
  • Version 2.2.0
  • Published
  • 7.15 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i debounce
yarn add debounce
pnpm add debounce


Delay function calls until a set time elapses after the last invocation



Type Aliases


function debounce

debounce: <F extends AnyFunction>(
function_: F,
wait?: number,
options?: { immediate: boolean }
) => debounce.DebouncedFunction<F>;
  • Creates a debounced function that delays execution until wait milliseconds have passed since its last invocation.

    Set the immediate option to true to execute the function immediately at the start of the wait interval, preventing issues such as double-clicks on a button.

    The returned function has the following methods:

    - .isPending indicates whether the debounce delay is currently active. - .clear() cancels any scheduled executions. - .flush() if an execution is scheduled then it will be immediately executed and the timer will be cleared. - .trigger() executes the function immediately and clears the timer if it was previously set.

Type Aliases

type DebouncedFunction

type DebouncedFunction<F extends AnyFunction> = {
(...arguments_: Parameters<F>): ReturnType<F> | undefined;
readonly isPending: boolean;
clear(): void;
flush(): void;
trigger(): void;

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