
  • Version 4.0.0-rc.4
  • Published
  • 235 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i clipanion
yarn add clipanion
pnpm add clipanion


Type-safe CLI library / framework with no runtime dependencies



function formatMarkdownish

formatMarkdownish: (
text: string,
{ format, paragraphs }: { format: ColorFormat; paragraphs: boolean }
) => string;
  • Formats markdown text to be displayed to the console. Not all markdown features are supported.

    Parameter text

    The markdown text to format.


    opts.format The format to use.


    opts.paragraphs Whether to cut the text into paragraphs of 80 characters at most.

function run

run: {
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>
): Promise<number>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<number>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>
): Promise<number>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<number>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>,
argv: string[]
): Promise<number>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
argv: string[],
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<number>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>,
argv: string[]
): Promise<number>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
argv: string[],
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<number>;
  • An all-in-one helper that simultaneously instantiate a CLI and immediately executes it. All parameters are optional except the command classes and will be filled by sensible values for the current environment (for example the argv argument will default to process.argv, etc).

    Unlike runExit, this function won't set the process.exitCode value before returning.

function runExit

runExit: {
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>
): Promise<void>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<void>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>
): Promise<void>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<void>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>,
argv: string[]
): Promise<void>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
argv: string[],
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<void>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommandNoContext<Context>,
argv: string[]
): Promise<void>;
<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
options: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;
commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
argv: string[],
context: RunContext<Context>
): Promise<void>;
  • An all-in-one helper that simultaneously instantiate a CLI and immediately executes it. All parameters are optional except the command classes and will be filled by sensible values for the current environment (for example the argv argument will default to process.argv, etc).

    Just like Cli#runExit, this function will set the process.exitCode value before returning.


class Cli

class Cli<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>
implements Omit<MiniCli<Context>, `process` | `run`> {}
  • Context The context shared by all commands. Contexts are a set of values, defined when calling the run/runExit functions from the CLI instance, that will be made available to the commands via this.context.


binaryName: binaryNameOpt,
}?: Partial<
binaryLabel?: string;
binaryName: string;
binaryVersion?: string;
enableCapture: boolean;
enableColors?: boolean;

    property binaryLabel

    readonly binaryLabel?: string;

      property binaryName

      readonly binaryName: string;

        property binaryVersion

        readonly binaryVersion?: string;

          property defaultContext

          static defaultContext: {
          env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
          stdin: NodeJS.ReadStream & { fd: 0 };
          stdout: NodeJS.WriteStream & { fd: 1 };
          stderr: NodeJS.WriteStream & { fd: 2 };
          colorDepth: number;
          • The default context of the CLI.

            Contains the stdio of the current process.

          property enableCapture

          readonly enableCapture: boolean;

            property enableColors

            readonly enableColors?: boolean;

              property registrations

              protected readonly registrations: Map<
              index: number;
              builder: CommandBuilder<CliContext<Context>>;
              specs: Map<string, CommandOption<unknown>>;

                method definition

                definition: (
                commandClass: CommandClass<Context>,
                { colored }?: { colored?: boolean }
                ) => Definition | null;

                  method definitions

                  definitions: ({ colored }?: { colored?: boolean }) => Array<Definition>;

                    method error

                    error: (
                    error: Error | any,
                    }?: { colored?: boolean; command?: Command<Context> | null }
                    ) => string;

                      method format

                      format: (colored?: boolean) => ColorFormat;

                        method from

                        static from: <Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext>(
                        commandClasses: RunCommand<Context>,
                        options?: Partial<CliOptions>
                        ) => Cli<Context>;
                        • Creates a new Cli and registers all commands passed as parameters.

                          Parameter commandClasses

                          The Commands to register


                          The created Cli instance

                        method getUsageByIndex

                        protected getUsageByIndex: (
                        n: number,
                        opts?: { detailed?: boolean; inlineOptions?: boolean }
                        ) => {
                        usage: string;
                        options: {
                        preferredName: string;
                        nameSet: string[];
                        definition: string;
                        description: string;
                        required: boolean;

                          method getUsageByRegistration

                          protected getUsageByRegistration: (
                          klass: CommandClass<Context>,
                          opts?: { detailed?: boolean; inlineOptions?: boolean }
                          ) => {
                          usage: string;
                          options: {
                          preferredName: string;
                          nameSet: string[];
                          definition: string;
                          description: string;
                          required: boolean;

                            method process

                            process: {
                            (opts: ProcessOptions<Context>): Command<Context>;
                            input: string[],
                            context: VoidIfEmpty<Omit<Context, keyof BaseContext>>
                            ): Command<Context>;
                            input: string[],
                            context: MakeOptional<Context, keyof BaseContext>
                            ): Command<Context>;

                              method register

                              register: (commandClass: CommandClass<Context>) => void;
                              • Registers a command inside the CLI.

                              method run

                              run: {
                              input: Command<Context> | Array<string>,
                              context: VoidIfEmpty<Omit<Context, keyof BaseContext>>
                              ): Promise<number>;
                              input: string[] | Command<Context>,
                              context: MakeOptional<Context, keyof BaseContext>
                              ): Promise<number>;

                                method runExit

                                runExit: {
                                input: Command<Context> | Array<string>,
                                context: VoidIfEmpty<Omit<Context, keyof BaseContext>>
                                ): Promise<void>;
                                input: string[] | Command<Context>,
                                context: MakeOptional<Context, keyof BaseContext>
                                ): Promise<void>;
                                • Runs a command and exits the current process with the exit code returned by the command.

                                  Parameter input

                                  An array containing the name of the command and its arguments.

                                  Example 1


                                method usage

                                usage: (
                                command?: CommandClass<Context> | Command<Context> | null,
                                }?: { colored?: boolean; detailed?: boolean; prefix?: string }
                                ) => string;

                                  class Command

                                  abstract class Command<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext> {}
                                  • Base abstract class for CLI commands. The main thing to remember is to declare an async execute member function that will be called when the command is invoked from the CLI, and optionally a paths property to declare the set of paths under which the command should be exposed.

                                  property [`constructor`]

                                  [`constructor`]: CommandClass<Context>;

                                    property cli

                                    cli: MiniCli<Context>;
                                    • Predefined variable that will be populated with a miniature API that can be used to query Clipanion and forward commands.

                                    property context

                                    context: BaseContext;
                                    • Predefined variable that will be populated with the context of the application.

                                    property Default

                                    static Default: never[];
                                    • Just an helper to use along with the paths fields, to make it clearer that a command is the default one.

                                      Example 1

                                      class MyCommand extends Command { static paths = [Command.Default]; }

                                    property help

                                    help: boolean;
                                    • Predefined that will be set to true if -h,--help has been used, in which case Command#execute won't be called.

                                    property isOption

                                    static isOption: Symbol;
                                    • Used to detect option definitions.

                                    property path

                                    static path: never;
                                    • Defined to prevent a common typo.

                                    property path

                                    path: string[];
                                    • Predefined variable that will be populated with the path that got used to access the command currently being executed.

                                    property paths

                                    static paths?: string[][];
                                    • Paths under which the command should be exposed.

                                    property paths

                                    paths?: undefined;
                                    • Deprecated

                                      Do not use this; prefer the static paths property instead.

                                    property schema

                                    static schema?: LooseTest<{ [key: string]: unknown }>[];
                                    • Defines a schema to apply before running the execute method. The schema is expected to be generated by Typanion.

                                      See Also


                                    property tokens

                                    tokens: Token[];
                                    • Predefined variable that will be populated with the tokens found when interpreting the command line.

                                    property usage

                                    static usage?: Usage;
                                    • Contains the usage information for the command. If undefined, the command will be hidden from the general listing.

                                    method catch

                                    catch: (error: any) => Promise<void>;
                                    • Standard error handler which will simply rethrow the error. Can be used to add custom logic to handle errors from the command or simply return the parent class error handling.

                                    method execute

                                    abstract execute: () => Promise<number | void>;
                                    • Standard function that'll get executed by Cli#run and Cli#runExit.

                                      Expected to return an exit code or nothing (which Clipanion will treat as if 0 had been returned).

                                    method Usage

                                    static Usage: (usage: Usage) => Usage;
                                    • Defines the usage information for the given command.

                                    method validateAndExecute

                                    validateAndExecute: () => Promise<number>;

                                      class UsageError

                                      class UsageError extends Error {}
                                      • A generic usage error with the name UsageError.

                                        It should be used over Error only when it's the user's fault.


                                      constructor(message: string);

                                        property clipanion

                                        clipanion: ErrorMeta;


                                          interface ColorFormat

                                          interface ColorFormat {}

                                            method bold

                                            bold: (str: string) => string;

                                              method code

                                              code: (str: string) => string;

                                                method error

                                                error: (str: string) => string;

                                                  method header

                                                  header: (str: string) => string;

                                                    interface ErrorWithMeta

                                                    interface ErrorWithMeta extends Error {}
                                                    • An error with metadata telling clipanion how to print it

                                                      Errors with this metadata property will have their name and message printed, but not the stacktrace.

                                                      This should be used for errors where the message is the part that's important but the stacktrace is useless. Some examples of where this might be useful are:

                                                      - Invalid input by the user (see UsageError) - A HTTP connection fails, the user is shown "Failed To Fetch Data: Could not connect to server" without stacktrace - A command in which the user enters credentials doesn't want to show a stacktract when the user enters invalid credentials - ...

                                                    property clipanion

                                                    readonly clipanion: ErrorMeta;
                                                    • Metadata detailing how clipanion should print this error

                                                    Type Aliases

                                                    type BaseContext

                                                    type BaseContext = {
                                                    * Environment variables.
                                                    * @default
                                                    * process.env
                                                    env: Record<string, string | undefined>;
                                                    * The input stream of the CLI.
                                                    * @default
                                                    * process.stdin
                                                    stdin: Readable;
                                                    * The output stream of the CLI.
                                                    * @default
                                                    * process.stdout
                                                    stdout: Writable;
                                                    * The error stream of the CLI.
                                                    * @default
                                                    * process.stderr
                                                    stderr: Writable;
                                                    * Whether colors should be enabled.
                                                    colorDepth: number;
                                                    • The base context of the CLI.

                                                      All Contexts have to extend it.

                                                    type CliOptions

                                                    type CliOptions = Readonly<{
                                                    * The label of the binary.
                                                    * Shown at the top of the usage information.
                                                    binaryLabel?: string;
                                                    * The name of the binary.
                                                    * Included in the path and the examples of the definitions.
                                                    binaryName: string;
                                                    * The version of the binary.
                                                    * Shown at the top of the usage information.
                                                    binaryVersion?: string;
                                                    * If `true`, the Cli will hook into the process standard streams to catch
                                                    * the output produced by console.log and redirect them into the context
                                                    * streams. Note: stdin isn't captured at the moment.
                                                    * @default
                                                    * false
                                                    enableCapture: boolean;
                                                    * If `true`, the Cli will use colors in the output. If `false`, it won't.
                                                    * If `undefined`, Clipanion will infer the correct value from the env.
                                                    enableColors?: boolean;

                                                      type CommandClass

                                                      type CommandClass<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext> = {
                                                      new (): Command<Context>;
                                                      paths?: Array<Array<string>>;
                                                      schema?: Array<
                                                      [key: string]: unknown;
                                                      usage?: Usage;

                                                        type Definition

                                                        type Definition = Usage & {
                                                        * The path of the command, starting with `cli.binaryName`.
                                                        path: string;
                                                        * The detailed usage of the command.
                                                        usage: string;
                                                        * The various options registered on the command.
                                                        options: Array<{
                                                        preferredName: string;
                                                        nameSet: Array<string>;
                                                        definition: string;
                                                        description?: string;
                                                        required: boolean;
                                                        • The definition of a Command.

                                                        type ErrorMeta

                                                        type ErrorMeta =
                                                        | {
                                                        type: `none`;
                                                        | {
                                                        type: `usage`;

                                                          type RunContext

                                                          type RunContext<Context extends BaseContext = BaseContext> = Partial<
                                                          Pick<Context, keyof BaseContext>
                                                          > &

                                                            type Token

                                                            type Token = PathToken | PositionalToken | OptionToken | AssignToken | ValueToken;

                                                              type Usage

                                                              type Usage = {
                                                              * The category of the command.
                                                              * Included in the detailed usage.
                                                              category?: string;
                                                              * The short description of the command, formatted as Markdown.
                                                              * Included in the detailed usage.
                                                              description?: string;
                                                              * The extended details of the command, formatted as Markdown.
                                                              * Included in the detailed usage.
                                                              details?: string;
                                                              * Examples of the command represented as an Array of tuples.
                                                              * The first element of the tuple represents the description of the example.
                                                              * The second element of the tuple represents the command of the example.
                                                              * If present, the leading `$0` is replaced with `cli.binaryName`.
                                                              examples?: Array<[string, string]>;
                                                              • The usage of a Command.


                                                              namespace Builtins

                                                              module 'lib/advanced/builtins/index.d.ts' {}

                                                                class DefinitionsCommand

                                                                class DefinitionsCommand extends Command<any> {}
                                                                • A command that prints the clipanion definitions.

                                                                property paths

                                                                static paths: string[][];

                                                                  method execute

                                                                  execute: () => Promise<void>;

                                                                    class HelpCommand

                                                                    class HelpCommand extends Command<any> {}
                                                                    • A command that prints the usage of all commands.

                                                                      Paths: -h, --help

                                                                    property paths

                                                                    static paths: string[][];

                                                                      method execute

                                                                      execute: () => Promise<void>;

                                                                        class TokensCommand

                                                                        class TokensCommand extends Command<any> {}
                                                                        • A command that prints the clipanion tokens.

                                                                        property args

                                                                        args: string[];

                                                                          property paths

                                                                          static paths: string[][];

                                                                            method execute

                                                                            execute: () => Promise<void>;

                                                                              class VersionCommand

                                                                              class VersionCommand extends Command<any> {}
                                                                              • A command that prints the version of the binary (cli.binaryVersion).

                                                                                Paths: -v, --version

                                                                              property paths

                                                                              static paths: string[][];

                                                                                method execute

                                                                                execute: () => Promise<void>;

                                                                                  namespace Option

                                                                                  module 'lib/advanced/options/index.d.ts' {}

                                                                                    variable isOptionSymbol

                                                                                    const isOptionSymbol: Symbol;

                                                                                      function applyValidator

                                                                                      applyValidator: <U, V>(
                                                                                      name: string,
                                                                                      value: U,
                                                                                      validator?: StrictValidator<unknown, V>
                                                                                      ) => U;

                                                                                        function Array

                                                                                        Array: {
                                                                                        <T extends {} = string, Arity extends number = 1>(
                                                                                        descriptor: string,
                                                                                        opts: ArrayFlags<T, Arity> & { required: true }
                                                                                        ): CommandOptionReturn<Array<WithArity<T, Arity>>>;
                                                                                        <T extends {} = string, Arity extends number = 1>(
                                                                                        descriptor: string,
                                                                                        opts?: ArrayFlags<T, Arity>
                                                                                        ): WithArity<T, Arity>[];
                                                                                        <T extends {} = string, Arity extends number = 1>(
                                                                                        descriptor: string,
                                                                                        initialValue: (Arity extends 0
                                                                                        ? boolean
                                                                                        : Arity extends 1
                                                                                        ? string
                                                                                        : number extends Arity
                                                                                        ? string | boolean | Tuple<string, Arity>
                                                                                        : Tuple<string, Arity>)[],
                                                                                        opts?: Omit<ArrayFlags<T, Arity>, 'required'>
                                                                                        ): WithArity<T, Arity>[];
                                                                                        • Used to annotate array options. Such options will be strings unless they are provided a schema, which will then be used for coercion.

                                                                                          Example 1

                                                                                          --foo hello --foo bar ► {"foo": ["hello", "world"]}

                                                                                        function Boolean

                                                                                        Boolean: {
                                                                                        descriptor: string,
                                                                                        opts: BooleanFlags & { required: true }
                                                                                        ): CommandOptionReturn<boolean>;
                                                                                        (descriptor: string, opts?: GeneralOptionFlags): boolean;
                                                                                        descriptor: string,
                                                                                        initialValue: boolean,
                                                                                        opts?: Omit<GeneralOptionFlags, 'required'>
                                                                                        ): boolean;
                                                                                        • Used to annotate boolean options.

                                                                                          Example 1

                                                                                          --foo --no-bar ► {"foo": true, "bar": false}

                                                                                        function cleanValidationError

                                                                                        cleanValidationError: (
                                                                                        message: string,
                                                                                        { mergeName }?: { mergeName?: boolean }
                                                                                        ) => string;

                                                                                          function Counter

                                                                                          Counter: {
                                                                                          descriptor: string,
                                                                                          opts: CounterFlags & { required: true }
                                                                                          ): CommandOptionReturn<number>;
                                                                                          (descriptor: string, opts?: GeneralOptionFlags): number;
                                                                                          descriptor: string,
                                                                                          initialValue: number,
                                                                                          opts?: Omit<GeneralOptionFlags, 'required'>
                                                                                          ): number;
                                                                                          • Used to annotate options whose repeated values are aggregated into a single number.

                                                                                            Example 1

                                                                                            -vvvvv ► {"v": 5}

                                                                                          function formatError

                                                                                          formatError: (message: string, errors: Array<string>) => UsageError;

                                                                                            function makeCommandOption

                                                                                            makeCommandOption: <T>(spec: Omit<CommandOption<T>, typeof isOptionSymbol>) => T;

                                                                                              function Proxy

                                                                                              Proxy: (opts?: ProxyFlags) => string[];
                                                                                              • Used to annotate that the command wants to retrieve all trailing arguments that cannot be tied to a declared option.

                                                                                                Be careful: this function is order-dependent! Make sure to define it after any positional argument you want to declare.

                                                                                                This function is mutually exclusive with Option.Rest.

                                                                                                Example 1

                                                                                                yarn run foo hello --foo=bar world ► proxy = ["hello", "--foo=bar", "world"]

                                                                                              function rerouteArguments

                                                                                              rerouteArguments: {
                                                                                              <A, B>(a: A | B, b: B): [Exclude<A, B>, B];
                                                                                              <A, B>(a: A | B, b: B): [Exclude<A, B>, B];

                                                                                                function Rest

                                                                                                Rest: (opts?: RestFlags) => string[];
                                                                                                • Used to annotate that the command supports any number of positional arguments.

                                                                                                  Be careful: this function is order-dependent! Make sure to define it after any positional argument you want to declare.

                                                                                                  This function is mutually exclusive with Option.Proxy.

                                                                                                  Example 1

                                                                                                  yarn add hello world ► rest = ["hello", "world"]

                                                                                                function String

                                                                                                String: {
                                                                                                (): CommandOptionReturn<string>;
                                                                                                <T = string>(opts: StringPositionalFlags<T> & { required: false }): T;
                                                                                                <T = string>(opts: StringPositionalFlags<T>): T;
                                                                                                <T extends {} = string, Arity extends number = 1>(
                                                                                                descriptor: string,
                                                                                                opts: GeneralOptionFlags & {
                                                                                                env?: string;
                                                                                                validator?: StrictValidator<unknown, T>;
                                                                                                tolerateBoolean?: false;
                                                                                                arity?: Arity;
                                                                                                } & { required: true }
                                                                                                ): WithArity<T, Arity>;
                                                                                                <T extends {} = string, Arity extends number = 1>(
                                                                                                descriptor: string,
                                                                                                opts?: StringOptionNoBoolean<T, Arity>
                                                                                                ): WithArity<T, Arity>;
                                                                                                <T extends {} = string, Arity extends number = 1>(
                                                                                                descriptor: string,
                                                                                                initialValue: Arity extends 0
                                                                                                ? boolean
                                                                                                : Arity extends 1
                                                                                                ? string
                                                                                                : number extends Arity
                                                                                                ? string | boolean | Tuple<string, Arity>
                                                                                                : Tuple<string, Arity>,
                                                                                                opts?: Omit<StringOptionNoBoolean<T, Arity>, 'required'>
                                                                                                ): WithArity<T, Arity>;
                                                                                                <T = string>(
                                                                                                descriptor: string,
                                                                                                opts: GeneralOptionFlags & {
                                                                                                env?: string;
                                                                                                validator?: StrictValidator<unknown, T>;
                                                                                                tolerateBoolean: boolean;
                                                                                                arity?: 0;
                                                                                                } & { required: true }
                                                                                                ): boolean | T;
                                                                                                <T = string>(descriptor: string, opts: StringOptionTolerateBoolean<T>):
                                                                                                | boolean
                                                                                                | T;
                                                                                                <T = string>(
                                                                                                descriptor: string,
                                                                                                initialValue: string | boolean,
                                                                                                opts: Omit<StringOptionTolerateBoolean<T>, 'required'>
                                                                                                ): boolean | T;
                                                                                                • Used to annotate positional options. Such options will be strings unless they are provided a schema, which will then be used for coercion.

                                                                                                  Be careful: this function is order-dependent! Make sure to define your positional options in the same order you expect to find them on the command line.

                                                                                                • Used to annotate string options. Such options will be typed as strings unless they are provided a schema, which will then be used for coercion.

                                                                                                  Example 1

                                                                                                  --foo=hello --bar world ► {"foo": "hello", "bar": "world"}

                                                                                                type ArrayFlags

                                                                                                type ArrayFlags<T, Arity extends number = 1> = GeneralOptionFlags & {
                                                                                                arity?: Arity;
                                                                                                validator?: StrictValidator<unknown, Array<T>>;

                                                                                                  type BooleanFlags

                                                                                                  type BooleanFlags = GeneralOptionFlags;

                                                                                                    type CommandOption

                                                                                                    type CommandOption<T> = {
                                                                                                    [isOptionSymbol]: true;
                                                                                                    definition: <Context extends BaseContext>(
                                                                                                    builder: CommandBuilder<CliContext<Context>>,
                                                                                                    key: string
                                                                                                    ) => void;
                                                                                                    transformer: <Context extends BaseContext>(
                                                                                                    builder: CommandBuilder<CliContext<Context>>,
                                                                                                    key: string,
                                                                                                    state: RunState,
                                                                                                    context: Context
                                                                                                    ) => T;

                                                                                                      type CommandOptionReturn

                                                                                                      type CommandOptionReturn<T> = T;

                                                                                                        type CounterFlags

                                                                                                        type CounterFlags = GeneralOptionFlags;

                                                                                                          type GeneralOptionFlags

                                                                                                          type GeneralOptionFlags = {
                                                                                                          description?: string;
                                                                                                          hidden?: boolean;
                                                                                                          required?: boolean;

                                                                                                            type ProxyFlags

                                                                                                            type ProxyFlags = {
                                                                                                            name?: string;
                                                                                                            required?: number;

                                                                                                              type RestFlags

                                                                                                              type RestFlags = {
                                                                                                              name?: string;
                                                                                                              required?: number;

                                                                                                                type StringOption

                                                                                                                type StringOption<T> = StringOptionNoBoolean<T> | StringOptionTolerateBoolean<T>;

                                                                                                                  type StringOptionNoBoolean

                                                                                                                  type StringOptionNoBoolean<T, Arity extends number = 1> = GeneralOptionFlags & {
                                                                                                                  env?: string;
                                                                                                                  validator?: StrictValidator<unknown, T>;
                                                                                                                  tolerateBoolean?: false;
                                                                                                                  arity?: Arity;

                                                                                                                    type StringOptionTolerateBoolean

                                                                                                                    type StringOptionTolerateBoolean<T> = GeneralOptionFlags & {
                                                                                                                    env?: string;
                                                                                                                    validator?: StrictValidator<unknown, T>;
                                                                                                                    tolerateBoolean: boolean;
                                                                                                                    arity?: 0;

                                                                                                                      type StringPositionalFlags

                                                                                                                      type StringPositionalFlags<T> = {
                                                                                                                      validator?: StrictValidator<unknown, T>;
                                                                                                                      name?: string;
                                                                                                                      required?: boolean;

                                                                                                                        type Tuple

                                                                                                                        type Tuple<Type, Arity extends number> = Arity extends Arity
                                                                                                                        ? number extends Arity
                                                                                                                        ? Array<Type>
                                                                                                                        : TupleOf<Type, Arity, []>
                                                                                                                        : never;

                                                                                                                          type TupleOf

                                                                                                                          type TupleOf<
                                                                                                                          Arity extends number,
                                                                                                                          Accumulator extends Array<Type>
                                                                                                                          > = Accumulator['length'] extends Arity
                                                                                                                          ? Accumulator
                                                                                                                          : TupleOf<Type, Arity, [Type, ...Accumulator]>;

                                                                                                                            type WithArity

                                                                                                                            type WithArity<
                                                                                                                            Type extends {
                                                                                                                            length?: number;
                                                                                                                            Arity extends number
                                                                                                                            > = number extends Type['length']
                                                                                                                            ? Arity extends 0
                                                                                                                            ? boolean
                                                                                                                            : Arity extends 1
                                                                                                                            ? Type
                                                                                                                            : number extends Arity
                                                                                                                            ? boolean | Type | Tuple<Type, Arity>
                                                                                                                            : Tuple<Type, Arity>
                                                                                                                            : Type;

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