
  • Version 7.5.0
  • Published
  • 124 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i express-rate-limit
yarn add express-rate-limit
pnpm add express-rate-limit


Basic IP rate-limiting middleware for Express. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.





    variable validations

    const validations: {
    enabled: { [key: string]: boolean };
    disable(): void;
    ip(ip: string | undefined): void;
    trustProxy(request: Request): void;
    xForwardedForHeader(request: Request): void;
    positiveHits(hits: any): void;
    unsharedStore(store: Store): void;
    singleCount(request: Request, store: Store, key: string): void;
    limit(limit: number): void;
    draftPolliHeaders(draft_polli_ratelimit_headers?: any): void;
    onLimitReached(onLimitReached?: any): void;
    headersDraftVersion(version?: any): void;
    headersResetTime(resetTime?: Date): void;
    validationsConfig(): void;
    creationStack(store: Store): void;


      function rateLimit

      rateLimit: (passedOptions?: Partial<Options>) => RateLimitRequestHandler;
      • Create an instance of IP rate-limiting middleware for Express.

        Parameter passedOptions

        Options to configure the rate limiter.


        {RateLimitRequestHandler} - The middleware that rate-limits clients based on your configuration.


        • @public


      class MemoryStore

      class MemoryStore implements Store {}
      • A Store that stores the hit count for each client in memory.


        • @public

      property current

      current: Map<string, Client>;

        property interval

        interval?: NodeJS.Timeout;
        • A reference to the active timer.

        property localKeys

        localKeys: boolean;
        • Confirmation that the keys incremented in once instance of MemoryStore cannot affect other instances.

        property previous

        previous: Map<string, Client>;
        • These two maps store usage (requests) and reset time by key (for example, IP addresses or API keys).

          They are split into two to avoid having to iterate through the entire set to determine which ones need reset. Instead, Clients are moved from previous to current as they hit the endpoint. Once windowMs has elapsed, all clients left in previous, i.e., those that have not made any recent requests, are known to be expired and can be deleted in bulk.

        property windowMs

        windowMs: number;
        • The duration of time before which all hit counts are reset (in milliseconds).

        method decrement

        decrement: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
        • Method to decrement a client's hit counter.

          Parameter key

          The identifier for a client.


          • @public

        method get

        get: (key: string) => Promise<ClientRateLimitInfo | undefined>;
        • Method to fetch a client's hit count and reset time.

          Parameter key

          The identifier for a client.


          {ClientRateLimitInfo | undefined} - The number of hits and reset time for that client.


          • @public

        method increment

        increment: (key: string) => Promise<ClientRateLimitInfo>;
        • Method to increment a client's hit counter.

          Parameter key

          The identifier for a client.


          {ClientRateLimitInfo} - The number of hits and reset time for that client.


          • @public

        method init

        init: (options: Options) => void;
        • Method that initializes the store.

          Parameter options

          The options used to setup the middleware.

        method resetAll

        resetAll: () => Promise<void>;
        • Method to reset everyone's hit counter.


          • @public

        method resetKey

        resetKey: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
        • Method to reset a client's hit counter.

          Parameter key

          The identifier for a client.


          • @public

        method shutdown

        shutdown: () => void;
        • Method to stop the timer (if currently running) and prevent any memory leaks.


          • @public

        Type Aliases

        type AugmentedRequest

        type AugmentedRequest = Request & {
        [key: string]: RateLimitInfo;
        • The extended request object that includes information about the client's rate limit.

        type Client

        type Client = {
        totalHits: number;
        resetTime: Date;
        • The record that stores information about a client - namely, how many times they have hit the endpoint, and when their hit count resets.

          Similar to ClientRateLimitInfo, except resetTime is a compulsory field.

        type ClientRateLimitInfo

        type ClientRateLimitInfo = {
        totalHits: number;
        resetTime: Date | undefined;
        • Data returned from the Store when a client's hit counter is incremented.

          totalHits {number} - The number of hits for that client so far. resetTime {Date | undefined} - The time when the counter resets.

        type DraftHeadersVersion

        type DraftHeadersVersion = (typeof SUPPORTED_DRAFT_VERSIONS)[number];

          type EnabledValidations

          type EnabledValidations = {
          [key in keyof Omit<Validations, 'enabled' | 'disable'> | 'default']?: boolean;
          • Validate configuration object for enabling or disabling specific validations.

            The keys must also be keys in the validations object, except enable, disable, and default.

          type IncrementCallback

          type IncrementCallback = (
          error: Error | undefined,
          totalHits: number,
          resetTime: Date | undefined
          ) => void;
          • Callback that fires when a client's hit counter is incremented.

            Parameter error

            The error that occurred, if any.

            Parameter totalHits

            The number of hits for that client so far.

            Parameter resetTime

            The time when the counter resets.

          type IncrementResponse

          type IncrementResponse = ClientRateLimitInfo;

            type LegacyStore

            type LegacyStore = {
            * Method to increment a client's hit counter.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            * @param callback {IncrementCallback} - The callback to call once the counter is incremented.
            incr: (key: string, callback: IncrementCallback) => void;
            * Method to decrement a client's hit counter.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            decrement: (key: string) => void;
            * Method to reset a client's hit counter.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            resetKey: (key: string) => void;
            * Method to reset everyone's hit counter.
            resetAll?: () => void;
            • An interface that all hit counter stores must implement.


              6.x - Implement the Store interface instead.

            type Options

            type Options = {
            * How long we should remember the requests.
            * Defaults to `60000` ms (= 1 minute).
            windowMs: number;
            * The maximum number of connections to allow during the `window` before
            * rate limiting the client.
            * Can be the limit itself as a number or express middleware that parses
            * the request and then figures out the limit.
            * Defaults to `5`.
            limit: number | ValueDeterminingMiddleware<number>;
            * The response body to send back when a client is rate limited.
            * Defaults to `'Too many requests, please try again later.'`
            message: any | ValueDeterminingMiddleware<any>;
            * The HTTP status code to send back when a client is rate limited.
            * Defaults to `HTTP 429 Too Many Requests` (RFC 6585).
            statusCode: number;
            * Whether to send `X-RateLimit-*` headers with the rate limit and the number
            * of requests.
            * Defaults to `true` (for backward compatibility).
            legacyHeaders: boolean;
            * Whether to enable support for the standardized rate limit headers (`RateLimit-*`).
            * Defaults to `false` (for backward compatibility, but its use is recommended).
            standardHeaders: boolean | DraftHeadersVersion;
            * The name used to identify the quota policy in the `RateLimit` headers as per
            * the 8th draft of the IETF specification.
            * Defaults to `{limit}-in-{window}`.
            identifier: string | ValueDeterminingMiddleware<string>;
            * The name of the property on the request object to store the rate limit info.
            * Defaults to `rateLimit`.
            requestPropertyName: string;
            * If `true`, the library will (by default) skip all requests that have a 4XX
            * or 5XX status.
            * Defaults to `false`.
            skipFailedRequests: boolean;
            * If `true`, the library will (by default) skip all requests that have a
            * status code less than 400.
            * Defaults to `false`.
            skipSuccessfulRequests: boolean;
            * Method to generate custom identifiers for clients.
            * By default, the client's IP address is used.
            keyGenerator: ValueDeterminingMiddleware<string>;
            * Express request handler that sends back a response when a client is
            * rate-limited.
            * By default, sends back the `statusCode` and `message` set via the options.
            handler: RateLimitExceededEventHandler;
            * Method (in the form of middleware) to determine whether or not this request
            * counts towards a client's quota.
            * By default, skips no requests.
            skip: ValueDeterminingMiddleware<boolean>;
            * Method to determine whether or not the request counts as 'succesful'. Used
            * when either `skipSuccessfulRequests` or `skipFailedRequests` is set to true.
            * By default, requests with a response status code less than 400 are considered
            * successful.
            requestWasSuccessful: ValueDeterminingMiddleware<boolean>;
            * The `Store` to use to store the hit count for each client.
            * By default, the built-in `MemoryStore` will be used.
            store: Store | LegacyStore;
            * The list of validation checks that should run.
            validate: boolean | EnabledValidations;
            * Whether to send `X-RateLimit-*` headers with the rate limit and the number
            * of requests.
            * @deprecated 6.x - This option was renamed to `legacyHeaders`.
            headers?: boolean;
            * The maximum number of connections to allow during the `window` before
            * rate limiting the client.
            * Can be the limit itself as a number or express middleware that parses
            * the request and then figures out the limit.
            * @deprecated 7.x - This option was renamed to `limit`. However, it will not
            * be removed from the library in the foreseeable future.
            max?: number | ValueDeterminingMiddleware<number>;
            * If the Store generates an error, allow the request to pass.
            passOnStoreError: boolean;
            • The configuration options for the rate limiter.

            type RateLimitExceededEventHandler

            type RateLimitExceededEventHandler = (
            request: Request,
            response: Response,
            next: NextFunction,
            optionsUsed: Options
            ) => void;
            • Express request handler that sends back a response when a client is rate-limited.

              Parameter request

              The Express request object.

              Parameter response

              The Express response object.

              Parameter next

              The Express next function, can be called to skip responding.

              Parameter optionsUsed

              The options used to set up the middleware.

            type RateLimitInfo

            type RateLimitInfo = {
            limit: number;
            used: number;
            remaining: number;
            resetTime: Date | undefined;
            • The rate limit related information for each client included in the Express request object.

            type RateLimitReachedEventHandler

            type RateLimitReachedEventHandler = (
            request: Request,
            response: Response,
            optionsUsed: Options
            ) => void;
            • Event callback that is triggered on a client's first request that exceeds the limit but not for subsequent requests. May be used for logging, etc. Should *not* send a response.

              Parameter request

              The Express request object.

              Parameter response

              The Express response object.

              Parameter optionsUsed

              The options used to set up the middleware.

            type RateLimitRequestHandler

            type RateLimitRequestHandler = RequestHandler & {
            * Method to reset a client's hit counter.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            resetKey: (key: string) => void;
            * Method to fetch a client's hit count and reset time.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            * @returns {ClientRateLimitInfo} - The number of hits and reset time for that client.
            getKey: (
            key: string
            ) => Promise<ClientRateLimitInfo | undefined> | ClientRateLimitInfo | undefined;
            • A modified Express request handler with the rate limit functions.

            type Store

            type Store = {
            * Method that initializes the store, and has access to the options passed to
            * the middleware too.
            * @param options {Options} - The options used to setup the middleware.
            init?: (options: Options) => void;
            * Method to fetch a client's hit count and reset time.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            * @returns {ClientRateLimitInfo} - The number of hits and reset time for that client.
            get?: (
            key: string
            ) => Promise<ClientRateLimitInfo | undefined> | ClientRateLimitInfo | undefined;
            * Method to increment a client's hit counter.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            * @returns {IncrementResponse | undefined} - The number of hits and reset time for that client.
            increment: (key: string) => Promise<IncrementResponse> | IncrementResponse;
            * Method to decrement a client's hit counter.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            decrement: (key: string) => Promise<void> | void;
            * Method to reset a client's hit counter.
            * @param key {string} - The identifier for a client.
            resetKey: (key: string) => Promise<void> | void;
            * Method to reset everyone's hit counter.
            resetAll?: () => Promise<void> | void;
            * Method to shutdown the store, stop timers, and release all resources.
            shutdown?: () => Promise<void> | void;
            * Flag to indicate that keys incremented in one instance of this store can
            * not affect other instances. Typically false if a database is used, true for
            * MemoryStore.
            * Used to help detect double-counting misconfigurations.
            localKeys?: boolean;
            * Optional value that the store prepends to keys
            * Used by the double-count check to avoid false-positives when a key is counted twice, but with different prefixes
            prefix?: string;
            • An interface that all hit counter stores must implement.

            type Validations

            type Validations = typeof validations;

              type ValueDeterminingMiddleware

              type ValueDeterminingMiddleware<T> = (
              request: Request,
              response: Response
              ) => T | Promise<T>;
              • Method (in the form of middleware) to generate/retrieve a value based on the incoming request.

                Parameter request

                The Express request object.

                Parameter response

                The Express response object.


                {T} - The value needed.

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