given YAML file in the
directory of the repository.For example, given a file named
:close: truecomment: Check the specs on the rotary girder.Your app can read that file from the target repository:
// Load config from .github/config.yml in the repositoryconst config = await context.config('config.yml')if (config.close) {context.octokit.issues.comment(context.issue({body: config.comment}))context.octokit.issues.edit(context.issue({state: 'closed'}))}You can also use a
object:// Load config from .github/config.yml in the repository and combine with default configconst config = await context.config('config.yml', {comment: 'Make sure to check all the specs.'})if (config.close) {context.octokit.issues.comment(context.issue({body: config.comment}));context.octokit.issues.edit(context.issue({state: 'closed'}))}Config files can also specify a base that they extend.
can be used to configure how the target config, extended base, and default configs are merged.For security reasons, configuration is only loaded from the repository's default branch, changes made in pull requests from different branches or forks are ignored.
If you need more lower-level control over reading and merging configuration files, you can
, see fileName
Name of the YAML file in the
directoryParameter defaultConfig
An object of default config options
Parameter deepMergeOptions
Controls merging configs (from the [deepmerge]( module) Configuration object read from the file
method issue
issue: <T>( object?: T) => RepoResultType<Event> & { issue_number: RepoIssueNumberType<Event> } & T;
Return the
, andissue_number
params for making API requests against an issue. The object passed in will be merged with the repo params.const params = context.issue({body: 'Hello World!'})// Returns: {owner: 'username', repo: 'reponame', issue_number: 123, body: 'Hello World!'}Parameter object
Params to be merged with the issue params.
method pullRequest
pullRequest: <T>( object?: T) => RepoResultType<Event> & { pull_number: RepoIssueNumberType<Event> } & T;
Return the
, andpull_number
params for making API requests against a pull request. The object passed in will be merged with the repo params.const params = context.pullRequest({body: 'Hello World!'})// Returns: {owner: 'username', repo: 'reponame', pull_number: 123, body: 'Hello World!'}Parameter object
Params to be merged with the pull request params.
method repo
repo: <T>(object?: T) => RepoResultType<Event> & T;
Return the
params for making API requests against a repository.const params = context.repo({path: '.github/config.yml'})// Returns: {owner: 'username', repo: 'reponame', path: '.github/config.yml'}Parameter object
Params to be merged with the repo params.
class Probot
class Probot {}
constructor(options?: Options);
property auth
auth: (installationId?: number, log?: Logger) => Promise<ProbotOctokit>;
property log
log: Logger;
property on
on: Webhooks<SimplifiedObject>;
property onAny
onAny: Webhooks<SimplifiedObject>;
property onError
onError: Webhooks<SimplifiedObject>;
property version
static version: string;
property version
version: string;
property webhookPath
webhookPath: string;
property webhooks
webhooks: Webhooks<SimplifiedObject>;
method defaults
static defaults: <S extends Constructor<any>>( this: S, defaults: Options) => (new (...args: any[]) => { [x: string]: any }) & S;
method load
load: ( appFn: ApplicationFunction | ApplicationFunction[], options?: ApplicationFunctionOptions) => Promise<void>;
method receive
receive: (event: WebhookEvent) => Promise<void>;
class Server
class Server {}
constructor(options?: ServerOptions);
property expressApp
expressApp: Application;
property log
log: Logger;
property probotApp
probotApp: Probot;
property version
static version: string;
property version
version: string;
method load
load: (appFn: ApplicationFunction) => Promise<void>;
method router
router: (path?: string) => any;
method start
start: () => Promise< HttpServer< typeof import('http').IncomingMessage, typeof import('http').ServerResponse >>;
method stop
stop: () => Promise<unknown>;
interface Options
interface Options {}
property appId
appId?: number | string;
property baseUrl
baseUrl?: string;
property githubToken
githubToken?: string;
property host
host?: string;
property log
log?: Logger;
property logLevel
logLevel?: 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'fatal';
property logMessageKey
logMessageKey?: string;
property Octokit
Octokit?: typeof ProbotOctokit;
property port
port?: number;
property privateKey
privateKey?: string;
property redisConfig
redisConfig?: RedisOptions | string;
property request
request?: RequestRequestOptions;
property secret
secret?: string;
property webhookPath
webhookPath?: string;
Type Aliases
type ApplicationFunction
type ApplicationFunction = ( app: Probot, options: ApplicationFunctionOptions) => void | Promise<void>;
type ApplicationFunctionOptions
type ApplicationFunctionOptions = { getRouter?: (path?: string) => express.Router; cwd?: string; [key: string]: unknown;};
type ProbotOctokit
type ProbotOctokit = InstanceType<typeof ProbotOctokit>;
namespace global
namespace global {}
namespace global.NodeJS
namespace global.NodeJS {}
interface ProcessEnv
interface ProcessEnv {}
property APP_ID
APP_ID?: string;
The App ID assigned to your GitHub App.
Example 1
property GH_ORG
GH_ORG?: string;
The organization where you want to register the app in the app creation manifest flow. If set, the app is registered for an organization (, if not set, the GitHub app would be registered for the user account (
property GHE_HOST
GHE_HOST?: string;
The hostname of your GitHub Enterprise instance.
Example 1
GHE_PROTOCOL?: string;
The protocol of your GitHub Enterprise instance. Defaults to HTTPS. Do not change unless you are certain. 'https'
property HOST
HOST?: string;
The host to start the local server on.
property LOG_FORMAT
LOG_FORMAT?: 'json' | 'pretty';
By default, logs are formatted for readability in development. You can set this to
in order to disable the formatting.
property LOG_LEVEL
LOG_LEVEL?: 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'fatal' | 'silent';
The verbosity of logs to show when running your app, which can be
. 'info'
LOG_LEVEL_IN_STRING?: 'true' | 'false';
By default, when using the
format, the level printed in the log records is an int (10
, ..). This option tells the logger to print level as a string:{"level": "info"}
. Defaultfalse
Only relevant when
is set tojson
. Sets the json key for the log message. 'msg'
property NODE_ENV
NODE_ENV?: string;
property PORT
PORT?: string;
The port to start the local server on. '3000'
property PRIVATE_KEY
PRIVATE_KEY?: string;
The contents of the private key for your GitHub App. If you're unable to use multiline environment variables, use base64 encoding to convert the key to a single line string. See the Deployment docs for provider specific usage.
When using the
environment variable, set it to the path of the.pem
file that you downloaded from your GitHub App registration.Example 1
property REDIS_URL
REDIS_URL?: string;
Set to a
url as connection option for [ioredis]( in order to enable [cluster support for request throttling]( 1
property SENTRY_DSN
SENTRY_DSN?: string;
Set to a [Sentry]( DSN to report all errors thrown by your app.
Example 1
WEBHOOK_PATH?: string;
The URL path which will receive webhooks. '/api/github/webhooks'
Allows your local development environment to receive GitHub webhook events. Go to to get started.
Example 1
**Required** The webhook secret used when creating a GitHub App. 'development' is used as a default, but the value in
needs to match the value configured in your App settings on GitHub. Note: GitHub marks this value as optional, but for optimal security it's required for Probot apps.Example 1
'development' 'development'
Package Files (9)
Dependencies (26)
- @octokit/core
- @octokit/plugin-enterprise-compatibility
- @octokit/plugin-paginate-rest
- @octokit/plugin-rest-endpoint-methods
- @octokit/plugin-retry
- @octokit/plugin-throttling
- @octokit/request
- @octokit/types
- @octokit/webhooks
- @probot/get-private-key
- @probot/octokit-plugin-config
- @probot/pino
- @types/express
- bottleneck
- commander
- deepmerge
- dotenv
- express
- ioredis
- js-yaml
- lru-cache
- octokit-auth-probot
- pino
- pino-http
- pkg-conf
- update-dotenv
Dev Dependencies (24)
- @octokit/tsconfig
- @octokit/webhooks-examples
- @octokit/webhooks-methods
- @octokit/webhooks-types
- @types/js-yaml
- @types/node
- @types/supertest
- @vitest/coverage-v8
- @vitest/ui
- connect-sse
- execa
- fetch-mock
- get-port
- prettier
- rimraf
- semantic-release
- semantic-release-plugin-update-version-in-files
- smee-client
- sonic-boom
- supertest
- tsd
- typedoc
- typescript
- vitest
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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