Unfortunately type definitions are currently not available for this package
- Version 10.2.0
- Published
- 76.8 kB
- 36 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i np
yarn add np
pnpm add np
A better `npm publish`
Dependencies (36)
- chalk
- chalk-template
- cosmiconfig
- del
- escape-goat
- escape-string-regexp
- execa
- exit-hook
- github-url-from-git
- hosted-git-info
- ignore-walk
- import-local
- inquirer
- is-installed-globally
- is-interactive
- is-scoped
- issue-regex
- listr
- listr-input
- log-symbols
- meow
- new-github-release-url
- npm-name
- onetime
- open
- p-memoize
- p-timeout
- path-exists
- pkg-dir
- read-package-up
- read-pkg
- rxjs
- semver
- symbol-observable
- terminal-link
- update-notifier
Dev Dependencies (12)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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- Updated .
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