
  • Version 16.3.0
  • Published
  • 58.7 kB
  • 12 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i prettier-eslint
yarn add prettier-eslint
pnpm add prettier-eslint


Formats your JavaScript using prettier followed by eslint --fix



function format

format: (options: format.Options) => Promise<string>;
  • Formats the text with Prettier and then ESLint while obeying the user's configuration.

    Parameter options

    Options to format text with Prettier and Eslint.


    options.eslintConfig The config to use for formatting with ESLint.


    options.eslintPath The path to the eslint module to use. Will default to require.resolve('eslint')


    options.fallbackPrettierOptions The options to pass for formatting with prettier if the given option is not inferrable from the eslintConfig.


    options.filePath The path of the file being formatted can be used in lieu of eslintConfig (eslint will be used to find the relevant config for the file). Will also be used to load the text if text is not provided.


    options.prettierOptions The options to pass for formatting with prettier. If not provided, prettier-eslint will attempt to create the options based on the eslintConfig value.


    options.prettierLast Run Prettier last.


    options.prettierPath The path to the prettier module. Will default to require.resovlve('prettier')


    options.logLevel The level for the logs (error, warn, info, debug, trace).


    options.text The text (JavaScript code) to format. Auto-formatted text that is mostly compliant with the supplied configuration. The auto-formatting is limited to the issues that Prettier and ESLint can automatically fix.


interface Options

interface Options {}
  • Options to format text with Prettier and ESLint.

property eslintConfig

eslintConfig?: eslint.Linter.Config;
  • The config to use for formatting with ESLint.

property eslintPath

eslintPath?: string;
  • The path to the eslint module to use. Will default to require.resolve('eslint')

property fallbackPrettierOptions

fallbackPrettierOptions?: prettier.Options;
  • The options to pass for formatting with prettier if the given option is not inferrable from the eslintConfig.

property filePath

filePath?: string;
  • The path of the file being formatted can be used in lieu of eslintConfig (eslint will be used to find the relevant config for the file). Will also be used to load the text if text is not provided.

property logLevel

logLevel?: LogLevel;
  • The level for the logs (error, warn, info, debug, trace).

property prettierLast

prettierLast?: boolean;
  • Run Prettier last.

property prettierOptions

prettierOptions?: prettier.Options;
  • The options to pass for formatting with prettier. If not provided, prettier-eslint will attempt to create the options based on the eslintConfig value.

property prettierPath

prettierPath?: string;
  • The path to the prettier module. Will default to require.resovlve('prettier')

property text

text: string;
  • The text (JavaScript code) to format.

Type Aliases

type LogLevel

type LogLevel = 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'trace' | 'silent';
  • Logging level for the traceback of the synchronous formatting process.

Package Files (1)

Dependencies (12)

Dev Dependencies (19)

Peer Dependencies (2)


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