
  • Version 5.4.4
  • Published
  • 35.9 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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Transform a string between `camelCase`, `PascalCase`, `Capital Case`, `snake_case`, `kebab-case`, `CONSTANT_CASE` and others



function camelCase

camelCase: (input: string, options?: PascalCaseOptions) => string;
  • Convert a string to camel case (fooBar).

function capitalCase

capitalCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to capital case (Foo Bar).

function constantCase

constantCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to constant case (FOO_BAR).

function dotCase

dotCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to dot case (

function kebabCase

kebabCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to kebab case (foo-bar).

function noCase

noCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to space separated lower case (foo bar).

function pascalCase

pascalCase: (input: string, options?: PascalCaseOptions) => string;
  • Convert a string to pascal case (FooBar).

function pascalSnakeCase

pascalSnakeCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to pascal snake case (Foo_Bar).

function pathCase

pathCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to path case (foo/bar).

function sentenceCase

sentenceCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to path case (Foo bar).

function snakeCase

snakeCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to snake case (foo_bar).

function split

split: (value: string) => string[];
  • Split any cased input strings into an array of words.

function splitSeparateNumbers

splitSeparateNumbers: (value: string) => string[];
  • Split the input string into an array of words, separating numbers.

function trainCase

trainCase: (input: string, options?: Options) => string;
  • Convert a string to header case (Foo-Bar).


interface Options

interface Options {}
  • Options used for converting strings to any case.

property delimiter

delimiter?: string;

    property locale

    locale?: Locale;

      property prefixCharacters

      prefixCharacters?: string;

        property separateNumbers

        separateNumbers?: boolean;
        • Deprecated

          Pass split: splitSeparateNumbers instead.

        property split

        split?: (value: string) => string[];

          property suffixCharacters

          suffixCharacters?: string;

            interface PascalCaseOptions

            interface PascalCaseOptions extends Options {}
            • Options used for converting strings to pascal/camel case.

            property mergeAmbiguousCharacters

            mergeAmbiguousCharacters?: boolean;

              Type Aliases

              type Locale

              type Locale = string[] | string | false | undefined;
              • Supported locale values. Use false to ignore locale. Defaults to undefined, which uses the host environment.

              Package Files (1)

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              No peer dependencies.


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