- Version 1.4.1
- Published
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i meteor-typings
yarn add meteor-typings
pnpm add meteor-typings
Type definitions for Meteor
- absoluteUrl()
- apply()
- bindEnvironment()
- call()
- clearInterval()
- clearTimeout()
- defer()
- disconnect()
- Error
- Error
- ErrorStatic
- Event
- EventHandlerFunction
- EventMap
- isClient
- isCordova
- isDevelopment
- isProduction
- isServer
- isTest
- LiveQueryHandle
- loggingIn()
- loginWith()
- LoginWithExternalServiceOptions
- loginWithFacebook()
- loginWithGithub()
- loginWithGoogle()
- loginWithMeetup()
- loginWithMeteorDeveloperAccount()
- loginWithPassword()
- loginWithToken()
- loginWithTwitter()
- loginWithWeibo()
- logout()
- logoutOtherClients()
- methods()
- reconnect()
- release
- setInterval()
- setTimeout()
- settings
- Settings
- startup()
- status()
- subscribe()
- SubscriptionHandle
- user()
- User
- UserEmail
- userId()
- users
- wrapAsync()
variable console
var console: Console;
variable MailComposer
var MailComposer: MailComposerStatic;
variable ReactiveVar
var ReactiveVar: ReactiveVarStatic;
variable Template
var Template: TemplateStatic;
function check
check: { (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void;};
function execFileAsync
execFileAsync: { ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: any[] | string; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any;};
function execFileSync
execFileSync: { ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: any[] | string; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String;};
namespace meteor/accounts-base
module 'meteor/accounts-base' {}
interface URLS
interface URLS {}
property enrollAccount
enrollAccount: (token: string) => string;
property resetPassword
resetPassword: (token: string) => string;
property verifyEmail
verifyEmail: (token: string) => string;
namespace meteor/accounts-base.Accounts
namespace meteor/accounts-base.Accounts {}
variable ui
var ui: { config(options: { requestPermissions?: Object; requestOfflineToken?: Object; forceApprovalPrompt?: Object; passwordSignupFields?: string; }): void;};
variable urls
var urls: URLS;
function changePassword
changePassword: { (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void;};
function config
config: { (options: { sendVerificationEmail?: boolean; forbidClientAccountCreation?: boolean; restrictCreationByEmailDomain?: string | Function; loginExpirationInDays?: number; oauthSecretKey?: string; }): void; (options: { sendVerificationEmail?: boolean; forbidClientAccountCreation?: boolean; restrictCreationByEmailDomain?: string | Function; loginExpirationInDays?: number; oauthSecretKey?: string; }): void; (options: { sendVerificationEmail?: boolean; forbidClientAccountCreation?: boolean; restrictCreationByEmailDomain?: string | Function; loginExpirationInDays?: number; oauthSecretKey?: string; }): void; (options: { sendVerificationEmail?: boolean; forbidClientAccountCreation?: boolean; restrictCreationByEmailDomain?: string | Function; loginExpirationInDays?: number; oauthSecretKey?: string; }): void; (options: { sendVerificationEmail?: boolean; forbidClientAccountCreation?: boolean; restrictCreationByEmailDomain?: string | Function; loginExpirationInDays?: number; oauthSecretKey?: string; }): void; (options: { sendVerificationEmail?: boolean; forbidClientAccountCreation?: boolean; restrictCreationByEmailDomain?: string | Function; loginExpirationInDays?: number; oauthSecretKey?: string; }): void;};
function createUser
createUser: { ( options: { username?: string; email?: string; password?: string; profile?: Object; }, callback?: Function ): string; ( options: { username?: string; email?: string; password?: string; profile?: Object; }, callback?: Function ): string; ( options: { username?: string; email?: string; password?: string; profile?: Object; }, callback?: Function ): string; ( options: { username?: string; email?: string; password?: string; profile?: Object; }, callback?: Function ): string; ( options: { username?: string; email?: string; password?: string; profile?: Object; }, callback?: Function ): string; ( options: { username?: string; email?: string; password?: string; profile?: Object; }, callback?: Function ): string;};
function forgotPassword
forgotPassword: { (options: { email?: string }, callback?: Function): void; (options: { email?: string }, callback?: Function): void; (options: { email?: string }, callback?: Function): void; (options: { email?: string }, callback?: Function): void; (options: { email?: string }, callback?: Function): void; (options: { email?: string }, callback?: Function): void;};
function loggingIn
loggingIn: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
function loginServicesConfigured
loginServicesConfigured: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
function logout
logout: { (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void;};
function logoutOtherClients
logoutOtherClients: { (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void;};
function onEmailVerificationLink
onEmailVerificationLink: { (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void;};
function onEnrollmentLink
onEnrollmentLink: { (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void;};
function onLogin
onLogin: { (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void };};
function onLoginFailure
onLoginFailure: { (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void }; (func: Function): { stop: () => void };};
function onPageLoadLogin
onPageLoadLogin: { (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void;};
function onResetPasswordLink
onResetPasswordLink: { (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void;};
function resetPassword
resetPassword: { (token: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, newPassword: string, callback?: Function): void;};
function user
user: { (): Meteor.User; (): Meteor.User; (): Meteor.User; (): Meteor.User; (): Meteor.User; (): Meteor.User;};
function userId
userId: { (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string;};
function verifyEmail
verifyEmail: { (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void;};
namespace meteor/blaze
module 'meteor/blaze' {}
namespace meteor/blaze.Blaze
namespace meteor/blaze.Blaze {}
variable currentView
var currentView: View;
variable Template
var Template: TemplateStatic;
variable TemplateInstance
var TemplateInstance: TemplateInstanceStatic;
variable View
var View: ViewStatic;
function Each
Each: { (argFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (argFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (argFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (argFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (argFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (argFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View;};
function getData
getData: { (elementOrView?: HTMLElement | View): Object; (elementOrView?: View | HTMLElement): Object; (elementOrView?: View | HTMLElement): Object; (elementOrView?: View | HTMLElement): Object; (elementOrView?: View | HTMLElement): Object; (elementOrView?: View | HTMLElement): Object;};
function getView
getView: { (element?: HTMLElement): View; (element?: HTMLElement): View; (element?: HTMLElement): View; (element?: HTMLElement): View; (element?: HTMLElement): View; (element?: HTMLElement): View;};
function If
If: { (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View;};
function isTemplate
isTemplate: { (value: any): boolean; (value: any): boolean; (value: any): boolean; (value: any): boolean; (value: any): boolean; (value: any): boolean;};
function Let
Let: { (bindings: Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (bindings: Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (bindings: Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (bindings: Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (bindings: Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (bindings: Function, contentFunc: Function): View;};
function remove
remove: { (renderedView: View): void; (renderedView: View): void; (renderedView: View): void; (renderedView: View): void; (renderedView: View): void; (renderedView: View): void;};
function render
render: { ( templateOrView: Template | View, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View;};
function renderWithData
renderWithData: { ( templateOrView: Template | View, data: Object | Function, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View; ( templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function, parentNode: Node, nextNode?: Node, parentView?: View ): View;};
function toHTML
toHTML: { (templateOrView: Template | View): string; (templateOrView: View | Template): string; (templateOrView: View | Template): string; (templateOrView: View | Template): string; (templateOrView: View | Template): string; (templateOrView: View | Template): string;};
function toHTMLWithData
toHTMLWithData: { (templateOrView: Template | View, data: Object | Function): string; (templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function): string; (templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function): string; (templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function): string; (templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function): string; (templateOrView: View | Template, data: Object | Function): string;};
function Unless
Unless: { (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View; (conditionFunc: Function, contentFunc: Function, elseFunc?: Function): View;};
function With
With: { (data: Object | Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (data: Object | Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (data: Object | Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (data: Object | Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (data: Object | Function, contentFunc: Function): View; (data: Object | Function, contentFunc: Function): View;};
interface EventsMap
interface EventsMap {}
index signature
[key: string]: Function;
interface HelpersMap
interface HelpersMap {}
index signature
[key: string]: Function;
interface Template
interface Template {}
property $
$: any;
property created
created: Function;
property destroyed
destroyed: Function;
property head
head: Template;
property rendered
rendered: Function;
property renderFunction
renderFunction: Function;
property viewName
viewName: string;
method constructView
constructView: { (): View; (): View; (): View; (): View; (): View; (): View };
method events
events: { (eventsMap: EventsMap): void; (eventsMap: EventsMap): void; (eventsMap: EventsMap): void; (eventsMap: EventsMap): void; (eventsMap: EventsMap): void; (eventsMap: EventsMap): void;};
method find
find: { (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement;};
method findAll
findAll: { (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[];};
method helpers
helpers: { (helpersMap: HelpersMap): void; (helpersMap: HelpersMap): void; (helpersMap: HelpersMap): void; (helpersMap: HelpersMap): void; (helpersMap: HelpersMap): void; (helpersMap: HelpersMap): void;};
method onCreated
onCreated: { (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void;};
method onDestroyed
onDestroyed: { (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void;};
method onRendered
onRendered: { (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void; (cb: Function): void;};
interface TemplateInstance
interface TemplateInstance {}
property data
data: Object;
property firstNode
firstNode: Object;
property lastNode
lastNode: Object;
property view
view: Object;
method $
$: { (selector: string): any; (selector: string): any; (selector: string): any; (selector: string): any; (selector: string): any; (selector: string): any;};
method autorun
autorun: { (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation;};
method find
find: { (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement; (selector: string): HTMLElement;};
method findAll
findAll: { (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[]; (selector: string): HTMLElement[];};
method subscribe
subscribe: { (name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle;};
method subscriptionsReady
subscriptionsReady: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
interface TemplateInstanceStatic
interface TemplateInstanceStatic {}
construct signature
new (view: View): TemplateInstance;
interface TemplateStatic
interface TemplateStatic {}
method currentData
currentData: { (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any };
method instance
instance: { (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance;};
method parentData
parentData: { (numLevels: number): any; (numLevels: number): any; (numLevels: number): any; (numLevels: number): any; (numLevels: number): any; (numLevels: number): any;};
method registerHelper
registerHelper: { (name: string, func: Function): void; (name: string, func: Function): void; (name: string, func: Function): void; (name: string, func: Function): void; (name: string, func: Function): void; (name: string, func: Function): void;};
construct signature
new (viewName?: string, renderFunction?: Function): Template;
interface View
interface View {}
property isCreated
isCreated: boolean;
property isDestroyed
isDestroyed: boolean;
property isRendered
isRendered: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property parentView
parentView: View;
property renderCount
renderCount: number;
property template
template: Template;
method autorun
autorun: { (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation; (runFunc: (computation: Tracker.Computation) => void): Tracker.Computation;};
method firstNode
firstNode: { (): Node; (): Node; (): Node; (): Node; (): Node; (): Node };
method lastNode
lastNode: { (): Node; (): Node; (): Node; (): Node; (): Node; (): Node };
method onViewCreated
onViewCreated: { (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void;};
method onViewDestroyed
onViewDestroyed: { (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void;};
method onViewReady
onViewReady: { (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void;};
method templateInstance
templateInstance: { (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance; (): TemplateInstance;};
interface ViewStatic
interface ViewStatic {}
construct signature
new (name?: string, renderFunction?: Function): View;
namespace meteor/browser-policy-common
module 'meteor/browser-policy-common' {}
namespace meteor/browser-policy-common.BrowserPolicy
namespace meteor/browser-policy-common.BrowserPolicy {}
variable content
var content: { allowEval(): void; allowInlineStyles(): void; allowInlineScripts(): void; allowSameOriginForAll(): void; allowDataUrlForAll(): void; allowOriginForAll(origin: string): void; allowImageOrigin(origin: string): void; allowMediaOrigin(origin: string): void; allowFontOrigin(origin: string): void; allowStyleOrigin(origin: string): void; allowScriptOrigin(origin: string): void; allowFrameOrigin(origin: string): void; allowContentTypeSniffing(): void; allowAllContentOrigin(): void; allowAllContentDataUrl(): void; allowAllContentSameOrigin(): void; disallowAll(): void; disallowInlineStyles(): void; disallowEval(): void; disallowInlineScripts(): void; disallowFont(): void; disallowObject(): void; disallowAllContent(): void;};
variable framing
var framing: { disallow(): void; restrictToOrigin(origin: string): void; allowAll(): void;};
namespace meteor/check
module 'meteor/check' {}
function check
check: { (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void; (value: any, pattern: any): void;};
namespace meteor/check.Match
namespace meteor/check.Match {}
variable Any
var Any: any;
variable Boolean
var Boolean: any;
variable Integer
var Integer: any;
variable Object
var Object: any;
variable String
var String: any;
variable undefined
var undefined: any;
function Maybe
Maybe: { (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean;};
function ObjectIncluding
ObjectIncluding: { (dico: any): boolean; (dico: any): boolean; (dico: any): boolean; (dico: any): boolean; (dico: any): boolean; (dico: any): boolean;};
function OneOf
OneOf: { (...patterns: any[]): any; (...patterns: any[]): any; (...patterns: any[]): any; (...patterns: any[]): any; (...patterns: any[]): any; (...patterns: any[]): any;};
function Optional
Optional: { (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean; (pattern: any): boolean;};
function test
test: { (value: any, pattern: any): boolean; (value: any, pattern: any): boolean; (value: any, pattern: any): boolean; (value: any, pattern: any): boolean; (value: any, pattern: any): boolean; (value: any, pattern: any): boolean;};
function Where
Where: { (condition: any): any; (condition: any): any; (condition: any): any; (condition: any): any; (condition: any): any; (condition: any): any;};
namespace meteor/ddp
module 'meteor/ddp' {}
namespace meteor/ddp-rate-limiter
module 'meteor/ddp-rate-limiter' {}
namespace meteor/ddp-rate-limiter.DDPRateLimiter
namespace meteor/ddp-rate-limiter.DDPRateLimiter {}
function addRule
addRule: { (matcher: Matcher, numRequests: number, timeInterval: number): string; (matcher: Matcher, numRequests: number, timeInterval: number): string; (matcher: Matcher, numRequests: number, timeInterval: number): string; (matcher: Matcher, numRequests: number, timeInterval: number): string;};
function removeRule
removeRule: { (ruleId: string): boolean; (ruleId: string): boolean; (ruleId: string): boolean; (ruleId: string): boolean;};
interface Matcher
interface Matcher {}
property clientAddress
clientAddress?: string | ((clientAddress: string) => boolean);
property connectionId
connectionId?: string | ((connectionId: string) => boolean);
property name
name?: string | ((name: string) => boolean);
property type
type?: string | ((type: string) => boolean);
property userId
userId?: string | ((userId: string) => boolean);
namespace meteor/ddp.DDP
namespace meteor/ddp.DDP {}
function connect
connect: { (url: string): DDPStatic; (url: string): DDPStatic; (url: string): DDPStatic; (url: string): DDPStatic; (url: string): DDPStatic; (url: string): DDPStatic;};
interface DDPStatic
interface DDPStatic {}
method apply
apply: { (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void;};
method call
call: { (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void; (method: string, ...parameters: any[]): void;};
method disconnect
disconnect: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
method methods
methods: { (IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any; (IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any; (IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any; (IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any; (IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any; (IMeteorMethodsDictionary: any): any;};
method onReconnect
onReconnect: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
method reconnect
reconnect: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
method status
status: { (): DDPStatus; (): DDPStatus; (): DDPStatus; (): DDPStatus; (): DDPStatus; (): DDPStatus;};
method subscribe
subscribe: { (name: string, any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle;};
interface DDPStatus
interface DDPStatus {}
property connected
connected: boolean;
property reason
reason?: string;
property retryCount
retryCount: number;
property retryTime
retryTime?: number;
property status
status: Status;
type Status
type Status = 'connected' | 'connecting' | 'failed' | 'waiting' | 'offline';
namespace meteor/ddp.DDPCommon
namespace meteor/ddp.DDPCommon {}
interface MethodInvocation
interface MethodInvocation {}
method setUserId
setUserId: { (userId: number): void; (userId: number): void; (userId: number): void; (userId: number): void; (userId: number): void; (userId: number): void;};
method unblock
unblock: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
construct signature
new (options: {}): MethodInvocation;
namespace meteor/ejson
module 'meteor/ejson' {}
interface EJSON
interface EJSON extends EJSONable {}
interface EJSONable
interface EJSONable {}
index signature
[key: string]: | number | string | boolean | Object | number[] | string[] | Object[] | Date | Uint8Array | EJSONableCustomType;
interface EJSONableCustomType
interface EJSONableCustomType {}
method clone
clone: { (): EJSONableCustomType; (): EJSONableCustomType; (): EJSONableCustomType; (): EJSONableCustomType; (): EJSONableCustomType; (): EJSONableCustomType;};
method equals
equals: { (other: Object): boolean; (other: Object): boolean; (other: Object): boolean; (other: Object): boolean; (other: Object): boolean; (other: Object): boolean;};
method toJSONValue
toJSONValue: { (): JSONable; (): JSONable; (): JSONable; (): JSONable; (): JSONable; (): JSONable;};
method typeName
typeName: { (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string;};
interface JSONable
interface JSONable {}
index signature
[key: string]: | number | string | boolean | Object | number[] | string[] | Object[];
namespace meteor/ejson.EJSON
namespace meteor/ejson.EJSON {}
variable newBinary
var newBinary: any;
function addType
addType: { (name: string, factory: (val: JSONable) => EJSONableCustomType): void; (name: string, factory: (val: JSONable) => EJSONableCustomType): void; (name: string, factory: (val: JSONable) => EJSONableCustomType): void; (name: string, factory: (val: JSONable) => EJSONableCustomType): void; (name: string, factory: (val: JSONable) => EJSONableCustomType): void; (name: string, factory: (val: JSONable) => EJSONableCustomType): void;};
function clone
clone: { <T>(val: T): T; <T>(val: T): T; <T>(val: T): T; <T>(val: T): T; <T>(val: T): T; <T>(val: T): T;};
function equals
equals: { (a: EJSON, b: EJSON, options?: { keyOrderSensitive?: boolean }): boolean; (a: EJSON, b: EJSON, options?: { keyOrderSensitive?: boolean }): boolean; (a: EJSON, b: EJSON, options?: { keyOrderSensitive?: boolean }): boolean; (a: EJSON, b: EJSON, options?: { keyOrderSensitive?: boolean }): boolean; (a: EJSON, b: EJSON, options?: { keyOrderSensitive?: boolean }): boolean; (a: EJSON, b: EJSON, options?: { keyOrderSensitive?: boolean }): boolean;};
function fromJSONValue
fromJSONValue: { (val: JSONable): any; (val: JSONable): any; (val: JSONable): any; (val: JSONable): any; (val: JSONable): any; (val: JSONable): any;};
function isBinary
isBinary: { (x: Object): boolean; (x: Object): boolean; (x: Object): boolean; (x: Object): boolean; (x: Object): boolean; (x: Object): boolean;};
function parse
parse: { (str: string): EJSON; (str: string): EJSON; (str: string): EJSON; (str: string): EJSON; (str: string): EJSON; (str: string): EJSON;};
function stringify
stringify: { ( val: EJSON, options?: { indent?: boolean | number | string; canonical?: boolean } ): string; ( val: EJSON, options?: { indent?: string | number | boolean; canonical?: boolean } ): string; ( val: EJSON, options?: { indent?: string | number | boolean; canonical?: boolean } ): string; ( val: EJSON, options?: { indent?: string | number | boolean; canonical?: boolean } ): string; ( val: EJSON, options?: { indent?: string | number | boolean; canonical?: boolean } ): string; ( val: EJSON, options?: { indent?: string | number | boolean; canonical?: boolean } ): string;};
function toJSONValue
toJSONValue: { (val: EJSON): JSONable; (val: EJSON): JSONable; (val: EJSON): JSONable; (val: EJSON): JSONable; (val: EJSON): JSONable; (val: EJSON): JSONable;};
namespace meteor/email
module 'meteor/email' {}
variable MailComposer
var MailComposer: MailComposerStatic;
interface MailComposer
interface MailComposer {}
method addHeader
addHeader: { (name: string, value: string): void; (name: string, value: string): void; (name: string, value: string): void; (name: string, value: string): void;};
method pipe
pipe: { (stream: any): void; (stream: any): void; (stream: any): void; (stream: any): void;};
method setMessageOption
setMessageOption: { (from: string, to: string, body: string, html: string): void; (from: string, to: string, body: string, html: string): void; (from: string, to: string, body: string, html: string): void; (from: string, to: string, body: string, html: string): void;};
method streamMessage
streamMessage: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
interface MailComposerOptions
interface MailComposerOptions {}
property charset
charset: string;
property encoding
encoding: string;
property escapeSMTP
escapeSMTP: boolean;
property forceEmbeddedImages
forceEmbeddedImages: boolean;
property keepBcc
keepBcc: boolean;
interface MailComposerStatic
interface MailComposerStatic {}
construct signature
new (options: MailComposerOptions): MailComposer;
namespace meteor/email.Email
namespace meteor/email.Email {}
function send
send: { (options: { from?: string; to?: string | string[]; cc?: string | string[]; bcc?: string | string[]; replyTo?: string | string[]; subject?: string; text?: string; html?: string; headers?: Object; attachments?: Object[]; mailComposer?: MailComposer; }): void; (options: { from?: string; to?: string | string[]; cc?: string | string[]; bcc?: string | string[]; replyTo?: string | string[]; subject?: string; text?: string; html?: string; headers?: Object; attachments?: Object[]; mailComposer?: MailComposer; }): void; (options: { from?: string; to?: string | string[]; cc?: string | string[]; bcc?: string | string[]; replyTo?: string | string[]; subject?: string; text?: string; html?: string; headers?: Object; attachments?: Object[]; mailComposer?: MailComposer; }): void; (options: { from?: string; to?: string | string[]; cc?: string | string[]; bcc?: string | string[]; replyTo?: string | string[]; subject?: string; text?: string; html?: string; headers?: Object; attachments?: Object[]; mailComposer?: MailComposer; }): void;};
namespace meteor/http
module 'meteor/http' {}
namespace meteor/http.HTTP
namespace meteor/http.HTTP {}
function call
call: { ( method: string, url: string, options?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTP.HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: { content?: string; data?: Object; query?: string; params?: Object; auth?: string; headers?: Object; timeout?: number; followRedirects?: boolean; npmRequestOptions?: Object; beforeSend?: Function; }, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: { content?: string; data?: Object; query?: string; params?: Object; auth?: string; headers?: Object; timeout?: number; followRedirects?: boolean; npmRequestOptions?: Object; beforeSend?: Function; }, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: { content?: string; data?: Object; query?: string; params?: Object; auth?: string; headers?: Object; timeout?: number; followRedirects?: boolean; npmRequestOptions?: Object; beforeSend?: Function; }, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: { content?: string; data?: Object; query?: string; params?: Object; auth?: string; headers?: Object; timeout?: number; followRedirects?: boolean; npmRequestOptions?: Object; beforeSend?: Function; }, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: { content?: string; data?: Object; query?: string; params?: Object; auth?: string; headers?: Object; timeout?: number; followRedirects?: boolean; npmRequestOptions?: Object; beforeSend?: Function; }, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse; ( method: string, url: string, options?: { content?: string; data?: Object; query?: string; params?: Object; auth?: string; headers?: Object; timeout?: number; followRedirects?: boolean; npmRequestOptions?: Object; beforeSend?: Function; }, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTPResponse;};
function del
del: { ( url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTP.HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse;};
function get
get: { ( url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTP.HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse;};
function post
post: { ( url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTP.HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse;};
function put
put: { ( url: string, callOptions?: HTTP.HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function ): HTTP.HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse; (url: string, callOptions?: HTTPRequest, asyncCallback?: Function): HTTPResponse;};
interface HTTPRequest
interface HTTPRequest {}
property auth
auth?: string;
property content
content?: string;
property data
data?: any;
property followRedirects
followRedirects?: boolean;
property headers
headers?: { [id: string]: string;};
property npmRequestOptions
npmRequestOptions?: Object;
property params
params?: { [id: string]: string;};
property query
query?: string;
property timeout
timeout?: number;
interface HTTPResponse
interface HTTPResponse {}
property content
content?: string;
property data
data?: any;
property headers
headers?: { [id: string]: string;};
property statusCode
statusCode?: number;
namespace meteor/meteor
module 'meteor/meteor' {}
namespace meteor/meteor.Meteor
namespace meteor/meteor.Meteor {}
variable Error
var Error: ErrorStatic;
Error *
variable isClient
var isClient: boolean;
Global props *
variable isCordova
var isCordova: boolean;
variable isDevelopment
var isDevelopment: boolean;
Global props *
variable isProduction
var isProduction: boolean;
variable isServer
var isServer: boolean;
variable isTest
var isTest: boolean;
variable release
var release: string;
variable settings
var settings: Settings;
variable users
var users: Mongo.Collection<User>;
function absoluteUrl
absoluteUrl: { ( path?: string, options?: { secure?: boolean; replaceLocalhost?: boolean; rootUrl?: string } ): string; ( path?: string, options?: { secure?: boolean; replaceLocalhost?: boolean; rootUrl?: string } ): string; ( path?: string, options?: { secure?: boolean; replaceLocalhost?: boolean; rootUrl?: string } ): string; ( path?: string, options?: { secure?: boolean; replaceLocalhost?: boolean; rootUrl?: string } ): string; ( path?: string, options?: { secure?: boolean; replaceLocalhost?: boolean; rootUrl?: string } ): string; ( path?: string, options?: { secure?: boolean; replaceLocalhost?: boolean; rootUrl?: string } ): string;};
Url *
function apply
apply: { ( name: string, args: EJSONable[], options?: { wait?: boolean; onResultReceived?: Function }, asyncCallback?: Function ): any; ( name: string, args: EJSONable[], options?: { wait?: boolean; onResultReceived?: Function }, asyncCallback?: Function ): any; ( name: string, args: EJSONable[], options?: { wait?: boolean; onResultReceived?: Function }, asyncCallback?: Function ): any; ( name: string, args: EJSONable[], options?: { wait?: boolean; onResultReceived?: Function }, asyncCallback?: Function ): any; ( name: string, args: EJSONable[], options?: { wait?: boolean; onResultReceived?: Function }, asyncCallback?: Function ): any; ( name: string, args: EJSONable[], options?: { wait?: boolean; onResultReceived?: Function }, asyncCallback?: Function ): any;};
function bindEnvironment
bindEnvironment: { (func: Function): any; (func: Function): any; (func: Function): any; (func: Function): any; (func: Function): any; (func: Function): any;};
function call
call: { (name: string, ...args: any[]): any; (name: string, ...args: any[]): any; (name: string, ...args: any[]): any; (name: string, ...args: any[]): any; (name: string, ...args: any[]): any; (name: string, ...args: any[]): any;};
function clearInterval
clearInterval: { (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void;};
function clearTimeout
clearTimeout: { (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void; (id: number): void;};
function defer
defer: { (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void;};
function disconnect
disconnect: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
function loggingIn
loggingIn: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
function loginWith
loginWith: { <ExternalService>( options?: { requestPermissions?: string[]; requestOfflineToken?: boolean; loginUrlParameters?: Object; userEmail?: string; loginStyle?: string; redirectUrl?: string; }, callback?: Function ): void; <ExternalService>( options?: { requestPermissions?: string[]; requestOfflineToken?: boolean; loginUrlParameters?: Object; userEmail?: string; loginStyle?: string; redirectUrl?: string; }, callback?: Function ): void; <ExternalService>( options?: { requestPermissions?: string[]; requestOfflineToken?: boolean; loginUrlParameters?: Object; userEmail?: string; loginStyle?: string; redirectUrl?: string; }, callback?: Function ): void; <ExternalService>( options?: { requestPermissions?: string[]; requestOfflineToken?: boolean; loginUrlParameters?: Object; userEmail?: string; loginStyle?: string; redirectUrl?: string; }, callback?: Function ): void; <ExternalService>( options?: { requestPermissions?: string[]; requestOfflineToken?: boolean; loginUrlParameters?: Object; userEmail?: string; loginStyle?: string; redirectUrl?: string; }, callback?: Function ): void; <ExternalService>( options?: { requestPermissions?: string[]; requestOfflineToken?: boolean; loginUrlParameters?: Object; userEmail?: string; loginStyle?: string; redirectUrl?: string; }, callback?: Function ): void;};
function loginWithFacebook
loginWithFacebook: { (options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithGithub
loginWithGithub: { (options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithGoogle
loginWithGoogle: { (options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithMeetup
loginWithMeetup: { (options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithMeteorDeveloperAccount
loginWithMeteorDeveloperAccount: { (options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithPassword
loginWithPassword: { (user: Object | string, password: string, callback?: Function): void; (user: string | Object, password: string, callback?: Function): void; (user: string | Object, password: string, callback?: Function): void; (user: string | Object, password: string, callback?: Function): void; (user: string | Object, password: string, callback?: Function): void; (user: string | Object, password: string, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithToken
loginWithToken: { (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void; (token: string, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithTwitter
loginWithTwitter: { (options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;};
function loginWithWeibo
loginWithWeibo: { (options?: Meteor.LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void; (options?: LoginWithExternalServiceOptions, callback?: Function): void;};
function logout
logout: { (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void;};
function logoutOtherClients
logoutOtherClients: { (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void; (callback?: Function): void;};
function methods
methods: { (methods: Object): void; (methods: Object): void; (methods: Object): void; (methods: Object): void; (methods: Object): void; (methods: Object): void;};
Method *
function reconnect
reconnect: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
Connection *
function setInterval
setInterval: { (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number;};
Timeout *
function setTimeout
setTimeout: { (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number; (func: Function, delay: number): number;};
function startup
startup: { (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void;};
utils *
function status
status: { (): DDP.DDPStatus; (): DDP.DDPStatus; (): DDP.DDPStatus; (): DDP.DDPStatus; (): DDP.DDPStatus; (): DDP.DDPStatus;};
Status *
function subscribe
subscribe: { (name: string, ...args: any[]): Meteor.SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): SubscriptionHandle; (name: string, ...args: any[]): SubscriptionHandle;};
Pub/Sub *
function user
user: { (): User; (): User; (): User; (): User; (): User; (): User };
function userId
userId: { (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string;};
function wrapAsync
wrapAsync: { (func: Function, context?: Object): any; (func: Function, context?: Object): any; (func: Function, context?: Object): any; (func: Function, context?: Object): any; (func: Function, context?: Object): any; (func: Function, context?: Object): any;};
interface Error
interface Error {}
interface ErrorStatic
interface ErrorStatic {}
construct signature
new (error: string | number, reason?: string, details?: string): Error;
interface Event
interface Event {}
Event *
property currentTarget
currentTarget: HTMLElement;
property target
target: HTMLElement;
property type
type: string;
property which
which: number;
method isDefaultPrevented
isDefaultPrevented: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
method isImmediatePropagationStopped
isImmediatePropagationStopped: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
method isPropagationStopped
isPropagationStopped: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
method preventDefault
preventDefault: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
method stopImmediatePropagation
stopImmediatePropagation: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void;};
method stopPropagation
stopPropagation: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
interface EventHandlerFunction
interface EventHandlerFunction extends Function {}
call signature
(event?: Meteor.Event, templateInstance?: Blaze.TemplateInstance): void;
interface EventMap
interface EventMap {}
index signature
[id: string]: Meteor.EventHandlerFunction;
interface LiveQueryHandle
interface LiveQueryHandle {}
method stop
stop: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
interface LoginWithExternalServiceOptions
interface LoginWithExternalServiceOptions {}
Login *
property forceApprovalPrompt
forceApprovalPrompt?: Boolean;
property loginHint
loginHint?: string;
property loginStyle
loginStyle?: string;
property loginUrlParameters
loginUrlParameters?: Object;
property redirectUrl
redirectUrl?: string;
property requestOfflineToken
requestOfflineToken?: Boolean;
property requestPermissions
requestPermissions?: string[];
interface Settings
interface Settings {}
Settings *
property public
public: { [id: string]: any;};
index signature
[id: string]: any;
interface SubscriptionHandle
interface SubscriptionHandle {}
Pub/Sub *
interface User
interface User {}
namespace meteor/mongo
module 'meteor/mongo' {}
namespace meteor/mongo.Mongo
namespace meteor/mongo.Mongo {}
variable Collection
var Collection: CollectionStatic;
variable Cursor
var Cursor: CursorStatic;
variable ObjectID
var ObjectID: ObjectIDStatic;
interface Collection
interface Collection<T> {}
method allow
allow: { (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean;};
method deny
deny: { (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean; (options: { insert?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; update?: ( userId: string, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any ) => boolean; remove?: (userId: string, doc: T) => boolean; fetch?: string[]; transform?: Function; }): boolean;};
method find
find: { ( selector?: Selector | ObjectID | string, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; limit?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): Cursor<T>; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; limit?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): Cursor<T>; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; limit?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): Cursor<T>; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; limit?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): Cursor<T>; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; limit?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): Cursor<T>; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; limit?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): Cursor<T>;};
method findOne
findOne: { ( selector?: Selector | ObjectID | string, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): T; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): T; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): T; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): T; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): T; ( selector?: string | Selector | ObjectID, options?: { sort?: SortSpecifier; skip?: number; fields?: FieldSpecifier; reactive?: boolean; transform?: Function; } ): T;};
method insert
insert: { (doc: T, callback?: Function): string; (doc: T, callback?: Function): string; (doc: T, callback?: Function): string; (doc: T, callback?: Function): string; (doc: T, callback?: Function): string; (doc: T, callback?: Function): string;};
method rawCollection
rawCollection: { (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any };
method rawDatabase
rawDatabase: { (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any; (): any };
method remove
remove: { (selector: Selector | ObjectID | string, callback?: Function): number; (selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, callback?: Function): number; (selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, callback?: Function): number; (selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, callback?: Function): number; (selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, callback?: Function): number; (selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, callback?: Function): number;};
method update
update: { ( selector: Selector | ObjectID | string, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean; upsert?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): number; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean; upsert?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): number; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean; upsert?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): number; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean; upsert?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): number; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean; upsert?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): number; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean; upsert?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): number;};
method upsert
upsert: { ( selector: Selector | ObjectID | string, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): { numberAffected?: number; insertedId?: string }; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): { numberAffected?: number; insertedId?: string }; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): { numberAffected?: number; insertedId?: string }; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): { numberAffected?: number; insertedId?: string }; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): { numberAffected?: number; insertedId?: string }; ( selector: string | Selector | ObjectID, modifier: Modifier, options?: { multi?: boolean }, callback?: Function ): { numberAffected?: number; insertedId?: string };};
interface CollectionStatic
interface CollectionStatic {}
construct signature
new <T>( name: string | null, options?: { connection?: Object; idGeneration?: string; transform?: Function; }): Collection<T>;
interface Cursor
interface Cursor<T> {}
method count
count: { (applySkipLimit?: boolean): number; (applySkipLimit?: boolean): number; (applySkipLimit?: boolean): number; (applySkipLimit?: boolean): number; (applySkipLimit?: boolean): number; (applySkipLimit?: boolean): number;};
method fetch
fetch: { (): Array<T>; (): T[]; (): T[]; (): T[]; (): T[]; (): T[] };
method forEach
forEach: { ( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; ( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; ( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; ( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; ( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => void, thisArg?: any ): void; ( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => void, thisArg?: any ): void;};
method map
map: { <U>( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => U, thisArg?: any ): Array<U>; <U>( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => U, thisArg?: any ): U[]; <U>( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => U, thisArg?: any ): U[]; <U>( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => U, thisArg?: any ): U[]; <U>( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => U, thisArg?: any ): U[]; <U>( callback: (doc: T, index: number, cursor: Cursor<T>) => U, thisArg?: any ): U[];};
method observe
observe: { (callbacks: ObserveCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle;};
method observeChanges
observeChanges: { (callbacks: ObserveChangesCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveChangesCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveChangesCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveChangesCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveChangesCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle; (callbacks: ObserveChangesCallbacks): Meteor.LiveQueryHandle;};
interface CursorStatic
interface CursorStatic {}
construct signature
new <T>(): Cursor<T>;
interface FieldSpecifier
interface FieldSpecifier {}
index signature
[id: string]: Number;
interface Modifier
interface Modifier {}
interface ObjectID
interface ObjectID {}
interface ObjectIDStatic
interface ObjectIDStatic {}
construct signature
new (hexString?: string): ObjectID;
interface ObserveCallbacks
interface ObserveCallbacks {}
method added
added: { (document: Object): void; (document: Object): void; (document: Object): void; (document: Object): void; (document: Object): void; (document: Object): void;};
method addedAt
addedAt: { (document: Object, atIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, atIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, atIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, atIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, atIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, atIndex: number, before: Object): void;};
method changed
changed: { (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object): void;};
method changedAt
changedAt: { (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object, indexAt: number): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object, indexAt: number): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object, indexAt: number): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object, indexAt: number): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object, indexAt: number): void; (newDocument: Object, oldDocument: Object, indexAt: number): void;};
method movedTo
movedTo: { (document: Object, fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, before: Object): void; (document: Object, fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, before: Object): void;};
method removed
removed: { (oldDocument: Object): void; (oldDocument: Object): void; (oldDocument: Object): void; (oldDocument: Object): void; (oldDocument: Object): void; (oldDocument: Object): void;};
method removedAt
removedAt: { (oldDocument: Object, atIndex: number): void; (oldDocument: Object, atIndex: number): void; (oldDocument: Object, atIndex: number): void; (oldDocument: Object, atIndex: number): void; (oldDocument: Object, atIndex: number): void; (oldDocument: Object, atIndex: number): void;};
interface ObserveChangesCallbacks
interface ObserveChangesCallbacks {}
method added
added: { (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void;};
method addedBefore
addedBefore: { (id: string, fields: Object, before: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object, before: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object, before: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object, before: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object, before: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object, before: Object): void;};
method changed
changed: { (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void; (id: string, fields: Object): void;};
method movedBefore
movedBefore: { (id: string, before: Object): void; (id: string, before: Object): void; (id: string, before: Object): void; (id: string, before: Object): void; (id: string, before: Object): void; (id: string, before: Object): void;};
method removed
removed: { (id: string): void; (id: string): void; (id: string): void; (id: string): void; (id: string): void; (id: string): void;};
interface Selector
interface Selector {}
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface Selector
interface Selector extends Object {}
interface SortSpecifier
interface SortSpecifier {}
namespace meteor/random
module 'meteor/random' {}
namespace meteor/random.Random
namespace meteor/random.Random {}
function choice
choice: { (array: any[]): string; (str: string): string; (array: any[]): string; (str: string): string; (array: any[]): string; (str: string): string; (array: any[]): string; (str: string): string; (array: any[]): string; (str: string): string; (array: any[]): string; (str: string): string;};
function fraction
fraction: { (): number; (): number; (): number; (): number; (): number; (): number;};
function hexString
hexString: { (numberOfDigits: number): string; (numberOfDigits: number): string; (numberOfDigits: number): string; (numberOfDigits: number): string; (numberOfDigits: number): string; (numberOfDigits: number): string;};
function id
id: { (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string;};
function secret
secret: { (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string; (numberOfChars?: number): string;};
namespace meteor/reactive-var
module 'meteor/reactive-var' {}
variable ReactiveVar
var ReactiveVar: ReactiveVarStatic;
interface ReactiveVar
interface ReactiveVar<T> {}
interface ReactiveVarStatic
interface ReactiveVarStatic {}
construct signature
new <T>(initialValue: T, equalsFunc?: Function): ReactiveVar<T>;
namespace meteor/session
module 'meteor/session' {}
namespace meteor/session.Session
namespace meteor/session.Session {}
function equals
equals: { (key: string, value: string | number | boolean | any): boolean; (key: string, value: any): boolean; (key: string, value: any): boolean; (key: string, value: any): boolean; (key: string, value: any): boolean; (key: string, value: any): boolean;};
function get
get: { (key: string): any; (key: string): any; (key: string): any; (key: string): any; (key: string): any; (key: string): any;};
function set
set: { (key: string, value: EJSONable | any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void;};
function setDefault
setDefault: { (key: string, value: EJSONable | any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void; (key: string, value: any): void;};
namespace meteor/templating
module 'meteor/templating' {}
variable Template
var Template: TemplateStatic;
interface TemplateStatic
interface TemplateStatic extends Blaze.TemplateStatic {}
property body
body: Blaze.Template;
construct signature
new (viewName?: string, renderFunction?: Function): Blaze.Template;
index signature
[index: string]: any | Blaze.Template;
namespace meteor/tiny-test
module 'meteor/tiny-test' {}
interface ILengthAble
interface ILengthAble {}
property length
length: number;
interface ITinytestAssertions
interface ITinytestAssertions {}
method equal
equal: { <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string, not?: boolean): void;};
method expect_fail
expect_fail: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
method fail
fail: { (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void;};
method include
include: { <T>( s: Array<T> | Object | string, value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean ): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void;};
method instanceOf
instanceOf: { (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void;};
method isFalse
isFalse: { (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void;};
method isNan
isNan: { (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void;};
method isNotNan
isNotNan: { (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void;};
method isNotNull
isNotNull: { (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void;};
method isNotUndefined
isNotUndefined: { (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void;};
method isNull
isNull: { (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void;};
method isTrue
isTrue: { (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void; (v: boolean, msg?: string): void;};
method isUndefined
isUndefined: { (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void; (v: any, msg?: string): void;};
method length
length: { (obj: ILengthAble, expected_length: number, msg?: string): void; (obj: ILengthAble, expected_length: number, msg?: string): void; (obj: ILengthAble, expected_length: number, msg?: string): void; (obj: ILengthAble, expected_length: number, msg?: string): void; (obj: ILengthAble, expected_length: number, msg?: string): void; (obj: ILengthAble, expected_length: number, msg?: string): void;};
method matches
matches: { (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;};
method notEqual
notEqual: { <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void; <T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;};
method notInclude
notInclude: { <T>( s: Array<T> | Object | string, value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean ): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void; <T>(s: string | Object | T[], value: any, msg?: string, not?: boolean): void;};
method notInstanceOf
notInstanceOf: { (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void; (obj: Object, klass: Function, message?: string): void;};
method notMatches
notMatches: { (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void; (actual: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;};
method ok
ok: { (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void; (doc: Object): void;};
method runId
runId: { (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string; (): string;};
method throws
throws: { (f: Function, expected?: string | RegExp): void; (f: Function, expected?: string | RegExp): void; (f: Function, expected?: string | RegExp): void; (f: Function, expected?: string | RegExp): void; (f: Function, expected?: string | RegExp): void; (f: Function, expected?: string | RegExp): void;};
namespace meteor/tiny-test.Tinytest
namespace meteor/tiny-test.Tinytest {}
function add
add: { (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void;};
function addAsync
addAsync: { (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void; (description: string, func: (test: ITinytestAssertions) => void): void;};
namespace meteor/tools
module 'meteor/tools' {}
variable console
var console: Console;
function execFileAsync
execFileAsync: { ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: any[] | string; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): any;};
function execFileSync
execFileSync: { ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: any[] | string; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String; ( command: string, args?: any[], options?: { cwd?: Object; env?: Object; stdio?: string | any[]; destination?: any; waitForClose?: string; } ): String;};
interface PackageAPI
interface PackageAPI {}
method addAssets
addAssets: { (filenames: string | string[], architecture: string | string[]): void; (filenames: string | string[], architecture: string | string[]): void; (filenames: string | string[], architecture: string | string[]): void; (filenames: string | string[], architecture: string | string[]): void;};
method addFiles
addFiles: { ( filenames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { bare?: boolean } ): void; ( filenames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { bare?: boolean } ): void; ( filenames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { bare?: boolean } ): void; ( filenames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { bare?: boolean } ): void;};
method export
export: { ( exportedObjects: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], exportOptions?: Object, testOnly?: boolean ): void; ( exportedObjects: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], exportOptions?: Object, testOnly?: boolean ): void; ( exportedObjects: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], exportOptions?: Object, testOnly?: boolean ): void; ( exportedObjects: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], exportOptions?: Object, testOnly?: boolean ): void;};
method imply
imply: { (packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[]): void; (packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[]): void; (packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[]): void; (packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[]): void;};
method use
use: { ( packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { weak?: boolean; unordered?: boolean } ): void; ( packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { weak?: boolean; unordered?: boolean } ): void; ( packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { weak?: boolean; unordered?: boolean } ): void; ( packageNames: string | string[], architecture?: string | string[], options?: { weak?: boolean; unordered?: boolean } ): void;};
method versionsFrom
versionsFrom: { (meteorRelease: string | string[]): void; (meteorRelease: string | string[]): void; (meteorRelease: string | string[]): void; (meteorRelease: string | string[]): void;};
construct signature
new (): PackageAPI;
namespace meteor/tools.App
namespace meteor/tools.App {}
function accessRule
accessRule: { (pattern: string, options?: { type?: string; launchExternal?: boolean }): void; (pattern: string, options?: { type?: string; launchExternal?: boolean }): void; (pattern: string, options?: { type?: string; launchExternal?: boolean }): void; (pattern: string, options?: { type?: string; launchExternal?: boolean }): void;};
function configurePlugin
configurePlugin: { (id: string, config: Object): void; (id: string, config: Object): void; (id: string, config: Object): void; (id: string, config: Object): void;};
function icons
icons: { (icons: Object): void; (icons: Object): void; (icons: Object): void; (icons: Object): void;};
function info
info: { (options: { id?: string; version?: string; name?: string; description?: string; author?: string; email?: string; website?: string; }): void; (options: { id?: string; version?: string; name?: string; description?: string; author?: string; email?: string; website?: string; }): void; (options: { id?: string; version?: string; name?: string; description?: string; author?: string; email?: string; website?: string; }): void; (options: { id?: string; version?: string; name?: string; description?: string; author?: string; email?: string; website?: string; }): void;};
function launchScreens
launchScreens: { (launchScreens: Object): void; (launchScreens: Object): void; (launchScreens: Object): void; (launchScreens: Object): void;};
function setPreference
setPreference: { (name: string, value: string, platform?: string): void; (name: string, value: string, platform?: string): void; (name: string, value: string, platform?: string): void; (name: string, value: string, platform?: string): void;};
namespace meteor/tools.Assets
namespace meteor/tools.Assets {}
function absoluteFilePath
absoluteFilePath: { (assetPath: string): string; (assetPath: string): string; (assetPath: string): string; (assetPath: string): string;};
function getBinary
getBinary: { (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): EJSON; (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): EJSON; (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): EJSON; (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): EJSON;};
function getText
getText: { (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): string; (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): string; (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): string; (assetPath: string, asyncCallback?: Function): string;};
namespace meteor/tools.Cordova
namespace meteor/tools.Cordova {}
function depends
depends: { (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void; (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void; (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void; (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void;};
namespace meteor/tools.Npm
namespace meteor/tools.Npm {}
function depends
depends: { (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void; (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void; (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void; (dependencies: { [id: string]: string }): void;};
function require
require: { (name: string): any; (name: string): any; (name: string): any; (name: string): any;};
namespace meteor/tools.Package
namespace meteor/tools.Package {}
function describe
describe: { (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void;};
function onTest
onTest: { (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void;};
function onUse
onUse: { (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void;};
function registerBuildPlugin
registerBuildPlugin: { (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void;};
namespace meteor/tracker
module 'meteor/tracker' {}
namespace meteor/tracker.Tracker
namespace meteor/tracker.Tracker {}
variable active
var active: boolean;
variable currentComputation
var currentComputation: Computation;
variable Dependency
var Dependency: DependencyStatic;
function afterFlush
afterFlush: { (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void;};
function autorun
autorun: { ( runFunc: (computation: Computation) => void, options?: { onError?: Function } ): Computation; ( runFunc: (computation: Computation) => void, options?: { onError?: Function } ): Computation; ( runFunc: (computation: Computation) => void, options?: { onError?: Function } ): Computation; ( runFunc: (computation: Computation) => void, options?: { onError?: Function } ): Computation; ( runFunc: (computation: Computation) => void, options?: { onError?: Function } ): Computation; ( runFunc: (computation: Computation) => void, options?: { onError?: Function } ): Computation;};
function Computation
Computation: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
function flush
flush: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
function nonreactive
nonreactive: { (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void; (func: Function): void;};
function onInvalidate
onInvalidate: { (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void;};
interface Computation
interface Computation {}
property firstRun
firstRun: boolean;
property invalidated
invalidated: boolean;
property stopped
stopped: boolean;
method invalidate
invalidate: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
method onInvalidate
onInvalidate: { (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void;};
method onStop
onStop: { (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void; (callback: Function): void;};
method stop
stop: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
interface Dependency
interface Dependency {}
method changed
changed: { (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void; (): void };
method depend
depend: { (fromComputation?: Computation): boolean; (fromComputation?: Computation): boolean; (fromComputation?: Computation): boolean; (fromComputation?: Computation): boolean; (fromComputation?: Computation): boolean; (fromComputation?: Computation): boolean;};
method hasDependents
hasDependents: { (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean; (): boolean;};
interface DependencyStatic
interface DependencyStatic {}
construct signature
new (): Dependency;
namespace Package
namespace Package {}
function describe
describe: { (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void; (options: { summary?: string; version?: string; name?: string; git?: string; documentation?: string; debugOnly?: boolean; prodOnly?: boolean; testOnly?: boolean; }): void;};
function onTest
onTest: { (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void;};
function onUse
onUse: { (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void; (func: (api: PackageAPI) => void): void;};
function registerBuildPlugin
registerBuildPlugin: { (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void; (options?: { name?: string; use?: string | string[]; sources?: string[]; npmDependencies?: Object; }): void;};
Package Files (3)
Dependencies (0)
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Dev Dependencies (13)
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