
  • Version 4.1.0
  • Published
  • 2.12 MB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i autolinker
yarn add autolinker
pnpm add autolinker


Utility to automatically link the URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, hashtags, and mentions (Twitter, Instagram) in a given block of text/HTML





Type Aliases


function excludeUnbalancedTrailingBracesAndPunctuation

excludeUnbalancedTrailingBracesAndPunctuation: (matchedText: string) => string;
  • Determines if a match found has unmatched closing parenthesis, square brackets or curly brackets. If so, these unbalanced symbol(s) will be removed from the URL match itself.

    A match may have an extra closing parenthesis/square brackets/curly brackets at the end of the match because these are valid URL path characters. For example, "" should be auto-linked.

    However, an extra parenthesis *will* be included when the URL itself is wrapped in parenthesis, such as in the case of:


    In this case, the last closing parenthesis should *not* be part of the URL itself, and this method will exclude it from the returned URL.

    For square brackets in URLs such as in PHP arrays, the same behavior as parenthesis discussed above should happen:


    The very last closing square bracket should not be part of the URL itself, and therefore this method will remove it.

    Parameter matchedText

    The full matched URL/email/hashtag/etc. from the state machine parser. The updated matched text with extraneous suffix characters removed.

function parseMatches

parseMatches: (text: string, args: ParseMatchesArgs) => Match[];
  • Parses URL, email, twitter, mention, and hashtag matches from the given text.


class AbstractMatch

abstract class AbstractMatch {}
  • Autolinker.match.AbstractMatch

    Represents a match found in an input string which should be Autolinked. A Match object is what is provided in a , and may be used to query for details about the match.

    For example:

    var input = "..."; // string with URLs, Email Addresses, and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud)

    var linkedText = input, { replaceFn : function( match ) { console.log( "href = ", match.getAnchorHref() ); console.log( "text = ", match.getAnchorText() );

    switch( match.getType() ) { case 'url' : console.log( "url: ", match.getUrl() );

    case 'email' : console.log( "email: ", match.getEmail() );

    case 'mention' : console.log( "mention: ", match.getMention() ); } } } );

    See the Autolinker class for more details on using the .


constructor(cfg: AbstractMatchConfig);
  • Autolinker.match.Match constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration properties for the Match instance, specified in an Object (map).

property matchedText

protected readonly matchedText: string;

property type

abstract readonly type: MatchType;
  • {'url'/'email'/'hashtag'/'mention'/'phone'} type

    A string name for the type of match that this class represents. Can be used in a TypeScript discriminating union to type-narrow from the Match type.


    • @public

method buildTag

buildTag: () => HtmlTag;
  • Builds and returns an Autolinker.HtmlTag instance based on the Match.

    This can be used to easily generate anchor tags from matches, and either return their HTML string, or modify them before doing so.

    Example Usage:

    var tag = match.buildTag(); tag.addClass( 'cordova-link' ); tag.setAttr( 'target', '_system' );

    tag.toAnchorString(); // Google

    Example Usage in Autolinker#replaceFn:

    var html = "Test", { replaceFn : function( match ) { var tag = match.buildTag(); // returns an Autolinker.HtmlTag instance tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );

    return tag; } } );

    // generated html: // Test

method getAnchorHref

abstract getAnchorHref: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.


method getAnchorText

abstract getAnchorText: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.


method getCssClassSuffixes

getCssClassSuffixes: () => string[];
  • Returns the CSS class suffix(es) for this match.

    A CSS class suffix is appended to the Autolinker#className in the Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder when a match is translated into an anchor tag.

    For example, if Autolinker#className was configured as 'myLink', and this method returns [ 'url' ], the final class name of the element will become: 'myLink myLink-url'.

    The match may provide multiple CSS class suffixes to be appended to the Autolinker#className in order to facilitate better styling options for different match criteria. See Autolinker.match.Mention for an example.

    By default, this method returns a single array with the match's name, but may be overridden by subclasses.


method getMatchedText

getMatchedText: () => string;
  • Returns the original text that was matched.


method getOffset

getOffset: () => number;
  • Returns the offset of where the match was made in the input string. This is the 0-based index of the match.


method getType

abstract getType: () => MatchType;
  • Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.


    Use instead which can assist in type-narrowing for TypeScript. {String}

method setOffset

setOffset: (offset: number) => void;
  • Sets the of where the match was made in the input string.

    A Autolinker.matcher.Matcher will be fed only HTML text nodes, and will therefore set an original offset that is relative to the HTML text node itself. However, we want this offset to be relative to the full HTML input string, and thus if using Autolinker#parse (rather than calling a Autolinker.matcher.Matcher directly), then this offset is corrected after the Matcher itself has done its job.

    Parameter offset

class AnchorTagBuilder

class AnchorTagBuilder {}
  • Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder Object

    Builds anchor (<a>) tags for the Autolinker utility when a match is found.

    Normally this class is instantiated, configured, and used internally by an Autolinker instance, but may actually be used indirectly in a to create instances which may be modified before returning from the . For example:

    var html = "Test", { replaceFn : function( match ) { var tag = match.buildTag(); // returns an Autolinker.HtmlTag instance tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );

    return tag; } } );

    // generated html: // Test


constructor(cfg?: AnchorTagBuilderCfg);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration options for the AnchorTagBuilder instance, specified in an Object (map).

method build

build: (match: AbstractMatch) => HtmlTag;
  • Generates the actual anchor (<a>) tag to use in place of the matched text, via its match object.

    Parameter match

    The Match instance to generate an anchor tag from. The HtmlTag instance for the anchor tag.

method createAttrs

protected createAttrs: (match: AbstractMatch) => { [attrName: string]: string };
  • Creates the Object (map) of the HTML attributes for the anchor (<a>) tag being generated.

    Parameter match

    The Match instance to generate an anchor tag from. A key/value Object (map) of the anchor tag's attributes.

method createCssClass

protected createCssClass: (match: AbstractMatch) => string;
  • Creates the CSS class that will be used for a given anchor tag, based on the matchType and the config.

    Example returns:

    - "" // no - "myLink myLink-url" // url match - "myLink myLink-email" // email match - "myLink myLink-phone" // phone match - "myLink myLink-hashtag" // hashtag match - "myLink myLink-mention myLink-twitter" // mention match with Twitter service

    Parameter match

    The Match instance to generate an anchor tag from. The CSS class string for the link. Example return: "myLink myLink-url". If no was configured, returns an empty string.

class Autolinker

class Autolinker {}
  • Autolinker Object

    Utility class used to process a given string of text, and wrap the matches in the appropriate anchor (<a>) tags to turn them into links.

    Any of the configuration options may be provided in an Object provided to the Autolinker constructor, which will configure how the method will process the links.

    For example:

    var autolinker = new Autolinker( { newWindow : false, truncate : 30 } );

    var html = "Joe went to" ); // produces: 'Joe went to'

    The method may also be used to inline options into a single call, which may be more convenient for one-off uses. For example:

    var html = "Joe went to", { newWindow : false, truncate : 30 } ); // produces: 'Joe went to'

    ## Custom Replacements of Links

    If the configuration options do not provide enough flexibility, a may be provided to fully customize the output of Autolinker. This function is called once for each URL/Email/Phone#/Hashtag/Mention (Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud) match that is encountered.

    For example:

    var input = "..."; // string with URLs, Email Addresses, Phone #s, Hashtags, and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud)

    var linkedText = input, { replaceFn : function( match ) { console.log( "href = ", match.getAnchorHref() ); console.log( "text = ", match.getAnchorText() );

    switch( match.getType() ) { case 'url' : console.log( "url: ", match.getUrl() );

    if( match.getUrl().indexOf( '' ) === -1 ) { var tag = match.buildTag(); // returns an Autolinker.HtmlTag instance, which provides mutator methods for easy changes tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' ); tag.addClass( 'external-link' );

    return tag;

    } else { return true; // let Autolinker perform its normal anchor tag replacement }

    case 'email' : var email = match.getEmail(); console.log( "email: ", email );

    if( email === "my@own.address" ) { return false; // don't auto-link this particular email address; leave as-is } else { return; // no return value will have Autolinker perform its normal anchor tag replacement (same as returning true) }

    case 'phone' : var phoneNumber = match.getPhoneNumber(); console.log( phoneNumber );

    return '' + phoneNumber + '';

    case 'hashtag' : var hashtag = match.getHashtag(); console.log( hashtag );

    return '' + hashtag + '';

    case 'mention' : var mention = match.getMention(); console.log( mention );

    return '' + mention + ''; } } } );

    The function may return the following values:

    - true (Boolean): Allow Autolinker to replace the match as it normally would. - false (Boolean): Do not replace the current match at all - leave as-is. - Any String: If a string is returned from the function, the string will be used directly as the replacement HTML for the match. - An Autolinker.HtmlTag instance, which can be used to build/modify an HTML tag before writing out its HTML text.


constructor(cfg?: AutolinkerConfig);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration options for the Autolinker instance, specified in an Object (map).

property version

static readonly version: string;
  • {String} version

    The Autolinker version number in the form major.minor.patch

    Ex: 3.15.0

property version

readonly version: string;
  • The Autolinker version number exposed on the instance itself.

    Ex: 0.25.1

    {String} version

static link: (textOrHtml: string, options?: AutolinkerConfig) => string;
  • Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone Numbers, Twitter handles, Hashtags, and Mentions found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link URLs found within HTML tags.

    For instance, if given the text: You should go to, then the result will be You should go to <a href=""></a>


    var linkedText = "Go to", { newWindow: false } ); // Produces: "Go to"

    Parameter textOrHtml

    The HTML or text to find matches within (depending on if the , , , , , and options are enabled).

    Parameter options

    Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker class, specified in an Object (map). See the class description for an example call. {String} The HTML text, with matches automatically linked.

  • Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone numbers, Hashtags, and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud) found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link URLs found within HTML tags.

    For instance, if given the text: You should go to, then the result will be `You should go to <a href=""></a>`

    This method finds the text around any HTML elements in the input textOrHtml, which will be the text that is processed. Any original HTML elements will be left as-is, as well as the text that is already wrapped in anchor (<a>) tags.

    Parameter textOrHtml

    The HTML or text to autolink matches within (depending on if the , , , , and options are enabled). {String} The HTML, with matches automatically linked.

method parse

static parse: (textOrHtml: string, options: AutolinkerConfig) => Match[];
  • Parses the input textOrHtml looking for URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of Autolinker.match.Match objects describing those matches (without making any replacements).

    Note that if parsing multiple pieces of text, it is slightly more efficient to create an Autolinker instance, and use the instance-level method.


    var matches = Autolinker.parse( "Hello, I am", { urls: true, email: true } );

    console.log( matches.length ); // 2 console.log( matches[ 0 ].getType() ); // 'url' console.log( matches[ 0 ].getUrl() ); // '' console.log( matches[ 1 ].getType() ); // 'email' console.log( matches[ 1 ].getEmail() ); // ''

    Parameter textOrHtml

    The HTML or text to find matches within (depending on if the , , , , and options are enabled).

    Parameter options

    Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker class, specified in an Object (map). See the class description for an example call. {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the given input textOrHtml.

  • Parses the input textOrHtml looking for URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of Autolinker.match.Match objects describing those matches (without making any replacements).

    This method is used by the method, but can also be used to simply do parsing of the input in order to discover what kinds of links there are and how many.

    Example usage:

    var autolinker = new Autolinker( { urls: true, email: true } );

    var matches = autolinker.parse( "Hello, I am" );

    console.log( matches.length ); // 2 console.log( matches[ 0 ].getType() ); // 'url' console.log( matches[ 0 ].getUrl() ); // '' console.log( matches[ 1 ].getType() ); // 'email' console.log( matches[ 1 ].getEmail() ); // ''

    Parameter textOrHtml

    The HTML or text to find matches within (depending on if the , , , , and options are enabled). {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the given input textOrHtml.

class EmailMatch

class EmailMatch extends AbstractMatch {}
  • Autolinker.match.Email Autolinker.match.AbstractMatch

    Represents a Email match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.

    See this class's superclass (Autolinker.match.Match) for more details.


constructor(cfg: EmailMatchConfig);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration properties for the Match instance, specified in an Object (map).

property type

readonly type: string;
  • {'email'} type

    A string name for the type of match that this class represents. Can be used in a TypeScript discriminating union to type-narrow from the Match type.


    • @public

method getAnchorHref

getAnchorHref: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.


method getAnchorText

getAnchorText: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.


method getEmail

getEmail: () => string;
  • Returns the email address that was matched.


method getType

getType: () => 'email';
  • Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents. For the case of EmailMatch, returns 'email'.


class HashtagMatch

class HashtagMatch extends AbstractMatch {}
  • Autolinker.match.Hashtag Autolinker.match.AbstractMatch

    Represents a Hashtag match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.

    See this class's superclass (Autolinker.match.Match) for more details.


constructor(cfg: HashtagMatchConfig);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration properties for the Match instance, specified in an Object (map).

property type

readonly type: string;
  • {'hashtag'} type

    A string name for the type of match that this class represents. Can be used in a TypeScript discriminating union to type-narrow from the Match type.


    • @public

method getAnchorHref

getAnchorHref: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.


method getAnchorText

getAnchorText: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.


method getCssClassSuffixes

getCssClassSuffixes: () => string[];

method getHashtag

getHashtag: () => string;
  • Returns the matched hashtag, without the '#' character.


method getServiceName

getServiceName: () => HashtagService;
  • Returns the configured to point the HashtagMatch to. Ex: 'facebook', 'twitter'.


method getType

getType: () => 'hashtag';
  • Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents. For the case of HashtagMatch, returns 'hashtag'.


class HtmlTag

class HtmlTag {}
  • Autolinker.HtmlTag Object

    Represents an HTML tag, which can be used to easily build/modify HTML tags programmatically.

    Autolinker uses this abstraction to create HTML tags, and then write them out as strings. You may also use this class in your code, especially within a .

    ## Examples

    Example instantiation:

    var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag( { tagName : 'a', attrs : { 'href': '', 'class': 'external-link' }, innerHtml : 'Google' } );

    tag.toAnchorString(); // Google

    // Individual accessor methods tag.getTagName(); // 'a' tag.getAttr( 'href' ); // '' tag.hasClass( 'external-link' ); // true

    Using mutator methods (which may be used in combination with instantiation config properties):

    var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag(); tag.setTagName( 'a' ); tag.setAttr( 'href', '' ); tag.addClass( 'external-link' ); tag.setInnerHtml( 'Google' );

    tag.getTagName(); // 'a' tag.getAttr( 'href' ); // '' tag.hasClass( 'external-link' ); // true

    tag.toAnchorString(); // Google

    ## Example use within a

    var html = "Test", { replaceFn : function( match ) { var tag = match.buildTag(); // returns an Autolinker.HtmlTag instance, configured with the Match's href and anchor text tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );

    return tag; } } );

    // generated html: // Test

    ## Example use with a new tag for the replacement

    var html = "Test", { replaceFn : function( match ) { var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag( { tagName : 'button', attrs : { 'title': 'Load URL: ' + match.getAnchorHref() }, innerHtml : 'Load URL: ' + match.getAnchorText() } );

    return tag; } } );

    // generated html: // Test Load URL:


constructor(cfg?: HtmlTagCfg);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration properties for this class, in an Object (map)

method addClass

addClass: (cssClass: string) => this;
  • Convenience method to add one or more CSS classes to the HtmlTag. Will not add duplicate CSS classes.

    Parameter cssClass

    One or more space-separated CSS classes to add. {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method buildAttrsStr

protected buildAttrsStr: () => string;
  • Support method for , returns the string space-separated key="value" pairs, used to populate the stringified HtmlTag.

    {String} Example return: attr1="value1" attr2="value2"

method getAttr

getAttr: (attrName: string) => string;
  • Retrieves an attribute from the HtmlTag. If the attribute does not exist, returns undefined.

    Parameter attrName

    The attribute name to retrieve. {String} The attribute's value, or undefined if it does not exist on the HtmlTag.

method getAttrs

getAttrs: () => { [key: string]: string };
  • Retrieves the attributes Object (map) for the HtmlTag.

    {Object.<String, String>} A key/value object of the attributes for the HtmlTag.

method getClass

getClass: () => string;
  • Convenience method to retrieve the CSS class(es) for the HtmlTag, which will each be separated by spaces when there are multiple.


method getInnerHtml

getInnerHtml: () => string;
  • Backward compatibility method name.


method getInnerHTML

getInnerHTML: () => string;
  • Retrieves the inner HTML for the tag.


method getTagName

getTagName: () => string;
  • Retrieves the tag name.


method hasClass

hasClass: (cssClass: string) => boolean;
  • Convenience method to check if the tag has a CSS class or not.

    Parameter cssClass

    The CSS class to check for. {Boolean} true if the HtmlTag has the CSS class, false otherwise.

method removeClass

removeClass: (cssClass: string) => this;
  • Convenience method to remove one or more CSS classes from the HtmlTag.

    Parameter cssClass

    One or more space-separated CSS classes to remove. {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method setAttr

setAttr: (attrName: string, attrValue: string) => this;
  • Sets an attribute on the HtmlTag.

    Parameter attrName

    The attribute name to set.

    Parameter attrValue

    The attribute value to set. {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method setAttrs

setAttrs: (attrs: { [attr: string]: string }) => this;
  • Sets one or more attributes on the HtmlTag.

    Parameter attrs

    A key/value Object (map) of the attributes to set. {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method setClass

setClass: (cssClass: string) => this;
  • Sets the provided cssClass, overwriting any current CSS classes on the HtmlTag.

    Parameter cssClass

    One or more space-separated CSS classes to set (overwrite). {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method setInnerHtml

setInnerHtml: (html: string) => this;
  • Backwards compatibility method name.

    Parameter html

    The inner HTML to set. {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method setInnerHTML

setInnerHTML: (html: string) => this;
  • Sets the inner HTML for the tag.

    Parameter html

    The inner HTML to set. {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method setTagName

setTagName: (tagName: string) => this;
  • Sets the tag name that will be used to generate the tag with.

    Parameter tagName

    {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.

method toAnchorString

toAnchorString: () => string;
  • Generates the HTML string for the tag.


class MentionMatch

class MentionMatch extends AbstractMatch {}
  • Autolinker.match.Mention Autolinker.match.AbstractMatch

    Represents a Mention match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.

    See this class's superclass (Autolinker.match.Match) for more details.


constructor(cfg: MentionMatchConfig);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration properties for the Match instance, specified in an Object (map).

property type

readonly type: string;
  • {'mention'} type

    A string name for the type of match that this class represents. Can be used in a TypeScript discriminating union to type-narrow from the Match type.


    • @public

method getAnchorHref

getAnchorHref: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.


method getAnchorText

getAnchorText: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.


method getCssClassSuffixes

getCssClassSuffixes: () => string[];

method getMention

getMention: () => string;
  • Returns the mention, without the '@' character.


method getServiceName

getServiceName: () => MentionService;
  • Returns the configured to point the mention to. Ex: 'instagram', 'twitter', 'soundcloud'.


method getType

getType: () => 'mention';
  • Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents. For the case of MentionMatch, returns 'mention'.


class PhoneMatch

class PhoneMatch extends AbstractMatch {}
  • Autolinker.match.Phone Autolinker.match.AbstractMatch

    Represents a Phone number match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.

    See this class's superclass (Autolinker.match.Match) for more details.


constructor(cfg: PhoneMatchConfig);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration properties for the Match instance, specified in an Object (map).

property type

readonly type: string;
  • {'phone'} type

    A string name for the type of match that this class represents. Can be used in a TypeScript discriminating union to type-narrow from the Match type.


    • @public

method getAnchorHref

getAnchorHref: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.


method getAnchorText

getAnchorText: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.


method getNumber

getNumber: () => string;
  • Alias of , returns the phone number that was matched as a string, without any delimiter characters.

    Note: This is a string to allow for prefixed 0's.


method getPhoneNumber

getPhoneNumber: () => string;
  • Returns the phone number that was matched as a string, without any delimiter characters.

    Note: This is a string to allow for prefixed 0's.


method getType

getType: () => 'phone';
  • Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents. For the case of PhoneMatch, returns 'phone'.


class UrlMatch

class UrlMatch extends AbstractMatch {}
  • Autolinker.match.Url Autolinker.match.AbstractMatch

    Represents a Url match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.

    See this class's superclass (Autolinker.match.Match) for more details.


constructor(cfg: UrlMatchConfig);
  • constructor

    Parameter cfg

    The configuration properties for the Match instance, specified in an Object (map).

property type

readonly type: string;
  • {'url'} type

    A string name for the type of match that this class represents. Can be used in a TypeScript discriminating union to type-narrow from the Match type.


    • @public

method getAnchorHref

getAnchorHref: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.


method getAnchorText

getAnchorText: () => string;
  • Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.


method getType

getType: () => 'url';
  • Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents. For the case of UrlMatch, returns 'url'.


method getUrl

getUrl: () => string;
  • Returns the url that was matched, assuming the protocol to be 'http://' if the original match was missing a protocol.


method getUrlMatchType

getUrlMatchType: () => UrlMatchType;
  • Returns a string name for the type of URL match that this class represents.

    This helps to determine if the match was made in the original text with a prefixed scheme (ex: ''), a prefixed 'www' (ex: ''), or was matched by a known top-level domain (ex: '').



interface AbstractMatchConfig

interface AbstractMatchConfig {}

    property matchedText

    matchedText: string;

      property offset

      offset: number;

        property tagBuilder

        tagBuilder: AnchorTagBuilder;

          interface AnchorTagBuilderCfg

          interface AnchorTagBuilderCfg {}

            property className

            className?: string;

              property newWindow

              newWindow?: boolean;

                property truncate

                truncate?: TruncateConfigObj;

                  interface AutolinkerConfig

                  interface AutolinkerConfig {}

                    property className

                    className?: string;

                      property context

                      context?: any;

                        property decodePercentEncoding

                        decodePercentEncoding?: boolean;

                          property email

                          email?: boolean;

                            property hashtag

                            hashtag?: HashtagConfig;

                              property mention

                              mention?: MentionConfig;

                                property newWindow

                                newWindow?: boolean;

                                  property phone

                                  phone?: boolean;

                                    property replaceFn

                                    replaceFn?: ReplaceFn | null;

                                      property sanitizeHtml

                                      sanitizeHtml?: boolean;

                                        property stripPrefix

                                        stripPrefix?: StripPrefixConfig;

                                          property stripTrailingSlash

                                          stripTrailingSlash?: boolean;

                                            property truncate

                                            truncate?: TruncateConfig;

                                              property urls

                                              urls?: UrlsConfig;

                                                interface EmailMatchConfig

                                                interface EmailMatchConfig extends AbstractMatchConfig {}

                                                  property email

                                                  email: string;

                                                    interface HashtagMatchConfig

                                                    interface HashtagMatchConfig extends AbstractMatchConfig {}

                                                      property hashtag

                                                      hashtag: string;

                                                        property serviceName

                                                        serviceName: HashtagService;

                                                          interface HtmlTagCfg

                                                          interface HtmlTagCfg {}

                                                            property attrs

                                                            attrs?: {
                                                            [key: string]: string;

                                                              property innerHtml

                                                              innerHtml?: string;

                                                                property innerHTML

                                                                innerHTML?: string;

                                                                  property tagName

                                                                  tagName?: string;

                                                                    interface MentionMatchConfig

                                                                    interface MentionMatchConfig extends AbstractMatchConfig {}

                                                                      property mention

                                                                      mention: string;

                                                                        property serviceName

                                                                        serviceName: MentionService;

                                                                          interface ParseMatchesArgs

                                                                          interface ParseMatchesArgs {}

                                                                            property decodePercentEncoding

                                                                            decodePercentEncoding: boolean;

                                                                              property hashtagServiceName

                                                                              hashtagServiceName: HashtagService;

                                                                                property mentionServiceName

                                                                                mentionServiceName: MentionService;

                                                                                  property stripPrefix

                                                                                  stripPrefix: Required<StripPrefixConfigObj>;

                                                                                    property stripTrailingSlash

                                                                                    stripTrailingSlash: boolean;

                                                                                      property tagBuilder

                                                                                      tagBuilder: AnchorTagBuilder;

                                                                                        interface PhoneMatchConfig

                                                                                        interface PhoneMatchConfig extends AbstractMatchConfig {}

                                                                                          property number

                                                                                          number: string;

                                                                                            property plusSign

                                                                                            plusSign: boolean;

                                                                                              interface StripPrefixConfigObj

                                                                                              interface StripPrefixConfigObj {}

                                                                                                property scheme

                                                                                                scheme?: boolean;

                                                                                                  property www

                                                                                                  www?: boolean;

                                                                                                    interface TruncateConfigObj

                                                                                                    interface TruncateConfigObj {}

                                                                                                      property length

                                                                                                      length?: number;

                                                                                                        property location

                                                                                                        location?: 'end' | 'middle' | 'smart';

                                                                                                          interface UrlMatchConfig

                                                                                                          interface UrlMatchConfig extends AbstractMatchConfig {}

                                                                                                            property decodePercentEncoding

                                                                                                            decodePercentEncoding: boolean;

                                                                                                              property protocolRelativeMatch

                                                                                                              protocolRelativeMatch: boolean;

                                                                                                                property stripPrefix

                                                                                                                stripPrefix: Required<StripPrefixConfigObj>;

                                                                                                                  property stripTrailingSlash

                                                                                                                  stripTrailingSlash: boolean;

                                                                                                                    property url

                                                                                                                    url: string;

                                                                                                                      property urlMatchType

                                                                                                                      urlMatchType: UrlMatchType;

                                                                                                                        interface UrlsConfigObj

                                                                                                                        interface UrlsConfigObj {}

                                                                                                                          property ipV4Matches

                                                                                                                          ipV4Matches?: boolean;

                                                                                                                            property schemeMatches

                                                                                                                            schemeMatches?: boolean;

                                                                                                                              property tldMatches

                                                                                                                              tldMatches?: boolean;

                                                                                                                                Type Aliases

                                                                                                                                type HashtagConfig

                                                                                                                                type HashtagConfig = false | HashtagService;

                                                                                                                                  type Match

                                                                                                                                  type Match = EmailMatch | HashtagMatch | MentionMatch | PhoneMatch | UrlMatch;

                                                                                                                                    type MatchType

                                                                                                                                    type MatchType = 'email' | 'hashtag' | 'mention' | 'phone' | 'url';

                                                                                                                                      type MentionConfig

                                                                                                                                      type MentionConfig = false | MentionService;

                                                                                                                                        type ReplaceFn

                                                                                                                                        type ReplaceFn = (match: Match) => ReplaceFnReturn;

                                                                                                                                          type ReplaceFnReturn

                                                                                                                                          type ReplaceFnReturn = boolean | string | HtmlTag | null | undefined | void;

                                                                                                                                            type StripPrefixConfig

                                                                                                                                            type StripPrefixConfig = boolean | StripPrefixConfigObj;

                                                                                                                                              type TruncateConfig

                                                                                                                                              type TruncateConfig = number | TruncateConfigObj;

                                                                                                                                                type UrlMatchType

                                                                                                                                                type UrlMatchType = 'scheme' | 'tld' | 'ipV4';

                                                                                                                                                  type UrlsConfig

                                                                                                                                                  type UrlsConfig = boolean | UrlsConfigObj;

                                                                                                                                                    Package Files (12)

                                                                                                                                                    Dependencies (1)

                                                                                                                                                    Dev Dependencies (39)

                                                                                                                                                    Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                                                                    No peer dependencies.


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