
  • Version 7.0.3
  • Published
  • 21.2 kB
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  • MIT license


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Map over promises concurrently



variable pMapSkip

const pMapSkip: Symbol;
  • Return this value from a mapper function to skip including the value in the returned array.

    Example 1

    import pMap, {pMapSkip} from 'p-map';
    import got from 'got';
    const sites = [
    getWebsiteFromUsername('sindresorhus'), //=> Promise
    const mapper = async site => {
    try {
    const {requestUrl} = await got.head(site);
    return requestUrl;
    } catch {
    return pMapSkip;
    const result = await pMap(sites, mapper, {concurrency: 2});
    //=> ['https://sindresorhus.com/', 'https://avajs.dev/', 'https://github.com/']


function pMap

pMap: <Element, NewElement>(
| AsyncIterable<Element | Promise<Element>>
| Iterable<Element | Promise<Element>>,
mapper: Mapper<Element, NewElement>,
options?: Options
) => Promise<Array<Exclude<NewElement, typeof pMapSkip>>>;
  • Parameter input

    Synchronous or asynchronous iterable that is iterated over concurrently, calling the mapper function for each element. Each iterated item is await'd before the mapper is invoked so the iterable may return a Promise that resolves to an item. Asynchronous iterables (different from synchronous iterables that return Promise that resolves to an item) can be used when the next item may not be ready without waiting for an asynchronous process to complete and/or the end of the iterable may be reached after the asynchronous process completes. For example, reading from a remote queue when the queue has reached empty, or reading lines from a stream.

    Parameter mapper

    Function which is called for every item in input. Expected to return a Promise or value.


    A Promise that is fulfilled when all promises in input and ones returned from mapper are fulfilled, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is an Array of the fulfilled values returned from mapper in input order.

    Example 1

    import pMap from 'p-map';
    import got from 'got';
    const sites = [
    getWebsiteFromUsername('sindresorhus'), //=> Promise
    const mapper = async site => {
    const {requestUrl} = await got.head(site);
    return requestUrl;
    const result = await pMap(sites, mapper, {concurrency: 2});
    //=> ['https://sindresorhus.com/', 'https://avajs.dev/', 'https://github.com/']

function pMapIterable

pMapIterable: <Element, NewElement>(
| AsyncIterable<Element | Promise<Element>>
| Iterable<Element | Promise<Element>>,
mapper: Mapper<Element, NewElement>,
options?: IterableOptions
) => AsyncIterable<Exclude<NewElement, typeof pMapSkip>>;
  • Parameter input

    Synchronous or asynchronous iterable that is iterated over concurrently, calling the mapper function for each element. Each iterated item is await'd before the mapper is invoked so the iterable may return a Promise that resolves to an item. Asynchronous iterables (different from synchronous iterables that return Promise that resolves to an item) can be used when the next item may not be ready without waiting for an asynchronous process to complete and/or the end of the iterable may be reached after the asynchronous process completes. For example, reading from a remote queue when the queue has reached empty, or reading lines from a stream.

    Parameter mapper

    Function which is called for every item in input. Expected to return a Promise or value.


    An async iterable that streams each return value from mapper in order.

    Example 1

    import {pMapIterable} from 'p-map';
    // Multiple posts are fetched concurrently, with limited concurrency and backpressure
    for await (const post of pMapIterable(postIds, getPostMetadata, {concurrency: 8})) {

Type Aliases

type BaseOptions

type BaseOptions = {
Number of concurrently pending promises returned by `mapper`.
Must be an integer from 1 and up or `Infinity`.
@default Infinity
readonly concurrency?: number;

    type IterableOptions

    type IterableOptions = BaseOptions & {
    Maximum number of promises returned by `mapper` that have resolved but not yet collected by the consumer of the async iterable. Calls to `mapper` will be limited so that there is never too much backpressure.
    Useful whenever you are consuming the iterable slower than what the mapper function can produce concurrently. For example, to avoid making an overwhelming number of HTTP requests if you are saving each of the results to a database.
    Default: `options.concurrency`
    readonly backpressure?: number;

      type Mapper

      type Mapper<Element = any, NewElement = unknown> = (
      element: Element,
      index: number
      ) => MaybePromise<NewElement | typeof pMapSkip>;
      • Function which is called for every item in input. Expected to return a Promise or value.

        Parameter element

        Iterated element.

        Parameter index

        Index of the element in the source array.

      type MaybePromise

      type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;

        type Options

        type Options = BaseOptions & {
        When `true`, the first mapper rejection will be rejected back to the consumer.
        When `false`, instead of stopping when a promise rejects, it will wait for all the promises to settle and then reject with an [`AggregateError`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/AggregateError) containing all the errors from the rejected promises.
        Caveat: When `true`, any already-started async mappers will continue to run until they resolve or reject. In the case of infinite concurrency with sync iterables, *all* mappers are invoked on startup and will continue after the first rejection. [Issue #51](https://github.com/sindresorhus/p-map/issues/51) can be implemented for abort control.
        @default true
        readonly stopOnError?: boolean;
        You can abort the promises using [`AbortController`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController).
        import pMap from 'p-map';
        import delay from 'delay';
        const abortController = new AbortController();
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 500);
        const mapper = async value => value;
        await pMap([delay(1000), delay(1000)], mapper, {signal: abortController.signal});
        // Throws AbortError (DOMException) after 500 ms.
        readonly signal?: AbortSignal;

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