- Version 1.5.4
- Published
- 2.17 MB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
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PeerJS client
variable util
const util: Util;
Provides a variety of helpful utilities.
:::caution Only the utilities documented here are guaranteed to be present on
. Undocumented utilities can be removed without warning. We don't consider these to be breaking changes. :::
class BufferedConnection
abstract class BufferedConnection extends DataConnection {}
property bufferSize
readonly bufferSize: number;
method close
close: (options?: { flush?: boolean }) => void;
class DataConnection
abstract class DataConnection extends BaseConnection< DataConnectionEvents, DataConnectionErrorType> {}
Wraps a DataChannel between two Peers.
constructor(peerId: string, provider: Peer, options: any);
property ID_PREFIX
protected static readonly ID_PREFIX: string;
protected static readonly MAX_BUFFERED_AMOUNT: number;
property reliable
readonly reliable: boolean;
property serialization
abstract readonly serialization: string;
property type
readonly type: ConnectionType;
method close
close: (options?: { flush?: boolean }) => void;
Allows user to close connection.
method handleMessage
handleMessage: (message: ServerMessage) => Promise<void>;
method send
send: (data: any, chunked?: boolean) => void | Promise<void>;
Allows user to send data.
class MediaConnection
class MediaConnection extends BaseConnection<MediaConnectionEvents> {}
Wraps WebRTC's media streams. To get one, use or listen for the event.
constructor(peerId: string, provider: Peer, options: any);
property label
readonly label: string;
property localStream
readonly localStream: MediaStream;
property remoteStream
readonly remoteStream: MediaStream;
property type
readonly type: ConnectionType;
For media connections, this is always 'media'.
method addStream
addStream: (remoteStream: any) => void;
method answer
answer: (stream?: MediaStream, options?: AnswerOption) => void;
When receiving a event on a peer, you can call
on the media connection provided by the callback to accept the call and optionally send your own media stream.Parameter stream
A WebRTC media stream.
Parameter options
method close
close: () => void;
Closes the media connection.
class MsgPack
class MsgPack extends StreamConnection {}
constructor(peerId: string, provider: Peer, options: any);
property serialization
readonly serialization: string;
class MsgPackPeer
class MsgPackPeer extends Peer {}
class Peer
class Peer extends EventEmitterWithError<PeerErrorType, PeerEvents> {}
A peer who can initiate connections with other peers.
A peer can connect to other peers and listen for connections.
constructor(options: PeerOptions);
A peer can connect to other peers and listen for connections.
Parameter options
for specifying details about PeerServer
constructor(id: string, options?: PeerOptions);
A peer can connect to other peers and listen for connections.
Parameter id
Other peers can connect to this peer using the provided ID. If no ID is given, one will be generated by the brokering server. The ID must start and end with an alphanumeric character (lower or upper case character or a digit). In the middle of the ID spaces, dashes (-) and underscores (_) are allowed. Use to send identifying information.
Parameter options
for specifying details about PeerServer
property connections
readonly connections: Object;
A hash of all connections associated with this peer, keyed by the remote peer's ID.
Return type will change from Object to Map<string,[]>
property destroyed
readonly destroyed: boolean;
true if this peer and all of its connections can no longer be used.
property disconnected
readonly disconnected: boolean;
false if there is an active connection to the PeerServer.
property id
readonly id: string;
The brokering ID of this peer
If no ID was specified in , this will be
until the event is emitted.
property open
readonly open: boolean;
property options
readonly options: PeerOptions;
method call
call: ( peer: string, stream: MediaStream, options?: CallOption) => MediaConnection;
Calls the remote peer specified by id and returns a media connection.
Parameter peer
The brokering ID of the remote peer (their
Parameter stream
The caller's media stream
Parameter options
Metadata associated with the connection, passed in by whoever initiated the connection.
method connect
connect: (peer: string, options?: PeerConnectOption) => DataConnection;
Connects to the remote peer specified by id and returns a data connection.
Parameter peer
The brokering ID of the remote peer (their ).
Parameter options
for specifying details about Peer Connection
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
Destroys the Peer: closes all active connections as well as the connection to the server.
:::caution This cannot be undone; the respective peer object will no longer be able to create or receive any connections, its ID will be forfeited on the server, and all of its data and media connections will be closed. :::
method disconnect
disconnect: () => void;
Disconnects the Peer's connection to the PeerServer. Does not close any active connections. Warning: The peer can no longer create or accept connections after being disconnected. It also cannot reconnect to the server.
method getConnection
getConnection: ( peerId: string, connectionId: string) => null | DataConnection | MediaConnection;
Retrieve a data/media connection for this peer.
method listAllPeers
listAllPeers: (cb?: (_: any[]) => void) => void;
Get a list of available peer IDs. If you're running your own server, you'll want to set allow_discovery: true in the PeerServer options. If you're using the cloud server, email to get the functionality enabled for your key.
method reconnect
reconnect: () => void;
Attempts to reconnect with the same ID.
Only can be reconnected. Destroyed peers cannot be reconnected. If the connection fails (as an example, if the peer's old ID is now taken), the peer's existing connections will not close, but any associated errors events will fire.
class PeerError
class PeerError<T extends string> extends Error {}
A PeerError is emitted whenever an error occurs. It always has a
, which can be used to identify the error.
property type
type: string;
class PeerOptions
class PeerOptions implements PeerJSOption {}
property config
config?: any;
Configuration hash passed to RTCPeerConnection. This hash contains any custom ICE/TURN server configuration.
Defaults to
property debug
debug?: LogLevel;
Prints log messages depending on the debug level passed in.
property host
host?: string;
Server host. Defaults to
. Also accepts'/'
to signify relative hostname.
property key
key?: string;
API key for the PeerServer. This is not used anymore.
property logFunction
logFunction?: (logLevel: LogLevel, any[]) => void;
property path
path?: string;
The path where your self-hosted PeerServer is running. Defaults to
property pingInterval
pingInterval?: number;
property port
port?: number;
Server port. Defaults to
property referrerPolicy
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
property secure
secure?: boolean;
Set to true
if you're using TLS. :::danger If possible *always use TLS* :::
property serializers
serializers?: SerializerMapping;
property token
token?: string;
class StreamConnection
abstract class StreamConnection extends DataConnection {}
protected constructor(peerId: string, provider: Peer, options: any);
property writer
protected writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter<Uint8Array>;
class Util
class Util extends BinaryPackChunker {}
property browser
readonly browser: string;
property browserVersion
readonly browserVersion: number;
property chunkedBrowsers
readonly chunkedBrowsers: { Chrome: number; chrome: number };
property CLOUD_HOST
readonly CLOUD_HOST: string;
property CLOUD_PORT
readonly CLOUD_PORT: number;
property defaultConfig
readonly defaultConfig: { iceServers: ( | { urls: string; username?: undefined; credential?: undefined } | { urls: string[]; username: string; credential: string } )[]; sdpSemantics: string;};
property pack
pack: any;
property randomToken
randomToken: () => string;
property supports
readonly supports: UtilSupportsObj;
A hash of WebRTC features mapped to booleans that correspond to whether the feature is supported by the current browser.
:::caution Only the properties documented here are guaranteed to be present on
property unpack
unpack: any;
property validateId
validateId: (id: string) => boolean;
method binaryStringToArrayBuffer
binaryStringToArrayBuffer: (binary: string) => ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer;
method blobToArrayBuffer
blobToArrayBuffer: ( blob: Blob, cb: (arg: ArrayBuffer | null) => void) => FileReader;
method isSecure
isSecure: () => boolean;
method noop
noop: () => void;
interface AnswerOption
interface AnswerOption {}
property sdpTransform
sdpTransform?: Function;
Function which runs before create answer to modify sdp answer message.
interface CallOption
interface CallOption {}
property metadata
metadata?: any;
Metadata associated with the connection, passed in by whoever initiated the connection.
Can be accessed with . Can be any serializable type.
property sdpTransform
sdpTransform?: Function;
Function which runs before create offer to modify sdp offer message.
interface PeerConnectOption
interface PeerConnectOption {}
property label
label?: string;
A unique label by which you want to identify this data connection. If left unspecified, a label will be generated at random.
Can be accessed with
property metadata
metadata?: any;
Metadata associated with the connection, passed in by whoever initiated the connection.
Can be accessed with . Can be any serializable type.
property reliable
reliable?: boolean;
property serialization
serialization?: string;
interface PeerEvents
interface PeerEvents {}
property call
call: (mediaConnection: MediaConnection) => void;
Emitted when a remote peer attempts to call you.
property close
close: () => void;
Emitted when the peer is destroyed and can no longer accept or create any new connections.
property connection
connection: (dataConnection: DataConnection) => void;
Emitted when a new data connection is established from a remote peer.
property disconnected
disconnected: (currentId: string) => void;
Emitted when the peer is disconnected from the signalling server
property error
error: (error: PeerError<`${PeerErrorType}`>) => void;
Errors on the peer are almost always fatal and will destroy the peer.
Errors from the underlying socket and PeerConnections are forwarded here.
property open
open: (id: string) => void;
Emitted when a connection to the PeerServer is established.
You may use the peer before this is emitted, but messages to the server will be queued. id is the brokering ID of the peer (which was either provided in the constructor or assigned by the server).You should not wait for this event before connecting to other peers if connection speed is important.
interface PeerJSOption
interface PeerJSOption {}
interface SerializerMapping
interface SerializerMapping {}
index signature
[key: string]: new ( peerId: string, provider: Peer, options: any) => DataConnection;
interface UtilSupportsObj
interface UtilSupportsObj {}
property audioVideo
audioVideo: boolean;
True if the current browser supports media streams and PeerConnection.
property binaryBlob
binaryBlob: boolean;
property browser
browser: boolean;
The current browser. This property can be useful in determining whether two peers can connect.
if (util.browser === 'firefox') {// OK to peer with Firefox peers.}util.browser
can currently have the values `'firefox', 'chrome', 'safari', 'edge', 'Not a supported browser.', 'Not a browser.' (unknown WebRTC-compatible agent).
property data
data: boolean;
True if the current browser supports DataChannel and PeerConnection.
property reliable
reliable: boolean;
True if the current browser supports reliable DataChannels.
property webRTC
webRTC: boolean;
enum BaseConnectionErrorType
enum BaseConnectionErrorType { NegotiationFailed = 'negotiation-failed', ConnectionClosed = 'connection-closed',}
member ConnectionClosed
ConnectionClosed = 'connection-closed'
member NegotiationFailed
NegotiationFailed = 'negotiation-failed'
enum ConnectionType
enum ConnectionType { Data = 'data', Media = 'media',}
enum DataConnectionErrorType
enum DataConnectionErrorType { NotOpenYet = 'not-open-yet', MessageToBig = 'message-too-big',}
member MessageToBig
MessageToBig = 'message-too-big'
member NotOpenYet
NotOpenYet = 'not-open-yet'
enum LogLevel
enum LogLevel { Disabled = 0, Errors = 1, Warnings = 2, All = 3,}
enum PeerErrorType
enum PeerErrorType { BrowserIncompatible = 'browser-incompatible', Disconnected = 'disconnected', InvalidID = 'invalid-id', InvalidKey = 'invalid-key', Network = 'network', PeerUnavailable = 'peer-unavailable', SslUnavailable = 'ssl-unavailable', ServerError = 'server-error', SocketError = 'socket-error', SocketClosed = 'socket-closed', UnavailableID = 'unavailable-id', WebRTC = 'webrtc',}
member BrowserIncompatible
BrowserIncompatible = 'browser-incompatible'
The client's browser does not support some or all WebRTC features that you are trying to use.
member Disconnected
Disconnected = 'disconnected'
You've already disconnected this peer from the server and can no longer make any new connections on it.
member InvalidID
InvalidID = 'invalid-id'
The ID passed into the Peer constructor contains illegal characters.
member InvalidKey
InvalidKey = 'invalid-key'
The API key passed into the Peer constructor contains illegal characters or is not in the system (cloud server only).
member Network
Network = 'network'
Lost or cannot establish a connection to the signalling server.
member PeerUnavailable
PeerUnavailable = 'peer-unavailable'
The peer you're trying to connect to does not exist.
member ServerError
ServerError = 'server-error'
Unable to reach the server.
member SocketClosed
SocketClosed = 'socket-closed'
The underlying socket closed unexpectedly.
member SocketError
SocketError = 'socket-error'
An error from the underlying socket.
member SslUnavailable
SslUnavailable = 'ssl-unavailable'
PeerJS is being used securely, but the cloud server does not support SSL. Use a custom PeerServer.
member UnavailableID
UnavailableID = 'unavailable-id'
The ID passed into the Peer constructor is already taken.
:::caution This error is not fatal if your peer has open peer-to-peer connections. This can happen if you attempt to a peer that has been disconnected from the server, but its old ID has now been taken. :::
member WebRTC
WebRTC = 'webrtc'
Native WebRTC errors.
enum SerializationType
enum SerializationType { Binary = 'binary', BinaryUTF8 = 'binary-utf8', JSON = 'json', None = 'raw',}
member Binary
Binary = 'binary'
member BinaryUTF8
BinaryUTF8 = 'binary-utf8'
member JSON
JSON = 'json'
member None
None = 'raw'
enum ServerMessageType
enum ServerMessageType { Heartbeat = 'HEARTBEAT', Candidate = 'CANDIDATE', Offer = 'OFFER', Answer = 'ANSWER', Open = 'OPEN', Error = 'ERROR', IdTaken = 'ID-TAKEN', InvalidKey = 'INVALID-KEY', Leave = 'LEAVE', Expire = 'EXPIRE',}
member Answer
Answer = 'ANSWER'
member Candidate
Candidate = 'CANDIDATE'
member Error
Error = 'ERROR'
member Expire
Expire = 'EXPIRE'
member Heartbeat
Heartbeat = 'HEARTBEAT'
member IdTaken
IdTaken = 'ID-TAKEN'
member InvalidKey
InvalidKey = 'INVALID-KEY'
member Leave
Leave = 'LEAVE'
member Offer
Offer = 'OFFER'
member Open
Open = 'OPEN'
enum SocketEventType
enum SocketEventType { Message = 'message', Disconnected = 'disconnected', Error = 'error', Close = 'close',}
member Close
Close = 'close'
member Disconnected
Disconnected = 'disconnected'
member Error
Error = 'error'
member Message
Message = 'message'
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (4)
Dev Dependencies (26)
- @parcel/config-default
- @parcel/packager-ts
- @parcel/transformer-typescript-tsc
- @parcel/transformer-typescript-types
- @semantic-release/changelog
- @semantic-release/git
- @swc/core
- @swc/jest
- @types/jasmine
- @wdio/browserstack-service
- @wdio/cli
- @wdio/globals
- @wdio/jasmine-framework
- @wdio/local-runner
- @wdio/spec-reporter
- @wdio/types
- http-server
- jest
- jest-environment-jsdom
- mock-socket
- parcel
- prettier
- semantic-release
- ts-node
- typescript
- wdio-geckodriver-service
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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