
  • Version 16.4.7
  • Published
  • 75.8 kB
  • No dependencies
  • BSD-2-Clause license


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Loads environment variables from .env file



function config

config: (options?: DotenvConfigOptions) => DotenvConfigOutput;
  • Loads .env file contents into process.env by default. If DOTENV_KEY is present, it smartly attempts to load encrypted .env.vault file contents into process.env.


    Parameter options

    additional options. example: { path: './custom/path', encoding: 'latin1', debug: true, override: false }


    an object with a parsed key if successful or error key if an error occurred. example: { parsed: { KEY: 'value' } }

function configDotenv

configDotenv: (options?: DotenvConfigOptions) => DotenvConfigOutput;
  • Loads .env file contents into process.env.


    Parameter options

    additional options. example: { path: './custom/path', encoding: 'latin1', debug: true, override: false }


    an object with a parsed key if successful or error key if an error occurred. example: { parsed: { KEY: 'value' } }

function decrypt

decrypt: (encrypted: string, keyStr: string) => string;
  • Decrypt ciphertext


    Parameter encrypted

    the encrypted ciphertext string

    Parameter keyStr

    the decryption key string



function parse

parse: <T extends DotenvParseOutput = DotenvParseOutput>(
src: string | Buffer
) => T;
  • Parses a string or buffer in the .env file format into an object.


    Parameter src

    contents to be parsed. example: 'DB_HOST=localhost'


    an object with keys and values based on src. example: { DB_HOST : 'localhost' }

function populate

populate: (
processEnv: DotenvPopulateInput,
parsed: DotenvPopulateInput,
options?: DotenvConfigOptions
) => void;
  • Loads source json contents into target like process.env.


    Parameter processEnv

    the target JSON object. in most cases use process.env but you can also pass your own JSON object

    Parameter parsed

    the source JSON object

    Parameter options

    additional options. example: { debug: true, override: false }




interface DotenvConfigOptions

interface DotenvConfigOptions {}

    property debug

    debug?: boolean;
    • Default: false

      Turn on logging to help debug why certain keys or values are not being set as you expect.

      example: require('dotenv').config({ debug: process.env.DEBUG })

    property DOTENV_KEY

    DOTENV_KEY?: string;
    • Default: undefined

      Pass the DOTENV_KEY directly to config options. Defaults to looking for process.env.DOTENV_KEY environment variable. Note this only applies to decrypting .env.vault files. If passed as null or undefined, or not passed at all, dotenv falls back to its traditional job of parsing a .env file.

      example: require('dotenv').config({ DOTENV_KEY: 'dotenv://:key_1234…' })

    property encoding

    encoding?: string;
    • Default: utf8

      Specify the encoding of your file containing environment variables.

      example: require('dotenv').config({ encoding: 'latin1' })

    property override

    override?: boolean;
    • Default: false

      Override any environment variables that have already been set on your machine with values from your .env file.

      example: require('dotenv').config({ override: true })

    property path

    path?: string | string[] | URL;
    • Default: path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.env')

      Specify a custom path if your file containing environment variables is located elsewhere. Can also be an array of strings, specifying multiple paths.

      example: require('dotenv').config({ path: '/custom/path/to/.env' }) example: require('dotenv').config({ path: ['/path/to/first.env', '/path/to/second.env'] })

    property processEnv

    processEnv?: DotenvPopulateInput;
    • Default: process.env

      Specify an object to write your secrets to. Defaults to process.env environment variables.

      example: const processEnv = {}; require('dotenv').config({ processEnv: processEnv })

    interface DotenvConfigOutput

    interface DotenvConfigOutput {}

      property error

      error?: Error;

        property parsed

        parsed?: DotenvParseOutput;

          interface DotenvParseOutput

          interface DotenvParseOutput {}

            index signature

            [name: string]: string;

              interface DotenvPopulateInput

              interface DotenvPopulateInput {}

                index signature

                [name: string]: string;

                  interface DotenvPopulateOptions

                  interface DotenvPopulateOptions {}

                    property debug

                    debug?: boolean;
                    • Default: false

                      Turn on logging to help debug why certain keys or values are not being set as you expect.

                      example: require('dotenv').config({ debug: process.env.DEBUG })

                    property override

                    override?: boolean;
                    • Default: false

                      Override any environment variables that have already been set on your machine with values from your .env file.

                      example: require('dotenv').config({ override: true })

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