- Version 5.4.1
- Published
- 698 kB
- 9 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i ioredis
yarn add ioredis
pnpm add ioredis
A robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
- autoPipelineQueueSize
- Cluster
- Command
- commandQueue
- condition
- connect()
- createClient()
- disconnect()
- duplicate()
- end()
- handleReconnection()
- hscanBufferStream()
- hscanStream()
- isCluster
- mode
- monitor()
- options
- recoverFromFatalError()
- scanBufferStream()
- scanStream()
- sendCommand()
- silentEmit()
- sscanBufferStream()
- sscanStream()
- status
- stream
- zscanBufferStream()
- zscanStream()
- autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands
- clusterRetryStrategy
- dnsLookup
- enableAutoPipelining
- enableOfflineQueue
- enableReadyCheck
- lazyConnect
- maxRedirections
- natMap
- redisOptions
- resolveSrv
- retryDelayOnClusterDown
- retryDelayOnFailover
- retryDelayOnMoved
- retryDelayOnTryAgain
- scaleReads
- scripts
- slotsRefreshInterval
- slotsRefreshTimeout
- useSRVRecords
- autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands
- autoResendUnfulfilledCommands
- autoResubscribe
- commandQueue
- commandTimeout
- connectionName
- Connector
- connectTimeout
- db
- enableAutoPipelining
- enableOfflineQueue
- enableReadyCheck
- keepAlive
- lazyConnect
- maxLoadingRetryTime
- maxRetriesPerRequest
- monitor
- noDelay
- offlineQueue
- password
- readOnly
- reconnectOnError
- retryStrategy
- scripts
- socketTimeout
- stringNumbers
- username
- ["restore-asking"]()
- acl()
- aclBuffer()
- append()
- asking()
- auth()
- bgrewriteaof()
- bgrewriteaofBuffer()
- bgsave()
- bitcount()
- bitfield()
- bitfield_ro()
- bitop()
- bitpos()
- blmove()
- blmoveBuffer()
- blmpop()
- blmpopBuffer()
- blpop()
- blpopBuffer()
- brpop()
- brpopBuffer()
- brpoplpush()
- brpoplpushBuffer()
- bzmpop()
- bzpopmax()
- bzpopmaxBuffer()
- bzpopmin()
- bzpopminBuffer()
- call()
- callBuffer()
- client()
- clientBuffer()
- cluster()
- command()
- config()
- copy()
- dbsize()
- debug()
- decr()
- decrby()
- del()
- discard()
- dump()
- dumpBuffer()
- echo()
- echoBuffer()
- eval()
- eval_ro()
- evalsha()
- evalsha_ro()
- exec()
- exists()
- expire()
- expireat()
- expiretime()
- failover()
- fcall()
- fcall_ro()
- flushall()
- flushdb()
- function()
- functionBuffer()
- geoadd()
- geodist()
- geodistBuffer()
- geohash()
- geohashBuffer()
- geopos()
- georadius()
- georadius_ro()
- georadiusbymember()
- georadiusbymember_ro()
- geosearch()
- geosearchstore()
- get()
- getbit()
- getBuffer()
- getdel()
- getdelBuffer()
- getex()
- getexBuffer()
- getrange()
- getrangeBuffer()
- getset()
- getsetBuffer()
- hdel()
- hello()
- hexists()
- hget()
- hgetall()
- hgetallBuffer()
- hgetBuffer()
- hincrby()
- hincrbyfloat()
- hincrbyfloatBuffer()
- hkeys()
- hkeysBuffer()
- hlen()
- hmget()
- hmgetBuffer()
- hmset()
- hrandfield()
- hrandfieldBuffer()
- hscan()
- hscanBuffer()
- hset()
- hsetnx()
- hstrlen()
- hvals()
- hvalsBuffer()
- incr()
- incrby()
- incrbyfloat()
- info()
- keys()
- keysBuffer()
- lastsave()
- latency()
- lcs()
- lindex()
- lindexBuffer()
- linsert()
- llen()
- lmove()
- lmoveBuffer()
- lmpop()
- lmpopBuffer()
- lolwut()
- lpop()
- lpopBuffer()
- lpos()
- lpush()
- lpushx()
- lrange()
- lrangeBuffer()
- lrem()
- lset()
- ltrim()
- memory()
- mget()
- mgetBuffer()
- migrate()
- module()
- move()
- mset()
- msetnx()
- object()
- persist()
- pexpire()
- pexpireat()
- pexpiretime()
- pfadd()
- pfcount()
- pfdebug()
- pfmerge()
- pfselftest()
- ping()
- pingBuffer()
- psetex()
- psubscribe()
- psync()
- pttl()
- publish()
- pubsub()
- punsubscribe()
- quit()
- randomkey()
- randomkeyBuffer()
- readonly()
- readwrite()
- rename()
- renamenx()
- replconf()
- replicaof()
- reset()
- restore()
- role()
- rpop()
- rpopBuffer()
- rpoplpush()
- rpoplpushBuffer()
- rpush()
- rpushx()
- sadd()
- save()
- scan()
- scanBuffer()
- scard()
- script()
- sdiff()
- sdiffBuffer()
- sdiffstore()
- select()
- set()
- setbit()
- setBuffer()
- setex()
- setnx()
- setrange()
- shutdown()
- sinter()
- sinterBuffer()
- sintercard()
- sinterstore()
- sismember()
- slaveof()
- slowlog()
- smembers()
- smembersBuffer()
- smismember()
- smove()
- sort()
- sort_ro()
- spop()
- spopBuffer()
- spublish()
- srandmember()
- srandmemberBuffer()
- srem()
- sscan()
- sscanBuffer()
- ssubscribe()
- strlen()
- subscribe()
- substr()
- sunion()
- sunionBuffer()
- sunionstore()
- sunsubscribe()
- swapdb()
- sync()
- time()
- touch()
- ttl()
- type()
- unlink()
- unsubscribe()
- unwatch()
- wait()
- watch()
- xack()
- xadd()
- xaddBuffer()
- xautoclaim()
- xclaim()
- xdel()
- xgroup()
- xinfo()
- xlen()
- xpending()
- xrange()
- xrangeBuffer()
- xread()
- xreadBuffer()
- xreadgroup()
- xrevrange()
- xrevrangeBuffer()
- xsetid()
- xtrim()
- zadd()
- zaddBuffer()
- zcard()
- zcount()
- zdiff()
- zdiffBuffer()
- zdiffstore()
- zincrby()
- zincrbyBuffer()
- zinter()
- zinterBuffer()
- zintercard()
- zinterstore()
- zlexcount()
- zmpop()
- zmscore()
- zmscoreBuffer()
- zpopmax()
- zpopmaxBuffer()
- zpopmin()
- zpopminBuffer()
- zrandmember()
- zrandmemberBuffer()
- zrange()
- zrangeBuffer()
- zrangebylex()
- zrangebylexBuffer()
- zrangebyscore()
- zrangebyscoreBuffer()
- zrangestore()
- zrank()
- zrem()
- zremrangebylex()
- zremrangebyrank()
- zremrangebyscore()
- zrevrange()
- zrevrangeBuffer()
- zrevrangebylex()
- zrevrangebylexBuffer()
- zrevrangebyscore()
- zrevrangebyscoreBuffer()
- zrevrank()
- zscan()
- zscanBuffer()
- zscore()
- zscoreBuffer()
- zunion()
- zunionBuffer()
- zunionstore()
Type Aliases
variable ReplyError
const ReplyError: any;
function print
print: (err: Error | null, reply?: any) => void;
class AbstractConnector
abstract class AbstractConnector {}
constructor(disconnectTimeout: number);
property connecting
protected connecting: boolean;
property firstError
firstError?: Error;
property stream
protected stream: any;
method check
check: (info: any) => boolean;
method connect
abstract connect: (_: ErrorEmitter) => Promise<NetStream>;
method disconnect
disconnect: () => void;
class Cluster
class Cluster extends Commander {}
Client for the official Redis Cluster
constructor(startupNodes: ClusterNode[], options?: ClusterOptions);
Creates an instance of Cluster.
property autoPipelineQueueSize
readonly autoPipelineQueueSize: number;
Get the number of commands queued in automatic pipelines.
This is not available (and returns 0) until the cluster is connected and slots information have been received.
property isCluster
isCluster: boolean;
property options
options: ClusterOptions;
property slots
slots: string[][];
property status
status: ClusterStatus;
method connect
connect: () => Promise<void>;
Connect to a cluster
method delayUntilReady
delayUntilReady: (callback: Callback) => void;
This is needed in order not to install a listener for each auto pipeline
method disconnect
disconnect: (reconnect?: boolean) => void;
Disconnect from every node in the cluster.
method duplicate
duplicate: (overrideStartupNodes?: any[], overrideOptions?: {}) => Cluster;
Create a new instance with the same startup nodes and options as the current one.
Example 1
var cluster = new Redis.Cluster([{ host: "", port: "30001" }]);var anotherCluster = cluster.duplicate();
method handleError
handleError: (error: Error, ttl: { value?: any }, handlers: any) => void;
method hscanBufferStream
hscanBufferStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method hscanStream
hscanStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method nodes
nodes: (role?: NodeRole) => Redis[];
Get nodes with the specified role
method quit
quit: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Promise<'OK'>;
Quit the cluster gracefully.
method refreshSlotsCache
refreshSlotsCache: (callback?: Callback<void>) => void;
Refresh the slot cache
method sendCommand
sendCommand: (command: Command, stream?: WriteableStream, node?: any) => unknown;
method sscanBufferStream
sscanBufferStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method sscanStream
sscanStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method zscanBufferStream
zscanBufferStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method zscanStream
zscanStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
class Command
class Command implements Respondable {}
Command instance
It's rare that you need to create a Command instance yourself.
var infoCommand = new Command('info', null, function (err, result) {console.log('result', result);});redis.sendCommand(infoCommand);// When no callback provided, Command instance will have a `promise` property,// which will resolve/reject with the result of the command.var getCommand = new Command('get', ['foo']);getCommand.promise.then(function (result) {console.log('result', result);});
constructor( name: string, args?: any[], options?: CommandOptions, callback?: Callback<any>);
Creates an instance of Command.
Parameter name
Command name
Parameter args
An array of command arguments
Parameter options
Parameter callback
The callback that handles the response. If omit, the response will be handled via Promise
property args
args: any[];
property FLAGS
static FLAGS: { VALID_IN_SUBSCRIBER_MODE: [ 'subscribe', 'psubscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'punsubscribe', 'ssubscribe', 'sunsubscribe', 'ping', 'quit' ]; VALID_IN_MONITOR_MODE: ['monitor', 'auth']; ENTER_SUBSCRIBER_MODE: ['subscribe', 'psubscribe', 'ssubscribe']; EXIT_SUBSCRIBER_MODE: ['unsubscribe', 'punsubscribe', 'sunsubscribe']; WILL_DISCONNECT: ['quit'];};
property ignore
ignore?: boolean;
property inTransaction
inTransaction: boolean;
property isReadOnly
isReadOnly?: boolean;
property isResolved
isResolved: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property pipelineIndex
pipelineIndex?: number;
property promise
promise: Promise<any>;
property reject
reject: (err: Error) => void;
property resolve
resolve: (result: any) => void;
method checkFlag
static checkFlag: <T extends keyof CommandNameFlags>( flagName: T, commandName: string) => commandName is CommandNameFlags[T][number];
Check whether the command has the flag
method getKeys
getKeys: () => Array<string | Buffer>;
method getSlot
getSlot: () => number;
method setArgumentTransformer
static setArgumentTransformer: (name: string, func: ArgumentTransformer) => void;
method setReplyTransformer
static setReplyTransformer: (name: string, func: ReplyTransformer) => void;
method setTimeout
setTimeout: (ms: number) => void;
Set the wait time before terminating the attempt to execute a command and generating an error.
method stringifyArguments
stringifyArguments: () => void;
method toWritable
toWritable: (_socket: object) => string | Buffer;
Convert command to writable buffer or string
method transformReply
transformReply: ( result: Buffer | Buffer[]) => string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
Convert buffer/buffer[] to string/string[], and apply reply transformer.
class Pipeline
class Pipeline extends Commander<{ type: 'pipeline';}> {}
constructor(redis: Cluster | Redis);
property isCluster
isCluster: boolean;
property isPipeline
isPipeline: boolean;
property leftRedirections
leftRedirections: { value?: number };
property promise
promise: Promise<unknown>;
property redis
redis: Cluster | Redis;
property reject
reject: (error: Error) => void;
property resolve
resolve: (result: unknown) => void;
method addBatch
addBatch: (commands: any) => this;
method fillResult
fillResult: (value: unknown[], position: number) => void;
method sendCommand
sendCommand: (command: Command) => unknown;
class Redis
class Redis extends Commander implements DataHandledable {}
This is the major component of ioredis. Use it to connect to a standalone Redis server or Sentinels.
const redis = new Redis(); // Default port is 6379async function main() {redis.set("foo", "bar");redis.get("foo", (err, result) => {// `result` should be "bar"console.log(err, result);});// Or use Promiseconst result = await redis.get("foo");}
constructor(port: number, host: string, options: RedisOptions);
constructor(path: string, options: RedisOptions);
constructor(port: number, options: RedisOptions);
constructor(port: number, host: string);
constructor(options: RedisOptions);
constructor(port: number);
constructor(path: string);
property autoPipelineQueueSize
readonly autoPipelineQueueSize: number;
property Cluster
static Cluster: typeof Cluster;
property Command
static Command: typeof Command;
property commandQueue
commandQueue: Deque<CommandItem>;
property condition
condition: Condition;
property isCluster
isCluster: boolean;
property mode
readonly mode: 'normal' | 'subscriber' | 'monitor';
Mode of the connection.
One of
, or"monitor"
. When the connection is not in"normal"
mode, certain commands are not allowed.
property options
options: RedisOptions;
property status
status: RedisStatus;
property stream
stream: any;
method connect
connect: (callback?: Callback<void>) => Promise<void>;
Create a connection to Redis. This method will be invoked automatically when creating a new Redis instance unless
lazyConnect: true
is passed.When calling this method manually, a Promise is returned, which will be resolved when the connection status is ready.
method createClient
static createClient: () => Redis;
Create a Redis instance. This is the same as
new Redis()
but is included for compatibility with node-redis.
method disconnect
disconnect: (reconnect?: boolean) => void;
Disconnect from Redis.
This method closes the connection immediately, and may lose some pending replies that haven't written to client. If you want to wait for the pending replies, use Redis#quit instead.
method duplicate
duplicate: (override?: Partial<RedisOptions>) => Redis;
Create a new instance with the same options as the current one.
Example 1
var redis = new Redis(6380);var anotherRedis = redis.duplicate();
method end
end: () => void;
Disconnect from Redis.
method handleReconnection
handleReconnection: (err: Error, item: CommandItem) => void;
method hscanBufferStream
hscanBufferStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method hscanStream
hscanStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method monitor
monitor: (callback?: Callback<Redis>) => Promise<Redis>;
Listen for all requests received by the server in real time.
This command will create a new connection to Redis and send a MONITOR command via the new connection in order to avoid disturbing the current connection.
Parameter callback
The callback function. If omit, a promise will be returned.
Example 1
var redis = new Redis();redis.monitor(function (err, monitor) {// Entering monitoring mode.monitor.on('monitor', function (time, args, source, database) {console.log(time + ": " + util.inspect(args));});});// supports promise as well as other commandsredis.monitor().then(function (monitor) {monitor.on('monitor', function (time, args, source, database) {console.log(time + ": " + util.inspect(args));});});
method recoverFromFatalError
recoverFromFatalError: ( _commandError: Error, err: Error, options: FlushQueueOptions) => void;
method scanBufferStream
scanBufferStream: (options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method scanStream
scanStream: (options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method sendCommand
sendCommand: (command: Command, stream?: WriteableStream) => unknown;
Send a command to Redis
This method is used internally and in most cases you should not use it directly. If you need to send a command that is not supported by the library, you can use the
method:const redis = new Redis();'set', 'foo', 'bar');//['set', 'foo', 'bar']);
method silentEmit
silentEmit: (eventName: string, arg?: unknown) => boolean;
Emit only when there's at least one listener.
method sscanBufferStream
sscanBufferStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method sscanStream
sscanStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method zscanBufferStream
zscanBufferStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
method zscanStream
zscanStream: (key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions) => ScanStream;
class ScanStream
class ScanStream extends Readable {}
Convenient class to convert the process of scanning keys to a readable stream.
constructor(opt: Options);
method close
close: () => void;
class SentinelConnector
class SentinelConnector extends AbstractConnector {}
constructor(options: SentinelConnectionOptions);
property emitter
emitter: any;
property options
protected options: SentinelConnectionOptions;
property sentinelIterator
protected sentinelIterator: SentinelIterator;
method check
check: (info: { role?: string }) => boolean;
method connect
connect: (eventEmitter: ErrorEmitter) => Promise<NetStream>;
method disconnect
disconnect: () => void;
class SentinelIterator
class SentinelIterator implements Iterator<Partial<SentinelAddress>> {}
constructor(sentinels: Partial<SentinelAddress>[]);
method add
add: (sentinel: SentinelAddress) => boolean;
method next
next: () => { done: boolean; value: Partial<SentinelAddress> };
method reset
reset: (moveCurrentEndpointToFirst: boolean) => void;
method toString
toString: () => string;
interface ChainableCommander
interface ChainableCommander extends RedisCommander<{ type: 'pipeline'; }> {}
property length
length: number;
interface Cluster
interface Cluster extends EventEmitter {}
interface Cluster
interface Cluster extends Transaction {}
interface ClusterOptions
interface ClusterOptions extends CommanderOptions {}
Options for Cluster constructor
property autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands
autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands?: string[];
See Redis class.
property clusterRetryStrategy
clusterRetryStrategy?: (times: number, reason?: Error) => number | void | null;
See "Quick Start" section.
(times) => Math.min(100 + times * 2, 2000)
property dnsLookup
dnsLookup?: DNSLookupFunction;
Hostnames will be resolved to IP addresses via this function. This is needed when the addresses of startup nodes are hostnames instead of IPs.
You may provide a custom
function when you want to customize the cache behavior of the default function.require('dns').lookup
property enableAutoPipelining
enableAutoPipelining?: boolean;
See Redis class.
property enableOfflineQueue
enableOfflineQueue?: boolean;
See Redis class.
property enableReadyCheck
enableReadyCheck?: boolean;
When enabled, ioredis only emits "ready" event when
command reporting the cluster is ready for handling commands.true
property lazyConnect
lazyConnect?: boolean;
By default, When a new Cluster instance is created, it will connect to the Redis cluster automatically. If you want to keep the instance disconnected until the first command is called, set this option to
property maxRedirections
maxRedirections?: number;
When a MOVED or ASK error is received, client will redirect the command to another node. This option limits the max redirections allowed to send a command.
property natMap
natMap?: NatMap;
property redisOptions
redisOptions?: Omit< RedisOptions, | 'port' | 'host' | 'path' | 'sentinels' | 'retryStrategy' | 'enableOfflineQueue' | 'readOnly'>;
Passed to the constructor of
property resolveSrv
resolveSrv?: DNSResolveSrvFunction;
SRV records will be resolved via this function.
You may provide a custom
function when you want to customize the cache behavior of the default function.require('dns').resolveSrv
property retryDelayOnClusterDown
retryDelayOnClusterDown?: number;
When a CLUSTERDOWN error is received, client will retry if
is valid delay time (in ms).100
property retryDelayOnFailover
retryDelayOnFailover?: number;
When an error is received when sending a command (e.g. "Connection is closed." when the target Redis node is down), client will retry if
is valid delay time (in ms).100
property retryDelayOnMoved
retryDelayOnMoved?: number;
By default, this value is 0, which means when a
error is received, the client will resend the command instantly to the node returned together with theMOVED
error. However, sometimes it takes time for a cluster to become state stabilized after a failover, so adding a delay before resending can prevent a ping pong effect.0
property retryDelayOnTryAgain
retryDelayOnTryAgain?: number;
When a TRYAGAIN error is received, client will retry if
is valid delay time (in ms).100
property scaleReads
scaleReads?: NodeRole | Function;
Scale reads to the node with the specified role.
property scripts
scripts?: Record< string, { lua: string; numberOfKeys?: number; readOnly?: boolean; }>;
Custom LUA commands
property slotsRefreshInterval
slotsRefreshInterval?: number;
The milliseconds between every automatic slots refresh.
property slotsRefreshTimeout
slotsRefreshTimeout?: number;
The milliseconds before a timeout occurs while refreshing slots from the cluster.
property useSRVRecords
useSRVRecords?: boolean;
Discover nodes using SRV records
interface CommonRedisOptions
interface CommonRedisOptions extends CommanderOptions {}
property autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands
autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands?: string[];
property autoResendUnfulfilledCommands
autoResendUnfulfilledCommands?: boolean;
Whether or not to resend unfulfilled commands on reconnect. Unfulfilled commands are most likely to be blocking commands such as
. true
property autoResubscribe
autoResubscribe?: boolean;
When the client reconnects, channels subscribed in the previous connection will be resubscribed automatically if
. true
property commandQueue
commandQueue?: boolean;
property commandTimeout
commandTimeout?: number;
If a command does not return a reply within a set number of milliseconds, a "Command timed out" error will be thrown.
property connectionName
connectionName?: string;
Set the name of the connection to make it easier to identity the connection in client list.
property Connector
Connector?: ConnectorConstructor;
property connectTimeout
connectTimeout?: number;
How long the client will wait before killing a socket due to inactivity during initial connection. 10000
property db
db?: number;
Database index to use.
property enableAutoPipelining
enableAutoPipelining?: boolean;
property enableOfflineQueue
enableOfflineQueue?: boolean;
By default, if the connection to Redis server has not been established, commands are added to a queue and are executed once the connection is "ready" (when
is true, "ready" means the Redis server has loaded the database from disk, otherwise means the connection to the Redis server has been established). If this option is false, when execute the command when the connection isn't ready, an error will be returned.true
property enableReadyCheck
enableReadyCheck?: boolean;
The client will sent an INFO command to check whether the server is still loading data from the disk ( which happens when the server is just launched) when the connection is established, and only wait until the loading process is finished before emitting the
property keepAlive
keepAlive?: number;
Enable/disable keep-alive functionality. 0
property lazyConnect
lazyConnect?: boolean;
When a Redis instance is initialized, a connection to the server is immediately established. Set this to true will delay the connection to the server until the first command is sent or
is called explicitly.false
property maxLoadingRetryTime
maxLoadingRetryTime?: number;
property maxRetriesPerRequest
maxRetriesPerRequest?: number | null;
The commands that don't get a reply due to the connection to the server is lost are put into a queue and will be resent on reconnect (if allowed by the
option). This option is used to configure how many reconnection attempts should be allowed before the queue is flushed with aMaxRetriesPerRequestError
error. Set this options tonull
instead of a number to let commands wait forever until the connection is alive again.20
property monitor
monitor?: boolean;
This option is used internally when you call
to tell Redis to enter the monitor mode when the connection is established.false
property noDelay
noDelay?: boolean;
Enable/disable the use of Nagle's algorithm. true
property offlineQueue
offlineQueue?: boolean;
property password
password?: string;
If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option when connected.
property readOnly
readOnly?: boolean;
property reconnectOnError
reconnectOnError?: ReconnectOnError | null;
Whether or not to reconnect on certain Redis errors. This options by default is
, which means it should never reconnect on Redis errors. You can pass a function that accepts an Redis error, and returns: -true
to trigger a reconnection. -false
to not reconnect. -2
to reconnect and resend the failed command (who triggered the error) after reconnection.Example 1
const redis = new Redis({reconnectOnError(err) {const targetError = "READONLY";if (err.message.includes(targetError)) {// Only reconnect when the error contains "READONLY"return true; // or `return 1;`}},});null
property retryStrategy
retryStrategy?: (times: number) => number | void | null;
property scripts
scripts?: Record< string, { lua: string; numberOfKeys?: number; readOnly?: boolean; }>;
property socketTimeout
socketTimeout?: number;
If the socket does not receive data within a set number of milliseconds: 1. the socket is considered "dead" and will be destroyed 2. the client will reject any running commands (altought they might have been processed by the server) 3. the reconnect strategy will kick in (depending on the configuration)
property stringNumbers
stringNumbers?: boolean;
When enabled, numbers returned by Redis will be converted to JavaScript strings instead of numbers. This is necessary if you want to handle big numbers (above
=== 2^53). false
property username
username?: string;
If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option as the first argument when connected. This is supported since Redis 6.
interface NatMap
interface NatMap {}
index signature
[key: string]: { host: string; port: number;};
interface Redis
interface Redis extends EventEmitter {}
method on
on: { (event: 'message', cb: (channel: string, message: string) => void): this; ( event: 'messageBuffer', cb: (channel: Buffer, message: Buffer) => void ): this; ( event: 'pmessage', cb: (pattern: string, channel: string, message: string) => void ): this; ( event: 'pmessageBuffer', cb: (pattern: string, channel: Buffer, message: Buffer) => void ): this; (event: 'error', cb: (error: Error) => void): this; (event: RedisStatus, cb: () => void): this; (event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;};
method once
once: { (event: 'message', cb: (channel: string, message: string) => void): this; ( event: 'messageBuffer', cb: (channel: Buffer, message: Buffer) => void ): this; ( event: 'pmessage', cb: (pattern: string, channel: string, message: string) => void ): this; ( event: 'pmessageBuffer', cb: (pattern: string, channel: Buffer, message: Buffer) => void ): this; (event: 'error', cb: (error: Error) => void): this; (event: RedisStatus, cb: () => void): this; (event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;};
interface Redis
interface Redis extends Transaction {}
interface RedisCommander
interface RedisCommander< Context extends ClientContext = { type: 'default'; }> {}
method ["restore-asking"]
['restore-asking']: { ( key: RedisKey, ttl: number | string, serializedValue: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
An internal command for migrating keys in a cluster - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) to create the new key and additional O(N*M) to reconstruct the serialized value, where N is the number of Redis objects composing the value and M their average size. For small string values the time complexity is thus O(1)+O(1*M) where M is small, so simply O(1). However for sorted set values the complexity is O(N*M*log(N)) because inserting values into sorted sets is O(log(N)). - _since_: 3.0.0
method acl
acl: { (subcommand: 'CAT', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'CAT', categoryname: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'DELUSER', ...usernames: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (subcommand: 'DELUSER', ...usernames: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( subcommand: 'DRYRUN', username: any, command: any, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'DRYRUN', username: any, command: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'DRYRUN', username: any, command: any, ...args: any[]): Result< string, Context >; (subcommand: 'GENPASS', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; ( subcommand: 'GENPASS', bits: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( subcommand: 'GETUSER', username: any, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LIST', callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >; (subcommand: 'LOAD', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'LOG', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LOG', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LOG', reset: 'RESET', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'SAVE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'SETUSER', username: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'SETUSER', username: any, ...rules: any[], callback: Callback<'OK'> ] ): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'SETUSER', username: any, ...rules: any[]): Result< 'OK', Context >; (subcommand: 'USERS', callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >; (subcommand: 'WHOAMI', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>;};
List the ACL categories or the commands inside a category - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) since the categories and commands are a fixed set. - _since_: 6.0.0
Remove the specified ACL users and the associated rules - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) amortized time considering the typical user. - _since_: 6.0.0
Returns whether the user can execute the given command without executing the command. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1). - _since_: 7.0.0
Generate a pseudorandom secure password to use for ACL users - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.0.0
Get the rules for a specific ACL user - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of password, command and pattern rules that the user has. - _since_: 6.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.0.0
List the current ACL rules in ACL config file format - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users. - _since_: 6.0.0
Reload the ACLs from the configured ACL file - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users. - _since_: 6.0.0
List latest events denied because of ACLs in place - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of entries shown. - _since_: 6.0.0
Save the current ACL rules in the configured ACL file - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users. - _since_: 6.0.0
Modify or create the rules for a specific ACL user - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of rules provided. - _since_: 6.0.0
List the username of all the configured ACL rules - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users. - _since_: 6.0.0
Return the name of the user associated to the current connection - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.0.0
method aclBuffer
aclBuffer: { ( subcommand: 'DRYRUN', username: string | Buffer, command: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'DRYRUN', username: any, command: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer> ] ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (subcommand: 'DRYRUN', username: any, command: any, ...args: any[]): Result< Buffer, Context >; (subcommand: 'GENPASS', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result< Buffer, Context >; ( subcommand: 'GENPASS', bits: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( subcommand: 'GETUSER', username: any, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (subcommand: 'LIST', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >; (subcommand: 'USERS', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >; (subcommand: 'WHOAMI', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result<Buffer, Context>;};
method append
append: ( key: RedisKey, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Append a value to a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1). The amortized time complexity is O(1) assuming the appended value is small and the already present value is of any size, since the dynamic string library used by Redis will double the free space available on every reallocation. - _since_: 2.0.0
method asking
asking: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Sent by cluster clients after an -ASK redirect - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
method auth
auth: { (password: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (username: any, password: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >;};
Authenticate to the server - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of passwords defined for the user - _since_: 1.0.0
method bgrewriteaof
bgrewriteaof: (callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method bgrewriteaofBuffer
bgrewriteaofBuffer: (callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method bgsave
bgsave: { (callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (schedule: 'SCHEDULE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method bitcount
bitcount: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, start: string | number, end: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, start: string | number, end: string | number, byte: 'BYTE', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, start: string | number, end: string | number, bit: 'BIT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Count set bits in a string - _group_: bitmap - _complexity_: O(N) - _since_: 2.6.0
method bitfield
bitfield: { ( key: RedisKey, encodingOffsetToken: 'GET', encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, encodingOffsetValueToken: 'SET', encoding: any, offset: string | number, value: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, encodingOffsetIncrementToken: 'INCRBY', encoding: any, offset: string | number, increment: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, overflow: 'OVERFLOW', wrap: 'WRAP', encodingOffsetValueToken: 'SET', encoding: any, offset: string | number, value: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, overflow: 'OVERFLOW', wrap: 'WRAP', encodingOffsetIncrementToken: 'INCRBY', encoding: any, offset: string | number, increment: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, overflow: 'OVERFLOW', sat: 'SAT', encodingOffsetValueToken: 'SET', encoding: any, offset: string | number, value: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, overflow: 'OVERFLOW', sat: 'SAT', encodingOffsetIncrementToken: 'INCRBY', encoding: any, offset: string | number, increment: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, overflow: 'OVERFLOW', fail: 'FAIL', encodingOffsetValueToken: 'SET', encoding: any, offset: string | number, value: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, overflow: 'OVERFLOW', fail: 'FAIL', encodingOffsetIncrementToken: 'INCRBY', encoding: any, offset: string | number, increment: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings - _group_: bitmap - _complexity_: O(1) for each subcommand specified - _since_: 3.2.0
method bitfield_ro
bitfield_ro: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, encodingOffsetToken: 'GET', ...encodingOffsets: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (key: any, encodingOffsetToken: 'GET', ...encodingOffsets: any[]): Result< unknown[], Context >;};
Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings. Read-only variant of BITFIELD - _group_: bitmap - _complexity_: O(1) for each subcommand specified - _since_: 6.0.0
method bitop
bitop: { ( ...args: [ operation: string | Buffer, destkey: RedisKey, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( operation: any, destkey: any, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; (operation: any, destkey: any, ...keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (operation: any, destkey: any, keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Perform bitwise operations between strings - _group_: bitmap - _complexity_: O(N) - _since_: 2.6.0
method bitpos
bitpos: { (key: RedisKey, bit: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; ( key: any, bit: string | number, start: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, bit: string | number, start: string | number, end: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, bit: string | number, start: string | number, end: string | number, byte: 'BYTE', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, bit: string | number, start: string | number, end: string | number, bit1: 'BIT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Find first bit set or clear in a string - _group_: bitmap - _complexity_: O(N) - _since_: 2.8.7
method blmove
blmove: { ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: 'LEFT', left1: 'LEFT', timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback<string | null> ): Result<string | null, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, left: 'LEFT', right: 'RIGHT', timeout: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', left: 'LEFT', timeout: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', right1: 'RIGHT', timeout: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>;};
Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
method blmoveBuffer
blmoveBuffer: { ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: 'LEFT', left1: 'LEFT', timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null> ): Result<Buffer | null, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, left: 'LEFT', right: 'RIGHT', timeout: string | number, callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', left: 'LEFT', timeout: string | number, callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', right1: 'RIGHT', timeout: string | number, callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>;};
method blmpop
blmpop: { ( ...args: [ timeout: number | string, numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT' ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT' ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT' ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT' ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>;};
Pop elements from a list, or block until one is available - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N+M) where N is the number of provided keys and M is the number of elements returned. - _since_: 7.0.0
method blmpopBuffer
blmpopBuffer: { ( ...args: [ timeout: number | string, numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT' ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT' ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT' ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT' ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>;};
method blpop
blpop: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback<[string, string] | null> ] ): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[string, string]> ): Result<[string, string], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [string, string], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result<[string, string], Context>;};
Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of provided keys. - _since_: 2.0.0
method blpopBuffer
blpopBuffer: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer] | null> ] ): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer]> ): Result<[Buffer, Buffer], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [Buffer, Buffer], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result<[Buffer, Buffer], Context>;};
method brpop
brpop: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback<[string, string] | null> ] ): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[string, string]> ): Result<[string, string], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [string, string], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result<[string, string], Context>;};
Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of provided keys. - _since_: 2.0.0
method brpopBuffer
brpopBuffer: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer] | null> ] ): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer]> ): Result<[Buffer, Buffer], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [Buffer, Buffer], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result<[Buffer, Buffer], Context>;};
method brpoplpush
brpoplpush: ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.0
method brpoplpushBuffer
brpoplpushBuffer: ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method bzmpop
bzmpop: { ( ...args: [ timeout: number | string, numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN' ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX' ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( timeout: string | number, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Remove and return members with scores in a sorted set or block until one is available - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(K) + O(N*log(M)) where K is the number of provided keys, N being the number of elements in the sorted set, and M being the number of elements popped. - _since_: 7.0.0
method bzpopmax
bzpopmax: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback< [key: string, member: string, score: string] | null > ] ): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, member: string, score: string]> ): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [key: string, member: string, score: string], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result< [key: string, member: string, score: string], Context >;};
Remove and return the member with the highest score from one or more sorted sets, or block until one is available - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 5.0.0
method bzpopmaxBuffer
bzpopmaxBuffer: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback< [key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null > ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result< [key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer], Context >;};
method bzpopmin
bzpopmin: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback< [key: string, member: string, score: string] | null > ] ): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, member: string, score: string]> ): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [key: string, member: string, score: string], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result< [key: string, member: string, score: string], Context >;};
Remove and return the member with the lowest score from one or more sorted sets, or block until one is available - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 5.0.0
method bzpopminBuffer
bzpopminBuffer: { ( ...args: [ ...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string, callback: Callback< [key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null > ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>; ( keys: any[], timeout: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer], Context>; (...args: [...keys: any[], timeout: string | number]): Result< [key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer], Context >; (keys: any[], timeout: string | number): Result< [key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer], Context >;};
method call
call: { (command: string, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (command: string, args: any[], callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [command: string, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown>] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (command: string, ...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Call arbitrary commands.'set', 'foo', 'bar')
is the same asredis.set('foo', 'bar')
, so the only case you need to use this method is when the command is not supported by'set', 'foo', 'bar');'get', 'foo', (err, value) => {// value === 'bar'});
method callBuffer
callBuffer: { (command: string, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (command: string, args: any[], callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [command: string, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown>] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (command: string, ...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
method client
client: { (subcommand: 'CACHING', yes: 'YES', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (subcommand: 'CACHING', no: 'NO', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (subcommand: 'GETNAME', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; (subcommand: 'GETREDIR', callback?: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'ID', callback?: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; (subcommand: 'INFO', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'KILL', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'KILL', ...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LIST', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LIST', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', normal: 'NORMAL', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', normal: 'NORMAL', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', normal: 'NORMAL', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', master: 'MASTER', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', master: 'MASTER', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', master: 'MASTER', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', replica: 'REPLICA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', replica: 'REPLICA', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', replica: 'REPLICA', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', pubsub: 'PUBSUB', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', pubsub: 'PUBSUB', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', type: 'TYPE', pubsub: 'PUBSUB', idToken: 'ID', ...clientIds: (string | number)[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'NO-EVICT', on: 'ON', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'NO-EVICT', off: 'OFF', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( subcommand: 'PAUSE', timeout: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'PAUSE', timeout: string | number, write: 'WRITE', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'PAUSE', timeout: string | number, all: 'ALL', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'REPLY', on: 'ON', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'REPLY', off: 'OFF', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'REPLY', skip: 'SKIP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( subcommand: 'SETNAME', connectionName: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'TRACKING', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'TRACKING', ...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'TRACKINGINFO', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; ( subcommand: 'UNBLOCK', clientId: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'UNBLOCK', clientId: string | number, timeout: 'TIMEOUT', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'UNBLOCK', clientId: string | number, error: 'ERROR', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'UNPAUSE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Instruct the server about tracking or not keys in the next request - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.0.0
Get the current connection name - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.9
Get tracking notifications redirection client ID if any - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Returns the client ID for the current connection - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Returns information about the current client connection. - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
Kill the connection of a client - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of client connections - _since_: 2.4.0
Get the list of client connections - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of client connections - _since_: 2.4.0
Set client eviction mode for the current connection - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
Stop processing commands from clients for some time - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.9.50
Instruct the server whether to reply to commands - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.2.0
Set the current connection name - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.9
Enable or disable server assisted client side caching support - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1). Some options may introduce additional complexity. - _since_: 6.0.0
Return information about server assisted client side caching for the current connection - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
Unblock a client blocked in a blocking command from a different connection - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(log N) where N is the number of client connections - _since_: 5.0.0
Resume processing of clients that were paused - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(N) Where N is the number of paused clients - _since_: 6.2.0
method clientBuffer
clientBuffer: { (subcommand: 'GETNAME', callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; (subcommand: 'INFO', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result<Buffer, Context>; (subcommand: 'TRACKINGINFO', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result< Buffer, Context >;};
method cluster
cluster: { ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'ADDSLOTS', ...slots: (number | string)[], callback: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ] ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; ( subcommand: 'ADDSLOTS', slots: (string | number)[], callback: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; (subcommand: 'ADDSLOTS', ...slots: (string | number)[]): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; (subcommand: 'ADDSLOTS', slots: (string | number)[]): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'ADDSLOTSRANGE', ...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[], callback: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ] ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; ( subcommand: 'ADDSLOTSRANGE', ...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[] ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; (subcommand: 'BUMPEPOCH', callback?: Callback<'BUMPED' | 'STILL'>): Result< 'BUMPED' | 'STILL', Context >; ( subcommand: 'COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( subcommand: 'COUNTKEYSINSLOT', slot: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'DELSLOTS', ...slots: (string | number)[], callback: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ] ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; ( subcommand: 'DELSLOTS', slots: (string | number)[], callback: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; (subcommand: 'DELSLOTS', ...slots: (string | number)[]): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; (subcommand: 'DELSLOTS', slots: (string | number)[]): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'DELSLOTSRANGE', ...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[], callback: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ] ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; ( subcommand: 'DELSLOTSRANGE', ...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[] ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; (subcommand: 'FAILOVER', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'FAILOVER', force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( subcommand: 'FAILOVER', takeover: 'TAKEOVER', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'FLUSHSLOTS', callback?: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >; (subcommand: 'FORGET', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( subcommand: 'GETKEYSINSLOT', slot: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'INFO', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'KEYSLOT', key: any, callback?: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (subcommand: 'LINKS', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( subcommand: 'MEET', ip: any, port: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'MYID', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'NODES', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'REPLICAS', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'REPLICATE', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (subcommand: 'RESET', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'RESET', hard: 'HARD', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (subcommand: 'RESET', soft: 'SOFT', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (subcommand: 'SAVECONFIG', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'SET-CONFIG-EPOCH', configEpoch: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETSLOT', slot: string | number, nodeIdToken: 'IMPORTING', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETSLOT', slot: string | number, nodeIdToken: 'MIGRATING', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETSLOT', slot: string | number, nodeIdToken: 'NODE', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETSLOT', slot: string | number, stable: 'STABLE', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'SHARDS', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'SLAVES', nodeId: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( subcommand: 'SLOTS', callback?: Callback< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][] > ): Result< [ startSlotRange: number, endSlotRange: number, ...nodes: [ host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[] ][] ][], Context >;};
Assign new hash slots to receiving node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of hash slot arguments - _since_: 3.0.0
Assign new hash slots to receiving node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of the slots between the start slot and end slot arguments. - _since_: 7.0.0
Advance the cluster config epoch - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Return the number of failure reports active for a given node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of failure reports - _since_: 3.0.0
Return the number of local keys in the specified hash slot - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of hash slot arguments - _since_: 3.0.0
Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of the slots between the start slot and end slot arguments. - _since_: 7.0.0
Forces a replica to perform a manual failover of its master. - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Delete a node's own slots information - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Remove a node from the nodes table - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Return local key names in the specified hash slot - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(log(N)) where N is the number of requested keys - _since_: 3.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Provides info about Redis Cluster node state - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Returns the hash slot of the specified key - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of bytes in the key - _since_: 3.0.0
Returns a list of all TCP links to and from peer nodes in cluster - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of Cluster nodes - _since_: 7.0.0
Force a node cluster to handshake with another node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Return the node id - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Get Cluster config for the node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of Cluster nodes - _since_: 3.0.0
List replica nodes of the specified master node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Reconfigure a node as a replica of the specified master node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Reset a Redis Cluster node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of known nodes. The command may execute a FLUSHALL as a side effect. - _since_: 3.0.0
Forces the node to save cluster state on disk - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Set the configuration epoch in a new node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Bind a hash slot to a specific node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Get array of cluster slots to node mappings - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of cluster nodes - _since_: 7.0.0
List replica nodes of the specified master node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
Get array of Cluster slot to node mappings - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of Cluster nodes - _since_: 3.0.0
method command
command: { (subcommand: 'COUNT', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'DOCS', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'DOCS', ...commandNames: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'DOCS', ...commandNames: any[]): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'GETKEYS', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'GETKEYSANDFLAGS', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'INFO', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'INFO', ...commandNames: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'INFO', ...commandNames: any[]): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'LIST', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( subcommand: 'LIST', filterby: 'FILTERBY', moduleNameToken: 'MODULE', moduleName: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', filterby: 'FILTERBY', categoryToken: 'ACLCAT', category: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', filterby: 'FILTERBY', patternToken: 'PATTERN', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Get total number of Redis commands - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.13
Get array of specific Redis command documentation - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of commands to look up - _since_: 7.0.0
Extract keys given a full Redis command - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of arguments to the command - _since_: 2.8.13
Extract keys and access flags given a full Redis command - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of arguments to the command - _since_: 7.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Get array of specific Redis command details, or all when no argument is given. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of commands to look up - _since_: 2.8.13
Get an array of Redis command names - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of Redis commands - _since_: 7.0.0
method config
config: { ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'GET', ...parameters: (string | Buffer)[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'GET', ...parameters: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'RESETSTAT', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'REWRITE', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'SET', ...parameterValues: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'SET', ...parameterValues: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Get the values of configuration parameters - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) when N is the number of configuration parameters provided - _since_: 2.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Reset the stats returned by INFO - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.0.0
Rewrite the configuration file with the in memory configuration - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.0
Set configuration parameters to the given values - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) when N is the number of configuration parameters provided - _since_: 2.0.0
method copy
copy: { ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, replace: 'REPLACE', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, destinationDbToken: 'DB', destinationDb: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, destinationDbToken: 'DB', destinationDb: string | number, replace: 'REPLACE', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Copy a key - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(N) worst case for collections, where N is the number of nested items. O(1) for string values. - _since_: 6.2.0
method dbsize
dbsize: (callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Return the number of keys in the selected database - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method debug
debug: { (subcommand: string, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: string, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: string, ...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
A container for debugging commands - _group_: server - _complexity_: Depends on subcommand. - _since_: 1.0.0
method decr
decr: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Decrement the integer value of a key by one - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method decrby
decrby: ( key: RedisKey, decrement: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method del
del: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number>]): Result< number, Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Delete a key - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be removed. When a key to remove holds a value other than a string, the individual complexity for this key is O(M) where M is the number of elements in the list, set, sorted set or hash. Removing a single key that holds a string value is O(1). - _since_: 1.0.0
method discard
discard: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Discard all commands issued after MULTI - _group_: transactions - _complexity_: O(N), when N is the number of queued commands - _since_: 2.0.0
method dump
dump: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key. - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) to access the key and additional O(N*M) to serialize it, where N is the number of Redis objects composing the value and M their average size. For small string values the time complexity is thus O(1)+O(1*M) where M is small, so simply O(1). - _since_: 2.6.0
method dumpBuffer
dumpBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method echo
echo: ( message: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Echo the given string - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method echoBuffer
echoBuffer: ( message: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method eval
eval: { ( script: string | Buffer, numkeys: number | string, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( script: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >; (script: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Execute a Lua script server side - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: Depends on the script that is executed. - _since_: 2.6.0
method eval_ro
eval_ro: { ( ...args: [ script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (script: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Execute a read-only Lua script server side - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: Depends on the script that is executed. - _since_: 7.0.0
method evalsha
evalsha: { ( sha1: string | Buffer, numkeys: number | string, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >; (sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Execute a Lua script server side - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: Depends on the script that is executed. - _since_: 2.6.0
method evalsha_ro
evalsha_ro: { ( ...args: [ sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (sha1: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Execute a read-only Lua script server side - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: Depends on the script that is executed. - _since_: 7.0.0
method exec
exec: ( callback?: Callback<[error: Error | null, result: unknown][] | null>) => Promise<[error: Error | null, result: unknown][] | null>;
Execute all commands issued after MULTI - _group_: transactions - _complexity_: Depends on commands in the transaction - _since_: 1.2.0
method exists
exists: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number>]): Result< number, Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Determine if a key exists - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of keys to check. - _since_: 1.0.0
method expire
expire: { ( key: RedisKey, seconds: number | string, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, seconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, seconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, seconds: string | number, gt: 'GT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, seconds: string | number, lt: 'LT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Set a key's time to live in seconds - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method expireat
expireat: { ( key: RedisKey, unixTimeSeconds: number | string, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeSeconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeSeconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeSeconds: string | number, gt: 'GT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeSeconds: string | number, lt: 'LT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.2.0
method expiretime
expiretime: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the expiration Unix timestamp for a key - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
method failover
failover: { (callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; ( millisecondsToken: 'TIMEOUT', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; ( abort: 'ABORT', millisecondsToken: 'TIMEOUT', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'TIMEOUT', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, abort: 'ABORT', millisecondsToken: 'TIMEOUT', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, force: 'FORCE', millisecondsToken: 'TIMEOUT', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( targetToken: 'TO', host: any, port: string | number, force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', millisecondsToken: 'TIMEOUT', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Start a coordinated failover between this server and one of its replicas. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
method fcall
Invoke a function - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: Depends on the function that is executed. - _since_: 7.0.0
method fcall_ro
Invoke a read-only function - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: Depends on the function that is executed. - _since_: 7.0.0
method flushall
flushall: { (callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (async: 'ASYNC', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (sync: 'SYNC', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Remove all keys from all databases - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of keys in all databases - _since_: 1.0.0
method flushdb
flushdb: { (callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (async: 'ASYNC', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (sync: 'SYNC', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Remove all keys from the current database - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of keys in the selected database - _since_: 1.0.0
method function
function: { ( subcommand: 'DELETE', libraryName: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'DUMP', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', async: 'ASYNC', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', sync: 'SYNC', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'KILL', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'LIST', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( subcommand: 'LIST', withcode: 'WITHCODE', callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', libraryNamePatternToken: 'LIBRARYNAME', libraryNamePattern: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( subcommand: 'LIST', libraryNamePatternToken: 'LIBRARYNAME', libraryNamePattern: any, withcode: 'WITHCODE', callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'LOAD', functionCode: any, callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; ( subcommand: 'LOAD', replace: 'REPLACE', functionCode: any, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, flush: 'FLUSH', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, append: 'APPEND', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'STATS', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Delete a function by name - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
Dump all functions into a serialized binary payload - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of functions - _since_: 7.0.0
Deleting all functions - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of functions deleted - _since_: 7.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
Kill the function currently in execution. - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
List information about all the functions - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of functions - _since_: 7.0.0
Create a function with the given arguments (name, code, description) - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) (considering compilation time is redundant) - _since_: 7.0.0
Restore all the functions on the given payload - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of functions on the payload - _since_: 7.0.0
Return information about the function currently running (name, description, duration) - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
method functionBuffer
functionBuffer: { ( subcommand: 'DELETE', libraryName: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (subcommand: 'DUMP', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result<Buffer, Context>; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result<Buffer, Context>; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', async: 'ASYNC', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result< Buffer, Context >; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', sync: 'SYNC', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result< Buffer, Context >; (subcommand: 'KILL', callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result<Buffer, Context>; (subcommand: 'LOAD', functionCode: any, callback?: Callback<Buffer>): Result< Buffer, Context >; ( subcommand: 'LOAD', replace: 'REPLACE', functionCode: any, callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, flush: 'FLUSH', callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, append: 'APPEND', callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( subcommand: 'RESTORE', serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>;};
method geoadd
geoadd: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, ch: 'CH', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ch: 'CH', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', ...longitudeLatitudeMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >;};
Add one or more geospatial items in the geospatial index represented using a sorted set - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(log(N)) for each item added, where N is the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 3.2.0
method geodist
geodist: { ( key: RedisKey, member1: string | Buffer | number, member2: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<string | null> ): Result<string | null, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, m: 'M', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, km: 'KM', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, ft: 'FT', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, mi: 'MI', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>;};
Returns the distance between two members of a geospatial index - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(log(N)) - _since_: 3.2.0
method geodistBuffer
geodistBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, member1: string | Buffer | number, member2: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null> ): Result<Buffer | null, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, m: 'M', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, km: 'KM', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, ft: 'FT', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, member1: any, member2: any, mi: 'MI', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>;};
method geohash
geohash: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<string[], Context>;};
Returns members of a geospatial index as standard geohash strings - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(log(N)) for each member requested, where N is the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 3.2.0
method geohashBuffer
geohashBuffer: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method geopos
geopos: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<([longitude: string, latitude: string] | null)[]> ] ): Result<([longitude: string, latitude: string] | null)[], Context>; ( key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<[longitude: string, latitude: string][]> ): Result<[longitude: string, latitude: string][], Context>; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result< [longitude: string, latitude: string][], Context >; (key: any, members: any[]): Result< [longitude: string, latitude: string][], Context >;};
Returns longitude and latitude of members of a geospatial index - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of members requested. - _since_: 3.2.0
method georadius
georadius: { ( ...args: [ key: any, longitude: string | number, latitude: string | number, radius: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, longitude: string | number, latitude: string | number, radius: string | number, ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a point - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements inside the bounding box of the circular area delimited by center and radius and M is the number of items inside the index. - _since_: 3.2.0
method georadius_ro
georadius_ro: { ( ...args: [ key: any, longitude: string | number, latitude: string | number, radius: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, longitude: string | number, latitude: string | number, radius: string | number, ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
A read-only variant for GEORADIUS - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements inside the bounding box of the circular area delimited by center and radius and M is the number of items inside the index. - _since_: 3.2.10
method georadiusbymember
georadiusbymember: { ( ...args: [ key: any, member: any, radius: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (key: any, member: any, radius: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members matching a given maximum distance from a member - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements inside the bounding box of the circular area delimited by center and radius and M is the number of items inside the index. - _since_: 3.2.0
method georadiusbymember_ro
georadiusbymember_ro: { ( ...args: [ key: any, member: any, radius: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (key: any, member: any, radius: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >;};
A read-only variant for GEORADIUSBYMEMBER - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements inside the bounding box of the circular area delimited by center and radius and M is the number of items inside the index. - _since_: 3.2.10
method geosearch
geosearch: { (...args: [key: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]>]): Result< unknown[], Context >; (key: any, ...args: any[]): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members inside an area of a box or a circle. - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements in the grid-aligned bounding box area around the shape provided as the filter and M is the number of items inside the shape - _since_: 6.2.0
method geosearchstore
geosearchstore: { ( ...args: [ destination: any, source: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, source: any, ...args: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members inside an area of a box or a circle, and store the result in another key. - _group_: geo - _complexity_: O(N+log(M)) where N is the number of elements in the grid-aligned bounding box area around the shape provided as the filter and M is the number of items inside the shape - _since_: 6.2.0
method get
get: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Get the value of a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method getbit
getbit: ( key: RedisKey, offset: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key - _group_: bitmap - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.0
method getBuffer
getBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method getdel
getdel: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Get the value of a key and delete the key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
method getdelBuffer
getdelBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method getex
getex: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>): Result< string | null, Context >; ( key: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, persist: 'PERSIST', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >;};
Get the value of a key and optionally set its expiration - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
method getexBuffer
getexBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; ( key: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, persist: 'PERSIST', callback?: Callback<any>): Result< any, Context >;};
method getrange
getrange: ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, end: number | string, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Get a substring of the string stored at a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the length of the returned string. The complexity is ultimately determined by the returned length, but because creating a substring from an existing string is very cheap, it can be considered O(1) for small strings. - _since_: 2.4.0
method getrangeBuffer
getrangeBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, end: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method getset
getset: ( key: RedisKey, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Set the string value of a key and return its old value - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method getsetBuffer
getsetBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method hdel
hdel: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...fields: (string | Buffer)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...fields: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Delete one or more hash fields - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of fields to be removed. - _since_: 2.0.0
method hello
hello: { (callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result<unknown[], Context>; (protover: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( protover: string | number, clientnameToken: 'SETNAME', clientname: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( protover: string | number, usernamePasswordToken: 'AUTH', username: any, password: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( protover: string | number, usernamePasswordToken: 'AUTH', username: any, password: any, clientnameToken: 'SETNAME', clientname: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Handshake with Redis - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.0.0
method hexists
hexists: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Determine if a hash field exists - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.0.0
method hget
hget: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Get the value of a hash field - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.0.0
method hgetall
hgetall: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Record<string, string>>) => Result<Record<string, string>, Context>;
Get all the fields and values in a hash - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the size of the hash. - _since_: 2.0.0
method hgetallBuffer
hgetallBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Record<string, Buffer>>) => Result<Record<string, Buffer>, Context>;
method hgetBuffer
hgetBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method hincrby
hincrby: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.0.0
method hincrbyfloat
hincrbyfloat: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
method hincrbyfloatBuffer
hincrbyfloatBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method hkeys
hkeys: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string[]>) => Result<string[], Context>;
Get all the fields in a hash - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the size of the hash. - _since_: 2.0.0
method hkeysBuffer
hkeysBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>) => Result<Buffer[], Context>;
method hlen
hlen: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the number of fields in a hash - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.0.0
method hmget
hmget: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...fields: (string | Buffer)[], callback: Callback<(string | null)[]> ] ): Result<(string | null)[], Context>; (key: any, ...fields: any[]): Result<string[], Context>;};
Get the values of all the given hash fields - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of fields being requested. - _since_: 2.0.0
method hmgetBuffer
hmgetBuffer: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...fields: (string | Buffer)[], callback: Callback<(Buffer | null)[]> ] ): Result<(Buffer | null)[], Context>; (key: any, ...fields: any[]): Result<any[], Context>;};
method hmset
hmset: { (key: RedisKey, object: object, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (key: any, map: Map<any, any>, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( ...args: [key: any, ...fieldValues: any[], callback: Callback<'OK'>] ): Result<'OK', Context>; (key: any, ...fieldValues: any[]): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Set multiple hash fields to multiple values - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of fields being set. - _since_: 2.0.0
method hrandfield
hrandfield: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | unknown[] | null>): Result< string | unknown[] | null, Context >; ( key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string | unknown[]> ): Result<string | unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, count: string | number, withvalues: 'WITHVALUES', callback?: Callback<string | unknown[]> ): Result<string | unknown[], Context>;};
Get one or multiple random fields from a hash - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of fields returned - _since_: 6.2.0
method hrandfieldBuffer
hrandfieldBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | unknown[] | null>): Result< Buffer | unknown[] | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<any>): Result< any, Context >; ( key: any, count: string | number, withvalues: 'WITHVALUES', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>;};
method hscan
hscan: { ( key: RedisKey, cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>;};
Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) for every call. O(N) for a complete iteration, including enough command calls for the cursor to return back to 0. N is the number of elements inside the collection.. - _since_: 2.8.0
method hscanBuffer
hscanBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>;};
method hset
hset: { (key: RedisKey, object: object, callback?: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (key: any, map: Map<any, any>, callback?: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [key: any, ...fieldValues: any[], callback: Callback<number>] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...fieldValues: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Set the string value of a hash field - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) for each field/value pair added, so O(N) to add N field/value pairs when the command is called with multiple field/value pairs. - _since_: 2.0.0
method hsetnx
hsetnx: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.0.0
method hstrlen
hstrlen: ( key: RedisKey, field: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the length of the value of a hash field - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.2.0
method hvals
hvals: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string[]>) => Result<string[], Context>;
Get all the values in a hash - _group_: hash - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the size of the hash. - _since_: 2.0.0
method hvalsBuffer
hvalsBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>) => Result<Buffer[], Context>;
method incr
incr: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Increment the integer value of a key by one - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method incrby
incrby: ( key: RedisKey, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method incrbyfloat
incrbyfloat: ( key: RedisKey, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Increment the float value of a key by the given amount - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
method info
info: { (callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (...args: [...sections: any[], callback: Callback<string>]): Result< string, Context >; (...args: any[]): Result<string, Context>;};
Get information and statistics about the server - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method keys
keys: ( pattern: string, callback?: Callback<string[]>) => Result<string[], Context>;
Find all keys matching the given pattern - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of keys in the database, under the assumption that the key names in the database and the given pattern have limited length. - _since_: 1.0.0
method keysBuffer
keysBuffer: ( pattern: string, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>) => Result<Buffer[], Context>;
method lastsave
lastsave: (callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method latency
latency: { (subcommand: 'DOCTOR', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'GRAPH', event: any, callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'HISTOGRAM', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'HISTOGRAM', ...commands: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'HISTOGRAM', ...commands: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'HISTORY', event: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'LATEST', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'RESET', callback?: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'RESET', any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (subcommand: 'RESET', any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Return a human readable latency analysis report. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.13
Return a latency graph for the event. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.13
Show helpful text about the different subcommands. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.13
Return the cumulative distribution of latencies of a subset of commands or all. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of commands with latency information being retrieved. - _since_: 7.0.0
Return timestamp-latency samples for the event. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.13
Return the latest latency samples for all events. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.13
Reset latency data for one or more events. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.13
method lcs
lcs: { (key1: RedisKey, key2: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( key1: any, key2: any, withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len: string | number, withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (key1: any, key2: any, idx: 'IDX', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( key1: any, key2: any, idx: 'IDX', withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, idx: 'IDX', lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, idx: 'IDX', lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len: string | number, withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len1: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len1: string | number, withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', idx: 'IDX', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', idx: 'IDX', withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', idx: 'IDX', lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len1: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key1: any, key2: any, len: 'LEN', idx: 'IDX', lenToken: 'MINMATCHLEN', len1: string | number, withmatchlen: 'WITHMATCHLEN', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Find longest common substring - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(N*M) where N and M are the lengths of s1 and s2, respectively - _since_: 7.0.0
method lindex
lindex: ( key: RedisKey, index: number | string, callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Get an element from a list by its index - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements to traverse to get to the element at index. This makes asking for the first or the last element of the list O(1). - _since_: 1.0.0
method lindexBuffer
lindexBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, index: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method linsert
linsert: { ( key: RedisKey, before: 'BEFORE', pivot: string | Buffer | number, element: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, after: 'AFTER', pivot: any, element: any, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Insert an element before or after another element in a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements to traverse before seeing the value pivot. This means that inserting somewhere on the left end on the list (head) can be considered O(1) and inserting somewhere on the right end (tail) is O(N). - _since_: 2.2.0
method llen
llen: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the length of a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method lmove
lmove: { ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: 'LEFT', left1: 'LEFT', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, left: 'LEFT', right: 'RIGHT', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', left: 'LEFT', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', right1: 'RIGHT', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>;};
Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
method lmoveBuffer
lmoveBuffer: { ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: 'LEFT', left1: 'LEFT', callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, left: 'LEFT', right: 'RIGHT', callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', left: 'LEFT', callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( source: any, destination: any, right: 'RIGHT', right1: 'RIGHT', callback?: Callback<Buffer> ): Result<Buffer, Context>;};
method lmpop
lmpop: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; (...args: [numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT']): Result< [key: string, members: string[]], Context >; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT'): Result< [key: string, members: string[]], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT'] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT'): Result< [key: string, members: string[]], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]]> ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: string, members: string[]], Context>;};
Pop elements from a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N+M) where N is the number of provided keys and M is the number of elements returned. - _since_: 7.0.0
method lmpopBuffer
lmpopBuffer: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; (...args: [numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT']): Result< [key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context >; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT'): Result< [key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], left: 'LEFT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT'] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT'): Result< [key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], right: 'RIGHT', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]], Context>;};
method lolwut
lolwut: { (callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; ( versionToken: 'VERSION', version: string | number, callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>;};
Display some computer art and the Redis version - _group_: server - _complexity_: undefined - _since_: 5.0.0
method lpop
lpop: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>): Result< string | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >;};
Remove and get the first elements in a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements returned - _since_: 1.0.0
method lpopBuffer
lpopBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >;};
method lpos
lpos: { ( key: RedisKey, element: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number | null> ): Result<number | null, Context>; ( key: any, element: any, lenToken: 'MAXLEN', len: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, element: any, numMatchesToken: 'COUNT', numMatches: string | number, callback?: Callback<number[]> ): Result<number[], Context>; ( key: any, element: any, numMatchesToken: 'COUNT', numMatches: string | number, lenToken: 'MAXLEN', len: string | number, callback?: Callback<number[]> ): Result<number[], Context>; ( key: any, element: any, rankToken: 'RANK', rank: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, element: any, rankToken: 'RANK', rank: string | number, lenToken: 'MAXLEN', len: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, element: any, rankToken: 'RANK', rank: string | number, numMatchesToken: 'COUNT', numMatches: string | number, callback?: Callback<number[]> ): Result<number[], Context>; ( key: any, element: any, rankToken: 'RANK', rank: string | number, numMatchesToken: 'COUNT', numMatches: string | number, lenToken: 'MAXLEN', len: string | number, callback?: Callback<number[]> ): Result<number[], Context>;};
Return the index of matching elements on a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements in the list, for the average case. When searching for elements near the head or the tail of the list, or when the MAXLEN option is provided, the command may run in constant time. - _since_: 6.0.6
method lpush
lpush: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...elements: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...elements: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Prepend one or multiple elements to a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments. - _since_: 1.0.0
method lpushx
lpushx: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...elements: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...elements: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Prepend an element to a list, only if the list exists - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments. - _since_: 2.2.0
method lrange
lrange: ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, stop: number | string, callback?: Callback<string[]>) => Result<string[], Context>;
Get a range of elements from a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(S+N) where S is the distance of start offset from HEAD for small lists, from nearest end (HEAD or TAIL) for large lists; and N is the number of elements in the specified range. - _since_: 1.0.0
method lrangeBuffer
lrangeBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, stop: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>) => Result<Buffer[], Context>;
method lrem
lrem: ( key: RedisKey, count: number | string, element: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Remove elements from a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N+M) where N is the length of the list and M is the number of elements removed. - _since_: 1.0.0
method lset
lset: ( key: RedisKey, index: number | string, element: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Set the value of an element in a list by its index - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the length of the list. Setting either the first or the last element of the list is O(1). - _since_: 1.0.0
method ltrim
ltrim: ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, stop: number | string, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Trim a list to the specified range - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements to be removed by the operation. - _since_: 1.0.0
method memory
memory: { (subcommand: 'DOCTOR', callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'MALLOC-STATS', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; (subcommand: 'PURGE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (subcommand: 'STATS', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'USAGE', key: any, callback?: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; ( subcommand: 'USAGE', key: any, countToken: 'SAMPLES', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Outputs memory problems report - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 4.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 4.0.0
Show allocator internal stats - _group_: server - _complexity_: Depends on how much memory is allocated, could be slow - _since_: 4.0.0
Ask the allocator to release memory - _group_: server - _complexity_: Depends on how much memory is allocated, could be slow - _since_: 4.0.0
Show memory usage details - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 4.0.0
Estimate the memory usage of a key - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of samples. - _since_: 4.0.0
method mget
mget: { ( ...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<(string | null)[]>] ): Result<(string | null)[], Context>; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<string[]>): Result<string[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>;};
Get the values of all the given keys - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of keys to retrieve. - _since_: 1.0.0
method mgetBuffer
mgetBuffer: { ( ...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<(Buffer | null)[]>] ): Result<(Buffer | null)[], Context>; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<any[]>): Result<any[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<any[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<any[], Context>;};
method migrate
migrate: { ( ...args: [ host: any, port: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<'OK'> ] ): Result<'OK', Context>; (host: any, port: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one. - _group_: generic - _complexity_: This command actually executes a DUMP+DEL in the source instance, and a RESTORE in the target instance. See the pages of these commands for time complexity. Also an O(N) data transfer between the two instances is performed. - _since_: 2.6.0
method module
module: { (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LIST', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LOAD', path: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LOAD', path: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LOAD', path: any, ...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LOADEX', path: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LOADEX', path: any, argsToken: 'ARGS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LOADEX', path: any, argsToken: 'ARGS', ...args: any[]): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LOADEX', path: any, configsToken: 'CONFIG', ...configs: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LOADEX', path: any, configsToken: 'CONFIG', ...configs: any[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'LOADEX', path: any, configsToken: 'CONFIG', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'LOADEX', path: any, configsToken: 'CONFIG', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'UNLOAD', name: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
List all modules loaded by the server - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of loaded modules. - _since_: 4.0.0
Load a module - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 4.0.0
Load a module with extended parameters - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
Unload a module - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 4.0.0
method move
move: ( key: RedisKey, db: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Move a key to another database - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method mset
mset: { (object: object, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (map: Map<any, any>, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (...args: [...keyValues: any[], callback: Callback<'OK'>]): Result< 'OK', Context >; (...args: any[]): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Set multiple keys to multiple values - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of keys to set. - _since_: 1.0.1
method msetnx
msetnx: { (object: object, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (map: Map<any, any>, callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (...args: [...keyValues: any[], callback: Callback<number>]): Result< number, Context >; (...args: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of keys to set. - _since_: 1.0.1
method object
object: { ( subcommand: 'ENCODING', key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'FREQ', key: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'IDLETIME', key: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'REFCOUNT', key: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Inspect the internal encoding of a Redis object - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.3
Get the logarithmic access frequency counter of a Redis object - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 4.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
Get the time since a Redis object was last accessed - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.3
Get the number of references to the value of the key - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.3
method persist
persist: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Remove the expiration from a key - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.0
method pexpire
pexpire: { ( key: RedisKey, milliseconds: number | string, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, milliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, milliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, milliseconds: string | number, gt: 'GT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, milliseconds: string | number, lt: 'LT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Set a key's time to live in milliseconds - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
method pexpireat
pexpireat: { ( key: RedisKey, unixTimeMilliseconds: number | string, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, gt: 'GT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, lt: 'LT', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
method pexpiretime
pexpiretime: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the expiration Unix timestamp for a key in milliseconds - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 7.0.0
method pfadd
pfadd: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [key: any, ...elements: any[], callback: Callback<number>] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...elements: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog. - _group_: hyperloglog - _complexity_: O(1) to add every element. - _since_: 2.8.9
method pfcount
pfcount: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number>]): Result< number, Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s). - _group_: hyperloglog - _complexity_: O(1) with a very small average constant time when called with a single key. O(N) with N being the number of keys, and much bigger constant times, when called with multiple keys. - _since_: 2.8.9
method pfdebug
pfdebug: ( subcommand: string | Buffer, key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
Internal commands for debugging HyperLogLog values - _group_: hyperloglog - _complexity_: N/A - _since_: 2.8.9
method pfmerge
pfmerge: { ( ...args: [ destkey: RedisKey, ...sourcekeys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<'OK'> ] ): Result<'OK', Context>; (destkey: any, sourcekeys: any[], callback: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (destkey: any, ...sourcekeys: any[]): Result<'OK', Context>; (destkey: any, sourcekeys: any[]): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one. - _group_: hyperloglog - _complexity_: O(N) to merge N HyperLogLogs, but with high constant times. - _since_: 2.8.9
method pfselftest
pfselftest: (callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
An internal command for testing HyperLogLog values - _group_: hyperloglog - _complexity_: N/A - _since_: 2.8.9
method ping
ping: { (callback?: Callback<'PONG'>): Result<'PONG', Context>; (message: any, callback?: Callback<string>): Result<string, Context>;};
Ping the server - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method pingBuffer
pingBuffer: ( message: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method psetex
psetex: ( key: RedisKey, milliseconds: number | string, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
method psubscribe
psubscribe: { (...args: [...patterns: string[], callback: Callback<unknown>]): Result< unknown, Context >; (...args: string[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of patterns the client is already subscribed to. - _since_: 2.0.0
method psync
psync: ( replicationid: string | Buffer | number, offset: number | string, callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
Internal command used for replication - _group_: server - _complexity_: undefined - _since_: 2.8.0
method pttl
pttl: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
method publish
publish: ( channel: string | Buffer, message: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Post a message to a channel - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N+M) where N is the number of clients subscribed to the receiving channel and M is the total number of subscribed patterns (by any client). - _since_: 2.0.0
method pubsub
pubsub: { (subcommand: 'CHANNELS', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( subcommand: 'CHANNELS', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'NUMPAT', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; (subcommand: 'NUMSUB', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'NUMSUB', ...channels: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'NUMSUB', ...channels: any[]): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'SHARDCHANNELS', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( subcommand: 'SHARDCHANNELS', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'SHARDNUMSUB', callback?: Callback<unknown[]>): Result< unknown[], Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'SHARDNUMSUB', ...shardchannels: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; (subcommand: 'SHARDNUMSUB', ...shardchannels: any[]): Result< unknown[], Context >;};
List active channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of active channels, and assuming constant time pattern matching (relatively short channels and patterns) - _since_: 2.8.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
Get the count of unique patterns pattern subscriptions - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.0
Get the count of subscribers for channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) for the NUMSUB subcommand, where N is the number of requested channels - _since_: 2.8.0
List active shard channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of active shard channels, and assuming constant time pattern matching (relatively short shard channels). - _since_: 7.0.0
Get the count of subscribers for shard channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) for the SHARDNUMSUB subcommand, where N is the number of requested shard channels - _since_: 7.0.0
method punsubscribe
punsubscribe: { (callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (...args: [...patterns: string[], callback: Callback<unknown>]): Result< unknown, Context >; (...args: string[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N+M) where N is the number of patterns the client is already subscribed and M is the number of total patterns subscribed in the system (by any client). - _since_: 2.0.0
method quit
quit: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Close the connection - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method randomkey
randomkey: ( callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Return a random key from the keyspace - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method randomkeyBuffer
randomkeyBuffer: ( callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method readonly
readonly: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Enables read queries for a connection to a cluster replica node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
method readwrite
readwrite: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Disables read queries for a connection to a cluster replica node - _group_: cluster - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
method rename
rename: ( key: RedisKey, newkey: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Rename a key - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method renamenx
renamenx: ( key: RedisKey, newkey: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method replconf
replconf: (callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
An internal command for configuring the replication stream - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
method replicaof
replicaof: ( host: string | Buffer, port: number | string, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
method reset
reset: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Reset the connection - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
method restore
restore: { ( key: RedisKey, ttl: number | string, serializedValue: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, ttl: string | number, serializedValue: any, replace: 'REPLACE', absttl: 'ABSTTL', secondsToken: 'IDLETIME', seconds: string | number, frequencyToken: 'FREQ', frequency: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP. - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) to create the new key and additional O(N*M) to reconstruct the serialized value, where N is the number of Redis objects composing the value and M their average size. For small string values the time complexity is thus O(1)+O(1*M) where M is small, so simply O(1). However for sorted set values the complexity is O(N*M*log(N)) because inserting values into sorted sets is O(log(N)). - _since_: 2.6.0
method role
role: (callback?: Callback<unknown[]>) => Result<unknown[], Context>;
Return the role of the instance in the context of replication - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.8.12
method rpop
rpop: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>): Result< string | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >;};
Remove and get the last elements in a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements returned - _since_: 1.0.0
method rpopBuffer
rpopBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >;};
method rpoplpush
rpoplpush: ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Remove the last element in a list, prepend it to another list and return it - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.2.0
method rpoplpushBuffer
rpoplpushBuffer: ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method rpush
rpush: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...elements: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...elements: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Append one or multiple elements to a list - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments. - _since_: 1.0.0
method rpushx
rpushx: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...elements: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...elements: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Append an element to a list, only if the list exists - _group_: list - _complexity_: O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments. - _since_: 2.2.0
method sadd
sadd: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Add one or more members to a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(1) for each element added, so O(N) to add N elements when the command is called with multiple arguments. - _since_: 1.0.0
method save
save: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Synchronously save the dataset to disk - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of keys in all databases - _since_: 1.0.0
method scan
scan: { ( cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>;};
Incrementally iterate the keys space - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) for every call. O(N) for a complete iteration, including enough command calls for the cursor to return back to 0. N is the number of elements inside the collection. - _since_: 2.8.0
method scanBuffer
scanBuffer: { ( cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, typeToken: 'TYPE', type: any, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>;};
method scard
scard: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the number of members in a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method script
script: { (subcommand: 'DEBUG', yes: 'YES', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'DEBUG', sync: 'SYNC', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'DEBUG', no: 'NO', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ subcommand: 'EXISTS', ...sha1s: any[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'EXISTS', ...sha1s: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', async: 'ASYNC', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'FLUSH', sync: 'SYNC', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'KILL', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LOAD', script: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Set the debug mode for executed scripts. - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.2.0
Check existence of scripts in the script cache. - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of scripts to check (so checking a single script is an O(1) operation). - _since_: 2.6.0
Remove all the scripts from the script cache. - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of scripts in cache - _since_: 2.6.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Kill the script currently in execution. - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
Load the specified Lua script into the script cache. - _group_: scripting - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the length in bytes of the script body. - _since_: 2.6.0
method sdiff
sdiff: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<string[]>]): Result< string[], Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<string[]>): Result<string[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>;};
Subtract multiple sets - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all given sets. - _since_: 1.0.0
method sdiffBuffer
sdiffBuffer: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]>]): Result< Buffer[], Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method sdiffstore
sdiffstore: { ( ...args: [ destination: RedisKey, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (destination: any, ...keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all given sets. - _since_: 1.0.0
method select
select: ( index: number | string, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Change the selected database for the current connection - _group_: connection - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method set
set: { ( key: RedisKey, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (key: any, value: any, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string>): Result< string, Context >; (key: any, value: any, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( key: any, value: any, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, value: any, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( key: any, value: any, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', nx: 'NX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', xx: 'XX', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<string> ): Result<string, Context>;};
Set the string value of a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method setbit
setbit: ( key: RedisKey, offset: number | string, value: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key - _group_: bitmap - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.0
method setBuffer
setBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, value: string | Buffer | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<Buffer | null> ): Result<Buffer | null, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, secondsToken: 'EX', seconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, millisecondsToken: 'PX', milliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeSecondsToken: 'EXAT', unixTimeSeconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'PXAT', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', nx: 'NX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, value: any, keepttl: 'KEEPTTL', xx: 'XX', get: 'GET', callback?: Callback<any> ): Result<any, Context>;};
method setex
setex: ( key: RedisKey, seconds: number | string, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Set the value and expiration of a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.0.0
method setnx
setnx: ( key: RedisKey, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method setrange
setrange: ( key: RedisKey, offset: number | string, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1), not counting the time taken to copy the new string in place. Usually, this string is very small so the amortized complexity is O(1). Otherwise, complexity is O(M) with M being the length of the value argument. - _since_: 2.2.0
method shutdown
shutdown: { (callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (now: 'NOW', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (now: 'NOW', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (now: 'NOW', force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( now: 'NOW', force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (nosave: 'NOSAVE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (nosave: 'NOSAVE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (nosave: 'NOSAVE', force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( nosave: 'NOSAVE', force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (nosave: 'NOSAVE', now: 'NOW', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( nosave: 'NOSAVE', now: 'NOW', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( nosave: 'NOSAVE', now: 'NOW', force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( nosave: 'NOSAVE', now: 'NOW', force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (save: 'SAVE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (save: 'SAVE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; (save: 'SAVE', force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result< 'OK', Context >; ( save: 'SAVE', force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; (save: 'SAVE', now: 'NOW', callback?: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; ( save: 'SAVE', now: 'NOW', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( save: 'SAVE', now: 'NOW', force: 'FORCE', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>; ( save: 'SAVE', now: 'NOW', force: 'FORCE', abort: 'ABORT', callback?: Callback<'OK'> ): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) when saving, where N is the total number of keys in all databases when saving data, otherwise O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method sinter
sinter: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<string[]>]): Result< string[], Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<string[]>): Result<string[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>;};
Intersect multiple sets - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N*M) worst case where N is the cardinality of the smallest set and M is the number of sets. - _since_: 1.0.0
method sinterBuffer
sinterBuffer: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]>]): Result< Buffer[], Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method sintercard
sintercard: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number, callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number, callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number ): Result<number, Context>;};
Intersect multiple sets and return the cardinality of the result - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N*M) worst case where N is the cardinality of the smallest set and M is the number of sets. - _since_: 7.0.0
method sinterstore
sinterstore: { ( ...args: [ destination: RedisKey, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (destination: any, ...keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N*M) worst case where N is the cardinality of the smallest set and M is the number of sets. - _since_: 1.0.0
method sismember
sismember: ( key: RedisKey, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Determine if a given value is a member of a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method slaveof
slaveof: ( host: string | Buffer, port: number | string, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Make the server a replica of another instance, or promote it as master. - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method slowlog
slowlog: { (subcommand: 'GET', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'GET', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'LEN', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'RESET', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >;};
Get the slow log's entries - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of entries returned - _since_: 2.2.12
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
Get the slow log's length - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.12
Clear all entries from the slow log - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of entries in the slowlog - _since_: 2.2.12
method smembers
smembers: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string[]>) => Result<string[], Context>;
Get all the members in a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the set cardinality. - _since_: 1.0.0
method smembersBuffer
smembersBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>) => Result<Buffer[], Context>;
method smismember
smismember: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number[]> ] ): Result<number[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<number[]>): Result< number[], Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<number[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<number[], Context>;};
Returns the membership associated with the given elements for a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements being checked for membership - _since_: 6.2.0
method smove
smove: ( source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Move a member from one set to another - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method sort
sort: { (...args: [key: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown>]): Result< unknown, Context >; (key: any, ...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(N+M*log(M)) where N is the number of elements in the list or set to sort, and M the number of returned elements. When the elements are not sorted, complexity is O(N). - _since_: 1.0.0
method sort_ro
sort_ro: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (key: any, alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (key: any, asc: 'ASC', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (key: any, asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (key: any, desc: 'DESC', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( key: any, desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[]): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, asc: 'ASC', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, desc: 'DESC', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken: 'GET', ...patterns: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, asc: 'ASC', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, desc: 'DESC', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, asc: 'ASC', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, desc: 'DESC', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], asc: 'ASC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, patternToken: 'BY', pattern: string, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, patternToken1: 'GET', ...pattern1s: string[], desc: 'DESC', alpha: 'ALPHA' ] ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set. Read-only variant of SORT. - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(N+M*log(M)) where N is the number of elements in the list or set to sort, and M the number of returned elements. When the elements are not sorted, complexity is O(N). - _since_: 7.0.0
method spop
spop: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>): Result< string | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >;};
Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: Without the count argument O(1), otherwise O(N) where N is the value of the passed count. - _since_: 1.0.0
method spopBuffer
spopBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >;};
method spublish
spublish: ( shardchannel: string | Buffer, message: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
Post a message to a shard channel - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of clients subscribed to the receiving shard channel. - _since_: 7.0.0
method srandmember
srandmember: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>): Result< string | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >;};
Get one or multiple random members from a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: Without the count argument O(1), otherwise O(N) where N is the absolute value of the passed count. - _since_: 1.0.0
method srandmemberBuffer
srandmemberBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >;};
method srem
srem: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Remove one or more members from a set - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of members to be removed. - _since_: 1.0.0
method sscan
sscan: { ( key: RedisKey, cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>;};
Incrementally iterate Set elements - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(1) for every call. O(N) for a complete iteration, including enough command calls for the cursor to return back to 0. N is the number of elements inside the collection.. - _since_: 2.8.0
method sscanBuffer
sscanBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>;};
method ssubscribe
ssubscribe: { ( ...args: [ ...shardchannels: (string | Buffer)[], callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Listen for messages published to the given shard channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of shard channels to subscribe to. - _since_: 7.0.0
method strlen
strlen: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the length of the value stored in a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.0
method subscribe
subscribe: { ( ...args: [...channels: (string | Buffer)[], callback: Callback<unknown>] ): Result<unknown, Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Listen for messages published to the given channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of channels to subscribe to. - _since_: 2.0.0
method substr
substr: ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, end: number | string, callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
Get a substring of the string stored at a key - _group_: string - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the length of the returned string. The complexity is ultimately determined by the returned length, but because creating a substring from an existing string is very cheap, it can be considered O(1) for small strings. - _since_: 1.0.0
method sunion
sunion: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<string[]>]): Result< string[], Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<string[]>): Result<string[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>;};
Add multiple sets - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all given sets. - _since_: 1.0.0
method sunionBuffer
sunionBuffer: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]>]): Result< Buffer[], Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method sunionstore
sunionstore: { ( ...args: [ destination: RedisKey, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (destination: any, ...keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key - _group_: set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all given sets. - _since_: 1.0.0
method sunsubscribe
sunsubscribe: { (callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (...args: [...shardchannels: any[], callback: Callback<unknown>]): Result< unknown, Context >; (...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Stop listening for messages posted to the given shard channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of clients already subscribed to a shard channel. - _since_: 7.0.0
method swapdb
swapdb: ( index1: number | string, index2: number | string, callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Swaps two Redis databases - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the count of clients watching or blocking on keys from both databases. - _since_: 4.0.0
method sync
sync: (callback?: Callback<unknown>) => Result<unknown, Context>;
Internal command used for replication - _group_: server - _complexity_: undefined - _since_: 1.0.0
method time
time: (callback?: Callback<number[]>) => Result<number[], Context>;
Return the current server time - _group_: server - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.6.0
method touch
touch: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number>]): Result< number, Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Alters the last access time of a key(s). Returns the number of existing keys specified. - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be touched. - _since_: 3.2.1
method ttl
ttl: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the time to live for a key in seconds - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method type
type: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Determine the type stored at key - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.0.0
method unlink
unlink: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number>]): Result< number, Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result<number, Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Delete a key asynchronously in another thread. Otherwise it is just as DEL, but non blocking. - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) for each key removed regardless of its size. Then the command does O(N) work in a different thread in order to reclaim memory, where N is the number of allocations the deleted objects where composed of. - _since_: 4.0.0
method unsubscribe
unsubscribe: { (callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (...args: [...channels: any[], callback: Callback<unknown>]): Result< unknown, Context >; (...args: any[]): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels - _group_: pubsub - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of clients already subscribed to a channel. - _since_: 2.0.0
method unwatch
unwatch: (callback?: Callback<'OK'>) => Result<'OK', Context>;
Forget about all watched keys - _group_: transactions - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 2.2.0
method wait
wait: ( numreplicas: number | string, timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Wait for the synchronous replication of all the write commands sent in the context of the current connection - _group_: generic - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 3.0.0
method watch
watch: { (...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<'OK'>]): Result< 'OK', Context >; (keys: any[], callback: Callback<'OK'>): Result<'OK', Context>; (...args: any[]): Result<'OK', Context>; (keys: any[]): Result<'OK', Context>;};
Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block - _group_: transactions - _complexity_: O(1) for every key. - _since_: 2.2.0
method xack
xack: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, group: string | Buffer, ...ids: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, group: any, ...ids: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Marks a pending message as correctly processed, effectively removing it from the pending entries list of the consumer group. Return value of the command is the number of messages successfully acknowledged, that is, the IDs we were actually able to resolve in the PEL. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) for each message ID processed. - _since_: 5.0.0
method xadd
xadd: { (...args: [key: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<string>]): Result< string | null, Context >; (key: any, ...args: any[]): Result<string, Context>;};
Appends a new entry to a stream - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) when adding a new entry, O(N) when trimming where N being the number of entries evicted. - _since_: 5.0.0
method xaddBuffer
xaddBuffer: { (...args: [key: any, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<any>]): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; (key: any, ...args: any[]): Result<any, Context>;};
method xautoclaim
xautoclaim: { ( key: RedisKey, group: string | Buffer, consumer: string | Buffer, minIdleTime: string | Buffer | number, start: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, start: any, justid: 'JUSTID', callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, start: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, start: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Changes (or acquires) ownership of messages in a consumer group, as if the messages were delivered to the specified consumer. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) if COUNT is small. - _since_: 6.2.0
method xclaim
xclaim: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, group: string | Buffer, consumer: string | Buffer, minIdleTime: string | Buffer | number, ...ids: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID', callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, group: any, consumer: any, minIdleTime: any, ...ids: any[], msToken: 'IDLE', ms: string | number, unixTimeMillisecondsToken: 'TIME', unixTimeMilliseconds: string | number, countToken: 'RETRYCOUNT', count: string | number, force: 'FORCE', justid: 'JUSTID' ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Changes (or acquires) ownership of a message in a consumer group, as if the message was delivered to the specified consumer. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(log N) with N being the number of messages in the PEL of the consumer group. - _since_: 5.0.0
method xdel
xdel: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...ids: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...ids: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Removes the specified entries from the stream. Returns the number of items actually deleted, that may be different from the number of IDs passed in case certain IDs do not exist. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) for each single item to delete in the stream, regardless of the stream size. - _since_: 5.0.0
method xgroup
xgroup: { ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: RedisKey, groupname: string | Buffer, id: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: any, groupname: any, id: any, entriesReadToken: 'ENTRIESREAD', entriesRead: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: any, groupname: any, id: any, mkstream: 'MKSTREAM', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: any, groupname: any, id: any, mkstream: 'MKSTREAM', entriesReadToken: 'ENTRIESREAD', entriesRead: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: any, groupname: any, newId: '$', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: any, groupname: any, newId: '$', entriesReadToken: 'ENTRIESREAD', entriesRead: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: any, groupname: any, newId: '$', mkstream: 'MKSTREAM', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATE', key: any, groupname: any, newId: '$', mkstream: 'MKSTREAM', entriesReadToken: 'ENTRIESREAD', entriesRead: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'CREATECONSUMER', key: any, groupname: any, consumername: any, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'DELCONSUMER', key: any, groupname: any, consumername: any, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'DESTROY', key: any, groupname: any, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETID', key: any, groupname: any, id: any, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETID', key: any, groupname: any, id: any, entriesReadToken: 'ENTRIESREAD', entriesRead: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETID', key: any, groupname: any, newId: '$', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'SETID', key: any, groupname: any, newId: '$', entriesReadToken: 'ENTRIESREAD', entriesRead: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Create a consumer group. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Create a consumer in a consumer group. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 6.2.0
Delete a consumer from a consumer group. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Destroy a consumer group. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of entries in the group's pending entries list (PEL). - _since_: 5.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Set a consumer group to an arbitrary last delivered ID value. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
method xinfo
xinfo: { ( subcommand: 'CONSUMERS', key: RedisKey, groupname: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'GROUPS', key: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; (subcommand: 'HELP', callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result<unknown, Context>; (subcommand: 'STREAM', key: any, callback?: Callback<unknown>): Result< unknown, Context >; ( subcommand: 'STREAM', key: any, fullToken: 'FULL', callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( subcommand: 'STREAM', key: any, fullToken: 'FULL', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
List the consumers in a consumer group - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
List the consumer groups of a stream - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Show helpful text about the different subcommands - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
Get information about a stream - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
method xlen
xlen: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Return the number of entries in a stream - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
method xpending
xpending: { ( key: RedisKey, group: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, start: any, end: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, start: any, end: any, count: string | number, consumer: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, minIdleTimeToken: 'IDLE', minIdleTime: string | number, start: any, end: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( key: any, group: any, minIdleTimeToken: 'IDLE', minIdleTime: string | number, start: any, end: any, count: string | number, consumer: any, callback?: Callback<unknown[]> ): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Return information and entries from a stream consumer group pending entries list, that are messages fetched but never acknowledged. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of elements returned, so asking for a small fixed number of entries per call is O(1). O(M), where M is the total number of entries scanned when used with the IDLE filter. When the command returns just the summary and the list of consumers is small, it runs in O(1) time; otherwise, an additional O(N) time for iterating every consumer. - _since_: 5.0.0
method xrange
xrange: { ( key: RedisKey, start: string | Buffer | number, end: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<[id: string, fields: string[]][]> ): Result<[id: string, fields: string[]][], Context>; ( key: any, start: any, end: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[id: string, fields: string[]][]> ): Result<[id: string, fields: string[]][], Context>;};
Return a range of elements in a stream, with IDs matching the specified IDs interval - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of elements being returned. If N is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with COUNT), you can consider it O(1). - _since_: 5.0.0
method xrangeBuffer
xrangeBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, start: string | Buffer | number, end: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]> ): Result<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][], Context>; ( key: any, start: any, end: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]> ): Result<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][], Context>;};
method xread
xread: { ( ...args: [ streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][] > ] ): Result< [key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][] | null, Context >; (streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[]): Result< [key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][], Context >; ( ...args: [ millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][] > ] ): Result<[key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][], Context>; ( millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<[key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][], Context>; ( ...args: [ countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][] > ] ): Result<[key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][], Context>; ( countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<[key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][], Context>; ( ...args: [ countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][] > ] ): Result<[key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][], Context>; ( countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<[key: string, items: [id: string, fields: string[]][]][], Context>;};
Return never seen elements in multiple streams, with IDs greater than the ones reported by the caller for each stream. Can block. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: For each stream mentioned: O(N) with N being the number of elements being returned, it means that XREAD-ing with a fixed COUNT is O(1). Note that when the BLOCK option is used, XADD will pay O(M) time in order to serve the M clients blocked on the stream getting new data. - _since_: 5.0.0
method xreadBuffer
xreadBuffer: { ( ...args: [ streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][] > ] ): Result< [key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][] | null, Context >; (streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[]): Result< [key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][], Context >; ( ...args: [ millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][] > ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][], Context>; ( millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<[key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][], Context>; ( ...args: [ countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][] > ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][], Context>; ( countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<[key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][], Context>; ( ...args: [ countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback< [key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][] > ] ): Result<[key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][], Context>; ( countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<[key: Buffer, items: [id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]][], Context>;};
method xreadgroup
xreadgroup: { ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( ...args: [ groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[], callback: Callback<unknown[]> ] ): Result<unknown[], Context>; ( groupConsumerToken: 'GROUP', group: any, consumer: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, millisecondsToken: 'BLOCK', milliseconds: string | number, noack: 'NOACK', streamsToken: 'STREAMS', ...args: any[] ): Result<unknown[], Context>;};
Return new entries from a stream using a consumer group, or access the history of the pending entries for a given consumer. Can block. - _group_: stream - _complexity_: For each stream mentioned: O(M) with M being the number of elements returned. If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with COUNT), you can consider it O(1). On the other side when XREADGROUP blocks, XADD will pay the O(N) time in order to serve the N clients blocked on the stream getting new data. - _since_: 5.0.0
method xrevrange
xrevrange: { ( key: RedisKey, end: string | Buffer | number, start: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<[id: string, fields: string[]][]> ): Result<[id: string, fields: string[]][], Context>; ( key: any, end: any, start: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[id: string, fields: string[]][]> ): Result<[id: string, fields: string[]][], Context>;};
Return a range of elements in a stream, with IDs matching the specified IDs interval, in reverse order (from greater to smaller IDs) compared to XRANGE - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of elements returned. If N is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with COUNT), you can consider it O(1). - _since_: 5.0.0
method xrevrangeBuffer
xrevrangeBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, end: string | Buffer | number, start: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]> ): Result<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][], Context>; ( key: any, end: any, start: any, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][]> ): Result<[id: Buffer, fields: Buffer[]][], Context>;};
method xsetid
xsetid: { ( key: RedisKey, lastId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, lastId: any, maxDeletedEntryIdToken: 'MAXDELETEDID', maxDeletedEntryId: any, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, lastId: any, entriesAddedToken: 'ENTRIESADDED', entriesAdded: string | number, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( key: any, lastId: any, entriesAddedToken: 'ENTRIESADDED', entriesAdded: string | number, maxDeletedEntryIdToken: 'MAXDELETEDID', maxDeletedEntryId: any, callback?: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
An internal command for replicating stream values - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 5.0.0
method xtrim
xtrim: { ( key: RedisKey, maxlen: 'MAXLEN', threshold: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, maxlen: 'MAXLEN', threshold: any, countToken: 'LIMIT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, maxlen: 'MAXLEN', equal: '=', threshold: any, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, maxlen: 'MAXLEN', equal: '=', threshold: any, countToken: 'LIMIT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, maxlen: 'MAXLEN', approximately: '~', threshold: any, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, maxlen: 'MAXLEN', approximately: '~', threshold: any, countToken: 'LIMIT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, minid: 'MINID', threshold: any, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, minid: 'MINID', threshold: any, countToken: 'LIMIT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, minid: 'MINID', equal: '=', threshold: any, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, minid: 'MINID', equal: '=', threshold: any, countToken: 'LIMIT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, minid: 'MINID', approximately: '~', threshold: any, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( key: any, minid: 'MINID', approximately: '~', threshold: any, countToken: 'LIMIT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Trims the stream to (approximately if '~' is passed) a certain size - _group_: stream - _complexity_: O(N), with N being the number of evicted entries. Constant times are very small however, since entries are organized in macro nodes containing multiple entries that can be released with a single deallocation. - _since_: 5.0.0
method zadd
zadd: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...scoreMembers: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<string, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, gt: 'GT', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, gt: 'GT', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, lt: 'LT', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, lt: 'LT', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<string, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<string, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<string, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< string, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<string> ] ): Result<string, Context>; ( key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<string, Context>;};
Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) for each item added, where N is the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 1.2.0
method zaddBuffer
zaddBuffer: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<Buffer> ] ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (key: any, incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result<Buffer, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer> ] ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (key: any, ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< Buffer, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer> ] ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (key: any, gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< Buffer, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer> ] ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (key: any, gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< Buffer, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer> ] ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (key: any, lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< Buffer, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer> ] ): Result<Buffer, Context>; (key: any, lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< Buffer, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, nx: 'NX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<any, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, nx: 'NX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<any, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, xx: 'XX', gt: 'GT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<any, Context>; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; (key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[]): Result< any, Context >; ( ...args: [ key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[], callback: Callback<any> ] ): Result<any, Context>; ( key: any, xx: 'XX', lt: 'LT', ch: 'CH', incr: 'INCR', ...scoreMembers: any[] ): Result<any, Context>;};
method zcard
zcard: (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Get the number of members in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.2.0
method zcount
zcount: ( key: RedisKey, min: number | string, max: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given values - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 2.0.0
method zdiff
zdiff: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES'): Result< string[], Context >;};
Subtract multiple sorted sets - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(L + (N-K)log(N)) worst case where L is the total number of elements in all the sets, N is the size of the first set, and K is the size of the result set. - _since_: 6.2.0
method zdiffBuffer
zdiffBuffer: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES'): Result< Buffer[], Context >;};
method zdiffstore
zdiffstore: { ( ...args: [ destination: RedisKey, numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result< number, Context >; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result< number, Context >;};
Subtract multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(L + (N-K)log(N)) worst case where L is the total number of elements in all the sets, N is the size of the first set, and K is the size of the result set. - _since_: 6.2.0
method zincrby
zincrby: ( key: RedisKey, increment: number | string, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<string>) => Result<string, Context>;
Increment the score of a member in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) where N is the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 1.2.0
method zincrbyBuffer
zincrbyBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, increment: number | string, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer>) => Result<Buffer, Context>;
method zinter
zinter: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES'): Result< string[], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Intersect multiple sorted sets - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(N*K)+O(M*log(M)) worst case with N being the smallest input sorted set, K being the number of input sorted sets and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set. - _since_: 6.2.0
method zinterBuffer
zinterBuffer: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES'): Result< Buffer[], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zintercard
zintercard: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number, callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number, callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], limitToken: 'LIMIT', limit: string | number ): Result<number, Context>;};
Intersect multiple sorted sets and return the cardinality of the result - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(N*K) worst case with N being the smallest input sorted set, K being the number of input sorted sets. - _since_: 7.0.0
method zinterstore
zinterstore: { ( ...args: [ destination: RedisKey, numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result< number, Context >; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<number, Context>;};
Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(N*K)+O(M*log(M)) worst case with N being the smallest input sorted set, K being the number of input sorted sets and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set. - _since_: 2.0.0
method zlexcount
zlexcount: ( key: RedisKey, min: string | Buffer | number, max: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set. - _since_: 2.8.9
method zmpop
zmpop: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (...args: [numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], min: 'MIN']): Result< unknown, Context >; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN'): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], min: 'MIN', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; (...args: [numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX']): Result< unknown, Context >; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX'): Result< unknown, Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback: Callback<unknown> ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ] ): Result<unknown, Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], max: 'MAX', countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number ): Result<unknown, Context>;};
Remove and return members with scores in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(K) + O(N*log(M)) where K is the number of provided keys, N being the number of elements in the sorted set, and M being the number of elements popped. - _since_: 7.0.0
method zmscore
zmscore: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<(string | null)[]> ] ): Result<(string | null)[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<string[], Context>;};
Get the score associated with the given members in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of members being requested. - _since_: 6.2.0
method zmscoreBuffer
zmscoreBuffer: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<(Buffer | null)[]> ] ): Result<(Buffer | null)[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<any[]>): Result< any[], Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<any[], Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<any[], Context>;};
method zpopmax
zpopmax: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result<string[], Context>; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >;};
Remove and return members with the highest scores in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)*M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set, and M being the number of elements popped. - _since_: 5.0.0
method zpopmaxBuffer
zpopmaxBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >;};
method zpopmin
zpopmin: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result<string[], Context>; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >;};
Remove and return members with the lowest scores in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)*M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set, and M being the number of elements popped. - _since_: 5.0.0
method zpopminBuffer
zpopminBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >;};
method zrandmember
zrandmember: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<string | null>): Result< string | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]>): Result< string[], Context >; ( key: any, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Get one or multiple random elements from a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of elements returned - _since_: 6.2.0
method zrandmemberBuffer
zrandmemberBuffer: { (key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>): Result< Buffer | null, Context >; (key: any, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]>): Result< Buffer[], Context >; ( key: any, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zrange
zrange: { ( key: RedisKey, min: string | Buffer | number, max: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Return a range of members in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned. - _since_: 1.2.0
method zrangeBuffer
zrangeBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, min: string | Buffer | number, max: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zrangebylex
zrangebylex: { ( key: RedisKey, min: string | Buffer | number, max: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements being returned. If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with LIMIT), you can consider it O(log(N)). - _since_: 2.8.9
method zrangebylexBuffer
zrangebylexBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, min: string | Buffer | number, max: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: any, max: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zrangebyscore
zrangebyscore: { ( key: RedisKey, min: number | string, max: number | string, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: string | number, max: string | number, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: string | number, max: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, min: string | number, max: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements being returned. If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with LIMIT), you can consider it O(log(N)). - _since_: 1.0.5
method zrangebyscoreBuffer
zrangebyscoreBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, min: number | string, max: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: string | number, max: string | number, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: string | number, max: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, min: string | number, max: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zrangestore
zrangestore: { ( dst: RedisKey, src: RedisKey, min: string | Buffer | number, max: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, byscore: 'BYSCORE', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( dst: any, src: any, min: any, max: any, bylex: 'BYLEX', rev: 'REV', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>;};
Store a range of members from sorted set into another key - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements stored into the destination key. - _since_: 6.2.0
method zrank
zrank: ( key: RedisKey, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number | null>) => Result<number | null, Context>;
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) - _since_: 2.0.0
method zrem
zrem: { ( ...args: [ key: RedisKey, ...members: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, members: any[], callback: Callback<number>): Result< number, Context >; (key: any, ...members: any[]): Result<number, Context>; (key: any, members: any[]): Result<number, Context>;};
Remove one or more members from a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(M*log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements to be removed. - _since_: 1.2.0
method zremrangebylex
zremrangebylex: ( key: RedisKey, min: string | Buffer | number, max: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements removed by the operation. - _since_: 2.8.9
method zremrangebyrank
zremrangebyrank: ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, stop: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements removed by the operation. - _since_: 2.0.0
method zremrangebyscore
zremrangebyscore: ( key: RedisKey, min: number | string, max: number | string, callback?: Callback<number>) => Result<number, Context>;
Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements removed by the operation. - _since_: 1.2.0
method zrevrange
zrevrange: { ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, stop: number | string, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, start: string | number, stop: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned. - _since_: 1.2.0
method zrevrangeBuffer
zrevrangeBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, start: number | string, stop: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, start: string | number, stop: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zrevrangebylex
zrevrangebylex: { ( key: RedisKey, max: string | Buffer | number, min: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, max: any, min: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range, ordered from higher to lower strings. - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements being returned. If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with LIMIT), you can consider it O(log(N)). - _since_: 2.8.9
method zrevrangebylexBuffer
zrevrangebylexBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, max: string | Buffer | number, min: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, max: any, min: any, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zrevrangebyscore
zrevrangebyscore: { ( key: RedisKey, max: number | string, min: number | string, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, max: string | number, min: string | number, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, max: string | number, min: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( key: any, max: string | number, min: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements being returned. If M is constant (e.g. always asking for the first 10 elements with LIMIT), you can consider it O(log(N)). - _since_: 2.2.0
method zrevrangebyscoreBuffer
zrevrangebyscoreBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, max: number | string, min: number | string, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, max: string | number, min: string | number, offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, max: string | number, min: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( key: any, max: string | number, min: string | number, withscores: 'WITHSCORES', offsetCountToken: 'LIMIT', offset: string | number, count: string | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zrevrank
zrevrank: ( key: RedisKey, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<number | null>) => Result<number | null, Context>;
Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(log(N)) - _since_: 2.0.0
method zscan
zscan: { ( key: RedisKey, cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: string, elements: string[]]> ): Result<[cursor: string, elements: string[]], Context>;};
Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(1) for every call. O(N) for a complete iteration, including enough command calls for the cursor to return back to 0. N is the number of elements inside the collection.. - _since_: 2.8.0
method zscanBuffer
zscanBuffer: { ( key: RedisKey, cursor: number | string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>; ( key: any, cursor: string | number, patternToken: 'MATCH', pattern: string, countToken: 'COUNT', count: string | number, callback?: Callback<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]]> ): Result<[cursor: Buffer, elements: Buffer[]], Context>;};
method zscore
zscore: ( key: RedisKey, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<string | null>) => Result<string | null, Context>;
Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(1) - _since_: 1.2.0
method zscoreBuffer
zscoreBuffer: ( key: RedisKey, member: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<Buffer | null>) => Result<Buffer | null, Context>;
method zunion
zunion: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES'): Result< string[], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<string[]> ] ): Result<string[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<string[], Context>;};
Add multiple sorted sets - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(N)+O(M*log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set. - _since_: 6.2.0
method zunionBuffer
zunionBuffer: { ( ...args: [ numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES'): Result< Buffer[], Context >; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; (numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES', callback: Callback<Buffer[]> ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>; ( ...args: [ numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', withscores: 'WITHSCORES' ] ): Result<Buffer[], Context>;};
method zunionstore
zunionstore: { ( ...args: [ destination: RedisKey, numkeys: number | string, ...keys: RedisKey[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[]): Result< number, Context >; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<number> ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( destination: any, numkeys: string | number, keys: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; (destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[]): Result< number, Context >; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', sum: 'SUM' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', min: 'MIN' ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX', callback: Callback<number> ] ): Result<number, Context>; ( ...args: [ destination: any, numkeys: string | number, ...args: any[], aggregate: 'AGGREGATE', max: 'MAX' ] ): Result<number, Context>;};
Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key - _group_: sorted-set - _complexity_: O(N)+O(M log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set. - _since_: 2.0.0
interface SentinelAddress
interface SentinelAddress {}
interface SentinelConnectionOptions
interface SentinelConnectionOptions {}
property connectTimeout
connectTimeout?: number;
property disconnectTimeout
disconnectTimeout?: number;
property enableTLSForSentinelMode
enableTLSForSentinelMode?: boolean;
property failoverDetector
failoverDetector?: boolean;
property name
name?: string;
Master group name of the Sentinel
property natMap
natMap?: NatMap;
property preferredSlaves
preferredSlaves?: PreferredSlaves;
property role
role?: 'master' | 'slave';
property sentinelCommandTimeout
sentinelCommandTimeout?: number;
property sentinelMaxConnections
sentinelMaxConnections?: number;
property sentinelPassword
sentinelPassword?: string;
property sentinelReconnectStrategy
sentinelReconnectStrategy?: (retryAttempts: number) => number | void | null;
property sentinelRetryStrategy
sentinelRetryStrategy?: (retryAttempts: number) => number | void | null;
property sentinels
sentinels?: Array<Partial<SentinelAddress>>;
property sentinelTLS
sentinelTLS?: ConnectionOptions;
property sentinelUsername
sentinelUsername?: string;
property tls
tls?: ConnectionOptions;
property updateSentinels
updateSentinels?: boolean;
Type Aliases
type Callback
type Callback<T = any> = (err?: Error | null, result?: T) => void;
type ClientContext
type ClientContext = { type: keyof ResultTypes<unknown, unknown>;};
type ClusterNode
type ClusterNode = | string | number | { host?: string | undefined; port?: number | undefined; };
type DNSLookupFunction
type DNSLookupFunction = ( hostname: string, callback: ( err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null | undefined, address: string, family?: number ) => void) => void;
type DNSResolveSrvFunction
type DNSResolveSrvFunction = ( hostname: string, callback: ( err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null | undefined, records?: SrvRecord[] ) => void) => void;
type NodeRole
type NodeRole = 'master' | 'slave' | 'all';
type RedisKey
type RedisKey = string | Buffer;
type RedisOptions
type RedisOptions = CommonRedisOptions & SentinelConnectionOptions & StandaloneConnectionOptions;
type RedisValue
type RedisValue = string | Buffer | number;
type Result
type Result<T, Context extends ClientContext> = ResultTypes< T, Context>[Context['type']];
type StandaloneConnectionOptions
type StandaloneConnectionOptions = Partial<TcpOptions & IpcOptions> & { disconnectTimeout?: number; tls?: ConnectionOptions;};
Package Files (16)
- built/Command.d.ts
- built/Pipeline.d.ts
- built/Redis.d.ts
- built/ScanStream.d.ts
- built/cluster/ClusterOptions.d.ts
- built/cluster/index.d.ts
- built/cluster/util.d.ts
- built/connectors/AbstractConnector.d.ts
- built/connectors/SentinelConnector/SentinelIterator.d.ts
- built/connectors/SentinelConnector/index.d.ts
- built/connectors/SentinelConnector/types.d.ts
- built/connectors/StandaloneConnector.d.ts
- built/index.d.ts
- built/redis/RedisOptions.d.ts
- built/types.d.ts
- built/utils/RedisCommander.d.ts
Dependencies (9)
Dev Dependencies (30)
- @ioredis/interface-generator
- @semantic-release/changelog
- @semantic-release/commit-analyzer
- @semantic-release/git
- @types/chai
- @types/chai-as-promised
- @types/debug
- @types/lodash.defaults
- @types/lodash.isarguments
- @types/mocha
- @types/node
- @types/redis-errors
- @types/sinon
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- chai
- chai-as-promised
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- mocha
- nyc
- prettier
- semantic-release
- server-destroy
- sinon
- ts-node
- tsd
- typedoc
- typescript
- uuid
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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