- Version 10.0.1
- Published
- 439 kB
- 1 dependency
- ISC license
npm i minimatch
yarn add minimatch
pnpm add minimatch
a glob matcher in javascript
- adjascentGlobstarOptimize()
- braceExpand()
- comment
- debug()
- defaults()
- empty
- firstPhasePreProcess()
- globParts
- globSet
- hasMagic()
- isWindows
- levelOneOptimize()
- levelTwoFileOptimize()
- make()
- makeRe()
- match()
- matchOne()
- negate
- nocase
- nonegate
- options
- parse()
- parseNegate()
- partial
- partsMatch()
- pattern
- platform
- preprocess()
- preserveMultipleSlashes
- regexp
- secondPhasePreProcess()
- set
- slashSplit()
- windowsNoMagicRoot
- windowsPathsNoEscape
Type Aliases
variable GLOBSTAR
const GLOBSTAR: Symbol;
variable minimatch
const minimatch: { (p: string, pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions): boolean; sep: Sep; GLOBSTAR: typeof GLOBSTAR; filter: (pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => (p: string) => boolean; defaults: (def: MinimatchOptions) => typeof minimatch; braceExpand: (pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => string[]; makeRe: (pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => false | MMRegExp; match: (list: string[], pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => string[]; AST: typeof AST; Minimatch: typeof Minimatch; escape: ( s: string, { windowsPathsNoEscape }?: Pick<MinimatchOptions, 'windowsPathsNoEscape'> ) => string; unescape: ( s: string, { windowsPathsNoEscape }?: Pick<MinimatchOptions, 'windowsPathsNoEscape'> ) => string;};
variable sep
const sep: Sep;
function braceExpand
braceExpand: (pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => string[];
function defaults
defaults: (def: MinimatchOptions) => typeof minimatch;
function escape
escape: ( s: string, { windowsPathsNoEscape }?: Pick<MinimatchOptions, 'windowsPathsNoEscape'>) => string;
Escape all magic characters in a glob pattern.
If the GlobOptions.windowsPathsNoEscape option is used, then characters are escaped by wrapping in
, because a magic character wrapped in a character class can only be satisfied by that exact character. In this mode,\
is _not_ escaped, because it is not interpreted as a magic character, but instead as a path separator.
function filter
filter: (pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => (p: string) => boolean;
function makeRe
makeRe: (pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => false | MMRegExp;
function match
match: (list: string[], pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => string[];
function unescape
unescape: ( s: string, { windowsPathsNoEscape }?: Pick<MinimatchOptions, 'windowsPathsNoEscape'>) => string;
Un-escape a string that has been escaped with escape.
If the windowsPathsNoEscape option is used, then square-brace escapes are removed, but not backslash escapes. For example, it will turn the string
, but it will not turn'\\*'
, becuase\
is a path separator inwindowsPathsNoEscape
is not set, then both brace escapes and backslash escapes are removed.Slashes (and backslashes in
mode) cannot be escaped or unescaped.
class AST
class AST {}
constructor(type: ExtglobType, parent?: AST, options?: MinimatchOptions);
property hasMagic
readonly hasMagic: boolean;
property options
readonly options: MinimatchOptions;
property type
type: ExtglobType;
method clone
clone: (parent: AST) => AST;
method copyIn
copyIn: (part: AST | string) => void;
method fromGlob
static fromGlob: (pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions) => AST;
method isEnd
isEnd: () => boolean;
method isStart
isStart: () => boolean;
method push
push: ( (string | AST)[]) => void;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => any[];
method toMMPattern
toMMPattern: () => MMRegExp | string;
method toRegExpSource
toRegExpSource: ( allowDot?: boolean) => [re: string, body: string, hasMagic: boolean, uflag: boolean];
method toString
toString: () => string;
class Minimatch
class Minimatch {}
constructor(pattern: string, options?: MinimatchOptions);
property comment
comment: boolean;
property empty
empty: boolean;
property globParts
globParts: string[][];
property globSet
globSet: string[];
property isWindows
isWindows: boolean;
property negate
negate: boolean;
property nocase
nocase: boolean;
property nonegate
nonegate: boolean;
property options
options: MinimatchOptions;
property partial
partial: boolean;
property pattern
pattern: string;
property platform
platform: Platform;
property preserveMultipleSlashes
preserveMultipleSlashes: boolean;
property regexp
regexp: false | MMRegExp;
property set
set: ParseReturnFiltered[][];
property windowsNoMagicRoot
windowsNoMagicRoot: boolean;
property windowsPathsNoEscape
windowsPathsNoEscape: boolean;
method adjascentGlobstarOptimize
adjascentGlobstarOptimize: (globParts: string[][]) => string[][];
method braceExpand
braceExpand: () => string[];
method debug
debug: (..._: any[]) => void;
method defaults
static defaults: (def: MinimatchOptions) => typeof Minimatch;
method firstPhasePreProcess
firstPhasePreProcess: (globParts: string[][]) => string[][];
method hasMagic
hasMagic: () => boolean;
method levelOneOptimize
levelOneOptimize: (globParts: string[][]) => string[][];
method levelTwoFileOptimize
levelTwoFileOptimize: (parts: string | string[]) => string[];
method make
make: () => void;
method makeRe
makeRe: () => false | MMRegExp;
method match
match: (f: string, partial?: boolean) => boolean;
method matchOne
matchOne: (file: string[], pattern: ParseReturn[], partial?: boolean) => boolean;
method parse
parse: (pattern: string) => ParseReturn;
method parseNegate
parseNegate: () => void;
method partsMatch
partsMatch: ( a: string[], b: string[], emptyGSMatch?: boolean) => false | string[];
method preprocess
preprocess: (globParts: string[][]) => string[][];
method secondPhasePreProcess
secondPhasePreProcess: (globParts: string[][]) => string[][];
method slashSplit
slashSplit: (p: string) => string[];
interface MinimatchOptions
interface MinimatchOptions {}
property allowWindowsEscape
allowWindowsEscape?: boolean;
property debug
debug?: boolean;
property dot
dot?: boolean;
property flipNegate
flipNegate?: boolean;
property magicalBraces
magicalBraces?: boolean;
property matchBase
matchBase?: boolean;
property nobrace
nobrace?: boolean;
property nocase
nocase?: boolean;
property nocaseMagicOnly
nocaseMagicOnly?: boolean;
property nocomment
nocomment?: boolean;
property noext
noext?: boolean;
property noglobstar
noglobstar?: boolean;
property nonegate
nonegate?: boolean;
property nonull
nonull?: boolean;
property optimizationLevel
optimizationLevel?: number;
property partial
partial?: boolean;
property platform
platform?: Platform;
property preserveMultipleSlashes
preserveMultipleSlashes?: boolean;
property windowsNoMagicRoot
windowsNoMagicRoot?: boolean;
property windowsPathsNoEscape
windowsPathsNoEscape?: boolean;
Type Aliases
type MMRegExp
type MMRegExp = RegExp & { _src?: string; _glob?: string;};
type ParseReturn
type ParseReturn = ParseReturnFiltered | false;
type ParseReturnFiltered
type ParseReturnFiltered = string | MMRegExp | typeof GLOBSTAR;
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