
  • Version 10.0.4
  • Published
  • 50 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i file-entry-cache
yarn add file-entry-cache
pnpm add file-entry-cache


A lightweight cache for file metadata, ideal for processes that work on a specific set of files and only need to reprocess files that have changed since the last run



function create

create: (
cacheId: string,
cacheDirectory?: string,
useCheckSum?: boolean,
currentWorkingDirectory?: string
) => FileEntryCache;

    function createFromFile

    createFromFile: (
    filePath: string,
    useCheckSum?: boolean,
    currentWorkingDirectory?: string
    ) => FileEntryCache;


      class FileEntryCache

      class FileEntryCache {}


        constructor(options?: FileEntryCacheOptions);

          property cache

          cache: FlatCache;

            property currentWorkingDirectory

            currentWorkingDirectory: string;

              property hashAlgorithm

              hashAlgorithm: string;

                property useCheckSum

                useCheckSum: boolean;

                  method analyzeFiles

                  analyzeFiles: (files: string[]) => AnalyzedFiles;
                  • Analyze the files analyzeFiles

                    Parameter files

                    The files to analyze


                    {AnalyzedFiles} The analysis of the files

                  method createFileKey

                  createFileKey: (
                  filePath: string,
                  options?: { currentWorkingDirectory?: string }
                  ) => string;
                  • Create the key for the file path used for caching. createFileKey

                    Parameter filePath


                  method deleteCacheFile

                  deleteCacheFile: () => boolean;
                  • Delete the cache file from the disk deleteCacheFile {boolean} true if the file was deleted, false otherwise

                  method destroy

                  destroy: () => void;
                  • Remove the cache from the file and clear the memory cache destroy

                  method getAbsolutePath

                  getAbsolutePath: (
                  filePath: string,
                  options?: { currentWorkingDirectory?: string }
                  ) => string;
                  • Get the Absolute Path. If it is already absolute it will return the path as is. getAbsolutePath

                    Parameter filePath

                    The file path to get the absolute path for

                    Parameter options

                    The options for getting the absolute path. The current working directory is used if not provided.



                  method getFileDescriptor

                  getFileDescriptor: (
                  filePath: string,
                  options?: GetFileDescriptorOptions
                  ) => FileDescriptor;
                  • Get the file descriptor for the file path getFileDescriptor

                    Parameter filePath

                    The file path to get the file descriptor for

                    Parameter options

                    The options for getting the file descriptor


                    The file descriptor

                  method getFileDescriptorsByPath

                  getFileDescriptorsByPath: (filePath: string) => FileDescriptor[];
                  • Get the not found files getFileDescriptorsByPath

                    Parameter filePath

                    the files that you want to get from a path


                    {FileDescriptor[]} The not found files

                  method getHash

                  getHash: (buffer: Buffer) => string;
                  • Given a buffer, calculate md5 hash of its content. getHash

                    Parameter buffer

                    buffer to calculate hash on {String} content hash digest

                  method getUpdatedFiles

                  getUpdatedFiles: (files: string[]) => string[];
                  • Get the updated files getUpdatedFiles

                    Parameter files

                    The files to get the updated files for


                    {string[]} The updated files

                  method hasFileChanged

                  hasFileChanged: (filePath: string) => boolean;
                  • Check if the file has changed hasFileChanged

                    Parameter filePath

                    The file path to check


                    {boolean} if the file has changed, false otherwise

                  method isRelativePath

                  isRelativePath: (filePath: string) => boolean;
                  • Check if the file path is a relative path isRelativePath

                    Parameter filePath

                    The file path to check


                    {boolean} if the file path is a relative path, false otherwise

                  method normalizeEntries

                  normalizeEntries: (files?: string[]) => FileDescriptor[];
                  • Get the file descriptors for the files normalizeEntries

                    Parameter files

                    ?: string[] - The files to get the file descriptors for


                    The file descriptors

                  method reconcile

                  reconcile: () => void;
                  • Reconcile the cache reconcile

                  method removeEntry

                  removeEntry: (
                  filePath: string,
                  options?: { currentWorkingDirectory?: string }
                  ) => void;
                  • Remove and Entry From the Cache removeEntry

                    Parameter filePath

                    The file path to remove from the cache

                  method renameAbsolutePathKeys

                  renameAbsolutePathKeys: (oldPath: string, newPath: string) => void;
                  • Rename the absolute path keys. This is used when a directory is changed or renamed. renameAbsolutePathKeys

                    Parameter oldPath

                    The old path to rename

                    Parameter newPath

                    The new path to rename to

                  class FileEntryDefault

                  class FileEntryDefault {}

                    property create

                    static create: (
                    cacheId: string,
                    cacheDirectory?: string,
                    useCheckSum?: boolean,
                    currentWorkingDirectory?: string
                    ) => FileEntryCache;

                      property createFromFile

                      static createFromFile: (
                      filePath: string,
                      useCheckSum?: boolean,
                      currentWorkingDirectory?: string
                      ) => FileEntryCache;

                        Type Aliases

                        type AnalyzedFiles

                        type AnalyzedFiles = {
                        changedFiles: string[];
                        notFoundFiles: string[];
                        notChangedFiles: string[];

                          type FileDescriptor

                          type FileDescriptor = {
                          key: string;
                          changed?: boolean;
                          meta: FileDescriptorMeta;
                          notFound?: boolean;
                          err?: Error;

                            type FileDescriptorMeta

                            type FileDescriptorMeta = {
                            size?: number;
                            mtime?: number;
                            hash?: string;
                            data?: unknown;

                              type FileEntryCacheOptions

                              type FileEntryCacheOptions = {
                              currentWorkingDirectory?: string;
                              useCheckSum?: boolean;
                              hashAlgorithm?: string;
                              cache?: FlatCacheOptions;

                                type GetFileDescriptorOptions

                                type GetFileDescriptorOptions = {
                                useCheckSum?: boolean;
                                currentWorkingDirectory?: string;

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