
  • Version 6.2.0
  • Published
  • 897 kB
  • 5 dependencies
  • MIT license


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The 2nd gen API for Cloud Functions for Firebase. This SDK supports deep imports. For example, the namespace pubsub is available at firebase-functions/v2 or is directly importable from firebase-functions/v2/pubsub.






Type Aliases



variable app

const app: { setEmulatedAdminApp: typeof setEmulatedAdminApp };


    function config

    config: () => Record<string, any>;
    • Store and retrieve project configuration data such as third-party API keys or other settings. You can set configuration values using the Firebase CLI as described in


      Using functions.config() is discouraged. See

    function onInit

    onInit: (callback: () => unknown) => void;
    • Registers a callback that should be run when in a production environment before executing any functions code. Calling this function more than once leads to undefined behavior.

      Parameter callback

      initialization callback to be run before any function executes.

    function setGlobalOptions

    setGlobalOptions: (options: GlobalOptions) => void;
    • Sets default options for all functions written using the 2nd gen SDK.

      Parameter options

      Options to set as default


    class Change

    class Change<T> {}
    • The Cloud Functions interface for events that change state, such as Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore onWrite and onUpdate events.

      For more information about the format used to construct Change objects, see ChangeJson below.


    constructor(before: {}, after: {});

      property after

      after: {};

        property before

        before: {};

          method fromJSON

          static fromJSON: <T>(json: ChangeJson, customizer?: (x: any) => T) => Change<T>;
          • Factory method for creating a Change from JSON and an optional customizer function to be applied to both the before and the after fields.

          method fromObjects

          static fromObjects: <T>(before: T, after: T) => Change<T>;
          • Factory method for creating a Change from a before object and an after object.


          interface CloudEvent

          interface CloudEvent<T> {}
          • A CloudEventBase is the base of a cross-platform format for encoding a serverless event. For more information, see


            • @beta

          property data

          data: T;
          • Information about this specific event.

          property id

          id: string;
          • A globally unique ID for this event.

          property source

          source: string;
          • The resource that published this event.

          property specversion

          readonly specversion: '1.0';
          • Version of the CloudEvents spec for this event.

          property subject

          subject?: string;
          • The resource, provided by source, that this event relates to.

          property time

          time: string;
          • When this event occurred.

          property type

          type: string;
          • The type of event that this represents.

          interface CloudFunction

          interface CloudFunction<EventType extends CloudEvent<unknown>> {}
          • A handler for CloudEvents.


            • @beta

          method run

          run: (event: EventType) => any | Promise<any>;
          • The callback passed to the CloudFunction constructor. Use run to test a function.

            Parameter event

            The parsed event to handle.


            Any return value. Cloud Functions awaits any promise before shutting down your function. Resolved return values are only used for unit testing purposes.


            • @beta

          call signature

          (raw: CloudEvent<unknown>): any | Promise<any>;

            interface EventHandlerOptions

            interface EventHandlerOptions extends Omit<GlobalOptions, 'enforceAppCheck'> {}
            • Additional fields that can be set on any event-handling function.

            property channel

            channel?: string;
            • The name of the channel where the function receives events.

            property eventFilterPathPatterns

            eventFilterPathPatterns?: Record<string, string | Expression<string>>;
            • TODO

            property eventFilters

            eventFilters?: Record<string, string | Expression<string>>;
            • TODO

            property eventType

            eventType?: string;
            • Type of the event. Valid values are TODO

            property region

            region?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
            • Region of the EventArc trigger.

            property retry

            retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
            • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

            property serviceAccount

            serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
            • The service account that EventArc should use to invoke this function. Requires the P4SA to have ActAs permission on this service account.

            interface GlobalOptions

            interface GlobalOptions {}
            • GlobalOptions are options that can be set across an entire project. These options are common to HTTPS and event handling functions.

            property concurrency

            concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
            • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


              Can be applied only to functions running on Cloud Functions (2nd gen)). A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

            property cpu

            cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
            • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


              Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Cloud Functions (1st gen). To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions (1st gen), set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

            property enforceAppCheck

            enforceAppCheck?: boolean;
            • Determines whether Firebase App Check is enforced. Defaults to false.


              When true, requests with invalid tokens autorespond with a 401 (Unauthorized) error. When false, requests with invalid tokens set to undefined.

            property ingressSettings

            ingressSettings?: IngressSetting | ResetValue;
            • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

            property invoker

            invoker?: 'public' | 'private' | string | string[];
            • Invoker to set access control on HTTPS functions.

            property labels

            labels?: Record<string, string>;
            • User labels to set on the function.

            property maxInstances

            maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
            • Max number of instances that can be running in parallel.

            property memory

            memory?: MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
            • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

            property minInstances

            minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
            • Minimum number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


              Instances are billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

            property omit

            omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
            • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

            property preserveExternalChanges

            preserveExternalChanges?: boolean;
            • Controls whether function configuration modified outside of function source is preserved. Defaults to false.


              When setting configuration available in an underlying platform that is not yet available in the Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions, we recommend setting preserveExternalChanges to true. Otherwise, when Google releases a new version of the SDK with support for the missing configuration, your function's manually configured setting may inadvertently be wiped out.

            property region

            region?: SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
            • Region where functions should be deployed.

            property secrets

            secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

              property serviceAccount

              serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
              • Specific service account for the function to run as.

              property timeoutSeconds

              timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
              • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                The minimum timeout for a 2nd gen function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 3,600s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes).

              property vpcConnector

              vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
              • Connect a function to a specified VPC connector.

              property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

              vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
              • Egress settings for VPC connector.

              Type Aliases

              type IngressSetting

              type IngressSetting =
              | 'ALLOW_ALL'
              | 'ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY'
              | 'ALLOW_INTERNAL_AND_GCLB';
              • List of available options for IngressSettings.

              type MemoryOption

              type MemoryOption =
              | '128MiB'
              | '256MiB'
              | '512MiB'
              | '1GiB'
              | '2GiB'
              | '4GiB'
              | '8GiB'
              | '16GiB'
              | '32GiB';
              • List of available memory options supported by Cloud Functions.

              type ParamsOf

              type ParamsOf<PathPattern extends string | Expression<string>> =
              PathPattern extends Expression<string>
              ? Record<string, string>
              : string extends PathPattern
              ? Record<string, string>
              : {
              [Key in Extract<
              NullSafe<Exclude<PathPattern, Expression<string>>>,
              >]: string;
              • A type that maps all parameter capture gropus into keys of a record. For example, ParamsOf<"users/{uid}"> is { uid: string } ParamsOf<"users/{uid}/logs/{log}"> is { uid: string; log: string } ParamsOf<"some/static/data"> is {}

                For flexibility reasons, ParamsOf is Record<string, string>

              type SupportedRegion

              type SupportedRegion =
              | 'asia-east1'
              | 'asia-northeast1'
              | 'asia-northeast2'
              | 'europe-north1'
              | 'europe-west1'
              | 'europe-west4'
              | 'us-central1'
              | 'us-east1'
              | 'us-east4'
              | 'us-west1'
              | 'asia-east2'
              | 'asia-northeast3'
              | 'asia-southeast1'
              | 'asia-southeast2'
              | 'asia-south1'
              | 'australia-southeast1'
              | 'europe-central2'
              | 'europe-west2'
              | 'europe-west3'
              | 'europe-west6'
              | 'northamerica-northeast1'
              | 'southamerica-east1'
              | 'us-west2'
              | 'us-west3'
              | 'us-west4';
              • List of all regions supported by Cloud Functions (2nd gen).

              type VpcEgressSetting

              type VpcEgressSetting = 'PRIVATE_RANGES_ONLY' | 'ALL_TRAFFIC';
              • List of available options for VpcConnectorEgressSettings.


              namespace alerts

              module 'lib/v2/providers/alerts/index.d.ts' {}
              • Cloud functions to handle events from Firebase Alerts. Subpackages give stronger typing to specific services which notify users via Firebase Alerts.

              function onAlertPublished

              onAlertPublished: {
              <T extends { '@type': string } = any>(
              alertType: AlertType,
              handler: (event: AlertEvent<T>) => any | Promise<any>
              ): CloudFunction<AlertEvent<T>>;
              <T extends { '@type': string } = any>(
              options: FirebaseAlertOptions,
              handler: (event: AlertEvent<T>) => any
              ): CloudFunction<AlertEvent<T>>;
              • Declares a function that can handle Firebase Alerts from CloudEvents.

                Parameter alertType

                the alert type or Firebase Alert function configuration.

                Parameter handler

                a function that can handle the Firebase Alert inside a CloudEvent.


                A function that you can export and deploy.

              • Declares a function that can handle Firebase Alerts from CloudEvents.

                Parameter options

                the alert type and other options for this cloud function.

                Parameter handler

                a function that can handle the Firebase Alert inside a CloudEvent.

              interface AlertEvent

              interface AlertEvent<T> extends CloudEvent<FirebaseAlertData<T>> {}
              • A custom CloudEvent for Firebase Alerts (with custom extension attributes).

              property alertType

              alertType: string;
              • The type of the alerts that got triggered.

              property appId

              appId?: string;
              • The Firebase App ID that’s associated with the alert. This is optional, and only present when the alert is targeting at a specific Firebase App.

              property data

              data: FirebaseAlertData<T>;
              • Data for an AlertEvent is a FirebaseAlertData object with a given payload.

              interface FirebaseAlertData

              interface FirebaseAlertData<T = any> {}
              • The CloudEvent data emitted by Firebase Alerts.

              property createTime

              createTime: string;
              • Time that the event has created.

              property endTime

              endTime: string;
              • Time that the event has ended. Optional, only present for ongoing alerts.

              property payload

              payload: T;
              • Payload of the event, which includes the details of the specific alert.

              interface FirebaseAlertOptions

              interface FirebaseAlertOptions extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}
              • Configuration for Firebase Alert functions.

              property alertType

              alertType: AlertType;
              • Scope the handler to trigger on an alert type.

              property appId

              appId?: string;
              • Scope the function to trigger on a specific application.

              property concurrency

              concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
              • Number of requests a function can serve at once. Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

              property cpu

              cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
              • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function. Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

              property ingressSettings

              ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
              • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from. A value of null turns off ingress settings.

              property labels

              labels?: Record<string, string>;
              • User labels to set on the function.

              property maxInstances

              maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
              • Max number of instances to be running in parallel. A value of null restores the default max instances.

              property memory

              memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
              • Amount of memory to allocate to a function. A value of null restores the defaults of 256MB.

              property minInstances

              minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
              • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time. Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle. A value of null restores the default min instances.

              property omit

              omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
              • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

              property region

              region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
              • Region where functions should be deployed.

              property retry

              retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
              • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

              property secrets

              secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                property serviceAccount

                serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                • Specific service account for the function to run as. A value of null restores the default service account.

                property timeoutSeconds

                timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout. A value of null restores the default of 60s The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                property vpcConnector

                vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector. A value of null removes the VPC connector

                property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                • Egress settings for VPC connector. A value of null turns off VPC connector egress settings

                type AlertType

                type AlertType =
                | 'crashlytics.newFatalIssue'
                | 'crashlytics.newNonfatalIssue'
                | 'crashlytics.regression'
                | 'crashlytics.stabilityDigest'
                | 'crashlytics.velocity'
                | 'crashlytics.newAnrIssue'
                | 'billing.planUpdate'
                | 'billing.planAutomatedUpdate'
                | 'appDistribution.newTesterIosDevice'
                | 'appDistribution.inAppFeedback'
                | 'performance.threshold'
                | string;
                • The underlying alert type of the Firebase Alerts provider.

                namespace appDistribution

                module 'lib/v2/providers/alerts/appDistribution.d.ts' {}
                • Cloud functions to handle Firebase App Distribution events from Firebase Alerts.

                function onInAppFeedbackPublished

                onInAppFeedbackPublished: {
                handler: (
                event: AppDistributionEvent<InAppFeedbackPayload>
                ) => any | Promise<any>
                ): CloudFunction<AppDistributionEvent<InAppFeedbackPayload>>;
                appId: string,
                handler: (event: AppDistributionEvent<InAppFeedbackPayload>) => any
                ): CloudFunction<AppDistributionEvent<InAppFeedbackPayload>>;
                opts: AppDistributionOptions,
                handler: (event: AppDistributionEvent<InAppFeedbackPayload>) => any
                ): CloudFunction<AppDistributionEvent<InAppFeedbackPayload>>;
                • Declares a function that can handle receiving new in-app feedback from a tester.

                  Parameter handler

                  Event handler which is run every time new feedback is received.


                  A function that you can export and deploy.

                • Declares a function that can handle receiving new in-app feedback from a tester.

                  Parameter appId

                  A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                  Parameter handler

                  Event handler which is run every time new feedback is received.


                  A function that you can export and deploy.

                • Declares a function that can handle receiving new in-app feedback from a tester.

                  Parameter opts

                  Options that can be set on the function.

                  Parameter handler

                  Event handler which is run every time new feedback is received.


                  A function that you can export and deploy.

                function onNewTesterIosDevicePublished

                onNewTesterIosDevicePublished: {
                handler: (
                event: AppDistributionEvent<NewTesterDevicePayload>
                ) => any | Promise<any>
                ): CloudFunction<AppDistributionEvent<NewTesterDevicePayload>>;
                appId: string,
                handler: (event: AppDistributionEvent<NewTesterDevicePayload>) => any
                ): CloudFunction<AppDistributionEvent<NewTesterDevicePayload>>;
                opts: AppDistributionOptions,
                handler: (event: AppDistributionEvent<NewTesterDevicePayload>) => any
                ): CloudFunction<AppDistributionEvent<NewTesterDevicePayload>>;
                • Declares a function that can handle adding a new tester iOS device.

                  Parameter handler

                  Event handler which is run every time a new tester iOS device is added.


                  A function that you can export and deploy.

                • Declares a function that can handle adding a new tester iOS device.

                  Parameter appId

                  A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                  Parameter handler

                  Event handler which is run every time a new tester iOS device is added.


                  A function that you can export and deploy.

                • Declares a function that can handle adding a new tester iOS device.

                  Parameter opts

                  Options that can be set on the function.

                  Parameter handler

                  Event handler which is run every time a new tester iOS device is added.


                  A function that you can export and deploy.

                interface AppDistributionEvent

                interface AppDistributionEvent<T> extends CloudEvent<FirebaseAlertData<T>> {}
                • A custom CloudEvent for Firebase Alerts (with custom extension attributes).

                property alertType

                alertType: string;
                • The type of the alerts that got triggered.

                property appId

                appId: string;
                • The Firebase App ID that’s associated with the alert.

                interface AppDistributionOptions

                interface AppDistributionOptions extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}
                • Configuration for app distribution functions.

                property appId

                appId?: string;
                • Scope the function to trigger on a specific application.

                property concurrency

                concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                  Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                property cpu

                cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                  Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                property ingressSettings

                ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                property labels

                labels?: Record<string, string>;
                • User labels to set on the function.

                property maxInstances

                maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                property memory

                memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                property minInstances

                minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                  Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                property omit

                omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                property region

                region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                • Region where functions should be deployed.

                property retry

                retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
                • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

                property secrets

                secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                  property serviceAccount

                  serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                  • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                  property timeoutSeconds

                  timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                  • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                    The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                  property vpcConnector

                  vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                  • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                  property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                  vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                  • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                  interface InAppFeedbackPayload

                  interface InAppFeedbackPayload {}
                  • The internal payload object for receiving in-app feedback from a tester. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                  property ["@type"]

                  ['@type']: '';

                    property appVersion

                    appVersion: string;
                    • Version consisting of versionName and versionCode for Android and CFBundleShortVersionString and CFBundleVersion for iOS.

                    property feedbackConsoleUri

                    feedbackConsoleUri: string;
                    • Deep link back to the Firebase console.

                    property feedbackReport

                    feedbackReport: string;
                    • Resource name. Format: projects/{project_number}/apps/{app_id}/releases/{release_id}/feedbackReports/{feedback_id}

                    property screenshotUri

                    screenshotUri?: string;
                    • URI to download screenshot. This URI is fast expiring.

                    property testerEmail

                    testerEmail: string;
                    • Email of the tester

                    property testerName

                    testerName?: string;
                    • Name of the tester

                    property text

                    text: string;
                    • Text entered by the tester

                    interface NewTesterDevicePayload

                    interface NewTesterDevicePayload {}
                    • The internal payload object for adding a new tester device to app distribution. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                    property ["@type"]

                    ['@type']: '';

                      property testerDeviceIdentifier

                      testerDeviceIdentifier: string;
                      • The device ID

                      property testerDeviceModelName

                      testerDeviceModelName: string;
                      • The device model name

                      property testerEmail

                      testerEmail: string;
                      • Email of the tester

                      property testerName

                      testerName: string;
                      • Name of the tester

                      namespace billing

                      module 'lib/v2/providers/alerts/billing.d.ts' {}
                      • Cloud functions to handle billing events from Firebase Alerts.

                      function onPlanAutomatedUpdatePublished

                      onPlanAutomatedUpdatePublished: {
                      handler: (
                      event: BillingEvent<PlanAutomatedUpdatePayload>
                      ) => any | Promise<any>
                      ): CloudFunction<BillingEvent<PlanAutomatedUpdatePayload>>;
                      opts: options.EventHandlerOptions,
                      handler: (event: BillingEvent<PlanAutomatedUpdatePayload>) => any
                      ): CloudFunction<BillingEvent<PlanAutomatedUpdatePayload>>;
                      • Declares a function that can handle an automated billing plan update event.

                        Parameter handler

                        Event handler which is run every time an automated billing plan update occurs.


                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                      • Declares a function that can handle an automated billing plan update event.

                        Parameter opts

                        Options that can be set on the function.

                        Parameter handler

                        Event handler which is run every time an automated billing plan update occurs.


                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                      function onPlanUpdatePublished

                      onPlanUpdatePublished: {
                      handler: (event: BillingEvent<PlanUpdatePayload>) => any | Promise<any>
                      ): CloudFunction<BillingEvent<PlanUpdatePayload>>;
                      opts: options.EventHandlerOptions,
                      handler: (event: BillingEvent<PlanUpdatePayload>) => any
                      ): CloudFunction<BillingEvent<PlanUpdatePayload>>;
                      • Declares a function that can handle a billing plan update event.

                        Parameter handler

                        Event handler which is run every time a billing plan is updated.


                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                      • Declares a function that can handle a billing plan update event.

                        Parameter opts

                        Options that can be set on the function.

                        Parameter handler

                        Event handler which is run every time a billing plan is updated.


                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                      interface BillingEvent

                      interface BillingEvent<T> extends CloudEvent<FirebaseAlertData<T>> {}
                      • A custom CloudEvent for billing Firebase Alerts (with custom extension attributes).

                      property alertType

                      alertType: string;
                      • The type of the alerts that got triggered.

                      interface PlanAutomatedUpdatePayload

                      interface PlanAutomatedUpdatePayload {}
                      • The internal payload object for billing plan automated updates. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                      property ["@type"]

                      ['@type']: '';

                        property billingPlan

                        billingPlan: string;
                        • A Firebase billing plan.

                        property notificationType

                        notificationType: string;
                        • The type of the notification, e.g. upgrade, downgrade

                        interface PlanUpdatePayload

                        interface PlanUpdatePayload {}
                        • The internal payload object for billing plan updates. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                        property ["@type"]

                        ['@type']: '';

                          property billingPlan

                          billingPlan: string;
                          • A Firebase billing plan.

                          property notificationType

                          notificationType: string;
                          • The type of the notification, e.g. upgrade, downgrade

                          property principalEmail

                          principalEmail: string;
                          • The email address of the person that triggered billing plan change

                          namespace crashlytics

                          module 'lib/v2/providers/alerts/crashlytics.d.ts' {}
                          • Cloud functions to handle Crashlytics events from Firebase Alerts.

                          function onNewAnrIssuePublished

                          onNewAnrIssuePublished: {
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewAnrIssuePayload>) => any | Promise<any>
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewAnrIssuePayload>>;
                          appId: string,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewAnrIssuePayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewAnrIssuePayload>>;
                          opts: CrashlyticsOptions,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewAnrIssuePayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewAnrIssuePayload>>;
                          • Declares a function that can handle a new Application Not Responding issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new Application Not Responding issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a new Application Not Responding issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter appId

                            A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new Application Not Responding issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a new Application Not Responding issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter opts

                            Options that can be set on the function.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new Application Not Responding issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          function onNewFatalIssuePublished

                          onNewFatalIssuePublished: {
                          handler: (
                          event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewFatalIssuePayload>
                          ) => any | Promise<any>
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewFatalIssuePayload>>;
                          appId: string,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewFatalIssuePayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewFatalIssuePayload>>;
                          opts: CrashlyticsOptions,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewFatalIssuePayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewFatalIssuePayload>>;
                          • Declares a function that can handle a new fatal issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new fatal issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a new fatal issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter appId

                            A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new fatal issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a new fatal issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter opts

                            Options that can be set on the function.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new fatal issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          function onNewNonfatalIssuePublished

                          onNewNonfatalIssuePublished: {
                          handler: (
                          event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewNonfatalIssuePayload>
                          ) => any | Promise<any>
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewNonfatalIssuePayload>>;
                          appId: string,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewNonfatalIssuePayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewNonfatalIssuePayload>>;
                          opts: CrashlyticsOptions,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<NewNonfatalIssuePayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<NewNonfatalIssuePayload>>;
                          • Declares a function that can handle a new non-fatal issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new fatal issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a new non-fatal issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter appId

                            A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new non-fatal issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a new non-fatal issue published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter opts

                            Options that can be set on the function.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a new non-fatal issue is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          function onRegressionAlertPublished

                          onRegressionAlertPublished: {
                          handler: (
                          event: CrashlyticsEvent<RegressionAlertPayload>
                          ) => any | Promise<any>
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<RegressionAlertPayload>>;
                          appId: string,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<RegressionAlertPayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<RegressionAlertPayload>>;
                          opts: CrashlyticsOptions,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<RegressionAlertPayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<RegressionAlertPayload>>;
                          • Declares a function that can handle a regression alert published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a regression alert is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a regression alert published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter appId

                            A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a regression alert is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a regression alert published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter opts

                            Options that can be set on the function.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a regression alert is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          function onStabilityDigestPublished

                          onStabilityDigestPublished: {
                          handler: (
                          event: CrashlyticsEvent<StabilityDigestPayload>
                          ) => any | Promise<any>
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<StabilityDigestPayload>>;
                          appId: string,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<StabilityDigestPayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<StabilityDigestPayload>>;
                          opts: CrashlyticsOptions,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<StabilityDigestPayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<StabilityDigestPayload>>;
                          • Declares a function that can handle a stability digest published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a stability digest is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a stability digest published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter appId

                            A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a stability digest is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a stability digest published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter opts

                            Options that can be set on the function.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a stability digest is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          function onVelocityAlertPublished

                          onVelocityAlertPublished: {
                          handler: (
                          event: CrashlyticsEvent<VelocityAlertPayload>
                          ) => any | Promise<any>
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<VelocityAlertPayload>>;
                          appId: string,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<VelocityAlertPayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<VelocityAlertPayload>>;
                          opts: CrashlyticsOptions,
                          handler: (event: CrashlyticsEvent<VelocityAlertPayload>) => any
                          ): CloudFunction<CrashlyticsEvent<VelocityAlertPayload>>;
                          • Declares a function that can handle a velocity alert published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a velocity alert is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a velocity alert published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter appId

                            A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a velocity alert is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          • Declares a function that can handle a velocity alert published to Crashlytics.

                            Parameter opts

                            Options that can be set on the function.

                            Parameter handler

                            Event handler that is triggered when a velocity alert is published to Crashlytics.


                            A function that you can export and deploy.

                          interface CrashlyticsEvent

                          interface CrashlyticsEvent<T> extends CloudEvent<FirebaseAlertData<T>> {}
                          • A custom CloudEvent for Firebase Alerts (with custom extension attributes).

                          property alertType

                          alertType: string;
                          • The type of the alerts that got triggered.

                          property appId

                          appId: string;
                          • The Firebase App ID that’s associated with the alert.

                          interface CrashlyticsOptions

                          interface CrashlyticsOptions extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}
                          • Configuration for Crashlytics functions.

                          property appId

                          appId?: string;
                          • Scope the function to trigger on a specific application.

                          property concurrency

                          concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                          • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                            Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                          property cpu

                          cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                          • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                            Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                          property ingressSettings

                          ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                          • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                          property labels

                          labels?: Record<string, string>;
                          • User labels to set on the function.

                          property maxInstances

                          maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                          • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                          property memory

                          memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                          • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                          property minInstances

                          minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                          • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                            Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                          property omit

                          omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                          • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                          property region

                          region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                          • Region where functions should be deployed.

                          property retry

                          retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
                          • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

                          property secrets

                          secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                            property serviceAccount

                            serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                            • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                            property timeoutSeconds

                            timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                            • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                              The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                            property vpcConnector

                            vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                            • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                            property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                            vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                            • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                            interface Issue

                            interface Issue {}
                            • Generic Crashlytics issue interface

                            property appVersion

                            appVersion: string;
                            • The application version of the Crashlytics issue

                            property id

                            id: string;
                            • The ID of the Crashlytics issue

                            property subtitle

                            subtitle: string;
                            • The subtitle of the Crashlytics issue

                            property title

                            title: string;
                            • The title of the Crashlytics issue

                            interface NewAnrIssuePayload

                            interface NewAnrIssuePayload {}
                            • The internal payload object for a new Application Not Responding issue. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                            property ["@type"]

                            ['@type']: '';

                              property issue

                              issue: Issue;
                              • Basic information of the Crashlytics issue

                              interface NewFatalIssuePayload

                              interface NewFatalIssuePayload {}
                              • The internal payload object for a new fatal issue. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                              property ["@type"]

                              ['@type']: '';

                                property issue

                                issue: Issue;
                                • Basic information of the Crashlytics issue

                                interface NewNonfatalIssuePayload

                                interface NewNonfatalIssuePayload {}
                                • The internal payload object for a new non-fatal issue. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                                property ["@type"]

                                ['@type']: '';

                                  property issue

                                  issue: Issue;
                                  • Basic information of the Crashlytics issue

                                  interface RegressionAlertPayload

                                  interface RegressionAlertPayload {}
                                  • The internal payload object for a regression alert. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                                  property ["@type"]

                                  ['@type']: '';

                                    property issue

                                    issue: Issue;
                                    • Basic information of the Crashlytics issue

                                    property resolveTime

                                    resolveTime: string;
                                    • The time that the Crashlytics issues was most recently resolved before it began to reoccur.

                                    property type

                                    type: string;
                                    • The type of the Crashlytics issue, e.g. new fatal, new nonfatal, ANR

                                    interface StabilityDigestPayload

                                    interface StabilityDigestPayload {}
                                    • The internal payload object for a stability digest. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                                    property ["@type"]

                                    ['@type']: '';

                                      property digestDate

                                      digestDate: string;
                                      • The date that the digest gets created. Issues in the digest should have the same date as the digest date

                                      property trendingIssues

                                      trendingIssues: TrendingIssueDetails[];
                                      • A stability digest containing several trending Crashlytics issues

                                      interface TrendingIssueDetails

                                      interface TrendingIssueDetails {}
                                      • Generic Crashlytics trending issue interface

                                      property eventCount

                                      eventCount: number;
                                      • The number of crashes that occurred with the issue

                                      property issue

                                      issue: Issue;
                                      • Basic information of the Crashlytics issue

                                      property type

                                      type: string;
                                      • The type of the Crashlytics issue, e.g. new fatal, new nonfatal, ANR

                                      property userCount

                                      userCount: number;
                                      • The number of distinct users that were affected by the issue

                                      interface VelocityAlertPayload

                                      interface VelocityAlertPayload {}
                                      • The internal payload object for a velocity alert. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                                      property ["@type"]

                                      ['@type']: '';

                                        property crashCount

                                        crashCount: number;
                                        • The number of user sessions for the given app version that had this specific crash issue in the time period used to trigger the velocity alert.

                                        property crashPercentage

                                        crashPercentage: number;
                                        • The percentage of user sessions for the given app version that had this specific crash issue in the time period used to trigger the velocity alert.

                                        property createTime

                                        createTime: string;
                                        • The time that the Crashlytics issue gets created

                                        property firstVersion

                                        firstVersion: string;
                                        • The first app version where this issue was seen, and not necessarily the version that has triggered the alert.

                                        property issue

                                        issue: Issue;
                                        • Basic information of the Crashlytics issue

                                        namespace performance

                                        module 'lib/v2/providers/alerts/performance.d.ts' {}
                                        • The internal payload object for a performance threshold alert. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                                        function onThresholdAlertPublished

                                        onThresholdAlertPublished: {
                                        handler: (
                                        event: PerformanceEvent<ThresholdAlertPayload>
                                        ) => any | Promise<any>
                                        ): CloudFunction<PerformanceEvent<ThresholdAlertPayload>>;
                                        appId: string,
                                        handler: (event: PerformanceEvent<ThresholdAlertPayload>) => any
                                        ): CloudFunction<PerformanceEvent<ThresholdAlertPayload>>;
                                        opts: PerformanceOptions,
                                        handler: (event: PerformanceEvent<ThresholdAlertPayload>) => any
                                        ): CloudFunction<PerformanceEvent<ThresholdAlertPayload>>;
                                        • Declares a function that can handle receiving performance threshold alerts.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a threshold alert is received.


                                          A function that you can export and deploy.

                                        • Declares a function that can handle receiving performance threshold alerts.

                                          Parameter appId

                                          A specific application the handler will trigger on.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a threshold alert is received.


                                          A function that you can export and deploy.

                                        • Declares a function that can handle receiving performance threshold alerts.

                                          Parameter opts

                                          Options that can be set on the function.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a threshold alert is received.


                                          A function that you can export and deploy.

                                        interface PerformanceEvent

                                        interface PerformanceEvent<T> extends CloudEvent<FirebaseAlertData<T>> {}
                                        • A custom CloudEvent for Firebase Alerts (with custom extension attributes).

                                        property alertType

                                        alertType: string;
                                        • The type of the alerts that got triggered.

                                        property appId

                                        appId: string;
                                        • The Firebase App ID that’s associated with the alert.

                                        interface PerformanceOptions

                                        interface PerformanceOptions extends EventHandlerOptions {}
                                        • Configuration for app distribution functions.

                                        property appId

                                        appId?: string;
                                        • Scope the function to trigger on a specific application.

                                        interface ThresholdAlertPayload

                                        interface ThresholdAlertPayload {}
                                        • The internal payload object for a performance threshold alert. Payload is wrapped inside a FirebaseAlertData object.

                                        property appVersion

                                        appVersion?: string;
                                        • The app version this alert was triggered for, can be omitted if the alert is for a network request (because the alert was checked against data from all versions of app) or a web app (where the app is versionless)

                                        property conditionPercentile

                                        conditionPercentile?: number;
                                        • The percentile of the alert condition, can be 0 if percentile is not applicable to the alert condition and omitted; range: [1, 100]

                                        property eventName

                                        eventName: string;
                                        • Name of the trace or network request this alert is for (e.g. my_custom_trace,

                                        property eventType

                                        eventType: string;
                                        • The resource type this alert is for (i.e. trace, network request, screen rendering, etc.)

                                        property investigateUri

                                        investigateUri: string;
                                        • The link to Fireconsole to investigate more into this alert

                                        property metricType

                                        metricType: string;
                                        • The metric type this alert is for (i.e. success rate, response time, duration, etc.)

                                        property numSamples

                                        numSamples: number;
                                        • The number of events checked for this alert condition

                                        property thresholdUnit

                                        thresholdUnit: string;
                                        • The unit for the alert threshold (e.g. "percent", "seconds")

                                        property thresholdValue

                                        thresholdValue: number;
                                        • The threshold value of the alert condition without units (e.g. "75", "2.1")

                                        property violationUnit

                                        violationUnit: string;
                                        • The unit for the violation value (e.g. "percent", "seconds")

                                        property violationValue

                                        violationValue: number;
                                        • The value that violated the alert condition (e.g. "76.5", "3")

                                        namespace database

                                        module 'lib/v2/providers/database.d.ts' {}

                                        function onValueCreated

                                        onValueCreated: {
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        ref: Ref,
                                        handler: (
                                        event: DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>
                                        ) => any | Promise<any>
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        opts: ReferenceOptions<Ref>,
                                        handler: (event: DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>) => any
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is created in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter reference

                                          The database reference path to trigger on.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database create occurs.

                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is created in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter opts

                                          Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database create occurs.

                                        function onValueDeleted

                                        onValueDeleted: {
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        ref: Ref,
                                        handler: (
                                        event: DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>
                                        ) => any | Promise<any>
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        opts: ReferenceOptions<Ref>,
                                        handler: (event: DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>) => any
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<DataSnapshot, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is deleted in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter reference

                                          The database reference path to trigger on.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database deletion occurs.

                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is deleted in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter opts

                                          Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database deletion occurs.

                                        function onValueUpdated

                                        onValueUpdated: {
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        ref: Ref,
                                        handler: (
                                        event: DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>
                                        ) => any | Promise<any>
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        opts: ReferenceOptions<Ref>,
                                        handler: (event: DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>) => any
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is updated in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter reference

                                          The database reference path to trigger on.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database update occurs.

                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is updated in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter opts

                                          Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database update occurs.

                                        function onValueWritten

                                        onValueWritten: {
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        ref: Ref,
                                        handler: (
                                        event: DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>
                                        ) => any | Promise<any>
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        <Ref extends string>(
                                        opts: ReferenceOptions<Ref>,
                                        handler: (event: DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>) => any
                                        ): CloudFunction<DatabaseEvent<Change<DataSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Ref>>>;
                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is created, updated, or deleted in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter reference

                                          The database reference path to trigger on.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database create, update, or delete occurs.

                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is created, updated, or deleted in Realtime Database.

                                          Parameter opts

                                          Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                          Parameter handler

                                          Event handler which is run every time a Realtime Database create, update, or delete occurs.

                                        class DataSnapshot

                                        class DataSnapshot implements database.DataSnapshot {}
                                        • Interface representing a Firebase Realtime database data snapshot.


                                        constructor(data: any, path?: string, app?: App, instance?: string);

                                          property instance

                                          instance: string;

                                            property key

                                            readonly key: string;
                                            • The key (last part of the path) of the location of this DataSnapshot.

                                              The last token in a database location is considered its key. For example, "ada" is the key for the /users/ada/ node. Accessing the key on any DataSnapshot returns the key for the location that generated it. However, accessing the key on the root URL of a database returns null.

                                            property ref

                                            readonly ref: database.Reference;
                                            • Returns a [Reference](/docs/reference/admin/node/admin.database.Reference) to the database location where the triggering write occurred. Has full read and write access.

                                            method child

                                            child: (childPath: string) => DataSnapshot;
                                            • Gets a DataSnapshot for the location at the specified relative path.

                                              The relative path can either be a simple child name (for example, "ada") or a deeper slash-separated path (for example, "ada/name/first").

                                              Parameter path

                                              A relative path from this location to the desired child location. The specified child location.

                                            method exists

                                            exists: () => boolean;
                                            • Returns true if this DataSnapshot contains any data. It is slightly more efficient than using snapshot.val() !== null.

                                              true if this DataSnapshot contains any data; otherwise, false.

                                            method exportVal

                                            exportVal: () => any;
                                            • Exports the entire contents of the DataSnapshot as a JavaScript object.

                                              The contents of the DataSnapshot as a JavaScript value (Object, Array, string, number, boolean, or null).

                                            method forEach

                                            forEach: (action: (a: IteratedDataSnapshot) => boolean | void) => boolean;
                                            • Enumerates the DataSnapshots of the children items.

                                              Because of the way JavaScript objects work, the ordering of data in the JavaScript object returned by val() is not guaranteed to match the ordering on the server nor the ordering of child_added events. That is where forEach() comes in handy. It guarantees the children of a DataSnapshot can be iterated in their query order.

                                              If no explicit orderBy*() method is used, results are returned ordered by key (unless priorities are used, in which case, results are returned by priority).

                                              Parameter action

                                              A function that is called for each child DataSnapshot. The callback can return true to cancel further enumeration.

                                              true if enumeration was canceled due to your callback returning true.

                                            method getPriority

                                            getPriority: () => string | number | null;
                                            • Gets the priority value of the data in this DataSnapshot.

                                              As an alternative to using priority, applications can order collections by ordinary properties. See [Sorting and filtering data](/docs/database/web/lists-of-data#sorting_and_filtering_data).

                                              The priority value of the data.

                                            method hasChild

                                            hasChild: (childPath: string) => boolean;
                                            • Returns true if the specified child path has (non-null) data.

                                              Parameter path

                                              A relative path to the location of a potential child. true if data exists at the specified child path; otherwise, false.

                                            method hasChildren

                                            hasChildren: () => boolean;
                                            • Returns whether or not the DataSnapshot has any non-null child properties.

                                              You can use hasChildren() to determine if a DataSnapshot has any children. If it does, you can enumerate them using forEach(). If it doesn't, then either this snapshot contains a primitive value (which can be retrieved with val()) or it is empty (in which case, val() returns null).

                                              true if this snapshot has any children; else false.

                                            method numChildren

                                            numChildren: () => number;
                                            • Returns the number of child properties of this DataSnapshot.

                                              Number of child properties of this DataSnapshot.

                                            method toJSON

                                            toJSON: () => Record<string, unknown>;
                                            • Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.

                                              A JSON-serializable representation of this object.

                                            method val

                                            val: () => any;
                                            • Extracts a JavaScript value from a DataSnapshot.

                                              Depending on the data in a DataSnapshot, the val() method may return a scalar type (string, number, or boolean), an array, or an object. It may also return null, indicating that the DataSnapshot is empty (contains no data).

                                              The snapshot's contents as a JavaScript value (Object, Array, string, number, boolean, or null).

                                            interface DatabaseEvent

                                            interface DatabaseEvent<T, Params = Record<string, string>> extends CloudEvent<T> {}
                                            • A CloudEvent that contains a DataSnapshot or a Change

                                            property firebaseDatabaseHost

                                            firebaseDatabaseHost: string;
                                            • The domain of the database instance

                                            property instance

                                            instance: string;
                                            • The instance ID portion of the fully qualified resource name

                                            property location

                                            location: string;
                                            • The location of the database

                                            property params

                                            params: Params;
                                            • An object containing the values of the path patterns. Only named capture groups will be populated - {key}, {key=*}, {key=**}

                                            property ref

                                            ref: string;
                                            • The database reference path

                                            interface RawRTDBCloudEvent

                                            interface RawRTDBCloudEvent extends CloudEvent<RawRTDBCloudEventData> {}

                                            property firebasedatabasehost

                                            firebasedatabasehost: string;

                                              property instance

                                              instance: string;

                                                property location

                                                location: string;

                                                  property ref

                                                  ref: string;

                                                    interface RawRTDBCloudEventData

                                                    interface RawRTDBCloudEventData {}

                                                    property ["@type"]

                                                    ['@type']: '';

                                                      property data

                                                      data: any;

                                                        property delta

                                                        delta: any;

                                                          interface ReferenceOptions

                                                          interface ReferenceOptions<Ref extends string = string>
                                                          extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}
                                                          • ReferenceOptions extend EventHandlerOptions with provided ref and optional instance

                                                          property concurrency

                                                          concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                          • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                                                            Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                                                          property cpu

                                                          cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                                                          • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                                                            Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                                                          property ingressSettings

                                                          ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                          • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                                                          property instance

                                                          instance?: string;
                                                          • Specify the handler to trigger on a database instance(s). If present, this value can either be a single instance or a pattern. Examples: 'my-instance-1', 'my-instance-*' Note: The capture syntax cannot be used for 'instance'.

                                                          property labels

                                                          labels?: Record<string, string>;
                                                          • User labels to set on the function.

                                                          property maxInstances

                                                          maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                          • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                                                          property memory

                                                          memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                          • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                                                          property minInstances

                                                          minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                          • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                                                            Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                                                          property omit

                                                          omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                                                          • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                                                          property ref

                                                          ref: Ref;
                                                          • Specify the handler to trigger on a database reference(s). This value can either be a single reference or a pattern. Examples: '/foo/bar', '/foo/{bar}'

                                                          property region

                                                          region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                          • Region where functions should be deployed.

                                                          property retry

                                                          retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
                                                          • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

                                                          property secrets

                                                          secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                                                            property serviceAccount

                                                            serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                                                            property timeoutSeconds

                                                            timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                                                              The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 3,600s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                                                            property vpcConnector

                                                            vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                                                            property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                                                            vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                            • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                                                            namespace eventarc

                                                            module 'lib/v2/providers/eventarc.d.ts' {}
                                                            • Options that can be set on an Eventarc trigger.

                                                            function onCustomEventPublished

                                                            onCustomEventPublished: {
                                                            <T = any>(
                                                            eventType: string,
                                                            handler: (event: CloudEvent<T>) => any | Promise<any>
                                                            ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<T>>;
                                                            <T = any>(
                                                            opts: EventarcTriggerOptions,
                                                            handler: (event: CloudEvent<T>) => any
                                                            ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<T>>;
                                                            • Handles an Eventarc event published on the default channel.

                                                              Parameter eventType

                                                              Type of the event to trigger on.

                                                              Parameter handler

                                                              A function to execute when triggered.


                                                              A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                            • Handles an Eventarc event.

                                                              Parameter opts

                                                              Options to set on this function

                                                              Parameter handler

                                                              A function to execute when triggered.


                                                              A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                            interface EventarcTriggerOptions

                                                            interface EventarcTriggerOptions extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}
                                                            • Options that can be set on an Eventarc trigger.

                                                            property channel

                                                            channel?: string;
                                                            • ID of the channel. Can be either: * fully qualified channel resource name: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/channels/{channel-id} * partial resource name with location and channel ID, in which case the runtime project ID of the function will be used: locations/{location}/channels/{channel-id} * partial channel ID, in which case the runtime project ID of the function and us-central1 as location will be used: {channel-id}

                                                              If not specified, the default Firebase channel will be used: projects/{project}/locations/us-central1/channels/firebase

                                                            property concurrency

                                                            concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                                                              Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                                                            property cpu

                                                            cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                                                            • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                                                              Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                                                            property eventType

                                                            eventType: string;
                                                            • Type of the event to trigger on.

                                                            property filters

                                                            filters?: Record<string, string>;
                                                            • Eventarc event exact match filter.

                                                            property ingressSettings

                                                            ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                            • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                                                            property labels

                                                            labels?: Record<string, string>;
                                                            • User labels to set on the function.

                                                            property maxInstances

                                                            maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                                                            property memory

                                                            memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                                                            property minInstances

                                                            minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                                                              Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                                                            property omit

                                                            omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                                                            • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                                                            property region

                                                            region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Region where functions should be deployed.

                                                            property retry

                                                            retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
                                                            • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

                                                            property secrets

                                                            secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                                                              property serviceAccount

                                                              serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                              • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                                                              property timeoutSeconds

                                                              timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                              • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                                                                The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                                                              property vpcConnector

                                                              vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                              • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                                                              property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                                                              vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                              • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                                                              namespace firestore

                                                              module 'lib/v2/providers/firestore.d.ts' {}
                                                              • A Firestore DocumentSnapshot

                                                              function onDocumentCreated

                                                              onDocumentCreated: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreEvent<
                                                              QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.

                                                              function onDocumentCreatedWithAuthContext

                                                              onDocumentCreatedWithAuthContext: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreAuthEvent<
                                                              QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create occurs.

                                                              function onDocumentDeleted

                                                              onDocumentDeleted: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreEvent<
                                                              QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (event: FirestoreEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<FirestoreEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.

                                                              function onDocumentDeletedWithAuthContext

                                                              onDocumentDeletedWithAuthContext: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreAuthEvent<
                                                              QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreAuthEvent<QueryDocumentSnapshot | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (event: FirestoreAuthEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<FirestoreAuthEvent<any, ParamsOf<Document>>>;
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is deleted in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore delete occurs.

                                                              function onDocumentUpdated

                                                              onDocumentUpdated: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreEvent<
                                                              Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreEvent<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreEvent<
                                                              ) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreEvent<Change<firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.

                                                              function onDocumentUpdatedWithAuthContext

                                                              onDocumentUpdatedWithAuthContext: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreAuthEvent<
                                                              Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot> | undefined,
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreAuthEvent<
                                                              ) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is updated in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore update occurs.

                                                              function onDocumentWritten

                                                              onDocumentWritten: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreEvent<
                                                              Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreEvent<
                                                              ) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreEvent<Change<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.

                                                              function onDocumentWrittenWithAuthContext

                                                              onDocumentWrittenWithAuthContext: {
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              document: Document,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreAuthEvent<
                                                              Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined,
                                                              ) => any | Promise<any>
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<DocumentSnapshot> | undefined, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              <Document extends string>(
                                                              opts: DocumentOptions<Document>,
                                                              handler: (
                                                              event: FirestoreAuthEvent<
                                                              ) => any
                                                              ): CloudFunction<
                                                              FirestoreAuthEvent<Change<firestore.DocumentSnapshot>, ParamsOf<Document>>
                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter document

                                                                The Firestore document path to trigger on.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.

                                                              • Event handler that triggers when a document is created, updated, or deleted in Firestore. This trigger also provides the authentication context of the principal who triggered the event.

                                                                Parameter opts

                                                                Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                Parameter handler

                                                                Event handler which is run every time a Firestore create, update, or delete occurs.

                                                              class Change

                                                              class Change<T> {}
                                                              • The Cloud Functions interface for events that change state, such as Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore onWrite and onUpdate events.

                                                                For more information about the format used to construct Change objects, see ChangeJson below.


                                                              constructor(before: {}, after: {});

                                                                property after

                                                                after: {};

                                                                  property before

                                                                  before: {};

                                                                    method fromJSON

                                                                    static fromJSON: <T>(json: ChangeJson, customizer?: (x: any) => T) => Change<T>;
                                                                    • Factory method for creating a Change from JSON and an optional customizer function to be applied to both the before and the after fields.

                                                                    method fromObjects

                                                                    static fromObjects: <T>(before: T, after: T) => Change<T>;
                                                                    • Factory method for creating a Change from a before object and an after object.

                                                                    interface DocumentOptions

                                                                    interface DocumentOptions<Document extends string = string>
                                                                    extends EventHandlerOptions {}
                                                                    • DocumentOptions extend EventHandlerOptions with provided document and optional database and namespace.

                                                                    property database

                                                                    database?: string | Expression<string>;
                                                                    • The Firestore database

                                                                    property document

                                                                    document: Document | Expression<string>;
                                                                    • The document path

                                                                    property namespace

                                                                    namespace?: string | Expression<string>;
                                                                    • The Firestore namespace

                                                                    interface FirestoreAuthEvent

                                                                    interface FirestoreAuthEvent<T, Params = Record<string, string>>
                                                                    extends FirestoreEvent<T, Params> {}

                                                                      property authId

                                                                      authId?: string;
                                                                      • The unique identifier for the principal

                                                                      property authType

                                                                      authType: AuthType;
                                                                      • The type of principal that triggered the event

                                                                      interface FirestoreEvent

                                                                      interface FirestoreEvent<T, Params = Record<string, string>> extends CloudEvent<T> {}
                                                                      • A CloudEvent that contains a DocumentSnapshot or a Change

                                                                      property database

                                                                      database: string;
                                                                      • The Firestore database

                                                                      property document

                                                                      document: string;
                                                                      • The document path

                                                                      property location

                                                                      location: string;
                                                                      • The location of the Firestore instance

                                                                      property namespace

                                                                      namespace: string;
                                                                      • The Firestore namespace

                                                                      property params

                                                                      params: Params;
                                                                      • An object containing the values of the path patterns. Only named capture groups will be populated - {key}, {key=*}, {key=**}

                                                                      property project

                                                                      project: string;
                                                                      • The project identifier

                                                                      type AuthType

                                                                      type AuthType =
                                                                      | 'service_account'
                                                                      | 'api_key'
                                                                      | 'system'
                                                                      | 'unauthenticated'
                                                                      | 'unknown';
                                                                      • AuthType defines the possible values for the authType field in a Firestore event with auth context. - service_account: a non-user principal used to identify a workload or machine user. - api_key: a non-user client API key. - system: an obscured identity used when Cloud Platform or another system triggered the event. Examples include a database record which was deleted based on a TTL. - unauthenticated: an unauthenticated action. - unknown: a general type to capture all other principals not captured in the other auth types.

                                                                      type DocumentSnapshot

                                                                      type DocumentSnapshot = firestore.DocumentSnapshot;
                                                                      • A Firestore DocumentSnapshot

                                                                      type QueryDocumentSnapshot

                                                                      type QueryDocumentSnapshot = firestore.QueryDocumentSnapshot;
                                                                      • A Firestore QueryDocumentSnapshot

                                                                      namespace https

                                                                      module 'lib/v2/providers/https.d.ts' {}
                                                                      • Options that can be set on an onRequest HTTPS function.

                                                                      function hasClaim

                                                                      hasClaim: (claim: string, value?: string) => (auth: AuthData | null) => boolean;
                                                                      • An auth policy that requires a user to be both signed in and have a specific claim (optionally with a specific value)

                                                                      function isSignedIn

                                                                      isSignedIn: () => (auth: AuthData | null) => boolean;
                                                                      • An auth policy that requires a user to be signed in.

                                                                      function onCall

                                                                      onCall: {
                                                                      <T = any, Return = any, Stream = unknown>(
                                                                      opts: CallableOptions<T>,
                                                                      handler: (
                                                                      request: CallableRequest<T>,
                                                                      response?: CallableResponse<Stream>
                                                                      ) => Return
                                                                      ): CallableFunction<
                                                                      Return extends Promise<unknown> ? Return : Promise<Return>,
                                                                      <T = any, Return = any, Stream = unknown>(
                                                                      handler: (
                                                                      request: CallableRequest<T>,
                                                                      response?: CallableResponse<Stream>
                                                                      ) => Return
                                                                      ): CallableFunction<
                                                                      Return extends Promise<unknown> ? Return : Promise<Return>,
                                                                      • Declares a callable method for clients to call using a Firebase SDK.

                                                                        Parameter opts

                                                                        Options to set on this function.

                                                                        Parameter handler

                                                                        A function that takes a https.CallableRequest.


                                                                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                      • Declares a callable method for clients to call using a Firebase SDK.

                                                                        Parameter handler

                                                                        A function that takes a https.CallableRequest.


                                                                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                      function onRequest

                                                                      onRequest: {
                                                                      opts: HttpsOptions,
                                                                      handler: (
                                                                      request: Request,
                                                                      response: express.Response
                                                                      ) => void | Promise<void>
                                                                      ): HttpsFunction;
                                                                      handler: (
                                                                      request: Request,
                                                                      response: express.Response
                                                                      ) => void | Promise<void>
                                                                      ): HttpsFunction;
                                                                      • Handles HTTPS requests.

                                                                        Parameter opts

                                                                        Options to set on this function

                                                                        Parameter handler

                                                                        A function that takes a https.Request and response object, same signature as an Express app.


                                                                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                      • Handles HTTPS requests.

                                                                        Parameter handler

                                                                        A function that takes a https.Request and response object, same signature as an Express app.


                                                                        A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                      class HttpsError

                                                                      class HttpsError extends Error {}
                                                                      • An explicit error that can be thrown from a handler to send an error to the client that called the function.


                                                                      constructor(code: FunctionsErrorCode, message: string, details?: {});

                                                                        property code

                                                                        readonly code: FunctionsErrorCode;
                                                                        • A standard error code that will be returned to the client. This also determines the HTTP status code of the response, as defined in code.proto.

                                                                        property details

                                                                        readonly details: {};
                                                                        • Extra data to be converted to JSON and included in the error response.

                                                                        property httpErrorCode

                                                                        readonly httpErrorCode: HttpErrorCode;
                                                                        • A wire format representation of a provided error code.

                                                                        method toJSON

                                                                        toJSON: () => HttpErrorWireFormat;
                                                                        • Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.

                                                                        interface CallableFunction

                                                                        interface CallableFunction<T, Return, Stream = unknown> extends HttpsFunction {}
                                                                        • Creates a callable method for clients to call using a Firebase SDK.

                                                                        method run

                                                                        run: (request: CallableRequest<T>) => Return;
                                                                        • Executes the handler function with the provided data as input. Used for unit testing.

                                                                          Parameter data

                                                                          An input for the handler function.


                                                                          The output of the handler function.

                                                                        method stream

                                                                        stream: (
                                                                        request: CallableRequest<T>,
                                                                        response: CallableResponse<Stream>
                                                                        ) => { stream: AsyncIterator<Stream>; output: Return };

                                                                          interface CallableOptions

                                                                          interface CallableOptions<T = any> extends HttpsOptions {}
                                                                          • Options that can be set on a callable HTTPS function.

                                                                          property authPolicy

                                                                          authPolicy?: (auth: AuthData | null, data: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
                                                                          • Callback for whether a request is authorized.

                                                                            Designed to allow reusable auth policies to be passed as an options object. Two built-in reusable policies exist: isSignedIn and hasClaim.

                                                                          property consumeAppCheckToken

                                                                          consumeAppCheckToken?: boolean;
                                                                          • Determines whether Firebase App Check token is consumed on request. Defaults to false.


                                                                            Set this to true to enable the App Check replay protection feature by consuming the App Check token on callable request. Tokens that are found to be already consumed will have property set true.

                                                                            Tokens are only considered to be consumed if it is sent to the App Check service by setting this option to true. Other uses of the token do not consume it.

                                                                            This replay protection feature requires an additional network call to the App Check backend and forces the clients to obtain a fresh attestation from the chosen attestation providers. This can therefore negatively impact performance and can potentially deplete your attestation providers' quotas faster. Use this feature only for protecting low volume, security critical, or expensive operations.

                                                                            This option does not affect the enforceAppCheck option. Setting the latter to true will cause the callable function to automatically respond with a 401 Unauthorized status code when request includes an invalid App Check token. When request includes valid but consumed App Check tokens, requests will not be automatically rejected. Instead, the property will be set to true and pass the execution to the handler code for making further decisions, such as requiring additional security checks or rejecting the request.

                                                                          property enforceAppCheck

                                                                          enforceAppCheck?: boolean;
                                                                          • Determines whether Firebase AppCheck is enforced. When true, requests with invalid tokens autorespond with a 401 (Unauthorized) error. When false, requests with invalid tokens set to undefiend.

                                                                          property heartbeatSeconds

                                                                          heartbeatSeconds?: number | null;
                                                                          • Time in seconds between sending heartbeat messages to keep the connection alive. Set to null to disable heartbeats.

                                                                            Defaults to 30 seconds.

                                                                          interface CallableRequest

                                                                          interface CallableRequest<T = any> {}
                                                                          • The request used to call a callable function.

                                                                          property acceptsStreaming

                                                                          acceptsStreaming: boolean;
                                                                          • Whether this is a streaming request. Code can be optimized by not trying to generate a stream of chunks to call response.sendChunk on if request.acceptsStreaming is false. It is always safe, however, to call response.sendChunk as this will noop if acceptsStreaming is false.

                                                                          property app

                                                                          app?: AppCheckData;
                                                                          • The result of decoding and verifying a Firebase AppCheck token.

                                                                          property auth

                                                                          auth?: AuthData;
                                                                          • The result of decoding and verifying a Firebase Auth ID token.

                                                                          property data

                                                                          data: T;
                                                                          • The parameters used by a client when calling this function.

                                                                          property instanceIdToken

                                                                          instanceIdToken?: string;
                                                                          • An unverified token for a Firebase Instance ID.

                                                                          property rawRequest

                                                                          rawRequest: Request;
                                                                          • The raw request handled by the callable.

                                                                          interface HttpsOptions

                                                                          interface HttpsOptions extends Omit<GlobalOptions, 'region' | 'enforceAppCheck'> {}
                                                                          • Options that can be set on an onRequest HTTPS function.

                                                                          property concurrency

                                                                          concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                          • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                                                                            Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                                                                          property cors

                                                                          cors?: string | boolean | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
                                                                          • If true, allows CORS on requests to this function. If this is a string or RegExp, allows requests from domains that match the provided value. If this is an Array, allows requests from domains matching at least one entry of the array. Defaults to true for https.CallableFunction and false otherwise.

                                                                          property cpu

                                                                          cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                                                                          • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                                                                            Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                                                                          property ingressSettings

                                                                          ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                          • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                                                                          property invoker

                                                                          invoker?: 'public' | 'private' | string | string[];
                                                                          • Invoker to set access control on https functions.

                                                                          property labels

                                                                          labels?: Record<string, string>;
                                                                          • User labels to set on the function.

                                                                          property maxInstances

                                                                          maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                          • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                                                                          property memory

                                                                          memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                          • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                                                                          property minInstances

                                                                          minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                          • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                                                                            Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                                                                          property omit

                                                                          omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                                                                          • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                                                                          property region

                                                                          | SupportedRegion
                                                                          | string
                                                                          | Array<SupportedRegion | string>
                                                                          | Expression<string>
                                                                          | ResetValue;
                                                                          • HTTP functions can override global options and can specify multiple regions to deploy to.

                                                                          property secrets

                                                                          secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                                                                            property serviceAccount

                                                                            serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                            • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                                                                            property timeoutSeconds

                                                                            timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                            • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                                                                              The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                                                                            property vpcConnector

                                                                            vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                            • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                                                                            property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                                                                            vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                            • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                                                                            interface Request

                                                                            interface Request extends express.Request {}
                                                                            • An express request with the wire format representation of the request body.

                                                                            property rawBody

                                                                            rawBody: Buffer;
                                                                            • The wire format representation of the request body.

                                                                            type FunctionsErrorCode

                                                                            type FunctionsErrorCode =
                                                                            | 'ok'
                                                                            | 'cancelled'
                                                                            | 'unknown'
                                                                            | 'invalid-argument'
                                                                            | 'deadline-exceeded'
                                                                            | 'not-found'
                                                                            | 'already-exists'
                                                                            | 'permission-denied'
                                                                            | 'resource-exhausted'
                                                                            | 'failed-precondition'
                                                                            | 'aborted'
                                                                            | 'out-of-range'
                                                                            | 'unimplemented'
                                                                            | 'internal'
                                                                            | 'unavailable'
                                                                            | 'data-loss'
                                                                            | 'unauthenticated';
                                                                            • The set of Firebase Functions status codes. The codes are the same at the ones exposed by gRPC.


                                                                              Possible values:

                                                                              - cancelled: The operation was cancelled (typically by the caller).

                                                                              - unknown: Unknown error or an error from a different error domain.

                                                                              - invalid-argument: Client specified an invalid argument. Note that this differs from failed-precondition. invalid-argument indicates arguments that are problematic regardless of the state of the system (e.g. an invalid field name).

                                                                              - deadline-exceeded: Deadline expired before operation could complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be returned even if the operation has completed successfully. For example, a successful response from a server could have been delayed long enough for the deadline to expire.

                                                                              - not-found: Some requested document was not found.

                                                                              - already-exists: Some document that we attempted to create already exists.

                                                                              - permission-denied: The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.

                                                                              - resource-exhausted: Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.

                                                                              - failed-precondition: Operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution.

                                                                              - aborted: The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue like transaction aborts, etc.

                                                                              - out-of-range: Operation was attempted past the valid range.

                                                                              - unimplemented: Operation is not implemented or not supported/enabled.

                                                                              - internal: Internal errors. Means some invariants expected by underlying system has been broken. If you see one of these errors, something is very broken.

                                                                              - unavailable: The service is currently unavailable. This is most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff.

                                                                              - data-loss: Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.

                                                                              - unauthenticated: The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation.

                                                                            type HttpsFunction

                                                                            type HttpsFunction = ((
                                                                            /** An Express request object representing the HTTPS call to the function. */
                                                                            req: Request,
                                                                            /** An Express response object, for this function to respond to callers. */
                                                                            res: express.Response
                                                                            ) => void | Promise<void>) & {
                                                                            /** @alpha */
                                                                            __trigger?: unknown;
                                                                            /** @alpha */
                                                                            __endpoint: ManifestEndpoint;
                                                                            • Handles HTTPS requests.

                                                                            namespace identity

                                                                            module 'lib/v2/providers/identity.d.ts' {}
                                                                            • Cloud functions to handle events from Google Cloud Identity Platform.

                                                                            function beforeEmailSent

                                                                            beforeEmailSent: {
                                                                            handler: (event: AuthBlockingEvent) => MaybeAsync<BeforeEmailResponse | void>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            opts: Omit<BlockingOptions, 'idToken' | 'accessToken' | 'refreshToken'>,
                                                                            handler: (event: AuthBlockingEvent) => MaybeAsync<void | BeforeEmailResponse>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before an email is sent to a user.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler that is run before an email is sent to a user.

                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before an email is sent to a user.

                                                                              Parameter opts

                                                                              Object containing function options.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler that is run before an email is sent to a user.

                                                                            function beforeOperation

                                                                            beforeOperation: (
                                                                            eventType: AuthBlockingEventType,
                                                                            | BlockingOptions
                                                                            | ((
                                                                            event: AuthBlockingEvent
                                                                            ) => MaybeAsync<
                                                                            | BeforeCreateResponse
                                                                            | BeforeSignInResponse
                                                                            | BeforeEmailResponse
                                                                            | BeforeSmsResponse
                                                                            | void
                                                                            handler: HandlerV2
                                                                            ) => BlockingFunction;

                                                                            function beforeSmsSent

                                                                            beforeSmsSent: {
                                                                            handler: (event: AuthBlockingEvent) => MaybeAsync<BeforeSmsResponse | void>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            opts: Omit<BlockingOptions, 'idToken' | 'accessToken' | 'refreshToken'>,
                                                                            handler: (event: AuthBlockingEvent) => MaybeAsync<void | BeforeSmsResponse>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before an SMS is sent to a user.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler that is run before an SMS is sent to a user.

                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before an SMS is sent to a user.

                                                                              Parameter opts

                                                                              Object containing function options.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler that is run before an SMS is sent to a user.

                                                                            function beforeUserCreated

                                                                            beforeUserCreated: {
                                                                            handler: (
                                                                            event: AuthBlockingEvent
                                                                            ) => MaybeAsync<BeforeCreateResponse | void>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            opts: BlockingOptions,
                                                                            handler: (
                                                                            event: AuthBlockingEvent
                                                                            ) => MaybeAsync<void | BeforeCreateResponse>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before a user is created.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler which is run every time before a user is created.

                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before a user is created.

                                                                              Parameter opts

                                                                              Object containing function options.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler which is run every time before a user is created.

                                                                            function beforeUserSignedIn

                                                                            beforeUserSignedIn: {
                                                                            handler: (
                                                                            event: AuthBlockingEvent
                                                                            ) => MaybeAsync<BeforeSignInResponse | void>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            opts: BlockingOptions,
                                                                            handler: (
                                                                            event: AuthBlockingEvent
                                                                            ) => MaybeAsync<void | BeforeSignInResponse>
                                                                            ): BlockingFunction;
                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before a user is signed in.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler which is run every time before a user is signed in.

                                                                            • Handles an event that is triggered before a user is signed in.

                                                                              Parameter opts

                                                                              Object containing function options.

                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                              Event handler which is run every time before a user is signed in.

                                                                            function getOpts

                                                                            getOpts: (blockingOptions: BlockingOptions) => InternalOptions;

                                                                            class HttpsError

                                                                            class HttpsError extends Error {}
                                                                            • An explicit error that can be thrown from a handler to send an error to the client that called the function.


                                                                            constructor(code: FunctionsErrorCode, message: string, details?: {});

                                                                              property code

                                                                              readonly code: FunctionsErrorCode;
                                                                              • A standard error code that will be returned to the client. This also determines the HTTP status code of the response, as defined in code.proto.

                                                                              property details

                                                                              readonly details: {};
                                                                              • Extra data to be converted to JSON and included in the error response.

                                                                              property httpErrorCode

                                                                              readonly httpErrorCode: HttpErrorCode;
                                                                              • A wire format representation of a provided error code.

                                                                              method toJSON

                                                                              toJSON: () => HttpErrorWireFormat;
                                                                              • Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.

                                                                              interface AuthBlockingEvent

                                                                              interface AuthBlockingEvent extends AuthEventContext {}
                                                                              • Defines the auth event for 2nd gen blocking events

                                                                              property data

                                                                              data?: AuthUserRecord;

                                                                                interface AuthUserRecord

                                                                                interface AuthUserRecord {}
                                                                                • The UserRecord passed to auth blocking functions from the identity platform.

                                                                                property customClaims

                                                                                customClaims?: Record<string, any>;
                                                                                • The user's custom claims object if available, typically used to define user roles and propagated to an authenticated user's ID token.

                                                                                property disabled

                                                                                disabled: boolean;
                                                                                • Whether or not the user is disabled: true for disabled; false for enabled.

                                                                                property displayName

                                                                                displayName?: string;
                                                                                • The user's display name.

                                                                                property email

                                                                                email?: string;
                                                                                • The user's primary email, if set.

                                                                                property emailVerified

                                                                                emailVerified: boolean;
                                                                                • Whether or not the user's primary email is verified.

                                                                                property metadata

                                                                                metadata: AuthUserMetadata;
                                                                                • Additional metadata about the user.

                                                                                property multiFactor

                                                                                multiFactor?: AuthMultiFactorSettings;
                                                                                • The multi-factor related properties for the current user, if available.

                                                                                property passwordHash

                                                                                passwordHash?: string;
                                                                                • The user's hashed password (base64-encoded).

                                                                                property passwordSalt

                                                                                passwordSalt?: string;
                                                                                • The user's password salt (base64-encoded).

                                                                                property phoneNumber

                                                                                phoneNumber?: string;
                                                                                • The user's primary phone number, if set.

                                                                                property photoURL

                                                                                photoURL?: string;
                                                                                • The user's photo URL.

                                                                                property providerData

                                                                                providerData: AuthUserInfo[];
                                                                                • An array of providers (for example, Google, Facebook) linked to the user.

                                                                                property tenantId

                                                                                tenantId?: string | null;
                                                                                • The ID of the tenant the user belongs to, if available.

                                                                                property tokensValidAfterTime

                                                                                tokensValidAfterTime?: string;
                                                                                • The date the user's tokens are valid after, formatted as a UTC string.

                                                                                property uid

                                                                                uid: string;
                                                                                • The user's uid.

                                                                                interface BlockingOptions

                                                                                interface BlockingOptions {}
                                                                                • All function options plus idToken, accessToken, and refreshToken.

                                                                                property accessToken

                                                                                accessToken?: boolean;
                                                                                • Pass the Access Token credential to the function.

                                                                                property concurrency

                                                                                concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                                                                                  Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                                                                                property cpu

                                                                                cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                                                                                • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                                                                                  Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                                                                                property idToken

                                                                                idToken?: boolean;
                                                                                • Pass the ID Token credential to the function.

                                                                                property ingressSettings

                                                                                ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                                                                                property labels

                                                                                labels?: Record<string, string>;
                                                                                • User labels to set on the function.

                                                                                property maxInstances

                                                                                maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                                                                                property memory

                                                                                memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                                                                                property minInstances

                                                                                minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                                                                                  Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                                                                                property omit

                                                                                omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                                                                                • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                                                                                property refreshToken

                                                                                refreshToken?: boolean;
                                                                                • Pass the Refresh Token credential to the function.

                                                                                property region

                                                                                region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                • Region where functions should be deployed.

                                                                                property secrets

                                                                                secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                                                                                  property serviceAccount

                                                                                  serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                  • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                                                                                  property timeoutSeconds

                                                                                  timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                  • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                                                                                    The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                                                                                  property vpcConnector

                                                                                  vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                  • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                                                                                  property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                                                                                  vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                  • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                                                                                  namespace logger

                                                                                  module 'lib/logger/index.d.ts' {}
                                                                                  • LogSeverity indicates the detailed severity of the log entry. See [LogSeverity](


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  function debug

                                                                                  debug: (...args: any[]) => void;
                                                                                  • Writes a DEBUG severity log. If the last argument provided is a plain object, it is added to the jsonPayload in the Cloud Logging entry.

                                                                                    Parameter args

                                                                                    Arguments, concatenated into the log message with space separators.


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  function error

                                                                                  error: (...args: any[]) => void;
                                                                                  • Writes an ERROR severity log. If the last argument provided is a plain object, it is added to the jsonPayload in the Cloud Logging entry.

                                                                                    Parameter args

                                                                                    Arguments, concatenated into the log message with space separators.


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  function info

                                                                                  info: (...args: any[]) => void;
                                                                                  • Writes an INFO severity log. If the last argument provided is a plain object, it is added to the jsonPayload in the Cloud Logging entry.

                                                                                    Parameter args

                                                                                    Arguments, concatenated into the log message with space separators.


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  function log

                                                                                  log: (...args: any[]) => void;
                                                                                  • Writes an INFO severity log. If the last argument provided is a plain object, it is added to the jsonPayload in the Cloud Logging entry.

                                                                                    Parameter args

                                                                                    Arguments, concatenated into the log message with space separators.


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  function warn

                                                                                  warn: (...args: any[]) => void;
                                                                                  • Writes a WARNING severity log. If the last argument provided is a plain object, it is added to the jsonPayload in the Cloud Logging entry.

                                                                                    Parameter args

                                                                                    Arguments, concatenated into the log message with space separators.


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  function write

                                                                                  write: (entry: LogEntry) => void;
                                                                                  • Writes a LogEntry to stdout/stderr (depending on severity).

                                                                                    Parameter entry

                                                                                    The LogEntry including severity, message, and any additional structured metadata.


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  interface LogEntry

                                                                                  interface LogEntry {}
                                                                                  • LogEntry represents a [structured Cloud Logging]( entry. All keys aside from severity and message are included in the jsonPayload of the logged entry.


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property message

                                                                                  message?: string;

                                                                                    property severity

                                                                                    severity: LogSeverity;

                                                                                      index signature

                                                                                      [key: string]: any;

                                                                                        type LogSeverity

                                                                                        type LogSeverity =
                                                                                        | 'DEBUG'
                                                                                        | 'INFO'
                                                                                        | 'NOTICE'
                                                                                        | 'WARNING'
                                                                                        | 'ERROR'
                                                                                        | 'CRITICAL'
                                                                                        | 'ALERT'
                                                                                        | 'EMERGENCY';
                                                                                        • LogSeverity indicates the detailed severity of the log entry. See [LogSeverity](


                                                                                          • @public

                                                                                        namespace params

                                                                                        module 'lib/params/index.d.ts' {}
                                                                                        • Modifiers

                                                                                          • @alpha

                                                                                        variable BUCKET_PICKER

                                                                                        const BUCKET_PICKER: ResourceInput;
                                                                                        • Autogenerate a list of buckets in a project that a user can select from.

                                                                                        variable databaseURL

                                                                                        const databaseURL: Param<string>;
                                                                                        • A built-in parameter that resolves to the default RTDB database URL associated with the project, without prompting the deployer. Empty string if none exists.

                                                                                        variable declaredParams

                                                                                        const declaredParams: SecretOrExpr[];

                                                                                          variable gcloudProject

                                                                                          const gcloudProject: Param<string>;
                                                                                          • A built-in parameter that resolves to the Cloud project ID, without prompting the deployer.

                                                                                          variable projectID

                                                                                          const projectID: Param<string>;
                                                                                          • A built-in parameter that resolves to the Cloud project ID associated with the project, without prompting the deployer.

                                                                                          variable storageBucket

                                                                                          const storageBucket: Param<string>;
                                                                                          • A builtin parameter that resolves to the Cloud storage bucket associated with the function, without prompting the deployer. Empty string if not defined.

                                                                                          function defineBoolean

                                                                                          defineBoolean: (name: string, options?: ParamOptions<boolean>) => BooleanParam;
                                                                                          • Declare a boolean parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter name

                                                                                            The name of the environment variable to use to load the parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter options

                                                                                            Configuration options for the parameter.


                                                                                            A parameter with a boolean return type for .value.

                                                                                          function defineInt

                                                                                          defineInt: (name: string, options?: ParamOptions<number>) => IntParam;
                                                                                          • Declare an integer parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter name

                                                                                            The name of the environment variable to use to load the parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter options

                                                                                            Configuration options for the parameter.


                                                                                            A parameter with a number return type for .value.

                                                                                          function defineList

                                                                                          defineList: (name: string, options?: ParamOptions<string[]>) => ListParam;
                                                                                          • Declare a list parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter name

                                                                                            The name of the environment variable to use to load the parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter options

                                                                                            Configuration options for the parameter.


                                                                                            A parameter with a string[] return type for .value.

                                                                                          function defineSecret

                                                                                          defineSecret: (name: string) => SecretParam;
                                                                                          • Declares a secret param, that will persist values only in Cloud Secret Manager. Secrets are stored internally as bytestrings. Use to provide type hinting during parameter resolution.

                                                                                            Parameter name

                                                                                            The name of the environment variable to use to load the parameter.


                                                                                            A parameter with a string return type for .value.

                                                                                          function defineString

                                                                                          defineString: (name: string, options?: ParamOptions<string>) => StringParam;
                                                                                          • Declare a string parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter name

                                                                                            The name of the environment variable to use to load the parameter.

                                                                                            Parameter options

                                                                                            Configuration options for the parameter.


                                                                                            A parameter with a string return type for .value.

                                                                                          function multiSelect

                                                                                          multiSelect: {
                                                                                          (options: string[]): MultiSelectInput;
                                                                                          (options: Record<string, string>): MultiSelectInput;
                                                                                          • Create a multi-select input from a series of values.

                                                                                          • Create a multi-select input from map of labels to values.

                                                                                          function select

                                                                                          select: {
                                                                                          <T>(options: T[]): SelectInput<T>;
                                                                                          <T>(optionsWithLabels: Record<string, T>): SelectInput<T>;
                                                                                          • Create a select input from a series of values.

                                                                                          • Create a select input from a map of labels to values.

                                                                                          class Expression

                                                                                          abstract class Expression<T extends string | number | boolean | string[]> {}

                                                                                            method toCEL

                                                                                            toCEL: () => string;
                                                                                            • Returns the expression's representation as a braced CEL expression.

                                                                                            method toJSON

                                                                                            toJSON: () => string;
                                                                                            • Returns the expression's representation as JSON.

                                                                                            method value

                                                                                            value: () => T;
                                                                                            • Returns the expression's runtime value, based on the CLI's resolution of parameters.

                                                                                            interface MultiSelectInput

                                                                                            interface MultiSelectInput {}
                                                                                            • Specifies that a parameter's value should be determined by having the user select a subset from a list of pre-canned options interactively at deploy time. Will result in errors if used on parameters of type other than string[].

                                                                                            property multiSelect

                                                                                            multiSelect: {
                                                                                            options: Array<SelectOptions<string>>;

                                                                                              interface SelectInput

                                                                                              interface SelectInput<T = unknown> {}
                                                                                              • Specifies that a parameter's value should be determined by having the user select from a list of pre-canned options interactively at deploy time.

                                                                                              property select

                                                                                              select: {
                                                                                              options: Array<SelectOptions<T>>;

                                                                                                interface SelectOptions

                                                                                                interface SelectOptions<T = unknown> {}
                                                                                                • One of the options provided to a SelectInput, containing a value and optionally a human-readable label to display in the selection interface.

                                                                                                property label

                                                                                                label?: string;

                                                                                                  property value

                                                                                                  value: T;

                                                                                                    interface TextInput

                                                                                                    interface TextInput<T = unknown> {}
                                                                                                    • Specifies that a parameter's value should be determined by prompting the user to type it in interactively at deploy time. Input that does not match the provided validationRegex, if present, will be retried.

                                                                                                    property text

                                                                                                    text: {
                                                                                                    example?: string;
                                                                                                    * A regular expression (or an escaped string to compile into a regular
                                                                                                    * expression) which the prompted text must satisfy; the prompt will retry
                                                                                                    * until input matching the regex is provided.
                                                                                                    validationRegex?: string | RegExp;
                                                                                                    * A custom error message to display when retrying the prompt based on input
                                                                                                    * failing to conform to the validationRegex,
                                                                                                    validationErrorMessage?: string;

                                                                                                      type ParamOptions

                                                                                                      type ParamOptions<T extends string | number | boolean | string[]> = Omit<
                                                                                                      'name' | 'type'
                                                                                                      • Configuration options which can be used to customize the prompting behavior of a parameter.

                                                                                                      namespace pubsub

                                                                                                      module 'lib/v2/providers/pubsub.d.ts' {}
                                                                                                      • Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a globally distributed message bus that automatically scales as you need it. You can create a function (onMessagePublished) that handles pub/sub events by using functions.pubsub.

                                                                                                        This function triggers whenever a new pub/sub message is sent to a specific topic. You must specify the Pub/Sub topic name that you want to trigger your function, and set the event within the onPublish() event handler.

                                                                                                        PubSub Topic: A resource that you can publish messages to and then consume those messages via subscriptions. An isolated data stream for pub/sub messages. Messages are published to a topic. Messages are listened to via a subscription. Each subscription listens to the messages published to exactly one topic.

                                                                                                        Subscriptions - Resource that listens to the messages published by exactly one topic.

                                                                                                        [More info here](

                                                                                                      function onMessagePublished

                                                                                                      onMessagePublished: {
                                                                                                      <T = any>(
                                                                                                      topic: string,
                                                                                                      handler: (event: CloudEvent<MessagePublishedData<T>>) => any | Promise<any>
                                                                                                      ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<MessagePublishedData<T>>>;
                                                                                                      <T = any>(
                                                                                                      options: PubSubOptions,
                                                                                                      handler: (event: CloudEvent<MessagePublishedData<T>>) => any
                                                                                                      ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<MessagePublishedData<T>>>;
                                                                                                      • Handle a message being published to a Pub/Sub topic.

                                                                                                        Parameter topic

                                                                                                        The Pub/Sub topic to watch for message events.

                                                                                                        Parameter handler

                                                                                                        runs every time a Cloud Pub/Sub message is published

                                                                                                      • Handle a message being published to a Pub/Sub topic.

                                                                                                        Parameter options

                                                                                                        Option containing information (topic) for event

                                                                                                        Parameter handler

                                                                                                        runs every time a Cloud Pub/Sub message is published

                                                                                                      class Message

                                                                                                      class Message<T> {}
                                                                                                      • Interface representing a Google Cloud Pub/Sub message.

                                                                                                        Parameter data

                                                                                                        Payload of a Pub/Sub message.


                                                                                                      constructor(data: any);
                                                                                                      • Modifiers

                                                                                                        • @alpha

                                                                                                      property attributes

                                                                                                      readonly attributes: { [key: string]: string };
                                                                                                      • User-defined attributes published with the message, if any.

                                                                                                      property data

                                                                                                      readonly data: string;
                                                                                                      • The data payload of this message object as a base64-encoded string.

                                                                                                      property json

                                                                                                      readonly json: {};
                                                                                                      • The JSON data payload of this message object, if any.

                                                                                                      property messageId

                                                                                                      readonly messageId: string;
                                                                                                      • Autogenerated ID that uniquely identifies this message.

                                                                                                      property orderingKey

                                                                                                      readonly orderingKey: string;
                                                                                                      • User-defined key used to ensure ordering amongst messages with the same key.

                                                                                                      property publishTime

                                                                                                      readonly publishTime: string;
                                                                                                      • Time the message was published

                                                                                                      method toJSON

                                                                                                      toJSON: () => any;
                                                                                                      • Returns a JSON-serializable representation of this object.


                                                                                                        A JSON-serializable representation of this object.

                                                                                                      interface MessagePublishedData

                                                                                                      interface MessagePublishedData<T = any> {}
                                                                                                      • The interface published in a Pub/Sub publish subscription.

                                                                                                      property message

                                                                                                      readonly message: Message<T>;
                                                                                                      • Google Cloud Pub/Sub message.

                                                                                                      property subscription

                                                                                                      readonly subscription: string;
                                                                                                      • A subscription resource.

                                                                                                      interface PubSubOptions

                                                                                                      interface PubSubOptions extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}
                                                                                                      • PubSubOptions extend EventHandlerOptions but must include a topic.

                                                                                                      property concurrency

                                                                                                      concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                      • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                                                                                                        Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                                                                                                      property cpu

                                                                                                      cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                                                                                                      • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                                                                                                        Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                                                                                                      property ingressSettings

                                                                                                      ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                                      • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                                                                                                      property labels

                                                                                                      labels?: Record<string, string>;
                                                                                                      • User labels to set on the function.

                                                                                                      property maxInstances

                                                                                                      maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                      • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                                                                                                      property memory

                                                                                                      memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                      • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                                                                                                      property minInstances

                                                                                                      minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                      • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                                                                                                        Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                                                                                                      property omit

                                                                                                      omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                                                                                                      • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                                                                                                      property region

                                                                                                      region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                      • Region where functions should be deployed.

                                                                                                      property retry

                                                                                                      retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                      • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

                                                                                                      property secrets

                                                                                                      secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                                                                                                        property serviceAccount

                                                                                                        serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                        • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                                                                                                        property timeoutSeconds

                                                                                                        timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                        • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                                                                                                          The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                                                                                                        property topic

                                                                                                        topic: string;
                                                                                                        • The Pub/Sub topic to watch for message events

                                                                                                        property vpcConnector

                                                                                                        vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                        • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                                                                                                        property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                                                                                                        vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                                        • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                                                                                                        namespace remoteConfig

                                                                                                        module 'lib/v2/providers/remoteConfig.d.ts' {}
                                                                                                        • All the fields associated with the person/service account that wrote a Remote Config template.

                                                                                                        function onConfigUpdated

                                                                                                        onConfigUpdated: {
                                                                                                        handler: (event: CloudEvent<ConfigUpdateData>) => any | Promise<any>
                                                                                                        ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<ConfigUpdateData>>;
                                                                                                        opts: EventHandlerOptions,
                                                                                                        handler: (event: CloudEvent<ConfigUpdateData>) => any
                                                                                                        ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<ConfigUpdateData>>;
                                                                                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is updated in a Remote Config.

                                                                                                          Parameter handler

                                                                                                          Event handler which is run every time a Remote Config update occurs.


                                                                                                          A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                                                        • Event handler which triggers when data is updated in a Remote Config.

                                                                                                          Parameter opts

                                                                                                          Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                                                          Parameter handler

                                                                                                          Event handler which is run every time a Remote Config update occurs.


                                                                                                          A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                                                        interface ConfigUpdateData

                                                                                                        interface ConfigUpdateData {}
                                                                                                        • The data within Firebase Remote Config update events.

                                                                                                        property description

                                                                                                        description: string;
                                                                                                        • The user-provided description of the corresponding Remote Config template.

                                                                                                        property rollbackSource

                                                                                                        rollbackSource: number;
                                                                                                        • Only present if this version is the result of a rollback, and will be the version number of the Remote Config template that was rolled-back to.

                                                                                                        property updateOrigin

                                                                                                        updateOrigin: ConfigUpdateOrigin;
                                                                                                        • Where the update action originated.

                                                                                                        property updateTime

                                                                                                        updateTime: string;
                                                                                                        • When the Remote Config template was written to the Remote Config server.

                                                                                                        property updateType

                                                                                                        updateType: ConfigUpdateType;
                                                                                                        • What type of update was made.

                                                                                                        property updateUser

                                                                                                        updateUser: ConfigUser;
                                                                                                        • Aggregation of all metadata fields about the account that performed the update.

                                                                                                        property versionNumber

                                                                                                        versionNumber: number;
                                                                                                        • The version number of the version's corresponding Remote Config template.

                                                                                                        interface ConfigUser

                                                                                                        interface ConfigUser {}
                                                                                                        • All the fields associated with the person/service account that wrote a Remote Config template.

                                                                                                        property email

                                                                                                        email: string;
                                                                                                        • Email address.

                                                                                                        property imageUrl

                                                                                                        imageUrl: string;
                                                                                                        • Image URL.

                                                                                                        property name

                                                                                                        name: string;
                                                                                                        • Display name.

                                                                                                        type ConfigUpdateOrigin

                                                                                                        type ConfigUpdateOrigin =
                                                                                                        /** Catch-all for unrecognized values. */
                                                                                                        | 'REMOTE_CONFIG_UPDATE_ORIGIN_UNSPECIFIED'
                                                                                                        /** The update came from the Firebase UI. */
                                                                                                        | 'CONSOLE'
                                                                                                        /** The update came from the Remote Config REST API. */
                                                                                                        | 'REST_API'
                                                                                                        /** The update came from the Firebase Admin Node SDK. */
                                                                                                        | 'ADMIN_SDK_NODE';
                                                                                                        • What type of update was associated with the Remote Config template version.

                                                                                                        type ConfigUpdateType

                                                                                                        type ConfigUpdateType =
                                                                                                        /** Catch-all for unrecognized enum values */
                                                                                                        | 'REMOTE_CONFIG_UPDATE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED'
                                                                                                        /** A regular incremental update */
                                                                                                        | 'INCREMENTAL_UPDATE'
                                                                                                        /** A forced update. The ETag was specified as "*" in an UpdateRemoteConfigRequest request or the "Force Update" button was pressed on the console */
                                                                                                        | 'FORCED_UPDATE'
                                                                                                        /** A rollback to a previous Remote Config template */
                                                                                                        | 'ROLLBACK';
                                                                                                        • Where the Remote Config update action originated.

                                                                                                        namespace scheduler

                                                                                                        module 'lib/v2/providers/scheduler.d.ts' {}
                                                                                                        • Interface representing a ScheduleEvent that is passed to the function handler.

                                                                                                        function onSchedule

                                                                                                        onSchedule: {
                                                                                                        schedule: string,
                                                                                                        handler: (event: ScheduledEvent) => void | Promise<void>
                                                                                                        ): ScheduleFunction;
                                                                                                        options: ScheduleOptions,
                                                                                                        handler: (event: ScheduledEvent) => void | Promise<void>
                                                                                                        ): ScheduleFunction;
                                                                                                        • Handler for scheduled functions. Triggered whenever the associated scheduler job sends a http request.

                                                                                                          Parameter schedule

                                                                                                          The schedule, in Unix Crontab or AppEngine syntax.

                                                                                                          Parameter handler

                                                                                                          A function to execute when triggered.


                                                                                                          A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                                                        • Handler for scheduled functions. Triggered whenever the associated scheduler job sends a http request.

                                                                                                          Parameter options

                                                                                                          Options to set on scheduled functions.

                                                                                                          Parameter handler

                                                                                                          A function to execute when triggered.


                                                                                                          A function that you can export and deploy.

                                                                                                        interface ScheduledEvent

                                                                                                        interface ScheduledEvent {}
                                                                                                        • Interface representing a ScheduleEvent that is passed to the function handler.

                                                                                                        property jobName

                                                                                                        jobName?: string;
                                                                                                        • The Cloud Scheduler job name. Populated via the X-CloudScheduler-JobName header.

                                                                                                          If invoked manually, this field is undefined.

                                                                                                        property scheduleTime

                                                                                                        scheduleTime: string;
                                                                                                        • For Cloud Scheduler jobs specified in the unix-cron format, this is the job schedule time in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Populated via the X-CloudScheduler-ScheduleTime header.

                                                                                                          If the schedule is manually triggered, this field will be the function execution time.

                                                                                                        interface ScheduleFunction

                                                                                                        interface ScheduleFunction extends HttpsFunction {}
                                                                                                        • The Cloud Function type for Schedule triggers.

                                                                                                        method run

                                                                                                        run: (data: ScheduledEvent) => void | Promise<void>;

                                                                                                          interface ScheduleOptions

                                                                                                          interface ScheduleOptions extends options.GlobalOptions {}
                                                                                                          • Options that can be set on a Schedule trigger.

                                                                                                          property maxBackoffSeconds

                                                                                                          maxBackoffSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • The maximum time to wait before retrying.

                                                                                                          property maxDoublings

                                                                                                          maxDoublings?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • The time between will double max doublings times.

                                                                                                          property maxRetrySeconds

                                                                                                          maxRetrySeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • The time limit for retrying.

                                                                                                          property minBackoffSeconds

                                                                                                          minBackoffSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • The minimum time to wait before retying.

                                                                                                          property retryCount

                                                                                                          retryCount?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • The number of retry attempts for a failed run.

                                                                                                          property schedule

                                                                                                          schedule: string;
                                                                                                          • The schedule, in Unix Crontab or AppEngine syntax.

                                                                                                          property timeZone

                                                                                                          timeZone?: timezone | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • The timezone that the schedule executes in.

                                                                                                          namespace storage

                                                                                                          module 'lib/v2/providers/storage.d.ts' {}
                                                                                                          • An object within Google Cloud Storage. Ref:

                                                                                                          function onObjectArchived

                                                                                                          onObjectArchived: {
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any | Promise<any>
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          bucket: string | Expression<string>,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          opts: StorageOptions,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          • Event handler sent only when a bucket has enabled object versioning. This event indicates that the live version of an object has become an archived version, either because it was archived or because it was overwritten by the upload of an object of the same name.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage archival occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler sent only when a bucket has enabled object versioning. This event indicates that the live version of an object has become an archived version, either because it was archived or because it was overwritten by the upload of an object of the same name.

                                                                                                            Parameter bucket

                                                                                                            The name of the bucket containing this object.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage archival occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler sent only when a bucket has enabled object versioning. This event indicates that the live version of an object has become an archived version, either because it was archived or because it was overwritten by the upload of an object of the same name.

                                                                                                            Parameter opts

                                                                                                            Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage archival occurs.

                                                                                                          function onObjectDeleted

                                                                                                          onObjectDeleted: {
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any | Promise<any>
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          bucket: string | Expression<string>,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          opts: StorageOptions,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time a Google Cloud Storage deletion occurs.

                                                                                                            Sent when an object has been permanently deleted. This includes objects that are overwritten or are deleted as part of the bucket's lifecycle configuration. For buckets with object versioning enabled, this is not sent when an object is archived, even if archival occurs via the storage.objects.delete method.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object deletion occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time a Google Cloud Storage deletion occurs.

                                                                                                            Sent when an object has been permanently deleted. This includes objects that are overwritten or are deleted as part of the bucket's lifecycle configuration. For buckets with object versioning enabled, this is not sent when an object is archived, even if archival occurs via the storage.objects.delete method.

                                                                                                            Parameter bucket

                                                                                                            The name of the bucket containing this object.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object deletion occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time a Google Cloud Storage deletion occurs.

                                                                                                            Sent when an object has been permanently deleted. This includes objects that are overwritten or are deleted as part of the bucket's lifecycle configuration. For buckets with object versioning enabled, this is not sent when an object is archived, even if archival occurs via the storage.objects.delete method.

                                                                                                            Parameter opts

                                                                                                            Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object deletion occurs.

                                                                                                          function onObjectFinalized

                                                                                                          onObjectFinalized: {
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any | Promise<any>
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          bucket: string | Expression<string>,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          opts: StorageOptions,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time a Google Cloud Storage object creation occurs.

                                                                                                            Sent when a new object (or a new generation of an existing object) is successfully created in the bucket. This includes copying or rewriting an existing object. A failed upload does not trigger this event.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object creation occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time a Google Cloud Storage object creation occurs.

                                                                                                            Sent when a new object (or a new generation of an existing object) is successfully created in the bucket. This includes copying or rewriting an existing object. A failed upload does not trigger this event.

                                                                                                            Parameter bucket

                                                                                                            The name of the bucket containing this object.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object creation occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time a Google Cloud Storage object creation occurs.

                                                                                                            Sent when a new object (or a new generation of an existing object) is successfully created in the bucket. This includes copying or rewriting an existing object. A failed upload does not trigger this event.

                                                                                                            Parameter opts

                                                                                                            Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object creation occurs.

                                                                                                          function onObjectMetadataUpdated

                                                                                                          onObjectMetadataUpdated: {
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any | Promise<any>
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          bucket: string | Expression<string>,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          opts: StorageOptions,
                                                                                                          handler: (event: StorageEvent) => any
                                                                                                          ): CloudFunction<StorageEvent>;
                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time the metadata of an existing object changes.

                                                                                                            Parameter bucketOrOptsOrHandler

                                                                                                            Options or string that may (or may not) define the bucket to be used.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object metadata update occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time the metadata of an existing object changes.

                                                                                                            Parameter bucket

                                                                                                            The name of the bucket containing this object.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object metadata update occurs.

                                                                                                          • Event handler which fires every time the metadata of an existing object changes.

                                                                                                            Parameter opts

                                                                                                            Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                                                            Parameter handler

                                                                                                            Event handler which is run every time a Google Cloud Storage object metadata update occurs.

                                                                                                          interface CustomerEncryption

                                                                                                          interface CustomerEncryption {}
                                                                                                          • Metadata of customer-supplied encryption key, if the object is encrypted by such a key.

                                                                                                          property encryptionAlgorithm

                                                                                                          encryptionAlgorithm?: string;
                                                                                                          • The encryption algorithm.

                                                                                                          property keySha256

                                                                                                          keySha256?: string;
                                                                                                          • SHA256 hash value of the encryption key.

                                                                                                          interface StorageEvent

                                                                                                          interface StorageEvent extends CloudEvent<StorageObjectData> {}
                                                                                                          • A CloudEvent that contains StorageObjectData

                                                                                                          property bucket

                                                                                                          bucket: string;
                                                                                                          • The name of the bucket containing this object.

                                                                                                          interface StorageObjectData

                                                                                                          interface StorageObjectData {}
                                                                                                          • An object within Google Cloud Storage. Ref:

                                                                                                          property bucket

                                                                                                          bucket: string;
                                                                                                          • The name of the bucket containing this object.

                                                                                                          property cacheControl

                                                                                                          cacheControl?: string;
                                                                                                          • Cache-Control directive for the object data, matching ["][RFC 7234 §5.2].

                                                                                                          property componentCount

                                                                                                          componentCount?: number;
                                                                                                          • Number of underlying components that make up this object. Components are accumulated by compose operations. Attempting to set this field will result in an error.

                                                                                                          property contentDisposition

                                                                                                          contentDisposition?: string;
                                                                                                          • Content-Disposition of the object data, matching [][RFC 6266].

                                                                                                          property contentEncoding

                                                                                                          contentEncoding?: string;
                                                                                                          • Content-Encoding of the object data, matching [][RFC 7231 §]

                                                                                                          property contentLanguage

                                                                                                          contentLanguage?: string;
                                                                                                          • Content-Language of the object data, matching [][RFC 7231 §].

                                                                                                          property contentType

                                                                                                          contentType?: string;
                                                                                                          • Content-Type of the object data, matching [][RFC 7231 §]. If an object is stored without a Content-Type, it is served as application/octet-stream.

                                                                                                          property crc32c

                                                                                                          crc32c?: string;
                                                                                                          • CRC32c checksum. For more information about using the CRC32c checksum, see [][Hashes and ETags: Best Practices].

                                                                                                          property customerEncryption

                                                                                                          customerEncryption?: CustomerEncryption;
                                                                                                          • Metadata of customer-supplied encryption key, if the object is encrypted by such a key.

                                                                                                          property etag

                                                                                                          etag?: string;
                                                                                                          • HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the object. See [][RFC 7232 §2.3].

                                                                                                          property generation

                                                                                                          generation: number;
                                                                                                          • The content generation of this object. Used for object versioning. Attempting to set this field will result in an error.

                                                                                                          property id

                                                                                                          id: string;
                                                                                                          • The ID of the object, including the bucket name, object name, and generation number.

                                                                                                          property kind

                                                                                                          kind?: string;
                                                                                                          • The kind of item this is. For objects, this is always "storage#object".

                                                                                                          property md5Hash

                                                                                                          md5Hash?: string;
                                                                                                          • MD5 hash of the data; encoded using base64 as per [][RFC 4648 §4]. For more information about using the MD5 hash, see [][Hashes and ETags: Best Practices].

                                                                                                          mediaLink?: string;
                                                                                                          • Media download link.

                                                                                                          property metadata

                                                                                                          metadata?: {
                                                                                                          [key: string]: string;
                                                                                                          • User-provided metadata, in key/value pairs.

                                                                                                          property metageneration

                                                                                                          metageneration: number;
                                                                                                          • The version of the metadata for this object at this generation. Used for preconditions and for detecting changes in metadata. A metageneration number is only meaningful in the context of a particular generation of a particular object.

                                                                                                          property name

                                                                                                          name: string;
                                                                                                          • The name of the object.

                                                                                                          selfLink?: string;
                                                                                                          • The link to this object.

                                                                                                          property size

                                                                                                          size: number;
                                                                                                          • Content-Length of the object data in bytes, matching [][RFC 7230 §3.3.2].

                                                                                                          property storageClass

                                                                                                          storageClass: string;
                                                                                                          • Storage class of the object.

                                                                                                          property timeCreated

                                                                                                          timeCreated?: Date | string;
                                                                                                          • The creation time of the object. Attempting to set this field will result in an error.

                                                                                                          property timeDeleted

                                                                                                          timeDeleted?: Date | string;
                                                                                                          • The deletion time of the object. Will be returned if and only if this version of the object has been deleted.

                                                                                                          property timeStorageClassUpdated

                                                                                                          timeStorageClassUpdated?: Date | string;
                                                                                                          • The time at which the object's storage class was last changed.

                                                                                                          property updated

                                                                                                          updated?: Date | string;
                                                                                                          • The modification time of the object metadata.

                                                                                                          interface StorageOptions

                                                                                                          interface StorageOptions extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}
                                                                                                          • StorageOptions extend EventHandlerOptions with a bucket name

                                                                                                          property bucket

                                                                                                          bucket?: string | Expression<string>;
                                                                                                          • The name of the bucket containing this object.

                                                                                                          property concurrency

                                                                                                          concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                                                                                                            Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                                                                                                          property cpu

                                                                                                          cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                                                                                                          • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                                                                                                            Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                                                                                                          property ingressSettings

                                                                                                          ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                                                                                                          property labels

                                                                                                          labels?: Record<string, string>;
                                                                                                          • User labels to set on the function.

                                                                                                          property maxInstances

                                                                                                          maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                                                                                                          property memory

                                                                                                          memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                                                                                                          property minInstances

                                                                                                          minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                                                                                                            Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                                                                                                          property omit

                                                                                                          omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                                                                                                          • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                                                                                                          property region

                                                                                                          region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • Region where functions should be deployed.

                                                                                                          property retry

                                                                                                          retry?: boolean | Expression<boolean> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                          • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

                                                                                                          property secrets

                                                                                                          secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                                                                                                            property serviceAccount

                                                                                                            serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                            • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                                                                                                            property timeoutSeconds

                                                                                                            timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                            • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                                                                                                              The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                                                                                                            property vpcConnector

                                                                                                            vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                            • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                                                                                                            property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                                                                                                            vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                                            • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                                                                                                            namespace tasks

                                                                                                            module 'lib/v2/providers/tasks.d.ts' {}
                                                                                                            • How a task should be retried in the event of a non-2xx return.

                                                                                                            function onTaskDispatched

                                                                                                            onTaskDispatched: {
                                                                                                            <Args = any>(
                                                                                                            handler: (request: Request<Args>) => void | Promise<void>
                                                                                                            ): TaskQueueFunction<Args>;
                                                                                                            <Args = any>(
                                                                                                            options: TaskQueueOptions,
                                                                                                            handler: (request: Request<Args>) => void | Promise<void>
                                                                                                            ): TaskQueueFunction<Args>;
                                                                                                            • Creates a handler for tasks sent to a Google Cloud Tasks queue.

                                                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                                                              A callback to handle task requests.


                                                                                                              A function you can export and deploy.

                                                                                                            • Creates a handler for tasks sent to a Google Cloud Tasks queue.

                                                                                                              Parameter options

                                                                                                              Configuration for the task queue or Cloud Function.

                                                                                                              Parameter handler

                                                                                                              A callback to handle task requests.


                                                                                                              A function you can export and deploy.

                                                                                                            interface AuthData

                                                                                                            interface AuthData {}
                                                                                                            • Metadata about the authorization used to invoke a function.

                                                                                                            property token

                                                                                                            token: DecodedIdToken;

                                                                                                              property uid

                                                                                                              uid: string;

                                                                                                                interface RateLimits

                                                                                                                interface RateLimits {}
                                                                                                                • How congestion control should be applied to the function.

                                                                                                                property maxConcurrentDispatches

                                                                                                                maxConcurrentDispatches?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                • The maximum number of requests that can be processed at a time. If left unspecified, will default to 1000.

                                                                                                                property maxDispatchesPerSecond

                                                                                                                maxDispatchesPerSecond?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                • The maximum number of requests that can be invoked per second. If left unspecified, will default to 500.

                                                                                                                interface RetryConfig

                                                                                                                interface RetryConfig {}
                                                                                                                • How a task should be retried in the event of a non-2xx return.

                                                                                                                property maxAttempts

                                                                                                                maxAttempts?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                • Maximum number of times a request should be attempted. If left unspecified, will default to 3.

                                                                                                                property maxBackoffSeconds

                                                                                                                maxBackoffSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                • The maximum amount of time to wait between attempts. If left unspecified will default to 1hr.

                                                                                                                property maxDoublings

                                                                                                                maxDoublings?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                • The maximum number of times to double the backoff between retries. If left unspecified will default to 16.

                                                                                                                property maxRetrySeconds

                                                                                                                maxRetrySeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                • Maximum amount of time for retrying failed task. If left unspecified will retry indefinitely.

                                                                                                                property minBackoffSeconds

                                                                                                                minBackoffSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                • The minimum time to wait between attempts. If left unspecified will default to 100ms.

                                                                                                                interface TaskQueueFunction

                                                                                                                interface TaskQueueFunction<T = any> extends HttpsFunction {}
                                                                                                                • A handler for tasks.

                                                                                                                method run

                                                                                                                run: (request: Request<T>) => void | Promise<void>;
                                                                                                                • The callback passed to the TaskQueueFunction constructor.

                                                                                                                  Parameter request

                                                                                                                  A TaskRequest containing data and auth information.


                                                                                                                  Any return value. Google Cloud Functions will await any promise before shutting down your function. Resolved return values are only used for unit testing purposes.

                                                                                                                interface TaskQueueOptions

                                                                                                                interface TaskQueueOptions extends options.EventHandlerOptions {}

                                                                                                                  property concurrency

                                                                                                                  concurrency?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                  • Number of requests a function can serve at once.


                                                                                                                    Can only be applied to functions running on Cloud Functions v2. A value of null restores the default concurrency (80 when CPU >= 1, 1 otherwise). Concurrency cannot be set to any value other than 1 if cpu is less than 1. The maximum value for concurrency is 1,000.

                                                                                                                  property cpu

                                                                                                                  cpu?: number | 'gcf_gen1';
                                                                                                                  • Fractional number of CPUs to allocate to a function.


                                                                                                                    Defaults to 1 for functions with <= 2GB RAM and increases for larger memory sizes. This is different from the defaults when using the gcloud utility and is different from the fixed amount assigned in Google Cloud Functions generation 1. To revert to the CPU amounts used in gcloud or in Cloud Functions generation 1, set this to the value "gcf_gen1"

                                                                                                                  property ingressSettings

                                                                                                                  ingressSettings?: options.IngressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                  • Ingress settings which control where this function can be called from.

                                                                                                                  property invoker

                                                                                                                  invoker?: 'private' | string | string[];
                                                                                                                  • Who can enqueue tasks for this function.

                                                                                                                    If left unspecified, only service accounts which have roles/cloudtasks.enqueuer and roles/cloudfunctions.invoker will have permissions.

                                                                                                                  property labels

                                                                                                                  labels?: Record<string, string>;
                                                                                                                  • User labels to set on the function.

                                                                                                                  property maxInstances

                                                                                                                  maxInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                  • Max number of instances to be running in parallel.

                                                                                                                  property memory

                                                                                                                  memory?: options.MemoryOption | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                  • Amount of memory to allocate to a function.

                                                                                                                  property minInstances

                                                                                                                  minInstances?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                  • Min number of actual instances to be running at a given time.


                                                                                                                    Instances will be billed for memory allocation and 10% of CPU allocation while idle.

                                                                                                                  property omit

                                                                                                                  omit?: boolean | Expression<boolean>;
                                                                                                                  • If true, do not deploy or emulate this function.

                                                                                                                  property rateLimits

                                                                                                                  rateLimits?: RateLimits;
                                                                                                                  • How congestion control should be applied to the function.

                                                                                                                  property region

                                                                                                                  region?: options.SupportedRegion | string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                  • Region where functions should be deployed.

                                                                                                                  property retry

                                                                                                                  retry?: boolean;
                                                                                                                  • Whether failed executions should be delivered again.

                                                                                                                  property retryConfig

                                                                                                                  retryConfig?: RetryConfig;
                                                                                                                  • How a task should be retried in the event of a non-2xx return.

                                                                                                                  property secrets

                                                                                                                  secrets?: (string | SecretParam)[];

                                                                                                                    property serviceAccount

                                                                                                                    serviceAccount?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                    • Specific service account for the function to run as.

                                                                                                                    property timeoutSeconds

                                                                                                                    timeoutSeconds?: number | Expression<number> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                    • Timeout for the function in seconds, possible values are 0 to 540. HTTPS functions can specify a higher timeout.


                                                                                                                      The minimum timeout for a gen 2 function is 1s. The maximum timeout for a function depends on the type of function: Event handling functions have a maximum timeout of 540s (9 minutes). HTTPS and callable functions have a maximum timeout of 36,00s (1 hour). Task queue functions have a maximum timeout of 1,800s (30 minutes)

                                                                                                                    property vpcConnector

                                                                                                                    vpcConnector?: string | Expression<string> | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                    • Connect cloud function to specified VPC connector.

                                                                                                                    property vpcConnectorEgressSettings

                                                                                                                    vpcConnectorEgressSettings?: options.VpcEgressSetting | ResetValue;
                                                                                                                    • Egress settings for VPC connector.

                                                                                                                    type Request

                                                                                                                    type Request<T = any> = TaskContext & {
                                                                                                                    * The parameters used by a client when calling this function.
                                                                                                                    data: T;
                                                                                                                    • The request used to call a task queue function.

                                                                                                                    namespace testLab

                                                                                                                    module 'lib/v2/providers/testLab.d.ts' {}
                                                                                                                    • Possible test states for a test matrix.

                                                                                                                    function onTestMatrixCompleted

                                                                                                                    onTestMatrixCompleted: {
                                                                                                                    handler: (event: CloudEvent<TestMatrixCompletedData>) => any | Promise<any>
                                                                                                                    ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<TestMatrixCompletedData>>;
                                                                                                                    opts: EventHandlerOptions,
                                                                                                                    handler: (event: CloudEvent<TestMatrixCompletedData>) => any
                                                                                                                    ): CloudFunction<CloudEvent<TestMatrixCompletedData>>;
                                                                                                                    • Event handler which triggers when a Firebase test matrix completes.

                                                                                                                      Parameter handler

                                                                                                                      Event handler which is run every time a Firebase test matrix completes.


                                                                                                                      A Cloud Function that you can export and deploy.


                                                                                                                      • @alpha
                                                                                                                    • Event handler which triggers when a Firebase test matrix completes.

                                                                                                                      Parameter opts

                                                                                                                      Options that can be set on an individual event-handling function.

                                                                                                                      Parameter handler

                                                                                                                      Event handler which is run every time a Firebase test matrix completes.


                                                                                                                      A Cloud Function that you can export and deploy.


                                                                                                                      • @alpha

                                                                                                                    interface ClientInfo

                                                                                                                    interface ClientInfo {}
                                                                                                                    • Information about the client which invoked the test.

                                                                                                                    property client

                                                                                                                    client: string;
                                                                                                                    • Client name, such as "gcloud".

                                                                                                                    property details

                                                                                                                    details: Record<string, string>;
                                                                                                                    • Map of detailed information about the client.

                                                                                                                    interface ResultStorage

                                                                                                                    interface ResultStorage {}
                                                                                                                    • Locations where test results are stored.

                                                                                                                    property gcsPath

                                                                                                                    gcsPath: string;
                                                                                                                    • Location in Google Cloud Storage where test results are written to. In the form "gs://bucket/path/to/somewhere".

                                                                                                                    property resultsUri

                                                                                                                    resultsUri: string;
                                                                                                                    • URI to the test results in the Firebase Web Console.

                                                                                                                    property toolResultsExecution

                                                                                                                    toolResultsExecution: string;
                                                                                                                    • Tool Results execution resource containing test results. Format is projects/{project_id}/histories/{history_id}/executions/{execution_id}. Optional, can be omitted in erroneous test states. See for more information.

                                                                                                                    property toolResultsHistory

                                                                                                                    toolResultsHistory: string;
                                                                                                                    • Tool Results history resource containing test results. Format is projects/{project_id}/histories/{history_id}. See for more information.

                                                                                                                    interface TestMatrixCompletedData

                                                                                                                    interface TestMatrixCompletedData {}
                                                                                                                    • The data within all Firebase test matrix completed events.

                                                                                                                    property clientInfo

                                                                                                                    clientInfo: ClientInfo;
                                                                                                                    • Information provided by the client that created the test matrix.

                                                                                                                    property createTime

                                                                                                                    createTime: string;
                                                                                                                    • Time the test matrix was created.

                                                                                                                    property invalidMatrixDetails

                                                                                                                    invalidMatrixDetails: string;
                                                                                                                    • Code that describes why the test matrix is considered invalid. Only set for matrices in the INVALID state.

                                                                                                                    property outcomeSummary

                                                                                                                    outcomeSummary: OutcomeSummary;
                                                                                                                    • Outcome summary of the test matrix.

                                                                                                                    property resultStorage

                                                                                                                    resultStorage: ResultStorage;
                                                                                                                    • Locations where test results are stored.

                                                                                                                    property state

                                                                                                                    state: TestState;
                                                                                                                    • State of the test matrix.

                                                                                                                    property testMatrixId

                                                                                                                    testMatrixId: string;
                                                                                                                    • ID of the test matrix this event belongs to.

                                                                                                                    type OutcomeSummary

                                                                                                                    type OutcomeSummary =
                                                                                                                    /** The default value. This value is used if the state is omitted. */
                                                                                                                    | 'OUTCOME_SUMMARY_UNSPECIFIED'
                                                                                                                    * The test matrix run was successful, for instance:
                                                                                                                    * - All test cases passed.
                                                                                                                    * - No crash of the application under test was detected.
                                                                                                                    | 'SUCCESS'
                                                                                                                    * A run failed, for instance:
                                                                                                                    * - One or more test case failed.
                                                                                                                    * - A test timed out.
                                                                                                                    * - The application under test crashed.
                                                                                                                    | 'FAILURE'
                                                                                                                    * Something unexpected happened. The test run should still be considered
                                                                                                                    * unsuccessful but this is likely a transient problem and re-running the
                                                                                                                    * test might be successful.
                                                                                                                    | 'INCONCLUSIVE'
                                                                                                                    /** All tests were skipped. */
                                                                                                                    | 'SKIPPED';
                                                                                                                    • Outcome summary for a finished test matrix.

                                                                                                                    type TestState

                                                                                                                    type TestState =
                                                                                                                    /** The default value. This value is used if the state is omitted. */
                                                                                                                    | 'TEST_STATE_UNSPECIFIED'
                                                                                                                    /** The test matrix is being validated. */
                                                                                                                    | 'VALIDATING'
                                                                                                                    /** The test matrix is waiting for resources to become available. */
                                                                                                                    | 'PENDING'
                                                                                                                    /** The test matrix has completed normally. */
                                                                                                                    | 'FINISHED'
                                                                                                                    /** The test matrix has completed because of an infrastructure failure. */
                                                                                                                    | 'ERROR'
                                                                                                                    /** The test matrix was not run because the provided inputs are not valid. */
                                                                                                                    | 'INVALID';
                                                                                                                    • Possible test states for a test matrix.

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