- Version 8.2.0
- Published
- 27.5 kB
- 9 dependencies
- MIT license
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Elegant terminal spinner
function ora
ora: (options?: string | Options) => Ora;
Elegant terminal spinner.
Parameter options
If a string is provided, it is treated as a shortcut for
.Example 1
import ora from 'ora';const spinner = ora('Loading unicorns').start();setTimeout(() => {spinner.color = 'yellow';spinner.text = 'Loading rainbows';}, 1000);
function oraPromise
oraPromise: <T>( action: PromiseLike<T> | ((spinner: Ora) => PromiseLike<T>), options?: string | PromiseOptions<T>) => Promise<T>;
Starts a spinner for a promise or promise-returning function. The spinner is stopped with
if the promise fulfills or with.fail()
if it rejects.Parameter action
The promise to start the spinner for or a promise-returning function.
Parameter options
If a string is provided, it is treated as a shortcut for
The given promise.
Example 1
import {oraPromise} from 'ora';await oraPromise(somePromise);
interface Ora
interface Ora {}
property color
color: Color | boolean;
Change the spinner color.
property indent
indent: number;
Change the spinner indent.
property prefixText
prefixText: string;
Change the text or function that returns text before the spinner.
No prefix text will be displayed if set to an empty string.
property suffixText
suffixText: string;
Change the text or function that returns text after the spinner text.
No suffix text will be displayed if set to an empty string.
property text
text: string;
Change the text after the spinner.
method clear
clear: () => this;
Clear the spinner.
The spinner instance.
method fail
fail: (text?: string) => this;
Stop the spinner, change it to a red
and persist the current text, ortext
if provided.Parameter text
Will persist text if provided.
The spinner instance.
method frame
frame: () => string;
Get a new frame.
The spinner instance text.
method info
info: (text?: string) => this;
Stop the spinner, change it to a blue
and persist the current text, ortext
if provided.Parameter text
Will persist text if provided.
The spinner instance.
method render
render: () => this;
Manually render a new frame.
The spinner instance.
method start
start: (text?: string) => this;
Start the spinner.
Parameter text
Set the current text.
The spinner instance.
method stop
stop: () => this;
Stop and clear the spinner.
The spinner instance.
method stopAndPersist
stopAndPersist: (options?: PersistOptions) => this;
Stop the spinner and change the symbol or text.
The spinner instance.
method succeed
succeed: (text?: string) => this;
Stop the spinner, change it to a green
and persist the current text, ortext
if provided.Parameter text
Will persist text if provided.
The spinner instance.
method warn
warn: (text?: string) => this;
Stop the spinner, change it to a yellow
and persist the current text, ortext
if provided.Parameter text
Will persist text if provided.
The spinner instance.
index signature
get spinner(): Spinner;
Get the spinner.
index signature
set spinner(spinner: SpinnerName | Spinner);
Set the spinner.
index signature
get isSpinning(): boolean;
A boolean indicating whether the instance is currently spinning.
index signature
get interval(): number;
The interval between each frame.
The interval is decided by the chosen spinner.
Type Aliases
type Color
type Color = | 'black' | 'red' | 'green' | 'yellow' | 'blue' | 'magenta' | 'cyan' | 'white' | 'gray';
type Options
type Options = { /** The text to display next to the spinner. */ readonly text?: string;
/** Text or a function that returns text to display before the spinner. No prefix text will be displayed if set to an empty string. */ readonly prefixText?: string | PrefixTextGenerator;
/** Text or a function that returns text to display after the spinner text. No suffix text will be displayed if set to an empty string. */ readonly suffixText?: string | SuffixTextGenerator;
/** The name of one of the provided spinners. See [`example.js`](https://github.com/BendingBender/ora/blob/main/example.js) in this repo if you want to test out different spinners. On Windows (expect for Windows Terminal), it will always use the line spinner as the Windows command-line doesn't have proper Unicode support.
@default 'dots'
Or an object like:
@example ``` { frames: ['-', '+', '-'], interval: 80 // Optional } ``` */ readonly spinner?: SpinnerName | Spinner;
/** The color of the spinner.
@default 'cyan' */ readonly color?: Color | boolean;
/** Set to `false` to stop Ora from hiding the cursor.
@default true */ readonly hideCursor?: boolean;
/** Indent the spinner with the given number of spaces.
@default 0 */ readonly indent?: number;
/** Interval between each frame.
Spinners provide their own recommended interval, so you don't really need to specify this.
Default: Provided by the spinner or `100`. */ readonly interval?: number;
/** Stream to write the output.
You could for example set this to `process.stdout` instead.
@default process.stderr */ readonly stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
/** Force enable/disable the spinner. If not specified, the spinner will be enabled if the `stream` is being run inside a TTY context (not spawned or piped) and/or not in a CI environment.
Note that `{isEnabled: false}` doesn't mean it won't output anything. It just means it won't output the spinner, colors, and other ansi escape codes. It will still log text. */ readonly isEnabled?: boolean;
/** Disable the spinner and all log text. All output is suppressed and `isEnabled` will be considered `false`.
@default false */ readonly isSilent?: boolean;
/** Discard stdin input (except Ctrl+C) while running if it's TTY. This prevents the spinner from twitching on input, outputting broken lines on `Enter` key presses, and prevents buffering of input while the spinner is running.
This has no effect on Windows as there's no good way to implement discarding stdin properly there.
@default true */ readonly discardStdin?: boolean;};
type PersistOptions
type PersistOptions = { /** Symbol to replace the spinner with.
@default ' ' */ readonly symbol?: string;
/** Text to be persisted after the symbol.
Default: Current `text`. */ readonly text?: string;
/** Text or a function that returns text to be persisted before the symbol. No prefix text will be displayed if set to an empty string.
Default: Current `prefixText`. */ readonly prefixText?: string | PrefixTextGenerator;
/** Text or a function that returns text to be persisted after the text after the symbol. No suffix text will be displayed if set to an empty string.
Default: Current `suffixText`. */ readonly suffixText?: string | SuffixTextGenerator;};
type PrefixTextGenerator
type PrefixTextGenerator = () => string;
type PromiseOptions
type PromiseOptions<T> = { /** The new text of the spinner when the promise is resolved.
Keeps the existing text if `undefined`. */ successText?: string | ((result: T) => string) | undefined;
/** The new text of the spinner when the promise is rejected.
Keeps the existing text if `undefined`. */ failText?: string | ((error: Error) => string) | undefined;} & Options;
type Spinner
type Spinner = { readonly interval?: number; readonly frames: string[];};
type SuffixTextGenerator
type SuffixTextGenerator = () => string;
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