- Version 1.8.2
- Published
- 196 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i aurelia-fetch-client
yarn add aurelia-fetch-client
pnpm add aurelia-fetch-client
A simple client based on the Fetch standard.
Type Aliases
variable retryStrategy
const retryStrategy: { fixed: 0; incremental: 1; exponential: 2; random: 3 };
function json
json: (body: any, replacer?: any) => string;
Serialize an object to JSON. Useful for easily creating JSON fetch request bodies.
Parameter body
The object to be serialized to JSON.
Parameter replacer
The JSON.stringify replacer used when serializing.
A JSON string.
class HttpClient
class HttpClient {}
An HTTP client based on the Fetch API.
Creates an instance of HttpClient.
property activeRequestCount
activeRequestCount: number;
The current number of active requests. Requests being processed by interceptors are considered active.
property baseUrl
baseUrl: string;
The base URL set by the config.
property defaults
defaults: RequestInit;
The default request init to merge with values specified at request time.
property interceptors
interceptors: Interceptor[];
The interceptors to be run during requests.
property isConfigured
isConfigured: boolean;
Indicates whether or not the client has been configured.
property isRequesting
isRequesting: boolean;
Indicates whether or not the client is currently making one or more requests.
method buildRequest
buildRequest: (input: string | Request, init: RequestInit) => Request;
method configure
configure: ( config: | RequestInit | HttpClientConfiguration | ((config: HttpClientConfiguration) => void)) => HttpClient;
Configure this client with default settings to be used by all requests.
Parameter config
A configuration object, or a function that takes a config object and configures it.
The chainable instance of this HttpClient.
method delete
delete: ( input: Request | string, body?: any, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
Calls fetch with request method set to DELETE.
Parameter input
The resource that you wish to fetch. Either a Request object, or a string containing the URL of the resource.
Parameter body
The body of the request.
Parameter init
An options object containing settings to be applied to the Request.
A Promise for the Response from the fetch request.
method fetch
fetch: (input: Request | string, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
Starts the process of fetching a resource. Default configuration parameters will be applied to the Request. The constructed Request will be passed to registered request interceptors before being sent. The Response will be passed to registered Response interceptors before it is returned.
See also
Parameter input
The resource that you wish to fetch. Either a Request object, or a string containing the URL of the resource.
Parameter init
An options object containing settings to be applied to the Request.
A Promise for the Response from the fetch request.
method get
get: (input: Request | string, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
Calls fetch as a GET request.
Parameter input
The resource that you wish to fetch. Either a Request object, or a string containing the URL of the resource.
Parameter init
An options object containing settings to be applied to the Request.
A Promise for the Response from the fetch request.
method patch
patch: ( input: Request | string, body?: any, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
Calls fetch with request method set to PATCH.
Parameter input
The resource that you wish to fetch. Either a Request object, or a string containing the URL of the resource.
Parameter body
The body of the request.
Parameter init
An options object containing settings to be applied to the Request.
A Promise for the Response from the fetch request.
method post
post: ( input: Request | string, body?: any, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
Calls fetch with request method set to POST.
Parameter input
The resource that you wish to fetch. Either a Request object, or a string containing the URL of the resource.
Parameter body
The body of the request.
Parameter init
An options object containing settings to be applied to the Request.
A Promise for the Response from the fetch request.
method put
put: ( input: Request | string, body?: any, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;
Calls fetch with request method set to PUT.
Parameter input
The resource that you wish to fetch. Either a Request object, or a string containing the URL of the resource.
Parameter body
The body of the request.
Parameter init
An options object containing settings to be applied to the Request.
A Promise for the Response from the fetch request.
class HttpClientConfiguration
class HttpClientConfiguration {}
A class for configuring HttpClients.
property baseUrl
baseUrl: string;
The base URL to be prepended to each Request's url before sending.
property defaults
defaults: RequestInit;
Default values to apply to init objects when creating Requests. Note that defaults cannot be applied when Request objects are manually created because Request provides its own defaults and discards the original init object. See also
property interceptors
interceptors: Interceptor[];
Interceptors to be added to the HttpClient.
method rejectErrorResponses
rejectErrorResponses: () => HttpClientConfiguration;
Causes Responses whose status codes fall outside the range 200-299 to reject. The fetch API only rejects on network errors or other conditions that prevent the request from completing, meaning consumers must inspect Response.ok in the Promise continuation to determine if the server responded with a success code. This method adds a response interceptor that causes Responses with error codes to be rejected, which is common behavior in HTTP client libraries.
The chainable instance of this configuration object.
method useStandardConfiguration
useStandardConfiguration: () => HttpClientConfiguration;
Applies a configuration that addresses common application needs, including configuring same-origin credentials, and using rejectErrorResponses.
The chainable instance of this configuration object.
method withBaseUrl
withBaseUrl: (baseUrl: string) => HttpClientConfiguration;
Sets the baseUrl.
Parameter baseUrl
The base URL.
The chainable instance of this configuration object.
method withDefaults
withDefaults: (defaults: RequestInit) => HttpClientConfiguration;
Sets the defaults.
Parameter defaults
The defaults.
The chainable instance of this configuration object.
method withInterceptor
withInterceptor: (interceptor: Interceptor) => HttpClientConfiguration;
Adds an interceptor to be run on all requests or responses.
Parameter interceptor
An object with request, requestError, response, or responseError methods. request and requestError act as resolve and reject handlers for the Request before it is sent. response and responseError act as resolve and reject handlers for the Response after it has been received.
The chainable instance of this configuration object.
method withRetry
withRetry: (config?: RetryConfiguration) => HttpClientConfiguration;
class RetryInterceptor
class RetryInterceptor implements Interceptor {}
constructor(retryConfig?: RetryConfiguration);
property retryConfig
retryConfig: RetryConfiguration;
method request
request: (request: Request) => Request;
method response
response: (response: Response, request?: Request) => Response;
method responseError
responseError: ( error: Response, request?: Request, httpClient?: HttpClient) => Promise<Response>;
interface Interceptor
interface Interceptor {}
Interceptors can process requests before they are sent, and responses before they are returned to callers.
property request
request?: (request: Request) => Request | Response | Promise<Request | Response>;
Called with the request before it is sent. Request interceptors can modify and return the request, or return a new one to be sent. If desired, the interceptor may return a Response in order to short-circuit the HTTP request itself.
Parameter request
The request to be sent.
The existing request, a new request or a response; or a Promise for any of these.
property requestError
requestError?: (error: any) => Request | Response | Promise<Request | Response>;
Handles errors generated by previous request interceptors. This function acts as a Promise rejection handler. It may rethrow the error to propagate the failure, or return a new Request or Response to recover.
Parameter error
The rejection value from the previous interceptor.
The existing request, a new request or a response; or a Promise for any of these.
property response
response?: ( response: Response, request?: Request) => Response | Promise<Response>;
Called with the response after it is received. Response interceptors can modify and return the Response, or create a new one to be returned to the caller.
Parameter response
The response.
The response; or a Promise for one.
property responseError
responseError?: ( error: any, request?: Request, httpClient?: HttpClient) => Response | Promise<Response>;
Handles fetch errors and errors generated by previous interceptors. This function acts as a Promise rejection handler. It may rethrow the error to propagate the failure, or return a new Response to recover.
Parameter error
The rejection value from the fetch request or from a previous interceptor.
The response; or a Promise for one.
interface RequestInit
interface RequestInit {}
The init object used to initialize a fetch Request. See
property body
body?: | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream | string | null;
Any body that you want to add to your request: this can be a Blob, BufferSource, FormData, URLSearchParams, ReadableStream, or USVString object.
Note that a request using the GET or HEAD method cannot have a body.
property cache
cache?: string;
The cache mode you want to use for the request: default, no-store, reload, no-cache, or force-cache.
property credentials
credentials?: string;
The request credentials you want to use for the request: omit, same-origin, or include. The default is omit.
In Chrome the default is same-origin before Chrome 47 and include starting with Chrome 47.
property headers
headers?: Headers | Object;
Any headers you want to add to your request, contained within a Headers object or an object literal with ByteString values.
property integrity
integrity?: string;
Contains the subresource integrity value of the request (e.g., sha256-BpfBw7ivV8q2jLiT13fxDYAe2tJllusRSZ273h2nFSE=).
property method
method?: string;
The request method, e.g., GET, POST.
property mode
mode?: string;
The mode you want to use for the request, e.g., cors, no-cors, same-origin, or navigate. The default is cors.
In Chrome the default is no-cors before Chrome 47 and same-origin starting with Chrome 47.
property redirect
redirect?: string;
The redirect mode to use: follow, error, or manual.
In Chrome the default is follow before Chrome 47 and manual starting with Chrome 47.
property referrer
referrer?: string;
A USVString specifying no-referrer, client, or a URL. The default is client.
property signal
signal?: AbortSignal | null;
An AbortSignal to set request’s signal.
interface RetryConfiguration
interface RetryConfiguration {}
property beforeRetry
beforeRetry?: ( request: Request, client: HttpClient) => Request | Promise<Request>;
property counter
counter?: number;
property doRetry
doRetry?: (response: Response, request: Request) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
property interval
interval?: number;
property maxRandomInterval
maxRandomInterval?: number;
property maxRetries
maxRetries: number;
property minRandomInterval
minRandomInterval?: number;
property requestClone
requestClone?: Request;
property strategy
strategy?: number | ((retryCount: number) => number);
Type Aliases
type ValidInterceptorMethodName
type ValidInterceptorMethodName = keyof Interceptor;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (22)
- @types/jasmine
- aurelia-pal-browser
- aurelia-polyfills
- babel-plugin-syntax-flow
- cross-env
- dts-bundle-generator
- jasmine-core
- jspm
- karma
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-coverage
- karma-jasmine
- karma-mocha-reporter
- karma-sourcemap-loader
- karma-webpack
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-typescript2
- standard-version
- ts-loader
- typescript
- webpack
- webpack-cli
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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