
  • Version 6.0.0
  • Published
  • 7.03 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function



function pLocate

pLocate: <ValueType>(
input: Iterable<PromiseLike<ValueType> | ValueType>,
tester: (element: ValueType) => PromiseLike<boolean> | boolean,
options?: Options
) => Promise<ValueType | undefined>;
  • Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function.

    Parameter input

    An iterable of promises/values to test.

    Parameter tester

    This function will receive resolved values from input and is expected to return a Promise<boolean> or boolean.


    A Promise that is fulfilled when tester resolves to true or the iterable is done, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is the current iterable value or undefined if tester never resolved to true.

    Example 1

    import {pathExists} from 'path-exists';
    import pLocate from 'p-locate';
    const files = [
    'rainbow.png', // Only this one actually exists on disk
    const foundPath = await pLocate(files, file => pathExists(file));
    //=> 'rainbow'


interface Options

interface Options {}

    property concurrency

    readonly concurrency?: number;
    • The number of concurrently pending promises returned by tester.

      Minimum: 1


    property preserveOrder

    readonly preserveOrder?: boolean;
    • Preserve input order when searching.

      Disable this to improve performance if you don't care about the order.


    Package Files (1)

    Dependencies (1)

    Dev Dependencies (6)

    Peer Dependencies (0)

    No peer dependencies.


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