
  • Version 0.5.19
  • Published
  • 137 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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A collection of codecs and combinators for use with io-ts



variable BigIntFromString

const BigIntFromString: BigIntFromStringC;
  • Example 1

    import { BigIntFromString } from 'io-ts-types/lib/BigIntFromString' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    assert.deepStrictEqual(BigIntFromString.decode('1'), right(BigInt(1))) assert.deepStrictEqual('1.1')), ['Invalid value "1.1" supplied to : BigIntFromString']) assert.deepStrictEqual('')), ['Invalid value "" supplied to : BigIntFromString']) assert.deepStrictEqual(' ')), ['Invalid value " " supplied to : BigIntFromString'])


variable BooleanFromNumber

const BooleanFromNumber: BooleanFromNumberC;
  • Example 1

    import { BooleanFromNumber } from 'io-ts-types/lib/BooleanFromNumber' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    assert.deepStrictEqual(BooleanFromNumber.decode(1), right(true)) assert.deepStrictEqual(BooleanFromNumber.decode(0), right(false)) assert.deepStrictEqual(BooleanFromNumber.decode(123), right(true)) assert.deepStrictEqual('a')), ['Invalid value "a" supplied to : BooleanFromNumber'])


variable BooleanFromString

const BooleanFromString: BooleanFromStringC;
  • Example 1

    import { BooleanFromString } from 'io-ts-types/lib/BooleanFromString' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    assert.deepStrictEqual(BooleanFromString.decode('true'), right(true)) assert.deepStrictEqual(BooleanFromString.decode('false'), right(false)) assert.deepStrictEqual('a')), ['Invalid value "a" supplied to : BooleanFromString'])


variable date

const date: DateC;
  • 0.5.0

variable DateFromISOString

const DateFromISOString: DateFromISOStringC;
  • Example 1

    import { DateFromISOString } from 'io-ts-types/lib/DateFromISOString' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const date = new Date(1973, 10, 30) const input = date.toISOString() assert.deepStrictEqual(DateFromISOString.decode(input), right(date))


variable DateFromNumber

const DateFromNumber: DateFromNumberC;
  • Example 1

    import { DateFromNumber } from 'io-ts-types/lib/DateFromNumber' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const date = new Date(1973, 10, 30) const input = date.getTime() assert.deepStrictEqual(DateFromNumber.decode(input), right(date))


variable DateFromUnixTime

const DateFromUnixTime: DateFromUnixTimeC;
  • Example 1

    import { DateFromUnixTime } from 'io-ts-types/lib/DateFromUnixTime' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const date = new Date(1973, 10, 30) const input = date.getTime() / 1000 assert.deepStrictEqual(DateFromUnixTime.decode(input), right(date))


variable IntFromString

const IntFromString: IntFromStringC;
  • A codec that succeeds if a string can be parsed to an integer

    Example 1

    import { IntFromString } from 'io-ts-types/lib/IntFromString' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    assert.deepStrictEqual(IntFromString.decode('1'), right(1)) assert.deepStrictEqual('1.1')), ['Invalid value "1.1" supplied to : IntFromString'])


variable Json

const Json: t.Type<Json>;
  • 0.5.15

variable JsonArray

const JsonArray: t.Type<JsonArray>;
  • 0.5.15

variable JsonFromString

const JsonFromString: t.Type<Json, string, string>;
  • 0.5.14

variable JsonRecord

const JsonRecord: t.Type<JsonRecord>;
  • 0.5.15

variable NonEmptyString

const NonEmptyString: NonEmptyStringC;
  • A codec that succeeds if a string is not empty

    Example 1

    import { NonEmptyString } from 'io-ts-types/lib/NonEmptyString' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    assert.deepStrictEqual(NonEmptyString.decode('a'), right('a')) assert.deepStrictEqual('')), ['Invalid value "" supplied to : NonEmptyString'])


variable NumberFromString

const NumberFromString: NumberFromStringC;
  • Example 1

    import { NumberFromString } from 'io-ts-types/lib/NumberFromString'

    NumberFromString.decode('1') // right(1) NumberFromString.decode('1.1') // right(1.1)


variable regexp

const regexp: RegExpC;
  • Example 1

    import { regexp } from 'io-ts-types/lib/regexp' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const input1 = /\w+/ const input2 = new RegExp('\w+') assert.deepStrictEqual(regexp.decode(input1), right(input1)) assert.deepStrictEqual(regexp.decode(input2), right(input2))


variable UUID

const UUID: t.BrandC<t.StringC, UUIDBrand>;
  • Example 1

    import { UUID } from 'io-ts-types/lib/UUID' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    assert.deepStrictEqual(UUID.decode('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), right('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')) assert.deepStrictEqual('not a uuid')), ['Invalid value "not a uuid" supplied to : UUID'])



function clone

clone: <C extends t.Any>(t: C) => C;
  • Returns a clone of the given codec

    Example 1

    import { clone } from 'io-ts-types/lib/clone' import * as t from 'io-ts'

    assert.deepStrictEqual(clone(t.string), t.string)


function either

either: <L extends t.Mixed, R extends t.Mixed>(
leftCodec: L,
rightCodec: R,
name?: string
) => EitherC<L, R>;
  • Given a codec representing a type L and a codec representing a type A, returns a codec representing Either<L, A> that is able to deserialize the JSON representation of an Either.

    Example 1

    import { either } from 'io-ts-types/lib/either' import { left, right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    const T = either(t.string, t.number)

    assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(right(1)), right(right(1))) assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(left('a')), right(left('a'))) assert.deepStrictEqual('a'))), ['Invalid value "a" supplied to : Either<string, number>/1: Right/right: number'])


function fromNewtype

fromNewtype: <N extends AnyNewtype = never>(
codec: t.Type<CarrierOf<N>, t.OutputOf<CarrierOf<N>>>,
name?: string
) => t.Type<N, CarrierOf<N>, unknown>;
  • Returns a codec from a newtype

    Example 1

    import { fromNewtype } from 'io-ts-types/lib/fromNewtype' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter' import { Newtype, iso } from 'newtype-ts'

    interface Token extends Newtype<{ readonly Token: unique symbol }, string> {}

    const T = fromNewtype(t.string)

    assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode('sometoken'), right(iso().wrap('sometoken'))) assert.deepStrictEqual(, ['Invalid value 42 supplied to : fromNewtype(string)'])


function fromNullable

fromNullable: <C extends t.Mixed>(codec: C, a: t.TypeOf<C>, name?: string) => C;
  • Returns a clone of the given codec that replace a nullable input with the given value a

    Example 1

    import { fromNullable } from 'io-ts-types/lib/fromNullable' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

    const T = fromNullable(t.number, -1)

    assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(1), right(1)) assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(null), right(-1)) assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(undefined), right(-1)) assert.deepStrictEqual('a')), ['Invalid value "a" supplied to : fromNullable(number)'])


function fromRefinement

fromRefinement: <A>(
name: string,
is: (u: unknown) => u is A
) => t.Type<A, A, unknown>;
  • Returns a codec from a refinement


function getLenses

getLenses: <C extends unknown>(
codec: C
) => { [x: string]: Lens<t.TypeOf<C>, t.TypeOf<C>> };
  • Return a Lens for each prop

    Example 1

    import * as t from 'io-ts' import { getLenses } from 'io-ts-types/lib/getLenses'

    const Person = t.type({ name: t.string, age: t.number })

    const lenses = getLenses(Person) assert.strictEqual(lenses.age.get({ name: 'Giulio', age: 44 }), 44)


function mapFromEntries

mapFromEntries: <K extends t.Mixed, V extends t.Mixed>(
keyCodec: K,
KO: Ord<t.TypeOf<K>>,
valueCodec: V,
name?: string
) => MapFromEntriesC<K, V>;
  • 0.5.19

function mapOutput

mapOutput: <A, O, I, P>(
codec: t.Type<A, O, I>,
f: (p: O) => P,
name?: string
) => t.Type<A, P, I>;
  • Changes the output type of the given runtime type

    Example 1

    import * as t from 'io-ts' import { mapOutput } from 'io-ts-types/lib/mapOutput' import { optionFromNullable } from 'io-ts-types/lib/optionFromNullable' import { none, some } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option'

    // Input: t.Type<Option, number | null, t.mixed> const Input = optionFromNullable(t.number)

    const toUndefined = (x: A | null): A | undefined => (x === null ? undefined : x)

    // Output: t.Type<Option, number | undefined, t.mixed> const Output = mapOutput(Input, toUndefined)

    assert.strictEqual(Output.encode(none), undefined) assert.strictEqual(Output.encode(some(1)), 1)


function nonEmptyArray

nonEmptyArray: <C extends t.Mixed>(codec: C, name?: string) => NonEmptyArrayC<C>;
  • 0.5.0

function option

option: <C extends t.Mixed>(codec: C, name?: string) => OptionC<C>;
  • 0.5.0

function optionFromNullable

optionFromNullable: <C extends t.Mixed>(
codec: C,
name?: string
) => OptionFromNullableC<C>;
  • 0.5.0

function readonlyMapFromEntries

readonlyMapFromEntries: <K extends t.Mixed, V extends t.Mixed>(
keyCodec: K,
KO: Ord<t.TypeOf<K>>,
valueCodec: V,
name?: string
) => ReadonlyMapFromEntriesC<K, V>;
  • 0.5.19

function readonlyNonEmptyArray

readonlyNonEmptyArray: <C extends t.Mixed>(
codec: C,
name?: string
) => ReadonlyNonEmptyArrayC<C>;
  • 0.5.7

function readonlySetFromArray

readonlySetFromArray: <C extends t.Mixed>(
codec: C,
O: Ord<t.TypeOf<C>>,
name?: string
) => ReadonlySetFromArrayC<C>;
  • 0.5.7

function setFromArray

setFromArray: <C extends t.Mixed>(
codec: C,
O: Ord<t.TypeOf<C>>,
name?: string
) => SetFromArrayC<C>;
  • 0.5.0

function withEncode

withEncode: <A, O, I, P>(
codec: t.Type<A, O, I>,
encode: (a: A) => P,
name?: string
) => t.Type<A, P, I>;
  • Returns a clone of the given codec which uses the given encode function

    Example 1

    import { withEncode } from 'io-ts-types/lib/withEncode' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const T = withEncode(t.number, String)

    assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(1), right(1)) assert.deepStrictEqual(T.encode(1), '1') assert.deepStrictEqual('str')), ['Invalid value "str" supplied to : number'])


function withFallback

withFallback: <C extends t.Any>(codec: C, a: t.TypeOf<C>, name?: string) => C;
  • Returns a clone of the given codec that always succeed using the given value a if the original codec fails

    Example 1

    import { withFallback } from 'io-ts-types/lib/withFallback' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const T = withFallback(t.number, -1)

    assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(1), right(1)) assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode('a'), right(-1))


function withMessage

withMessage: <C extends t.Any>(
codec: C,
message: (i: t.InputOf<C>, c: t.Context) => string
) => C;
  • Returns a clone of the given codec that sets the given string as error messsage

    Example 1

    import { withMessage } from 'io-ts-types/lib/withMessage' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const T = withMessage(t.number, () => 'Invalid number')

    assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(1), right(1)) assert.deepStrictEqual(, ['Invalid number'])


function withValidate

withValidate: <C extends t.Any>(
codec: C,
validate: C['validate'],
name?: string
) => C;
  • Returns a clone of the given codec which uses the given validate function

    Example 1

    import { withValidate } from 'io-ts-types/lib/withValidate' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter' import { either, right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'

    const T = withValidate(t.number, (u, c) =>, c), n => n * 2))

    assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(1), right(2)) assert.deepStrictEqual(, ['Invalid value null supplied to : number'])



interface BigIntFromStringC

interface BigIntFromStringC extends t.Type<bigint, string, unknown> {}
  • 0.5.11

interface BooleanFromNumberC

interface BooleanFromNumberC extends t.Type<boolean, number, unknown> {}
  • 0.5.13

interface BooleanFromStringC

interface BooleanFromStringC extends t.Type<boolean, string, unknown> {}
  • 0.5.0

interface DateC

interface DateC extends t.Type<Date, Date, unknown> {}
  • 0.5.0

interface DateFromISOStringC

interface DateFromISOStringC extends t.Type<Date, string, unknown> {}
  • 0.5.0

interface DateFromNumberC

interface DateFromNumberC extends t.Type<Date, number, unknown> {}
  • 0.5.0

interface DateFromUnixTimeC

interface DateFromUnixTimeC extends t.Type<Date, number, unknown> {}
  • 0.5.0

interface EitherC

interface EitherC<L extends t.Mixed, R extends t.Mixed>
extends t.Type<
Either<t.TypeOf<L>, t.TypeOf<R>>,
EitherOutput<t.OutputOf<L>, t.OutputOf<R>>,
> {}
  • 0.5.0

interface ExactHasLenses

interface ExactHasLenses extends t.ExactType<HasLenses> {}
  • 0.5.0

interface IntFromStringC

interface IntFromStringC extends t.Type<t.Int, string, unknown> {}
  • 0.4.4

interface JsonArray

interface JsonArray extends ReadonlyArray<Json> {}
  • 0.5.14

interface JsonRecord

interface JsonRecord {}
  • 0.5.14

index signature

readonly [key: string]: Json;

    interface MapFromEntriesC

    interface MapFromEntriesC<K extends t.Mixed, V extends t.Mixed>
    extends t.Type<
    Map<t.TypeOf<K>, t.TypeOf<V>>,
    Array<[t.OutputOf<K>, t.OutputOf<V>]>,
    > {}
    • 0.5.19

    interface NonEmptyArrayC

    interface NonEmptyArrayC<C extends t.Mixed>
    extends t.Type<
    > {}
    • 0.5.0

    interface NonEmptyStringBrand

    interface NonEmptyStringBrand {}
    • 0.4.5

    property NonEmptyString

    readonly NonEmptyString: unique symbol;

      interface NonEmptyStringC

      interface NonEmptyStringC extends t.Type<NonEmptyString, string, unknown> {}
      • 0.4.5

      interface NumberFromStringC

      interface NumberFromStringC extends t.Type<number, string, unknown> {}
      • 0.5.0

      interface OptionC

      interface OptionC<C extends t.Mixed>
      extends t.Type<Option<t.TypeOf<C>>, OptionOutput<t.OutputOf<C>>, unknown> {}
      • Given a codec representing a type A, returns a codec representing Option<A> that is able to deserialize the JSON representation of an Option.

        Example 1

        import { option } from 'io-ts-types/lib/option' import { right } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either' import { none, some } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option' import * as t from 'io-ts' import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter'

        const T = option(t.number)

        assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(none), right(none)) assert.deepStrictEqual(T.decode(some(1)), right(some(1))) assert.deepStrictEqual('a'))), ['Invalid value "a" supplied to : Option/1: Some/value: number'])


      interface OptionFromNullableC

      interface OptionFromNullableC<C extends t.Mixed>
      extends t.Type<O.Option<t.TypeOf<C>>, t.OutputOf<C> | null, unknown> {}
      • 0.5.0

      interface ReadonlyMapFromEntriesC

      interface ReadonlyMapFromEntriesC<K extends t.Mixed, V extends t.Mixed>
      extends t.Type<
      ReadonlyMap<t.TypeOf<K>, t.TypeOf<V>>,
      ReadonlyArray<[t.OutputOf<K>, t.OutputOf<V>]>,
      > {}
      • 0.5.19

      interface ReadonlyNonEmptyArray

      interface ReadonlyNonEmptyArray<A> extends ReadonlyArray<A> {}
      • 0.5.7

      property 0

      readonly 0: A;

        interface ReadonlyNonEmptyArrayC

        interface ReadonlyNonEmptyArrayC<C extends t.Mixed>
        extends t.Type<
        > {}
        • 0.5.7

        interface ReadonlySetFromArrayC

        interface ReadonlySetFromArrayC<C extends t.Mixed>
        extends t.Type<
        > {}
        • 0.5.7

        interface RegExpC

        interface RegExpC extends t.Type<RegExp, RegExp, unknown> {}
        • 0.4.4

        interface SetFromArrayC

        interface SetFromArrayC<C extends t.Mixed>
        extends t.Type<Set<t.TypeOf<C>>, Array<t.OutputOf<C>>, unknown> {}
        • 0.5.0

        interface UUIDBrand

        interface UUIDBrand {}
        • 0.4.6

        property UUID

        readonly UUID: unique symbol;

          Type Aliases

          type EitherOutput

          type EitherOutput<L, R> = LeftOutput<L> | RightOutput<R>;
          • 0.5.18

          type HasLenses

          type HasLenses = t.InterfaceType<any> | ExactHasLenses;
          • 0.5.0

          type Json

          type Json = boolean | number | string | null | JsonArray | JsonRecord;
          • Copied from fp-ts/Either module.


          type LeftOutput

          type LeftOutput<L> = {
          _tag: 'Left';
          left: L;
          • 0.5.18

          type NonEmptyString

          type NonEmptyString = t.Branded<string, NonEmptyStringBrand>;
          • 0.4.5

          type NoneOutput

          type NoneOutput = t.OutputOf<typeof None>;
          • 0.5.18

          type OptionOutput

          type OptionOutput<A> = NoneOutput | SomeOutput<A>;
          • 0.5.18

          type RightOutput

          type RightOutput<R> = {
          _tag: 'Right';
          right: R;
          • 0.5.18

          type SomeOutput

          type SomeOutput<A> = {
          _tag: 'Some';
          value: A;
          • 0.5.18

          type UUID

          type UUID = t.Branded<string, UUIDBrand>;
          • 0.4.6

          Package Files (33)

          Dependencies (0)

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          Dev Dependencies (0)

          No dev dependencies.

          Peer Dependencies (4)


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