- Version 16.0.1
- Published
- 194 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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Drag and drop sans the GUI
- canDragSource()
- canDropOnTarget()
- didDrop()
- getClientOffset()
- getDifferenceFromInitialOffset()
- getDropResult()
- getInitialClientOffset()
- getInitialSourceClientOffset()
- getItem()
- getItemType()
- getSourceClientOffset()
- getSourceId()
- getTargetIds()
- isDragging()
- isDraggingSource()
- isOverTarget()
- isSourcePublic()
- subscribeToOffsetChange()
- subscribeToStateChange()
Type Aliases
function createDragDropManager
createDragDropManager: ( backendFactory: BackendFactory, globalContext?: unknown, backendOptions?: unknown, debugMode?: boolean) => DragDropManager;
interface Action
interface Action<Payload> {}
interface Backend
interface Backend {}
method connectDragPreview
connectDragPreview: (sourceId: any, node?: any, options?: any) => Unsubscribe;
method connectDragSource
connectDragSource: (sourceId: any, node?: any, options?: any) => Unsubscribe;
method connectDropTarget
connectDropTarget: (targetId: any, node?: any, options?: any) => Unsubscribe;
method profile
profile: () => Record<string, number>;
method setup
setup: () => void;
method teardown
teardown: () => void;
interface BeginDragOptions
interface BeginDragOptions {}
property clientOffset
clientOffset?: XYCoord;
property getSourceClientOffset
getSourceClientOffset?: (sourceId: Identifier | undefined) => XYCoord;
property publishSource
publishSource?: boolean;
interface BeginDragPayload
interface BeginDragPayload {}
property clientOffset
clientOffset: XYCoord | null;
property isSourcePublic
isSourcePublic: boolean;
property item
item: any;
property itemType
itemType: Identifier;
property sourceClientOffset
sourceClientOffset: XYCoord | null;
property sourceId
sourceId: Identifier;
interface DragDropActions
interface DragDropActions {}
method beginDrag
beginDrag: ( sourceIds?: Identifier[], options?: any) => Action<BeginDragPayload> | undefined;
method drop
drop: (options?: any) => void;
method endDrag
endDrag: () => SentinelAction;
method hover
hover: (targetIds: Identifier[], options?: any) => Action<HoverPayload>;
method publishDragSource
publishDragSource: () => SentinelAction | undefined;
interface DragDropManager
interface DragDropManager {}
method dispatch
dispatch: (action: any) => void;
method getActions
getActions: () => DragDropActions;
method getBackend
getBackend: () => Backend;
method getMonitor
getMonitor: () => DragDropMonitor;
method getRegistry
getRegistry: () => HandlerRegistry;
interface DragDropMonitor
interface DragDropMonitor {}
method canDragSource
canDragSource: (sourceId: Identifier | undefined) => boolean;
method canDropOnTarget
canDropOnTarget: (targetId: Identifier | undefined) => boolean;
method didDrop
didDrop: () => boolean;
Returns true if some drop target has handled the drop event, false otherwise. Even if a target did not return a drop result, didDrop() returns true. Use it inside endDrag() to test whether any drop target has handled the drop. Returns false if called outside endDrag().
method getClientOffset
getClientOffset: () => XYCoord | null;
Returns the last recorded { x, y } client offset of the pointer while a drag operation is in progress. Returns null if no item is being dragged.
method getDifferenceFromInitialOffset
getDifferenceFromInitialOffset: () => XYCoord | null;
Returns the { x, y } difference between the last recorded client offset of the pointer and the client offset when the current drag operation has started. Returns null if no item is being dragged.
method getDropResult
getDropResult: () => any;
Returns a plain object representing the last recorded drop result. The drop targets may optionally specify it by returning an object from their drop() methods. When a chain of drop() is dispatched for the nested targets, bottom up, any parent that explicitly returns its own result from drop() overrides the child drop result previously set by the child. Returns null if called outside endDrag().
method getInitialClientOffset
getInitialClientOffset: () => XYCoord | null;
Returns the { x, y } client offset of the pointer at the time when the current drag operation has started. Returns null if no item is being dragged.
method getInitialSourceClientOffset
getInitialSourceClientOffset: () => XYCoord | null;
Returns the { x, y } client offset of the drag source component's root DOM node at the time when the current drag operation has started. Returns null if no item is being dragged.
method getItem
getItem: () => any;
Returns a plain object representing the currently dragged item. Every drag source must specify it by returning an object from its beginDrag() method. Returns null if no item is being dragged.
method getItemType
getItemType: () => Identifier | null;
Returns a string or a symbol identifying the type of the current dragged item. Returns null if no item is being dragged.
method getSourceClientOffset
getSourceClientOffset: () => XYCoord | null;
Returns the projected { x, y } client offset of the drag source component's root DOM node, based on its position at the time when the current drag operation has started, and the movement difference. Returns null if no item is being dragged.
method getSourceId
getSourceId: () => Identifier | null;
method getTargetIds
getTargetIds: () => Identifier[];
method isDragging
isDragging: () => boolean;
Returns true if a drag operation is in progress, and either the owner initiated the drag, or its isDragging() is defined and returns true.
method isDraggingSource
isDraggingSource: (sourceId: Identifier | undefined) => boolean;
method isOverTarget
isOverTarget: ( targetId: Identifier | undefined, options?: { shallow?: boolean }) => boolean;
method isSourcePublic
isSourcePublic: () => boolean | null;
method subscribeToOffsetChange
subscribeToOffsetChange: (listener: Listener) => Unsubscribe;
method subscribeToStateChange
subscribeToStateChange: ( listener: Listener, options?: { handlerIds?: Identifier[] }) => Unsubscribe;
interface DragSource
interface DragSource {}
method beginDrag
beginDrag: (monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier) => void;
method canDrag
canDrag: (monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier) => boolean;
method endDrag
endDrag: (monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier) => void;
method isDragging
isDragging: (monitor: DragDropMonitor, targetId: Identifier) => boolean;
interface DropPayload
interface DropPayload {}
property dropResult
dropResult: any;
interface DropTarget
interface DropTarget {}
interface HandlerRegistry
interface HandlerRegistry {}
method addSource
addSource: (type: SourceType, source: DragSource) => Identifier;
method addTarget
addTarget: (type: TargetType, target: DropTarget) => Identifier;
method containsHandler
containsHandler: (handler: DragSource | DropTarget) => boolean;
method getSource
getSource: (sourceId: Identifier, includePinned?: boolean) => DragSource;
method getSourceType
getSourceType: (sourceId: Identifier) => SourceType;
method getTarget
getTarget: (targetId: Identifier) => DropTarget;
method getTargetType
getTargetType: (targetId: Identifier) => TargetType;
method isSourceId
isSourceId: (handlerId: Identifier) => boolean;
method isTargetId
isTargetId: (handlerId: Identifier) => boolean;
method pinSource
pinSource: (sourceId: Identifier) => void;
method removeSource
removeSource: (sourceId: Identifier) => void;
method removeTarget
removeTarget: (targetId: Identifier) => void;
method unpinSource
unpinSource: () => void;
interface HoverOptions
interface HoverOptions {}
property clientOffset
clientOffset?: XYCoord;
interface HoverPayload
interface HoverPayload {}
property clientOffset
clientOffset: XYCoord | null;
property targetIds
targetIds: Identifier[];
interface InitCoordsPayload
interface InitCoordsPayload {}
property clientOffset
clientOffset: XYCoord | null;
property sourceClientOffset
sourceClientOffset: XYCoord | null;
interface SentinelAction
interface SentinelAction {}
property type
type: Identifier;
interface SourceIdPayload
interface SourceIdPayload {}
property sourceId
sourceId: Identifier;
interface TargetIdPayload
interface TargetIdPayload {}
property targetId
targetId: Identifier;
enum HandlerRole
enum HandlerRole { SOURCE = 'SOURCE', TARGET = 'TARGET',}
Type Aliases
type ActionCreator
type ActionCreator<Payload> = (args: any[]) => Action<Payload>;
type BackendFactory
type BackendFactory = ( manager: DragDropManager, globalContext?: any, configuration?: any) => Backend;
type Identifier
type Identifier = string | symbol;
type Listener
type Listener = () => void;
type SourceType
type SourceType = Identifier;
type TargetType
type TargetType = Identifier | Identifier[];
type Unsubscribe
type Unsubscribe = () => void;
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