
  • Version 5.6.0
  • Published
  • 1.42 MB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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CSV parsing implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` API



function parse

parse: {
(input: Buffer | string, options?: Options, callback?: Callback): Parser;
(input: any, callback?: Callback): Parser;
(options?: Options, callback?: Callback): Parser;
(callback?: Callback): Parser;


    class CsvError

    class CsvError extends Error {}


      code: CsvErrorCode,
      message: string | string[],
      options?: Options,
      ...contexts: any[]

        property code

        readonly code: CsvErrorCode;

          class Parser

          class Parser {}


            constructor(options: Options);

              property info

              readonly info: Info;

                property options

                readonly options: Options;


                  interface CastingContext

                  interface CastingContext {}

                    property column

                    readonly column: number | string;

                      property empty_lines

                      readonly empty_lines: number;

                        property error

                        readonly error: CsvError;

                          property header

                          readonly header: boolean;

                            property index

                            readonly index: number;

                              property invalid_field_length

                              readonly invalid_field_length: number;

                                property lines

                                readonly lines: number;

                                  property quoting

                                  readonly quoting: boolean;

                                    property records

                                    readonly records: number;

                                      interface Info

                                      interface Info {}

                                        property bytes

                                        readonly bytes: number;
                                        • Count of the number of processed bytes.

                                        property columns

                                        readonly columns: boolean | { name: string }[] | { disabled: true }[];
                                        • Normalized verion of options.columns when options.columns is true, boolean otherwise.

                                        property comment_lines

                                        readonly comment_lines: number;
                                        • Count the number of lines being fully commented.

                                        property empty_lines

                                        readonly empty_lines: number;
                                        • Count the number of processed empty lines.

                                        property invalid_field_length

                                        readonly invalid_field_length: number;
                                        • Number of non uniform records when relax_column_count is true.

                                        property lines

                                        readonly lines: number;
                                        • The number of lines encountered in the source dataset, start at 1 for the first line.

                                        property records

                                        readonly records: number;
                                        • Count the number of processed records.

                                        interface Options

                                        interface Options {}

                                          property auto_parse

                                          auto_parse?: boolean | CastingFunction;
                                          • If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to native types.


                                            Use cast

                                          property auto_parse_date

                                          auto_parse_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
                                          • If true, the parser will attempt to convert read data types to dates. It requires the "auto_parse" option.


                                            Use cast_date

                                          property autoParse

                                          autoParse?: boolean | CastingFunction;

                                            property autoParseDate

                                            autoParseDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;

                                              property bom

                                              bom?: boolean;
                                              • If true, detect and exclude the byte order mark (BOM) from the CSV input if present.

                                              property cast

                                              cast?: boolean | CastingFunction;
                                              • If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to native types. If a function, receive the value as first argument, a context as second argument and return a new value. More information about the context properties is available below.

                                              property cast_date

                                              cast_date?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;
                                              • If true, the parser will attempt to convert input string to dates. If a function, receive the value as argument and return a new value. It requires the "auto_parse" option. Be careful, it relies on Date.parse.

                                              property castDate

                                              castDate?: boolean | CastingDateFunction;

                                                property columns

                                                columns?: ColumnOption[] | boolean | ((record: any) => ColumnOption[]);
                                                • List of fields as an array, a user defined callback accepting the first line and returning the column names or true if autodiscovered in the first CSV line, default to null, affect the result data set in the sense that records will be objects instead of arrays.

                                                property comment

                                                comment?: string;
                                                • Treat all the characters after this one as a comment, default to '' (disabled).

                                                property comment_no_infix

                                                comment_no_infix?: boolean;
                                                • Restrict the definition of comments to a full line. Comment characters defined in the middle of the line are not interpreted as such. The option require the activation of comments.

                                                property delimiter

                                                delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer;
                                                • Set the field delimiter. One character only, defaults to comma.

                                                property encoding

                                                encoding?: BufferEncoding | undefined;
                                                • Set the source and destination encoding, a value of null returns buffer instead of strings.

                                                property escape

                                                escape?: string | null | false | Buffer;
                                                • Set the escape character, one character only, defaults to double quotes.

                                                property from

                                                from?: number;
                                                • Start handling records from the requested number of records.

                                                property from_line

                                                from_line?: number;
                                                • Start handling records from the requested line number.

                                                property fromLine

                                                fromLine?: number;

                                                  property group_columns_by_name

                                                  group_columns_by_name?: boolean;
                                                  • Convert values into an array of values when columns are activated and when multiple columns of the same name are found.

                                                  property groupColumnsByName

                                                  groupColumnsByName?: boolean;

                                                    property ignore_last_delimiters

                                                    ignore_last_delimiters?: boolean | number;
                                                    • Don't interpret delimiters as such in the last field according to the number of fields calculated from the number of columns, the option require the presence of the column option when true.

                                                    property info

                                                    info?: boolean;
                                                    • Generate two properties info and record where info is a snapshot of the info object at the time the record was created and record is the parsed array or object.

                                                    property ltrim

                                                    ltrim?: boolean;
                                                    • If true, ignore whitespace immediately following the delimiter (i.e. left-trim all fields), defaults to false. Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.

                                                    property max_record_size

                                                    max_record_size?: number;
                                                    • Maximum numer of characters to be contained in the field and line buffers before an exception is raised, used to guard against a wrong delimiter or record_delimiter, default to 128000 characters.

                                                    property maxRecordSize

                                                    maxRecordSize?: number;

                                                      property objname

                                                      objname?: string;
                                                      • Name of header-record title to name objects by.

                                                      property on_record

                                                      on_record?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;
                                                      • Alter and filter records by executing a user defined function.

                                                      property onRecord

                                                      onRecord?: (record: any, context: CastingContext) => any;

                                                        property quote

                                                        quote?: string | boolean | Buffer | null;
                                                        • Optional character surrounding a field, one character only, defaults to double quotes.

                                                        property raw

                                                        raw?: boolean;
                                                        • Generate two properties raw and row where raw is the original CSV row content and row is the parsed array or object.

                                                        property record_delimiter

                                                        record_delimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];
                                                        • One or multiple characters used to delimit record rows; defaults to auto discovery if not provided. Supported auto discovery method are Linux ("\n"), Apple ("\r") and Windows ("\r\n") row delimiters.

                                                        property recordDelimiter

                                                        recordDelimiter?: string | string[] | Buffer | Buffer[];

                                                          property relax_column_count

                                                          relax_column_count?: boolean;
                                                          • Discard inconsistent columns count, default to false.

                                                          property relax_column_count_less

                                                          relax_column_count_less?: boolean;
                                                          • Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains less fields than expected, default to false.

                                                          property relax_column_count_more

                                                          relax_column_count_more?: boolean;
                                                          • Discard inconsistent columns count when the record contains more fields than expected, default to false.

                                                          property relax_quotes

                                                          relax_quotes?: boolean;
                                                          • Preserve quotes inside unquoted field.

                                                          property relaxColumnCount

                                                          relaxColumnCount?: boolean;

                                                            property relaxColumnCountLess

                                                            relaxColumnCountLess?: boolean;

                                                              property relaxColumnCountMore

                                                              relaxColumnCountMore?: boolean;

                                                                property relaxQuotes

                                                                relaxQuotes?: boolean;

                                                                  property rtrim

                                                                  rtrim?: boolean;
                                                                  • If true, ignore whitespace immediately preceding the delimiter (i.e. right-trim all fields), defaults to false. Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.

                                                                  property skip_empty_lines

                                                                  skip_empty_lines?: boolean;
                                                                  • Dont generate empty values for empty lines. Defaults to false

                                                                  property skip_records_with_empty_values

                                                                  skip_records_with_empty_values?: boolean;
                                                                  • Don't generate records for lines containing empty column values (column matching /\s*/), defaults to false.

                                                                  property skip_records_with_error

                                                                  skip_records_with_error?: boolean;
                                                                  • Skip a line with error found inside and directly go process the next line.

                                                                  property skipEmptyLines

                                                                  skipEmptyLines?: boolean;

                                                                    property skipRecordsWithEmptyValues

                                                                    skipRecordsWithEmptyValues?: boolean;

                                                                      property skipRecordsWithError

                                                                      skipRecordsWithError?: boolean;

                                                                        property to

                                                                        to?: number;
                                                                        • Stop handling records after the requested number of records.

                                                                        property to_line

                                                                        to_line?: number;
                                                                        • Stop handling records after the requested line number.

                                                                        property toLine

                                                                        toLine?: number;

                                                                          property trim

                                                                          trim?: boolean;
                                                                          • If true, ignore whitespace immediately around the delimiter, defaults to false. Does not remove whitespace in a quoted field.

                                                                          interface Parser

                                                                          interface Parser extends stream.Transform {}

                                                                            Type Aliases

                                                                            type Callback

                                                                            type Callback = (
                                                                            err: CsvError | undefined,
                                                                            records: any | undefined,
                                                                            info: Info
                                                                            ) => void;

                                                                              type CastingDateFunction

                                                                              type CastingDateFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => Date;

                                                                                type CastingFunction

                                                                                type CastingFunction = (value: string, context: CastingContext) => any;

                                                                                  type ColumnOption

                                                                                  type ColumnOption = string | undefined | null | false | { name: string };

                                                                                    type CsvErrorCode

                                                                                    type CsvErrorCode =
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_BOM'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_CAST'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_CAST_DATE'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_COLUMNS'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_GROUP_COLUMNS_BY_NAME'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_COMMENT'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_DELIMITER'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_OPTION_ON_RECORD'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_CLOSING_QUOTE'
                                                                                    | 'INVALID_OPENING_QUOTE'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_COLUMN_MAPPING'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_ARGUMENT'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_INVALID_COLUMN_DEFINITION'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_MAX_RECORD_SIZE'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_NON_TRIMABLE_CHAR_AFTER_CLOSING_QUOTE'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_QUOTE_NOT_CLOSED'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_RECORD_INCONSISTENT_FIELDS_LENGTH'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_RECORD_INCONSISTENT_COLUMNS'
                                                                                    | 'CSV_OPTION_COLUMNS_MISSING_NAME';

                                                                                      Package Files (1)

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                                                                                      No dependencies.

                                                                                      Dev Dependencies (22)

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                                                                                      No peer dependencies.


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