- Version 1.6.1
- Published
- 1.49 MB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
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A lightweight, extensible dependency injection container for JavaScript.
Type Aliases
variable resolver
const resolver: { decorates?: (key: any) => key is { get(container: Container, key: any): any };} & (() => any);
Decorator: Indicates that the decorated class/object is a custom resolver.
function all
all: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( keyValue: any) => ( target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & { inject?: TArgs[number][] }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
Decorator: Specifies the dependency should load all instances of the given key.
function autoinject
autoinject: <TPotential>( potentialTarget?: TPotential) => TPotential extends Injectable ? void : (target: Injectable) => void;
Decorator: Directs the TypeScript transpiler to write-out type metadata for the decorated class.
function factory
factory: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( keyValue: any) => ( target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & { inject?: TArgs[number][] }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
Decorator: Specifies the dependency to create a factory method, that can accept optional arguments
function getDecoratorDependencies
getDecoratorDependencies: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & { inject?: TArgs[number][] }) => TArgs[number][] | undefined;
Used by parameter decorators to call autoinject for the target and retrieve the target's inject property.
Parameter target
The target class. Returns the target's own inject property.
function inject
inject: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( TArgs[number][]) => any;
Decorator: Specifies the dependencies that should be injected by the DI Container into the decorated class/function.
function invokeAsFactory
invokeAsFactory: <TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>( potentialTarget?: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void | ((target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void);
Decorator: Specifies that the decorated item should be called as a factory function, rather than a constructor.
function invoker
invoker: <TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>( value: Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void;
Decorator: Specifies a custom Invoker for the decorated item.
function lazy
lazy: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( keyValue: any) => ( target: new (...args: TArgs) => TBase | TImpl, _key: any, index: number) => void;
Decorator: Specifies the dependency should be lazy loaded
function newInstance
newInstance: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( asKeyOrTarget?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & { inject?: TArgs[number][]; }, ...dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]) => (target: new (...args: any[]) => any, _key: any, index: number) => void;
Decorator: Specifies the dependency as a new instance. Instances can optionally be registered in the container under a different key and/or use dynamic dependencies
function optional
optional: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( checkParentOrTarget?: boolean) => ( target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & { inject?: TArgs[number][] }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
Decorator: Specifies the dependency as optional
function parent
parent: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & { inject?: TArgs[number][] }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
Decorator: Specifies the dependency to look at the parent container for resolution
function registration
registration: <TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>( value: Registration<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void;
Decorator: Specifies a custom registration strategy for the decorated class/function.
function resolve
resolve: { <K extends unknown>(key: K): ResolvedValue<K>; <K extends any[]>(...keys: K): ResolvedValue<K>;};
Resolve a key, or list of keys based on the current container.
Example 1
import { resolve } from 'aurelia-framework';// or// import { Container, resolve } from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';class MyCustomElement {someService = resolve(MyService);}
function singleton
singleton: { (registerInChild?: boolean): any; <TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>( key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, registerInChild?: boolean ): any;};
Decorator: Specifies to register the decorated item with a "singleton" lifetime.
function transient
transient: <TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>( key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void;
Decorator: Specifies to register the decorated item with a "transient" lifetime.
class All
class All< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {}
Used to allow functions/classes to specify resolution of all matches to a key.
constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
Creates an instance of the All class.
Parameter key
The key to lazily resolve all matches for.
method get
get: (container: Container) => TImpl[];
Called by the container to resolve all matching dependencies as an array of instances.
Parameter container
The container to resolve from. Returns an array of all matching instances.
method of
static of: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => All<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Creates an All Resolver for the supplied key.
Parameter key
The key to resolve all instances for. Returns an instance of All for the key.
class Container
class Container {}
A lightweight, extensible dependency injection container.
constructor(configuration?: ContainerConfiguration);
Creates an instance of Container.
Parameter configuration
Provides some configuration for the new Container instance.
property instance
static instance: Container;
The global root Container instance. Available if makeGlobal() has been called. Aurelia Framework calls makeGlobal().
property parent
parent: Container;
The parent container in the DI hierarchy.
property root
root: Container;
The root container in the DI hierarchy.
method autoRegister
autoRegister: { < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: Primitive, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ): Resolver; < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn?: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ): Resolver;};
Registers a type (constructor function) by inspecting its registration annotations. If none are found, then the default singleton registration is used.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
Parameter fn
The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be instantiated. This defaults to the key value when fn is not supplied.
method autoRegisterAll
autoRegisterAll: (fns: DependencyCtor<any, any, any>[]) => void;
Registers an array of types (constructor functions) by inspecting their registration annotations. If none are found, then the default singleton registration is used.
Parameter fns
The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be instantiated.
method createChild
createChild: () => Container;
Creates a new dependency injection container whose parent is the current container. Returns a new container instance parented to this.
method get
get: { < TBase, TResolver extends | NewInstance<TBase, Impl<TBase>, Args<TBase>> | Lazy<TBase, Impl<TBase>, Args<TBase>> | Factory<TBase, Impl<TBase>, Args<TBase>> | Optional<TBase, Impl<TBase>, Args<TBase>> | Parent<TBase, Impl<TBase>, Args<TBase>> | All<TBase, Impl<TBase>, Args<TBase>> >( key: TResolver ): ResolvedValue<TResolver>; < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ): ImplOrAny<TImpl>; < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: typeof Container ): Container;};
Resolves a single instance based on the provided key.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the object to resolve. Returns the resolved instance.
method getAll
getAll: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => ImplOrAny<TImpl>[];
Resolves all instance registered under the provided key.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the objects to resolve. Returns an array of the resolved instances.
method getResolver
getResolver: < TStrategyKey extends keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => StrategyResolver<TBase, TImpl, TArgs, TStrategyKey>;
Gets the resolver for the particular key, if it has been registered.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function. Returns the resolver, if registred, otherwise undefined.
method hasResolver
hasResolver: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, checkParent?: boolean) => boolean;
Inspects the container to determine if a particular key has been registred.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
Parameter checkParent
Indicates whether or not to check the parent container hierarchy. Returns true if the key has been registred; false otherwise.
method invoke
invoke: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dynamicDependencies?: TArgs[number][]) => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
Invokes a function, recursively resolving its dependencies.
Parameter fn
The function to invoke with the auto-resolved dependencies.
Parameter dynamicDependencies
Additional function dependencies to use during invocation. Returns the instance resulting from calling the function.
method makeGlobal
makeGlobal: () => Container;
Makes this container instance globally reachable through Container.instance.
method registerAlias
registerAlias: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( originalKey: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, aliasKey: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => Resolver;
Registers an additional key that serves as an alias to the original DI key.
Parameter originalKey
The key that originally identified the dependency; usually a constructor function.
Parameter aliasKey
An alternate key which can also be used to resolve the same dependency as the original. The resolver that was registered.
method registerHandler
registerHandler: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, handler: ( container?: Container, key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, resolver?: Resolver ) => any) => Resolver;
Registers a custom resolution function such that the container calls this function for each request to obtain the instance.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
Parameter handler
The resolution function to use when the dependency is needed. The resolver that was registered.
method registerInstance
registerInstance: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, instance?: TImpl) => Resolver;
Registers an existing object instance with the container.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
Parameter instance
The instance that will be resolved when the key is matched. This defaults to the key value when instance is not supplied. The resolver that was registered.
method registerResolver
registerResolver: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, resolver: Resolver) => Resolver;
Registers a custom resolution function such that the container calls this function for each request to obtain the instance.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
Parameter resolver
The resolver to use when the dependency is needed. The resolver that was registered.
method registerSingleton
registerSingleton: { < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: Primitive, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ): Resolver; < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn?: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ): Resolver;};
Registers a type (constructor function) such that the container always returns the same instance for each request.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
Parameter fn
The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be instantiated. This defaults to the key value when fn is not supplied. The resolver that was registered.
method registerTransient
registerTransient: { < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: Primitive, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ): Resolver; < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase> >( key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn?: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ): Resolver;};
Registers a type (constructor function) such that the container returns a new instance for each request.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
Parameter fn
The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be instantiated. This defaults to the key value when fn is not supplied. The resolver that was registered.
method setHandlerCreatedCallback
setHandlerCreatedCallback: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( onHandlerCreated: ( handler: InvocationHandler<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ) => InvocationHandler<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void;
Sets an invocation handler creation callback that will be called when new InvocationsHandlers are created (called once per Function).
Parameter onHandlerCreated
The callback to be called when an InvocationsHandler is created.
method unregister
unregister: (key: any) => void;
Unregisters based on key.
Parameter key
The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
class Factory
class Factory< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {}
Used to allow injecting dependencies but also passing data to the constructor.
constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
Creates an instance of the Factory class.
Parameter key
The key to resolve from the parent container.
method get
get: (container: Container) => DependencyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Called by the container to pass the dependencies to the constructor.
Parameter container
The container to invoke the constructor with dependencies and other parameters. Returns a function that can be invoked to resolve dependencies later, and the rest of the parameters.
method of
static of: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => Factory<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Creates a Factory Resolver for the supplied key.
Parameter key
The key to resolve. Returns an instance of Factory for the key.
class FactoryInvoker
class FactoryInvoker< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> implements Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> {}
An Invoker that is used to invoke a factory method.
property instance
static instance: FactoryInvoker<any, any, Args<any>>;
The singleton instance of the FactoryInvoker.
method invoke
invoke: ( container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dependencies: TArgs) => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
Parameter container
The calling container.
Parameter fn
The constructor or factory function.
Parameter dependencies
The dependencies of the function call. The result of the function invocation.
method invokeWithDynamicDependencies
invokeWithDynamicDependencies: ( container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, staticDependencies: TArgs[number][], dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]) => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
Parameter container
The calling container.
Parameter fn
The constructor or factory function.
Parameter staticDependencies
The static dependencies of the function.
Parameter dynamicDependencies
Additional dependencies to use during invocation. The result of the function invocation.
class InvocationHandler
class InvocationHandler< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> {}
Stores the information needed to invoke a function.
constructor( fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, invoker: Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dependencies: any[] | unknown[]);
Instantiates an InvocationDescription.
Parameter fn
The Function described by this description object.
Parameter invoker
The strategy for invoking the function.
Parameter dependencies
The static dependencies of the function call.
property dependencies
dependencies: any[] | unknown[];
The statically known dependencies of this function invocation.
property fn
fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
The function to be invoked by this handler.
property invoker
invoker: Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
The invoker implementation that will be used to actually invoke the function.
method invoke
invoke: (container: Container, dynamicDependencies?: TArgs[]) => TImpl;
Invokes the function.
Parameter container
The calling container.
Parameter dynamicDependencies
Additional dependencies to use during invocation. The result of the function invocation.
class Lazy
class Lazy< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {}
Used to allow functions/classes to specify lazy resolution logic.
constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
Creates an instance of the Lazy class.
Parameter key
The key to lazily resolve.
method get
get: (container: Container) => () => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
Called by the container to lazily resolve the dependency into a lazy locator function.
Parameter container
The container to resolve from. Returns a function which can be invoked at a later time to obtain the actual dependency.
method of
static of: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => Lazy<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Creates a Lazy Resolver for the supplied key.
Parameter key
The key to lazily resolve. Returns an instance of Lazy for the key.
class NewInstance
class NewInstance< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {}
Used to inject a new instance of a dependency, without regard for existing instances in the container. Instances can optionally be registered in the container under a different key by supplying a key using the
constructor( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, ...dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]);
Creates an instance of the NewInstance class.
Parameter key
The key to resolve/instantiate.
Parameter dynamicDependencies
An optional list of dynamic dependencies.
method as
as: (key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => this;
Instructs the NewInstance resolver to register the resolved instance using the supplied key.
Parameter key
The key to register the instance with. Returns the NewInstance resolver.
method get
get: (container: Container) => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
Called by the container to instantiate the dependency and potentially register as another key if the
method was used.Parameter container
The container to resolve the parent from. Returns the matching instance from the parent container
method of
static of: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, ...dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]) => NewInstance<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Creates an NewInstance Resolver for the supplied key.
Parameter key
The key to resolve/instantiate.
Parameter dynamicDependencies
An optional list of dynamic dependencies. Returns an instance of NewInstance for the key.
class Optional
class Optional< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {}
Used to allow functions/classes to specify an optional dependency, which will be resolved only if already registred with the container.
constructor( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, checkParent?: boolean);
Creates an instance of the Optional class.
Parameter key
The key to optionally resolve for.
Parameter checkParent
Indicates whether or not the parent container hierarchy should be checked.
method get
get: (container: Container) => TImpl | null;
Called by the container to provide optional resolution of the key.
Parameter container
The container to resolve from. Returns the instance if found; otherwise null.
method of
static of: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, checkParent?: boolean) => Optional<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Creates an Optional Resolver for the supplied key.
Parameter key
The key to optionally resolve for.
Parameter checkParent
Indicates whether or not the parent container hierarchy should be checked. Returns an instance of Optional for the key.
class Parent
class Parent< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {}
Used to inject the dependency from the parent container instead of the current one.
constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
Creates an instance of the Parent class.
Parameter key
The key to resolve from the parent container.
method get
get: (container: Container) => TImpl | null;
Called by the container to load the dependency from the parent container
Parameter container
The container to resolve the parent from. Returns the matching instance from the parent container
method of
static of: < TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>( key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => Parent<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Creates a Parent Resolver for the supplied key.
Parameter key
The key to resolve. Returns an instance of Parent for the key.
class SingletonRegistration
class SingletonRegistration< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> implements Registration<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> {}
Used to allow functions/classes to indicate that they should be registered as singletons with the container.
constructor( keyOrRegisterInChild?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, registerInChild?: boolean);
Creates an instance of SingletonRegistration.
Parameter key
The key to register as.
method registerResolver
registerResolver: ( container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => Resolver;
Called by the container to register the resolver.
Parameter container
The container the resolver is being registered with.
Parameter key
The key the resolver should be registered as.
Parameter fn
The function to create the resolver for. The resolver that was registered.
class StrategyResolver
class StrategyResolver< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>, TStrategyKey extends keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>> {}
Used to resolve instances, singletons, transients, aliases
constructor(strategy: keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, state: any);
Creates an instance of the StrategyResolver class.
Parameter strategy
The type of resolution strategy.
Parameter state
The state associated with the resolution strategy.
property state
state: any;
property strategy
strategy: keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
method get
get: ( container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => TImpl;
Called by the container to allow custom resolution of dependencies for a function/class.
Parameter container
The container to resolve from.
Parameter key
The key that the resolver was registered as. Returns the resolved object.
class TransientRegistration
class TransientRegistration< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> implements Registration<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> {}
Used to allow functions/classes to indicate that they should be registered as transients with the container.
constructor(key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
Creates an instance of TransientRegistration.
Parameter key
The key to register as.
method registerResolver
registerResolver: ( container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => Resolver;
Called by the container to register the resolver.
Parameter container
The container the resolver is being registered with.
Parameter key
The key the resolver should be registered as.
Parameter fn
The function to create the resolver for. The resolver that was registered.
interface ContainerConfiguration
interface ContainerConfiguration {}
Used to configure a Container instance.
property handlers
handlers?: Map<any, any>;
property onHandlerCreated
onHandlerCreated?: ( handler: InvocationHandler<any, any, any>) => InvocationHandler<any, any, any>;
An optional callback which will be called when any function needs an InvocationHandler created (called once per Function).
interface Invoker
interface Invoker<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> {}
A strategy for invoking a function, resulting in an object instance.
method invoke
invoke: ( container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dependencies: TArgs) => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
Parameter fn
The constructor or factory function.
Parameter dependencies
The dependencies of the function call. The result of the function invocation.
method invokeWithDynamicDependencies
invokeWithDynamicDependencies: ( container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, staticDependencies: TArgs[number][], dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]) => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
Parameter fn
The constructor or factory function.
Parameter staticDependencies
The static dependencies of the function.
Parameter dynamicDependencies
Additional dependencies to use during invocation. The result of the function invocation.
interface Registration
interface Registration< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> {}
Customizes how a particular function is resolved by the Container.
method registerResolver
registerResolver: ( container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => Resolver;
Called by the container to register the resolver.
Parameter container
The container the resolver is being registered with.
Parameter key
The key the resolver should be registered as.
Parameter fn
The function to create the resolver for. The resolver that was registered.
interface Resolver
interface Resolver {}
Used to allow functions/classes to specify custom dependency resolution logic.
method get
get: (container: Container, key: any) => any;
Called by the container to allow custom resolution of dependencies for a function/class.
Parameter container
The container to resolve from.
Parameter key
The key that the resolver was registered as. Returns the resolved object.
interface StrategyState
interface StrategyState< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {}
property [Strategy.alias]
[Strategy.alias]: any;
property [Strategy.array]
[Strategy.array]: ( | { get: ( container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> ) => TImpl; } | TImpl)[];
For typings purposes, this is done as ({ get: StrategyFunctor } | TImpl)[] But it should be understood, and used as [{ get: StrategyFunctor }, ...TImp[]]
property [Strategy.function]
[Strategy.function]: StrategyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
property [Strategy.instance]
[Strategy.instance]: TImpl;
property [Strategy.singleton]
[Strategy.singleton]: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
property [Strategy.transient]
[Strategy.transient]: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
Type Aliases
type Args
type Args<TBase> = CtorArgs<TBase> | FuncArgs<TBase>;
type CtorArgs
type CtorArgs<TBase> = TBase extends new (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? TArgs : any[];
type CtorImpl
type CtorImpl<TBase> = TBase extends new (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? Impl : any;
type DependencyCtor
type DependencyCtor< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = new (...args: TArgs) => TImpl | TBase;
type DependencyCtorOrFunctor
type DependencyCtorOrFunctor< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | DependencyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
type DependencyFunctor
type DependencyFunctor< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = (...args: TArgs) => TImpl | TBase;
type FuncArgs
type FuncArgs<TBase> = TBase extends (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? TArgs : any[];
type FuncReturns
type FuncReturns<TBase> = TBase extends (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? Impl : any;
type Impl
type Impl<TBase> = CtorImpl<TBase> | FuncReturns<TBase>;
type ImplOrAny
type ImplOrAny<TImpl> = unknown extends TImpl ? any : TImpl;
type Injectable
type Injectable = Function & { inject?: any[] | (() => any[]);};
type IStrategy
type IStrategy = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
type Primitive
type Primitive = | boolean | string | number | symbol | object | ((...args: any[]) => any) | Array<any>;
type PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor
type PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | Primitive;
type PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor
type PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = | DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | DependencyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | Primitive;
type ResolvedValue
type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends new (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : T extends abstract new (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : T extends Factory<infer R> ? (...args: unknown[]) => R : T extends Lazy<infer R> ? () => R : T extends NewInstance<infer R> ? R : T extends Optional<infer R> ? R | null : T extends All<infer R> ? R[] : T extends Parent<infer R> ? R | null : T extends [infer T1, ...infer T2] ? [ResolvedValue<T1>, ...ResolvedValue<T2>] : T;
type StrategyFunctor
type StrategyFunctor< TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = ( container?: Container, ctor?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, strategyResolver?: any) => TImpl;
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