- Version 5.0.4
- Published
- 82 kB
- 2 dependencies
- Artistic-2.0 license
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Ignore common and custom patterns of the file system
function isIgnoredPath
isIgnoredPath: (path: Path, opts?: Options) => boolean;
Tests whether the path should be ignored
function isIgnoredPathCompatibility
isIgnoredPathCompatibility: (path: Path | string, opts?: Options) => boolean;
Compatibility wrapper for isIgnoredPath, supporting path string, verifying path object and options, and handling option deprecations
function upgradeOptions
upgradeOptions: (opts: Options) => Options;
Verify options and upgrade deprecations, returns dereferenced copy
interface Options
interface Options {}
Ignore Options
property ignoreAbsolutePaths
ignoreAbsolutePaths?: Array<string | RegExp>;
Absolute paths to ignore
property ignoreBasenames
ignoreBasenames?: Array<string | RegExp>;
Basenames to ignore
property ignoreCommonPatterns
ignoreCommonPatterns?: boolean;
aliases Options.ignoreUndesiredBasenames for isIgnoredPathCompatibility
property ignoreCustomCallback
ignoreCustomCallback?: (path: Path) => boolean | void;
Your own ignore handler
property ignoreCustomPatterns
ignoreCustomPatterns?: RegExp;
Test against each Path property
property ignoreHiddenBasenames
ignoreHiddenBasenames?: boolean;
Ignore basenames that begin with a
property ignoreHiddenFiles
ignoreHiddenFiles?: boolean;
aliases Options.ignoreHiddenBasenames for isIgnoredPathCompatibility
property ignorePaths
ignorePaths?: Array<string | RegExp>;
alias for isIgnoredPathCompatibility that puts absolute paths in ignoreAbsolutePaths, relative paths in ignoreRelativePaths, and basenames in ignoreBasenames
property ignoreRelativePaths
ignoreRelativePaths?: Array<string | RegExp>;
Relative paths to ignore
property ignoreUndesiredBasenames
ignoreUndesiredBasenames?: boolean;
Ignore commonly undesirable basenames: https://github.com/bevry/ignorepatterns
interface Path
interface Path {}
A path to check its ignore status
property absolutePath
absolutePath?: string;
The absolute path, if any
property basename
basename?: string;
If basename of the path, if any
property relativePath
relativePath?: string;
The relative path, if any
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (2)
Dev Dependencies (15)
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No peer dependencies.
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