- Version 3.0.1
- Published
- 51.8 kB
- 4 dependencies
- ISC license
npm i eth-sig-util
yarn add eth-sig-util
pnpm add eth-sig-util
A few useful functions for signing ethereum data
- concatSig()
- decrypt()
- decryptSafely()
- encrypt()
- encryptSafely()
- extractPublicKey()
- getEncryptionPublicKey()
- normalize()
- personalSign()
- recoverPersonalSignature()
- recoverTypedMessage()
- recoverTypedSignature()
- recoverTypedSignature_v4()
- recoverTypedSignatureLegacy()
- signTypedData()
- signTypedData_v4()
- signTypedDataLegacy()
- signTypedMessage()
- typedSignatureHash()
Type Aliases
const TYPED_MESSAGE_SCHEMA: { type: string; properties: { types: { type: string; additionalProperties: { type: string; items: { type: string; properties: { name: { type: string }; type: { type: string } }; required: string[]; }; }; }; primaryType: { type: string }; domain: { type: string }; message: { type: string }; }; required: string[];};
variable TypedDataUtils
const TypedDataUtils: { encodeData( primaryType: string, data: Record<string, unknown>, types: Record<string, MessageTypeProperty[]>, useV4?: boolean ): Buffer; encodeType( primaryType: string, types: Record<string, MessageTypeProperty[]> ): string; findTypeDependencies( primaryType: string, types: Record<string, MessageTypeProperty[]>, results?: string[] ): string[]; hashStruct( primaryType: string, data: Record<string, unknown>, types: Record<string, unknown>, useV4?: boolean ): Buffer; hashType(primaryType: string, types: Record<string, unknown>): Buffer; sanitizeData<T extends MessageTypes>( data: string | EIP712TypedData | EIP712TypedData[] | TypedMessage<T> ): TypedMessage<T>; sign<T_1 extends MessageTypes>( typedData: | string | EIP712TypedData[] | Partial<EIP712TypedData> | Partial<TypedMessage<T_1>>, useV4?: boolean ): Buffer;};
A collection of utility functions used for signing typed data
function concatSig
concatSig: (v: Buffer, r: Buffer, s: Buffer) => string;
function decrypt
decrypt: (encryptedData: EthEncryptedData, receiverPrivateKey: string) => string;
function decryptSafely
decryptSafely: ( encryptedData: EthEncryptedData, receiverPrivateKey: string) => string;
function encrypt
encrypt: <T extends MessageTypes>( receiverPublicKey: string, msgParams: MsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>, version: string) => EthEncryptedData;
function encryptSafely
encryptSafely: <T extends MessageTypes>( receiverPublicKey: string, msgParams: MsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>, version: string) => EthEncryptedData;
function extractPublicKey
extractPublicKey: <T extends MessageTypes>( msgParams: SignedMsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function getEncryptionPublicKey
getEncryptionPublicKey: (privateKey: string) => string;
function normalize
normalize: (input: number | string) => string;
function personalSign
personalSign: <T extends MessageTypes>( privateKey: Buffer, msgParams: MsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function recoverPersonalSignature
recoverPersonalSignature: <T extends MessageTypes>( msgParams: SignedMsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function recoverTypedMessage
recoverTypedMessage: <T extends MessageTypes>( msgParams: SignedMsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>, version?: Version) => string;
function recoverTypedSignature
recoverTypedSignature: <T extends MessageTypes>( msgParams: SignedMsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function recoverTypedSignature_v4
recoverTypedSignature_v4: <T extends MessageTypes>( msgParams: SignedMsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function recoverTypedSignatureLegacy
recoverTypedSignatureLegacy: <T extends MessageTypes>( msgParams: SignedMsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function signTypedData
signTypedData: <T extends MessageTypes>( privateKey: Buffer, msgParams: MsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function signTypedData_v4
signTypedData_v4: <T extends MessageTypes>( privateKey: Buffer, msgParams: MsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function signTypedDataLegacy
signTypedDataLegacy: <T extends MessageTypes>( privateKey: Buffer, msgParams: MsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>) => string;
function signTypedMessage
signTypedMessage: <T extends MessageTypes>( privateKey: Buffer, msgParams: MsgParams<TypedData | TypedMessage<T>>, version?: Version) => string;
A generic entry point for all typed data methods to be passed, includes a version parameter.
function typedSignatureHash
typedSignatureHash: (typedData: EIP712TypedData[]) => string;
interface EthEncryptedData
interface EthEncryptedData {}
property ciphertext
ciphertext: string;
property ephemPublicKey
ephemPublicKey: string;
property nonce
nonce: string;
property version
version: string;
interface TypedMessage
interface TypedMessage<T extends MessageTypes> {}
property domain
domain: { name?: string; version?: string; chainId?: number; verifyingContract?: string;};
property message
message: Record<string, unknown>;
property primaryType
primaryType: keyof T;
property types
types: T;
Type Aliases
type SignedMsgParams
type SignedMsgParams<D> = Required<MsgParams<D>>;
type TypedData
type TypedData = string | EIP712TypedData | EIP712TypedData[];
type Version
type Version = 'V1' | 'V2' | 'V3' | 'V4';
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