- Version 9.0.0
- Published
- 52.5 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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Universal abstract-level database for Node.js and browsers
class Level
class Level< KDefault = string, VDefault = string> extends AbstractLevel.AbstractLevel< string | Buffer | Uint8Array, KDefault, VDefault> {}
Universal AbstractLevel database for Node.js and browsers.
KDefault The default type of keys if not overridden on operations. VDefault The default type of values if not overridden on operations.
constructor(location: string, options?: any);
Database constructor.
Parameter location
Directory path (relative or absolute) where LevelDB will store its files, or in browsers, the name of the [
](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBDatabase) to be opened.Parameter options
Options, of which some will be forwarded to open.
property location
readonly location: string;
Location that was passed to the constructor.
method batch
batch: { ( operations: Array<BatchOperation<typeof this, KDefault, VDefault>> ): Promise<void>; <K = KDefault, V = VDefault>(operations: any[], options: any): Promise<void>; (): any;};
method del
del: { (key: KDefault): Promise<void>; <K = KDefault>(key: K, options: any): Promise<void>;};
method get
get: { (key: KDefault): Promise<VDefault>; <K = KDefault, V = VDefault>(key: K, options: any): Promise<V>;};
method getMany
getMany: { (keys: KDefault[]): Promise<VDefault[]>; <K = KDefault, V = VDefault>(keys: K[], options: any): Promise<V[]>;};
method iterator
iterator: { (): Iterator<typeof this, KDefault, VDefault>; <K = KDefault, V = VDefault>(options: any): any;};
method keys
keys: { (): KeyIterator<typeof this, KDefault>; <K = KDefault>(options: any): any;};
method open
open: { (): Promise<void>; (options: any): Promise<void> };
method put
put: { (key: KDefault, value: VDefault): Promise<void>; <K = KDefault, V = VDefault>(key: K, value: V, options: any): Promise<void>;};
method values
values: { (): ValueIterator<typeof this, KDefault, VDefault>; <K = KDefault, V = VDefault>(options: any): any;};
Type Aliases
type BatchOperation
type BatchOperation<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.BatchOperation<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.BatchOperation<TDatabase, K, V>;
type BatchOptions
type BatchOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.BatchOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.BatchOptions<K, V>;
type ChainedBatch
type ChainedBatch<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.ChainedBatch<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.ChainedBatch<TDatabase, K, V>;
type DatabaseOptions
type DatabaseOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.DatabaseOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.DatabaseOptions<K, V>;
type DelOptions
type DelOptions<K> = ClassicLevel.DelOptions<K> & BrowserLevel.DelOptions<K>;
type GetManyOptions
type GetManyOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.GetManyOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.GetManyOptions<K, V>;
type GetOptions
type GetOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.GetOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.GetOptions<K, V>;
type Iterator
type Iterator<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.Iterator<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.Iterator<TDatabase, K, V>;
type IteratorOptions
type IteratorOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.IteratorOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.IteratorOptions<K, V>;
type KeyIterator
type KeyIterator<TDatabase, K> = ClassicLevel.KeyIterator<TDatabase, K> & BrowserLevel.KeyIterator<TDatabase, K>;
type KeyIteratorOptions
type KeyIteratorOptions<K> = ClassicLevel.KeyIteratorOptions<K> & BrowserLevel.KeyIteratorOptions<K>;
type OpenOptions
type OpenOptions = ClassicLevel.OpenOptions & BrowserLevel.OpenOptions;
type PutOptions
type PutOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.PutOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.PutOptions<K, V>;
type ValueIterator
type ValueIterator<TDatabase, K, V> = ClassicLevel.ValueIterator<TDatabase, K, V> & BrowserLevel.ValueIterator<TDatabase, K, V>;
type ValueIteratorOptions
type ValueIteratorOptions<K, V> = ClassicLevel.ValueIteratorOptions<K, V> & BrowserLevel.ValueIteratorOptions<K, V>;
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