
  • Version 1.0.32
  • Published
  • 19.9 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


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A simple tool to find an open port on the current machine



variable basePort

let basePort: number;
  • The lowest port to begin any port search from.

variable highestPort

let highestPort: number;
  • The highest port to end any port search from.


function getPort

getPort: {
(callback: PortfinderCallback): void;
(options: PortFinderOptions, callback: PortfinderCallback): void;
  • Responds with a unbound port on the current machine.

function getPortPromise

getPortPromise: (options?: PortFinderOptions) => Promise<number>;
  • Responds a promise of an unbound port on the current machine.

function getPorts

getPorts: (
count: number,
options: PortFinderOptions,
callback: (err: Error, ports: Array<number>) => void
) => void;

    function setBasePort

    setBasePort: (port: number) => void;
    • Set the lowest port to begin any port search from.

    function setHighestPort

    setHighestPort: (port: number) => void;
    • Set the higheset port to end any port search from.


    interface PortFinderOptions

    interface PortFinderOptions {}

      property host

      host?: string;
      • Host to find available port on.

      property port

      port?: number;
      • Minimum port (takes precedence over basePort).

      property startPort

      startPort?: number;
      • search start port (equals to port when not provided) This exists because getPort and getPortPromise mutates port state in recursive calls and doesn't have a way to retrieve begininng port while searching.

      property stopPort

      stopPort?: number;
      • Maximum port

      Type Aliases

      type PortfinderCallback

      type PortfinderCallback = (err: Error, port: number) => void;
      • portfinder.js typescript definitions.

        (C) 2011, Charlie Robbins

      Package Files (1)

      Dependencies (3)

      Dev Dependencies (1)

      Peer Dependencies (0)

      No peer dependencies.


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