- Version 0.31.1
- Published
- 1.71 MB
- 6 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i angular-calendar
yarn add angular-calendar
pnpm add angular-calendar
A calendar component for angular 15.0+ that can display events on a month, week or day view
- allDayEventsLabelTemplate
- beforeViewRender
- currentTimeMarkerTemplate
- dayEndHour
- dayEndMinute
- dayStartHour
- dayStartMinute
- eventActionsTemplate
- eventClicked
- events
- eventSnapSize
- eventTemplate
- eventTimesChanged
- eventTitleTemplate
- hourDuration
- hourSegmentClicked
- hourSegmentHeight
- hourSegments
- hourSegmentTemplate
- locale
- minimumEventHeight
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- refresh
- resizeCursors
- snapDraggedEvents
- tooltipAppendToBody
- tooltipDelay
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- validateEventTimesChanged
- viewDate
- activeDay
- activeDayIsOpen
- beforeViewRender
- cdr
- cellTemplate
- checkActiveDayIsOpen()
- columnHeaderClicked
- columnHeaders
- dateAdapter
- dayClicked
- emitBeforeViewRender()
- eventActionsTemplate
- eventClicked
- eventDropped()
- events
- eventTimesChanged
- eventTitleTemplate
- excludeDays
- headerTemplate
- locale
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- openDay
- openDayEventsTemplate
- openRowIndex
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- refresh
- refreshAll()
- refreshBody()
- refreshHeader()
- refreshSubscription
- toggleDayHighlight()
- tooltipAppendToBody
- tooltipDelay
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- trackByDate
- trackByRowOffset
- utils
- view
- viewDate
- weekendDays
- weekStartsOn
- allDayEventDragMove()
- allDayEventResizeEnded()
- allDayEventResizes
- allDayEventResizeStarted()
- allDayEventResizing()
- allDayEventsLabelTemplate
- beforeViewRender
- calendarId
- cdr
- currentTimeMarkerTemplate
- dateAdapter
- dateDragEnter()
- dayColumnWidth
- dayEndHour
- dayEndMinute
- dayHeaderClicked
- days
- daysInWeek
- dayStartHour
- dayStartMinute
- dragActive
- dragAlreadyMoved
- dragEnded()
- dragEnter()
- dragLeave()
- dragMove()
- dragStarted()
- element
- emitBeforeViewRender()
- eventActionsTemplate
- eventClicked
- eventDragEnterByType
- eventDropped()
- events
- eventSnapSize
- eventTemplate
- eventTimesChanged
- eventTitleTemplate
- excludeDays
- getAllDayEventResizedDates()
- getDayColumnWidth()
- getDragMovedEventTimes()
- getTimeEventResizedDates()
- getWeekView()
- headerTemplate
- hourDuration
- hourSegmentClicked
- hourSegmentHeight
- hourSegments
- hourSegmentTemplate
- lastDraggedEvent
- locale
- minimumEventHeight
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- ngOnInit()
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- precision
- refresh
- refreshAll()
- refreshBody()
- refreshHeader()
- refreshSubscription
- resizeCursors
- resizeStarted()
- restoreOriginalEvents()
- rtl
- snapDraggedEvents
- timeEventResizeEnded()
- timeEventResizes
- timeEventResizeStarted()
- timeEventResizing()
- tooltipAppendToBody
- tooltipDelay
- tooltipPlacement
- tooltipTemplate
- trackByHour
- trackByHourColumn
- trackByHourSegment
- trackById
- trackByWeekAllDayEvent
- trackByWeekDayHeaderDate
- trackByWeekTimeEvent
- utils
- validateDrag
- validateEventTimesChanged
- validateResize
- view
- viewDate
- weekendDays
- weekStartsOn
- addDays()
- addHours()
- addMinutes()
- addMonths()
- addSeconds()
- addWeeks()
- differenceInDays()
- differenceInMinutes()
- differenceInSeconds()
- endOfDay()
- endOfMonth()
- endOfWeek()
- getDate()
- getDay()
- getHours()
- getISOWeek()
- getMinutes()
- getMonth()
- getTimezoneOffset()
- getYear()
- isSameDay()
- isSameMonth()
- isSameSecond()
- max()
- setDate()
- setHours()
- setMinutes()
- setMonth()
- setYear()
- startOfDay()
- startOfMinute()
- startOfMonth()
- startOfWeek()
- subDays()
- subMonths()
- subWeeks()
Type Aliases
variable collapseAnimation
const collapseAnimation: AnimationTriggerMetadata;
variable MOMENT
const MOMENT: InjectionToken<string>;
function getWeekViewPeriod
getWeekViewPeriod: ( dateAdapter: DateAdapter, viewDate: Date, weekStartsOn: number, excluded?: number[], daysInWeek?: number) => { viewStart: Date; viewEnd: Date };
class CalendarA11y
class CalendarA11y {}
This class is responsible for adding accessibility to the calendar. You may override any of its methods via angulars DI to suit your requirements. For example:
import { A11yParams, CalendarA11y } from 'angular-calendar';import { formatDate, I18nPluralPipe } from '@angular/common';import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';// adding your own a11y paramsexport interface CustomA11yParams extends A11yParams {isDrSuess?: boolean;}@Injectable()export class CustomCalendarA11y extends CalendarA11y {constructor(protected i18nPlural: I18nPluralPipe) {super(i18nPlural);}// overriding a functionpublic openDayEventsLandmark({ date, locale, isDrSuess }: CustomA11yParams): string {if (isDrSuess) {return `${formatDate(date, 'EEEE MMMM d', locale)}Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alivewho is you-er than you!`;}}}// in your component that uses the calendarproviders: [{provide: CalendarA11y,useClass: CustomCalendarA11y}]
constructor(i18nPlural: I18nPluralPipe);
property i18nPlural
protected i18nPlural: I18nPluralPipe;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarA11y, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<CalendarA11y>;
method actionButtonLabel
actionButtonLabel: ({ action }: A11yParams) => string;
Aria label for the calendar event actions icons
'Edit' for fa-pencil icons, and 'Delete' for fa-times icons
method allDayEventDescription
allDayEventDescription: ({ event, locale }: A11yParams) => string;
Descriptive aria label for an all day event @example:
Scott's Party, event spans multiple days: start time October 19 5:00pm, no stop time
method eventDescription
eventDescription: ({ event, locale }: A11yParams) => string;
Descriptive aria label for an event @example:
Saturday October 19th, Scott's Pizza Party, from 11:00am to 5:00pm
method hideDayHourSegment
hideDayHourSegment: () => boolean;
true if hour segments in the day view should be aria-hidden
method hideEventTitle
hideEventTitle: () => boolean;
true if event titles should be aria-hidden (global)
method hideMonthCellEvents
hideMonthCellEvents: () => boolean;
true if the events inside the month cell should be aria-hidden
method hideWeekHourSegment
hideWeekHourSegment: () => boolean;
true if hour segments in the week view should be aria-hidden
method monthCell
monthCell: ({ day, locale }: A11yParams) => string;
Aria label for the badges/date of a cell @example:
Saturday October 19 1 event click to expand
method monthCellTabIndex
monthCellTabIndex: () => number;
{number} Tab index to be given to month cells
method openDayEventsAlert
openDayEventsAlert: ({ date, locale }: A11yParams) => string;
Aria label for alert that a day in the month view was expanded @example:
Saturday October 19 expanded
method openDayEventsLandmark
openDayEventsLandmark: ({ date, locale }: A11yParams) => string;
Aria label for the open day events start landmark @example:
Saturday October 19 expanded view
class CalendarAngularDateFormatter
class CalendarAngularDateFormatter implements CalendarDateFormatterInterface {}
This will use the angular date pipe to do all date formatting. It is the default date formatter used by the calendar.
constructor(dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property dateAdapter
protected dateAdapter: DateAdapter;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarAngularDateFormatter, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<CalendarAngularDateFormatter>;
method dayViewHour
dayViewHour: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
method dayViewTitle
dayViewTitle: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The day view title
method monthViewColumnHeader
monthViewColumnHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view header week day labels
method monthViewDayNumber
monthViewDayNumber: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view cell day number
method monthViewTitle
monthViewTitle: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view title
method weekViewColumnHeader
weekViewColumnHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view header week day labels
method weekViewColumnSubHeader
weekViewColumnSubHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view sub header day and month labels
method weekViewHour
weekViewHour: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the week view
method weekViewTitle
weekViewTitle: ({ date, locale, weekStartsOn, excludeDays, daysInWeek,}: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view title
class CalendarCommonModule
class CalendarCommonModule {}
Import this module to if you're just using a singular view and want to save on bundle size. Example usage:
import { CalendarCommonModule, CalendarMonthModule } from 'angular-calendar';@NgModule({imports: [CalendarCommonModule.forRoot(),CalendarMonthModule]})class MyModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarCommonModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CalendarCommonModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< CalendarCommonModule, [ typeof i1.CalendarEventActionsComponent, typeof i2.CalendarEventTitleComponent, typeof i3.CalendarTooltipWindowComponent, typeof i3.CalendarTooltipDirective, typeof i4.CalendarPreviousViewDirective, typeof i5.CalendarNextViewDirective, typeof i6.CalendarTodayDirective, typeof i7.CalendarDatePipe, typeof i8.CalendarEventTitlePipe, typeof i9.CalendarA11yPipe, typeof i10.ClickDirective, typeof i11.KeydownEnterDirective ], [any], [ typeof i1.CalendarEventActionsComponent, typeof i2.CalendarEventTitleComponent, typeof i3.CalendarTooltipWindowComponent, typeof i3.CalendarTooltipDirective, typeof i4.CalendarPreviousViewDirective, typeof i5.CalendarNextViewDirective, typeof i6.CalendarTodayDirective, typeof i7.CalendarDatePipe, typeof i8.CalendarEventTitlePipe, typeof i9.CalendarA11yPipe, typeof i10.ClickDirective, typeof i11.KeydownEnterDirective ]>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: ( dateAdapter: Provider, config?: CalendarModuleConfig) => ModuleWithProviders<CalendarCommonModule>;
class CalendarDateFormatter
class CalendarDateFormatter extends CalendarAngularDateFormatter {}
This class is responsible for all formatting of dates. There are 3 implementations available, the
(default) which uses the angular date pipe to format dates, theCalendarNativeDateFormatter
which will use the Intl API to format dates, or there is theCalendarMomentDateFormatter
which uses moment.If you wish, you may override any of the defaults via angulars DI. For example:
import { CalendarDateFormatter, DateFormatterParams } from 'angular-calendar';import { formatDate } from '@angular/common';import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';@Injectable()class CustomDateFormatter extends CalendarDateFormatter {public monthViewColumnHeader({date, locale}: DateFormatterParams): string {return formatDate(date, 'EEE', locale); // use short week days}}// in your component that uses the calendarproviders: [{provide: CalendarDateFormatter,useClass: CustomDateFormatter}]
class CalendarDayModule
class CalendarDayModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarDayModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CalendarDayModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< CalendarDayModule, [typeof i1.CalendarDayViewComponent], [any, typeof i3.CalendarCommonModule, typeof i4.CalendarWeekModule], [typeof i1.CalendarDayViewComponent]>;
class CalendarDayViewComponent
class CalendarDayViewComponent {}
Shows all events on a given day. Example usage:
property allDayEventsLabelTemplate
allDayEventsLabelTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the all day events label text
property beforeViewRender
beforeViewRender: EventEmitter<CalendarWeekViewBeforeRenderEvent>;
An output that will be called before the view is rendered for the current day. If you add the
property to an hour grid segment it will add that class to the hour segment in the template
property currentTimeMarkerTemplate
currentTimeMarkerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the current time marker
property dayEndHour
dayEndHour: number;
The day end hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
property dayEndMinute
dayEndMinute: number;
The day end minutes. Must be 0-59
property dayStartHour
dayStartHour: number;
The day start hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
property dayStartMinute
dayStartMinute: number;
The day start minutes. Must be 0-59
property eventActionsTemplate
eventActionsTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for event actions
property eventClicked
eventClicked: EventEmitter<{ event: CalendarEvent; sourceEvent: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent;}>;
Called when an event title is clicked
property events
events: CalendarEvent[];
An array of events to display on view The schema is available here:
property eventSnapSize
eventSnapSize: number;
The grid size to snap resizing and dragging of events to
property eventTemplate
eventTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for day view events
property eventTimesChanged
eventTimesChanged: EventEmitter<CalendarEventTimesChangedEvent<any>>;
Called when an event is resized or dragged and dropped
property eventTitleTemplate
eventTitleTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for event titles
property hourDuration
hourDuration: number;
The duration of each segment group in minutes
property hourSegmentClicked
hourSegmentClicked: EventEmitter<{ date: Date; sourceEvent: MouseEvent }>;
Called when an hour segment is clicked
property hourSegmentHeight
hourSegmentHeight: number;
The height in pixels of each hour segment
property hourSegments
hourSegments: number;
The number of segments in an hour. Must divide equally into 60.
property hourSegmentTemplate
hourSegmentTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use to replace the hour segment
property locale
locale: string;
The locale used to format dates
property minimumEventHeight
minimumEventHeight: number;
The minimum height in pixels of each event
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarDayViewComponent, 'mwl-calendar-day-view', never, { viewDate: 'viewDate'; events: 'events'; hourSegments: 'hourSegments'; hourSegmentHeight: 'hourSegmentHeight'; hourDuration: 'hourDuration'; minimumEventHeight: 'minimumEventHeight'; dayStartHour: 'dayStartHour'; dayStartMinute: 'dayStartMinute'; dayEndHour: 'dayEndHour'; dayEndMinute: 'dayEndMinute'; refresh: 'refresh'; locale: 'locale'; eventSnapSize: 'eventSnapSize'; tooltipPlacement: 'tooltipPlacement'; tooltipTemplate: 'tooltipTemplate'; tooltipAppendToBody: 'tooltipAppendToBody'; tooltipDelay: 'tooltipDelay'; hourSegmentTemplate: 'hourSegmentTemplate'; eventTemplate: 'eventTemplate'; eventTitleTemplate: 'eventTitleTemplate'; eventActionsTemplate: 'eventActionsTemplate'; snapDraggedEvents: 'snapDraggedEvents'; allDayEventsLabelTemplate: 'allDayEventsLabelTemplate'; currentTimeMarkerTemplate: 'currentTimeMarkerTemplate'; validateEventTimesChanged: 'validateEventTimesChanged'; resizeCursors: 'resizeCursors'; }, { eventClicked: 'eventClicked'; hourSegmentClicked: 'hourSegmentClicked'; eventTimesChanged: 'eventTimesChanged'; beforeViewRender: 'beforeViewRender'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarDayViewComponent, never>;
property refresh
refresh: Subject<any>;
An observable that when emitted on will re-render the current view
property resizeCursors
resizeCursors: Partial<Pick<ResizeCursors, 'leftOrRight' | 'topOrBottom'>>;
Customise the document cursor when dragging to resize an event
property snapDraggedEvents
snapDraggedEvents: boolean;
Whether to snap events to a grid when dragging
property tooltipAppendToBody
tooltipAppendToBody: boolean;
Whether to append tooltips to the body or next to the trigger element
property tooltipDelay
tooltipDelay: number;
The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip should be displayed. If not provided the tooltip will be displayed immediately.
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementArray;
The placement of the event tooltip
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the event tooltips
property validateEventTimesChanged
validateEventTimesChanged: (event: CalendarEventTimesChangedEvent) => boolean;
Allow you to customise where events can be dragged and resized to. Return true to allow dragging and resizing to the new location, or false to prevent it
property viewDate
viewDate: Date;
The current view date
class CalendarEventTitleFormatter
class CalendarEventTitleFormatter {}
This class is responsible for displaying all event titles within the calendar. You may override any of its methods via angulars DI to suit your requirements. For example:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';import { CalendarEventTitleFormatter, CalendarEvent } from 'angular-calendar';@Injectable()class CustomEventTitleFormatter extends CalendarEventTitleFormatter {month(event: CalendarEvent): string {return `Custom prefix: ${event.title}`;}}// in your componentproviders: [{provide: CalendarEventTitleFormatter,useClass: CustomEventTitleFormatter}]
method day
day: (event: CalendarEvent, title: string) => string;
The day view event title.
method dayTooltip
dayTooltip: (event: CalendarEvent, title: string) => string;
The day view event tooltip. Return a falsey value from this to disable the tooltip.
method month
month: (event: CalendarEvent, title: string) => string;
The month view event title.
method monthTooltip
monthTooltip: (event: CalendarEvent, title: string) => string;
The month view event tooltip. Return a falsey value from this to disable the tooltip.
method week
week: (event: CalendarEvent, title: string) => string;
The week view event title.
method weekTooltip
weekTooltip: (event: CalendarEvent, title: string) => string;
The week view event tooltip. Return a falsey value from this to disable the tooltip.
class CalendarModule
class CalendarModule {}
The main module of this library. Example usage:
import { CalenderModule } from 'angular-calendar';@NgModule({imports: [CalenderModule.forRoot()]})class MyModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CalendarModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< CalendarModule, never, [ typeof i1.CalendarCommonModule, typeof i2.CalendarMonthModule, typeof i3.CalendarWeekModule, typeof i4.CalendarDayModule ], [ typeof i1.CalendarCommonModule, typeof i2.CalendarMonthModule, typeof i3.CalendarWeekModule, typeof i4.CalendarDayModule ]>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: ( dateAdapter: Provider, config?: CalendarModuleConfig) => ModuleWithProviders<CalendarModule>;
class CalendarMomentDateFormatter
class CalendarMomentDateFormatter implements CalendarDateFormatterInterface {}
This will use moment to do all date formatting. To use this class:
import { CalendarDateFormatter, CalendarMomentDateFormatter, MOMENT } from 'angular-calendar';import moment from 'moment';// in your componentprovide: [{provide: MOMENT, useValue: moment}, {provide: CalendarDateFormatter, useClass: CalendarMomentDateFormatter}]
constructor(moment: any, dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property dateAdapter
protected dateAdapter: DateAdapter;
property moment
protected moment: any;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarMomentDateFormatter, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<CalendarMomentDateFormatter>;
method dayViewHour
dayViewHour: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
method dayViewTitle
dayViewTitle: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The day view title
method monthViewColumnHeader
monthViewColumnHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view header week day labels
method monthViewDayNumber
monthViewDayNumber: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view cell day number
method monthViewTitle
monthViewTitle: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view title
method weekViewColumnHeader
weekViewColumnHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view header week day labels
method weekViewColumnSubHeader
weekViewColumnSubHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view sub header day and month labels
method weekViewHour
weekViewHour: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the week view
method weekViewTitle
weekViewTitle: ({ date, locale, weekStartsOn, excludeDays, daysInWeek,}: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view title
class CalendarMonthModule
class CalendarMonthModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarMonthModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CalendarMonthModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< CalendarMonthModule, [ typeof i1.CalendarMonthViewComponent, typeof i2.CalendarMonthCellComponent, typeof i3.CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, typeof i4.CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent ], [any, any, typeof i7.CalendarCommonModule], [ any, typeof i1.CalendarMonthViewComponent, typeof i2.CalendarMonthCellComponent, typeof i3.CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, typeof i4.CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent ]>;
class CalendarMonthViewComponent
class CalendarMonthViewComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit, OnDestroy {}
Shows all events on a given month. Example usage:
constructor( cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, utils: CalendarUtils, locale: string, dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property activeDay
activeDay: Date;
If set will be used to determine the day that should be open. If not set, the
is used
property activeDayIsOpen
activeDayIsOpen: boolean;
Whether the events list for the day of the
option is visible or not
property beforeViewRender
beforeViewRender: EventEmitter<CalendarMonthViewBeforeRenderEvent>;
An output that will be called before the view is rendered for the current month. If you add the
property to a day in the body it will add that class to the cell element in the template
property cdr
protected cdr: ChangeDetectorRef;
property cellTemplate
cellTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use to replace the day cell
property columnHeaderClicked
columnHeaderClicked: EventEmitter<{ isoDayNumber: number; sourceEvent: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent;}>;
Called when a header week day is clicked. Returns ISO day number.
property columnHeaders
columnHeaders: WeekDay[];
property dateAdapter
protected dateAdapter: DateAdapter;
property dayClicked
dayClicked: EventEmitter<{ day: MonthViewDay; sourceEvent: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent;}>;
Called when the day cell is clicked
property eventActionsTemplate
eventActionsTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for event actions
property eventClicked
eventClicked: EventEmitter<{ event: CalendarEvent; sourceEvent: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent;}>;
Called when the event title is clicked
property events
events: CalendarEvent[];
An array of events to display on view. The schema is available here:
property eventTimesChanged
eventTimesChanged: EventEmitter< CalendarMonthViewEventTimesChangedEvent<any, any>>;
Called when an event is dragged and dropped
property eventTitleTemplate
eventTitleTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for event titles
property excludeDays
excludeDays: number[];
An array of day indexes (0 = sunday, 1 = monday etc) that will be hidden on the view
property headerTemplate
headerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use to replace the header
property locale
locale: string;
The locale used to format dates
property openDay
openDay: MonthViewDay;
property openDayEventsTemplate
openDayEventsTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the slide down box of events for the active day
property openRowIndex
openRowIndex: number;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarMonthViewComponent, 'mwl-calendar-month-view', never, { viewDate: 'viewDate'; events: 'events'; excludeDays: 'excludeDays'; activeDayIsOpen: 'activeDayIsOpen'; activeDay: 'activeDay'; refresh: 'refresh'; locale: 'locale'; tooltipPlacement: 'tooltipPlacement'; tooltipTemplate: 'tooltipTemplate'; tooltipAppendToBody: 'tooltipAppendToBody'; tooltipDelay: 'tooltipDelay'; weekStartsOn: 'weekStartsOn'; headerTemplate: 'headerTemplate'; cellTemplate: 'cellTemplate'; openDayEventsTemplate: 'openDayEventsTemplate'; eventTitleTemplate: 'eventTitleTemplate'; eventActionsTemplate: 'eventActionsTemplate'; weekendDays: 'weekendDays'; }, { beforeViewRender: 'beforeViewRender'; dayClicked: 'dayClicked'; eventClicked: 'eventClicked'; columnHeaderClicked: 'columnHeaderClicked'; eventTimesChanged: 'eventTimesChanged'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarMonthViewComponent, never>;
property refresh
refresh: Subject<any>;
An observable that when emitted on will re-render the current view
property refreshSubscription
refreshSubscription: Subscription;
property tooltipAppendToBody
tooltipAppendToBody: boolean;
Whether to append tooltips to the body or next to the trigger element
property tooltipDelay
tooltipDelay: number;
The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip should be displayed. If not provided the tooltip will be displayed immediately.
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementArray;
The placement of the event tooltip
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the event tooltips
property trackByDate
trackByDate: (index: number, day: MonthViewDay) => string;
property trackByRowOffset
trackByRowOffset: (index: number, offset: number) => string;
property utils
protected utils: CalendarUtils;
property view
view: MonthView;
property viewDate
viewDate: Date;
The current view date
property weekendDays
weekendDays: number[];
An array of day indexes (0 = sunday, 1 = monday etc) that indicate which days are weekends
property weekStartsOn
weekStartsOn: number;
The start number of the week. If using the moment date adapter this option won't do anything and you'll need to set it globally like so:
moment.updateLocale('en', {week: {dow: 1, // set start of week to monday insteaddoy: 0,},});
method checkActiveDayIsOpen
protected checkActiveDayIsOpen: () => void;
method emitBeforeViewRender
protected emitBeforeViewRender: () => void;
method eventDropped
eventDropped: ( droppedOn: MonthViewDay, event: CalendarEvent, draggedFrom?: MonthViewDay) => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: any) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method refreshAll
protected refreshAll: () => void;
method refreshBody
protected refreshBody: () => void;
method refreshHeader
protected refreshHeader: () => void;
method toggleDayHighlight
toggleDayHighlight: (event: CalendarEvent, isHighlighted: boolean) => void;
class CalendarNativeDateFormatter
class CalendarNativeDateFormatter implements CalendarDateFormatterInterface {}
This will use Intl API to do all date formatting.
You will need to include a polyfill for older browsers.
constructor(dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property dateAdapter
protected dateAdapter: DateAdapter;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarNativeDateFormatter, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<CalendarNativeDateFormatter>;
method dayViewHour
dayViewHour: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
method dayViewTitle
dayViewTitle: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The day view title
method monthViewColumnHeader
monthViewColumnHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view header week day labels
method monthViewDayNumber
monthViewDayNumber: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view cell day number
method monthViewTitle
monthViewTitle: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view title
method weekViewColumnHeader
weekViewColumnHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view header week day labels
method weekViewColumnSubHeader
weekViewColumnSubHeader: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view sub header day and month labels
method weekViewHour
weekViewHour: ({ date, locale }: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the week view
method weekViewTitle
weekViewTitle: ({ date, locale, weekStartsOn, excludeDays, daysInWeek,}: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view title
class CalendarUtils
class CalendarUtils {}
constructor(dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property dateAdapter
protected dateAdapter: DateAdapter;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarUtils, never>;
property ɵprov
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<CalendarUtils>;
method getMonthView
getMonthView: (args: GetMonthViewArgs) => MonthView;
method getWeekView
getWeekView: (args: GetWeekViewArgs) => WeekView;
method getWeekViewHeader
getWeekViewHeader: (args: GetWeekViewHeaderArgs) => WeekDay[];
class CalendarWeekModule
class CalendarWeekModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarWeekModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<CalendarWeekModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< CalendarWeekModule, [ typeof i1.CalendarWeekViewComponent, typeof i2.CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, typeof i3.CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, typeof i4.CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, typeof i5.CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent ], [any, any, any, typeof i9.CalendarCommonModule], [ any, any, typeof i1.CalendarWeekViewComponent, typeof i2.CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, typeof i3.CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, typeof i4.CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, typeof i5.CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent ]>;
class CalendarWeekViewComponent
class CalendarWeekViewComponent implements OnChanges, OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit {}
Shows all events on a given week. Example usage:
constructor( cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, utils: CalendarUtils, locale: string, dateAdapter: DateAdapter, element: ElementRef<HTMLElement>);
property allDayEventResizes
allDayEventResizes: Map<WeekViewAllDayEvent, WeekViewAllDayEventResize>;
property allDayEventsLabelTemplate
allDayEventsLabelTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the all day events label text
property beforeViewRender
beforeViewRender: EventEmitter<CalendarWeekViewBeforeRenderEvent>;
An output that will be called before the view is rendered for the current week. If you add the
property to a day in the header it will add that class to the cell element in the template
property calendarId
calendarId: Symbol;
property cdr
protected cdr: ChangeDetectorRef;
property currentTimeMarkerTemplate
currentTimeMarkerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the current time marker
property dateAdapter
protected dateAdapter: DateAdapter;
property dayColumnWidth
dayColumnWidth: number;
property dayEndHour
dayEndHour: number;
The day end hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
property dayEndMinute
dayEndMinute: number;
The day end minutes. Must be 0-59
property dayHeaderClicked
dayHeaderClicked: EventEmitter<{ day: WeekDay; sourceEvent: MouseEvent }>;
Called when a header week day is clicked. Adding a
property on$
will add that class to the header element
property days
days: WeekDay[];
property daysInWeek
daysInWeek: number;
The number of days in a week. Can be used to create a shorter or longer week view. The first day of the week will always be the
if set will be ignored
property dayStartHour
dayStartHour: number;
The day start hours in 24 hour time. Must be 0-23
property dayStartMinute
dayStartMinute: number;
The day start minutes. Must be 0-59
property dragActive
dragActive: boolean;
property dragAlreadyMoved
dragAlreadyMoved: boolean;
property element
protected element: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
property eventActionsTemplate
eventActionsTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for event actions
property eventClicked
eventClicked: EventEmitter<{ event: CalendarEvent; sourceEvent: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent;}>;
Called when an event title is clicked
property eventDragEnterByType
eventDragEnterByType: { allDay: number; time: number };
property events
events: CalendarEvent[];
An array of events to display on view The schema is available here:
property eventSnapSize
eventSnapSize: number;
The grid size to snap resizing and dragging of hourly events to
property eventTemplate
eventTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for week view events
property eventTimesChanged
eventTimesChanged: EventEmitter<CalendarEventTimesChangedEvent<any>>;
Called when an event is resized or dragged and dropped
property eventTitleTemplate
eventTitleTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for event titles
property excludeDays
excludeDays: number[];
An array of day indexes (0 = sunday, 1 = monday etc) that will be hidden on the view
property headerTemplate
headerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use to replace the header
property hourDuration
hourDuration: number;
The duration of each segment group in minutes
property hourSegmentClicked
hourSegmentClicked: EventEmitter<{ date: Date; sourceEvent: MouseEvent }>;
Called when an hour segment is clicked
property hourSegmentHeight
hourSegmentHeight: number;
The height in pixels of each hour segment
property hourSegments
hourSegments: number;
The number of segments in an hour. Must divide equally into 60.
property hourSegmentTemplate
hourSegmentTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use to replace the hour segment
property lastDraggedEvent
lastDraggedEvent: CalendarEvent;
property locale
locale: string;
The locale used to format dates
property minimumEventHeight
minimumEventHeight: number;
The minimum height in pixels of each event
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarWeekViewComponent, 'mwl-calendar-week-view', never, { viewDate: 'viewDate'; events: 'events'; excludeDays: 'excludeDays'; refresh: 'refresh'; locale: 'locale'; tooltipPlacement: 'tooltipPlacement'; tooltipTemplate: 'tooltipTemplate'; tooltipAppendToBody: 'tooltipAppendToBody'; tooltipDelay: 'tooltipDelay'; weekStartsOn: 'weekStartsOn'; headerTemplate: 'headerTemplate'; eventTemplate: 'eventTemplate'; eventTitleTemplate: 'eventTitleTemplate'; eventActionsTemplate: 'eventActionsTemplate'; precision: 'precision'; weekendDays: 'weekendDays'; snapDraggedEvents: 'snapDraggedEvents'; hourSegments: 'hourSegments'; hourDuration: 'hourDuration'; hourSegmentHeight: 'hourSegmentHeight'; minimumEventHeight: 'minimumEventHeight'; dayStartHour: 'dayStartHour'; dayStartMinute: 'dayStartMinute'; dayEndHour: 'dayEndHour'; dayEndMinute: 'dayEndMinute'; hourSegmentTemplate: 'hourSegmentTemplate'; eventSnapSize: 'eventSnapSize'; allDayEventsLabelTemplate: 'allDayEventsLabelTemplate'; daysInWeek: 'daysInWeek'; currentTimeMarkerTemplate: 'currentTimeMarkerTemplate'; validateEventTimesChanged: 'validateEventTimesChanged'; resizeCursors: 'resizeCursors'; }, { dayHeaderClicked: 'dayHeaderClicked'; eventClicked: 'eventClicked'; eventTimesChanged: 'eventTimesChanged'; beforeViewRender: 'beforeViewRender'; hourSegmentClicked: 'hourSegmentClicked'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarWeekViewComponent, never>;
property precision
precision: 'days' | 'minutes';
The precision to display events.
will round event start and end dates to the nearest day andminutes
will not do this rounding
property refresh
refresh: Subject<any>;
An observable that when emitted on will re-render the current view
property refreshSubscription
refreshSubscription: Subscription;
property resizeCursors
resizeCursors: Partial<Pick<ResizeCursors, 'leftOrRight' | 'topOrBottom'>>;
Customise the document cursor when dragging to resize an event
property rtl
rtl: boolean;
property snapDraggedEvents
snapDraggedEvents: boolean;
Whether to snap events to a grid when dragging
property timeEventResizes
timeEventResizes: Map<CalendarEvent, ResizeEvent>;
property tooltipAppendToBody
tooltipAppendToBody: boolean;
Whether to append tooltips to the body or next to the trigger element
property tooltipDelay
tooltipDelay: number;
The delay in milliseconds before the tooltip should be displayed. If not provided the tooltip will be displayed immediately.
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementArray;
The placement of the event tooltip
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
A custom template to use for the event tooltips
property trackByHour
trackByHour: (index: number, hour: WeekViewHour) => string;
property trackByHourColumn
trackByHourColumn: ( index: number, column: WeekViewHourColumn) => string | WeekViewHourColumn;
property trackByHourSegment
trackByHourSegment: (index: number, segment: WeekViewHourSegment) => string;
property trackById
trackById: (index: number, row: WeekViewAllDayEventRow) => string;
property trackByWeekAllDayEvent
trackByWeekAllDayEvent: ( index: number, weekEvent: WeekViewAllDayEvent) => string | number | CalendarEvent<any>;
property trackByWeekDayHeaderDate
trackByWeekDayHeaderDate: (index: number, day: WeekDay) => string;
property trackByWeekTimeEvent
trackByWeekTimeEvent: ( index: number, weekEvent: WeekViewTimeEvent) => string | number | CalendarEvent<any>;
property utils
protected utils: CalendarUtils;
property validateDrag
validateDrag: ValidateDrag;
property validateEventTimesChanged
validateEventTimesChanged: (event: CalendarEventTimesChangedEvent) => boolean;
Allow you to customise where events can be dragged and resized to. Return true to allow dragging and resizing to the new location, or false to prevent it
property validateResize
validateResize: (args: any) => boolean;
property view
view: WeekView;
property viewDate
viewDate: Date;
The current view date
property weekendDays
weekendDays: number[];
An array of day indexes (0 = sunday, 1 = monday etc) that indicate which days are weekends
property weekStartsOn
weekStartsOn: number;
The start number of the week. This is ignored when the
input is also set as theviewDate
will be used as the start of the week instead. Note, you should also pass this to the calendar title pipe so it shows the same days: {{ viewDate | calendarDate:(view + 'ViewTitle'):locale:weekStartsOn }} If using the moment date adapter this option won't do anything and you'll need to set it globally like so:moment.updateLocale('en', {week: {dow: 1, // set start of week to monday insteaddoy: 0,},});
method allDayEventDragMove
allDayEventDragMove: () => void;
method allDayEventResizeEnded
allDayEventResizeEnded: (allDayEvent: WeekViewAllDayEvent) => void;
method allDayEventResizeStarted
allDayEventResizeStarted: ( allDayEventsContainer: HTMLElement, allDayEvent: WeekViewAllDayEvent, resizeEvent: ResizeEvent) => void;
method allDayEventResizing
allDayEventResizing: ( allDayEvent: WeekViewAllDayEvent, resizeEvent: ResizeEvent, dayWidth: number) => void;
method dateDragEnter
dateDragEnter: (date: Date) => void;
method dragEnded
dragEnded: ( weekEvent: WeekViewAllDayEvent | WeekViewTimeEvent, dragEndEvent: DragEndEvent, dayWidth: number, useY?: boolean) => void;
method dragEnter
dragEnter: (type: 'allDay' | 'time') => void;
method dragLeave
dragLeave: (type: 'allDay' | 'time') => void;
method dragMove
dragMove: (dayEvent: WeekViewTimeEvent, dragEvent: DragMoveEvent) => void;
method dragStarted
dragStarted: ( eventsContainerElement: HTMLElement, eventElement: HTMLElement, event: WeekViewTimeEvent | WeekViewAllDayEvent, useY: boolean) => void;
method emitBeforeViewRender
protected emitBeforeViewRender: () => void;
method eventDropped
eventDropped: ( dropEvent: Pick< DropEvent<{ event?: CalendarEvent; calendarId?: symbol }>, 'dropData' >, date: Date, allDay: boolean) => void;
method getAllDayEventResizedDates
protected getAllDayEventResizedDates: ( event: CalendarEvent, daysDiff: number, beforeStart: boolean) => { start: Date; end: Date };
method getDayColumnWidth
getDayColumnWidth: (eventRowContainer: HTMLElement) => number;
method getDragMovedEventTimes
protected getDragMovedEventTimes: ( weekEvent: WeekViewAllDayEvent | WeekViewTimeEvent, dragEndEvent: DragEndEvent | DragMoveEvent, dayWidth: number, useY: boolean) => { start: Date; end: Date };
method getTimeEventResizedDates
protected getTimeEventResizedDates: ( calendarEvent: CalendarEvent, resizeEvent: ResizeEvent) => { start: Date; end: Date };
method getWeekView
protected getWeekView: (events: CalendarEvent[]) => WeekView;
method ngAfterViewInit
ngAfterViewInit: () => void;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: any) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
method refreshAll
protected refreshAll: () => void;
method refreshBody
protected refreshBody: () => void;
method refreshHeader
protected refreshHeader: () => void;
method resizeStarted
protected resizeStarted: ( eventsContainer: HTMLElement, event: WeekViewTimeEvent | WeekViewAllDayEvent, dayWidth?: number) => void;
method restoreOriginalEvents
protected restoreOriginalEvents: ( tempEvents: CalendarEvent[], adjustedEvents: Map<CalendarEvent, CalendarEvent>, snapDraggedEvents?: boolean) => void;
method timeEventResizeEnded
timeEventResizeEnded: (timeEvent: WeekViewTimeEvent) => void;
method timeEventResizeStarted
timeEventResizeStarted: ( eventsContainer: HTMLElement, timeEvent: WeekViewTimeEvent, resizeEvent: ResizeEvent) => void;
method timeEventResizing
timeEventResizing: ( timeEvent: WeekViewTimeEvent, resizeEvent: ResizeEvent) => void;
class DateAdapter
abstract class DateAdapter implements BaseDateAdapter {}
method addDays
abstract addDays: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method addHours
abstract addHours: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method addMinutes
abstract addMinutes: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method addMonths
abstract addMonths: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method addSeconds
abstract addSeconds: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method addWeeks
abstract addWeeks: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method differenceInDays
abstract differenceInDays: ( dateLeft: Date | number, dateRight: Date | number) => number;
method differenceInMinutes
abstract differenceInMinutes: ( dateLeft: Date | number, dateRight: Date | number) => number;
method differenceInSeconds
abstract differenceInSeconds: ( dateLeft: Date | number, dateRight: Date | number) => number;
method endOfDay
abstract endOfDay: (date: Date | number) => Date;
method endOfMonth
abstract endOfMonth: (date: Date | number) => Date;
method endOfWeek
abstract endOfWeek: ( date: Date | number, options?: { weekStartsOn?: number }) => Date;
method getDate
abstract getDate: (date: Date | number) => number;
method getDay
abstract getDay: (date: Date | number) => number;
method getHours
abstract getHours: (date: Date | number) => number;
method getISOWeek
abstract getISOWeek: (date: Date | number) => number;
method getMinutes
abstract getMinutes: (date: Date | number) => number;
method getMonth
abstract getMonth: (date: Date | number) => number;
method getTimezoneOffset
abstract getTimezoneOffset: (date: Date | number) => number;
method getYear
abstract getYear: (date: Date | number) => number;
method isSameDay
abstract isSameDay: ( dateLeft: Date | number, dateRight: Date | number) => boolean;
method isSameMonth
abstract isSameMonth: ( dateLeft: Date | number, dateRight: Date | number) => boolean;
method isSameSecond
abstract isSameSecond: ( dateLeft: Date | number, dateRight: Date | number) => boolean;
method max
abstract max: (dates: (Date | number)[]) => Date;
method setDate
abstract setDate: (date: Date | number, dayOfMonth: number) => Date;
method setHours
abstract setHours: (date: Date | number, hours: number) => Date;
method setMinutes
abstract setMinutes: (date: Date | number, minutes: number) => Date;
method setMonth
abstract setMonth: (date: Date | number, month: number) => Date;
method setYear
abstract setYear: (date: Date | number, year: number) => Date;
method startOfDay
abstract startOfDay: (date: Date | number) => Date;
method startOfMinute
abstract startOfMinute: (date: Date | number) => Date;
method startOfMonth
abstract startOfMonth: (date: Date | number) => Date;
method startOfWeek
abstract startOfWeek: ( date: Date | number, options?: { weekStartsOn?: number }) => Date;
method subDays
abstract subDays: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method subMonths
abstract subMonths: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
method subWeeks
abstract subWeeks: (date: Date | number, amount: number) => Date;
class ɵCalendarA11yPipe
class CalendarA11yPipe implements PipeTransform {}
This pipe is primarily for rendering aria labels. Example usage:
// where `myEvent` is a `CalendarEvent` and myLocale is a locale identifier{{ { event: myEvent, locale: myLocale } | calendarA11y: 'eventDescription' }}
constructor(calendarA11y: CalendarA11y, locale: string);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarA11yPipe, never>;
property ɵpipe
static ɵpipe: i0.ɵɵPipeDeclaration<CalendarA11yPipe, 'calendarA11y', false>;
method transform
transform: (a11yParams: A11yParams, method: string) => string;
class ɵCalendarDatePipe
class CalendarDatePipe implements PipeTransform {}
This pipe is primarily for rendering the current view title. Example usage:
// where `viewDate` is a `Date` and view is `'month' | 'week' | 'day'`{{ viewDate | calendarDate:(view + 'ViewTitle'):'en' }}
constructor(dateFormatter: CalendarDateFormatter, locale: string);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarDatePipe, never>;
property ɵpipe
static ɵpipe: i0.ɵɵPipeDeclaration<CalendarDatePipe, 'calendarDate', false>;
method transform
transform: ( date: Date, method: string, locale?: string, weekStartsOn?: number, excludeDays?: number[], daysInWeek?: number) => string;
class ɵCalendarEventActionsComponent
class CalendarEventActionsComponent {}
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property event
event: CalendarEvent;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarEventActionsComponent, 'mwl-calendar-event-actions', never, { event: 'event'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate' }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarEventActionsComponent, never>;
property trackByActionId
trackByActionId: ( index: number, action: EventAction) => string | number | EventAction;
class ɵCalendarEventTitleComponent
class CalendarEventTitleComponent {}
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property event
event: CalendarEvent;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarEventTitleComponent, 'mwl-calendar-event-title', never, { event: 'event'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate'; view: 'view' }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarEventTitleComponent, never>;
property view
view: string;
class ɵCalendarEventTitlePipe
class CalendarEventTitlePipe implements PipeTransform {}
constructor(calendarEventTitle: CalendarEventTitleFormatter);
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarEventTitlePipe, never>;
property ɵpipe
static ɵpipe: i0.ɵɵPipeDeclaration< CalendarEventTitlePipe, 'calendarEventTitle', false>;
method transform
transform: (title: string, titleType: string, event: CalendarEvent) => string;
class ɵCalendarMonthCellComponent
class CalendarMonthCellComponent {}
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property day
day: MonthViewDay;
property eventClicked
eventClicked: EventEmitter<{ event: CalendarEvent; sourceEvent: MouseEvent }>;
property highlightDay
highlightDay: EventEmitter<any>;
property locale
locale: string;
property openDay
openDay: MonthViewDay;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarMonthCellComponent, 'mwl-calendar-month-cell', never, { day: 'day'; openDay: 'openDay'; locale: 'locale'; tooltipPlacement: 'tooltipPlacement'; tooltipAppendToBody: 'tooltipAppendToBody'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate'; tooltipTemplate: 'tooltipTemplate'; tooltipDelay: 'tooltipDelay'; }, { highlightDay: 'highlightDay'; unhighlightDay: 'unhighlightDay'; eventClicked: 'eventClicked'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarMonthCellComponent, never>;
property tooltipAppendToBody
tooltipAppendToBody: boolean;
property tooltipDelay
tooltipDelay: number;
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementArray;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property trackByEventId
trackByEventId: ( index: number, event: CalendarEvent<any>) => string | number | CalendarEvent<any>;
property unhighlightDay
unhighlightDay: EventEmitter<any>;
property validateDrag
validateDrag: ({ x, y }: { x: number; y: number }) => boolean;
class ɵCalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent
class CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent {}
property columnHeaderClicked
columnHeaderClicked: EventEmitter<{ isoDayNumber: number; sourceEvent: MouseEvent;}>;
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property days
days: WeekDay[];
property locale
locale: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent, 'mwl-calendar-month-view-header', never, { days: 'days'; locale: 'locale'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate' }, { columnHeaderClicked: 'columnHeaderClicked' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarMonthViewHeaderComponent, never>;
property trackByWeekDayHeaderDate
trackByWeekDayHeaderDate: (index: number, day: WeekDay) => string;
class ɵCalendarNextViewDirective
class CalendarNextViewDirective {}
Change the view date to the next view. For example:
constructor(dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property daysInWeek
daysInWeek: number;
The number of days in a week. If set will add this amount of days instead of 1 week
property excludeDays
excludeDays: number[];
Days to skip when going forward by 1 day
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< CalendarNextViewDirective, '[mwlCalendarNextView]', never, { view: 'view'; viewDate: 'viewDate'; excludeDays: 'excludeDays'; daysInWeek: 'daysInWeek'; }, { viewDateChange: 'viewDateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarNextViewDirective, never>;
property view
view: CalendarView | 'month' | 'week' | 'day';
The current view
property viewDate
viewDate: Date;
The current view date
property viewDateChange
viewDateChange: EventEmitter<Date>;
Called when the view date is changed
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class ɵCalendarOpenDayEventsComponent
class CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent {}
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property date
date: Date;
property eventActionsTemplate
eventActionsTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property eventClicked
eventClicked: EventEmitter<{ event: CalendarEvent; sourceEvent: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent;}>;
property events
events: CalendarEvent[];
property eventTitleTemplate
eventTitleTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property isOpen
isOpen: boolean;
property locale
locale: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, 'mwl-calendar-open-day-events', never, { locale: 'locale'; isOpen: 'isOpen'; events: 'events'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate'; eventTitleTemplate: 'eventTitleTemplate'; eventActionsTemplate: 'eventActionsTemplate'; date: 'date'; }, { eventClicked: 'eventClicked' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarOpenDayEventsComponent, never>;
property trackByEventId
trackByEventId: ( index: number, event: CalendarEvent<any>) => string | number | CalendarEvent<any>;
property validateDrag
validateDrag: ({ x, y }: { x: number; y: number }) => boolean;
class ɵCalendarPreviousViewDirective
class CalendarPreviousViewDirective {}
Change the view date to the previous view. For example:
constructor(dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property daysInWeek
daysInWeek: number;
The number of days in a week. If set will subtract this amount of days instead of 1 week
property excludeDays
excludeDays: number[];
Days to skip when going back by 1 day
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< CalendarPreviousViewDirective, '[mwlCalendarPreviousView]', never, { view: 'view'; viewDate: 'viewDate'; excludeDays: 'excludeDays'; daysInWeek: 'daysInWeek'; }, { viewDateChange: 'viewDateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarPreviousViewDirective, never>;
property view
view: CalendarView | 'month' | 'week' | 'day';
The current view
property viewDate
viewDate: Date;
The current view date
property viewDateChange
viewDateChange: EventEmitter<Date>;
Called when the view date is changed
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class ɵCalendarTodayDirective
class CalendarTodayDirective {}
Change the view date to the current day. For example:
constructor(dateAdapter: DateAdapter);
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< CalendarTodayDirective, '[mwlCalendarToday]', never, { viewDate: 'viewDate' }, { viewDateChange: 'viewDateChange' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarTodayDirective, never>;
property viewDate
viewDate: Date;
The current view date
property viewDateChange
viewDateChange: EventEmitter<Date>;
Called when the view date is changed
method onClick
onClick: () => void;
class ɵCalendarTooltipDirective
class CalendarTooltipDirective implements OnDestroy, OnChanges {}
constructor( elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector, renderer: Renderer2, componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, document: any);
property appendToBody
appendToBody: boolean;
property contents
contents: string;
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property delay
delay: number;
property event
event: CalendarEvent;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< CalendarTooltipDirective, '[mwlCalendarTooltip]', never, { contents: 'mwlCalendarTooltip'; placement: 'tooltipPlacement'; customTemplate: 'tooltipTemplate'; event: 'tooltipEvent'; appendToBody: 'tooltipAppendToBody'; delay: 'tooltipDelay'; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarTooltipDirective, never>;
property placement
placement: PlacementArray;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method onMouseOut
onMouseOut: () => void;
method onMouseOver
onMouseOver: () => void;
class ɵCalendarTooltipWindowComponent
class CalendarTooltipWindowComponent {}
property contents
contents: string;
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property event
event: CalendarEvent;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarTooltipWindowComponent, 'mwl-calendar-tooltip-window', never, { contents: 'contents'; placement: 'placement'; event: 'event'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate'; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarTooltipWindowComponent, never>;
property placement
placement: string;
class ɵCalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent
class CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent implements OnChanges {}
constructor(dateAdapter: DateAdapter, zone: NgZone);
property columnDate
columnDate: Date;
property columnDate$
columnDate$: BehaviorSubject<Date>;
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property dayEndHour
dayEndHour: number;
property dayEndMinute
dayEndMinute: number;
property dayStartHour
dayStartHour: number;
property dayStartMinute
dayStartMinute: number;
property hourDuration
hourDuration: number;
property hourSegmentHeight
hourSegmentHeight: number;
property hourSegments
hourSegments: number;
property marker$
marker$: Observable<{ isVisible: boolean; top: number }>;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent, 'mwl-calendar-week-view-current-time-marker', never, { columnDate: 'columnDate'; dayStartHour: 'dayStartHour'; dayStartMinute: 'dayStartMinute'; dayEndHour: 'dayEndHour'; dayEndMinute: 'dayEndMinute'; hourSegments: 'hourSegments'; hourDuration: 'hourDuration'; hourSegmentHeight: 'hourSegmentHeight'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate'; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< CalendarWeekViewCurrentTimeMarkerComponent, never>;
method ngOnChanges
ngOnChanges: (changes: SimpleChanges) => void;
class ɵCalendarWeekViewEventComponent
class CalendarWeekViewEventComponent {}
property column
column: WeekViewHourColumn;
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property daysInWeek
daysInWeek: number;
property eventActionsTemplate
eventActionsTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property eventClicked
eventClicked: EventEmitter<{ sourceEvent: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent }>;
property eventTitleTemplate
eventTitleTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property locale
locale: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, 'mwl-calendar-week-view-event', never, { locale: 'locale'; weekEvent: 'weekEvent'; tooltipPlacement: 'tooltipPlacement'; tooltipAppendToBody: 'tooltipAppendToBody'; tooltipDisabled: 'tooltipDisabled'; tooltipDelay: 'tooltipDelay'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate'; eventTitleTemplate: 'eventTitleTemplate'; eventActionsTemplate: 'eventActionsTemplate'; tooltipTemplate: 'tooltipTemplate'; column: 'column'; daysInWeek: 'daysInWeek'; }, { eventClicked: 'eventClicked' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarWeekViewEventComponent, never>;
property tooltipAppendToBody
tooltipAppendToBody: boolean;
property tooltipDelay
tooltipDelay: number;
property tooltipDisabled
tooltipDisabled: boolean;
property tooltipPlacement
tooltipPlacement: PlacementArray;
property tooltipTemplate
tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property weekEvent
weekEvent: any;
class ɵCalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent
class CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent {}
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property dayHeaderClicked
dayHeaderClicked: EventEmitter<{ day: WeekDay; sourceEvent: MouseEvent }>;
property days
days: WeekDay[];
property dragEnter
dragEnter: EventEmitter<{ date: Date }>;
property eventDropped
eventDropped: EventEmitter<{ event: CalendarEvent; newStart: Date }>;
property locale
locale: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, 'mwl-calendar-week-view-header', never, { days: 'days'; locale: 'locale'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate' }, { dayHeaderClicked: 'dayHeaderClicked'; eventDropped: 'eventDropped'; dragEnter: 'dragEnter'; }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CalendarWeekViewHeaderComponent, never>;
property trackByWeekDayHeaderDate
trackByWeekDayHeaderDate: (index: number, day: WeekDay) => string;
class ɵCalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent
class CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent {}
property customTemplate
customTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;
property daysInWeek
daysInWeek: number;
property isTimeLabel
isTimeLabel: boolean;
property locale
locale: string;
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, 'mwl-calendar-week-view-hour-segment', never, { segment: 'segment'; segmentHeight: 'segmentHeight'; locale: 'locale'; isTimeLabel: 'isTimeLabel'; daysInWeek: 'daysInWeek'; customTemplate: 'customTemplate'; }, {}, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration< CalendarWeekViewHourSegmentComponent, never>;
property segment
segment: WeekViewHourSegment;
property segmentHeight
segmentHeight: number;
class ɵClickDirective
class ClickDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor(renderer: Renderer2, elm: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, document: any);
property click
click: EventEmitter<MouseEvent>;
property clickListenerDisabled
clickListenerDisabled: boolean;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< ClickDirective, '[mwlClick]', never, { clickListenerDisabled: 'clickListenerDisabled' }, { click: 'mwlClick' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<ClickDirective, never>;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
class ɵKeydownEnterDirective
class KeydownEnterDirective implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}
constructor(host: ElementRef<HTMLElement>, ngZone: NgZone, renderer: Renderer2);
property keydown
keydown: EventEmitter<KeyboardEvent>;
property ɵdir
static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration< KeydownEnterDirective, '[mwlKeydownEnter]', never, {}, { keydown: 'mwlKeydownEnter' }, never, never, false, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<KeydownEnterDirective, never>;
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method ngOnInit
ngOnInit: () => void;
interface A11yParams
interface A11yParams {}
The parameters passed to the a11y methods.
interface CalendarDateFormatterInterface
interface CalendarDateFormatterInterface {}
If using a completely custom date formatter then it should implement this interface.
method dayViewHour
dayViewHour: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
method dayViewTitle
dayViewTitle: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The day view title
method monthViewColumnHeader
monthViewColumnHeader: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view header week day labels
method monthViewDayNumber
monthViewDayNumber: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view cell day number
method monthViewTitle
monthViewTitle: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The month view title
method weekViewColumnHeader
weekViewColumnHeader: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view header week day labels
method weekViewColumnSubHeader
weekViewColumnSubHeader: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view sub header day and month labels
method weekViewHour
weekViewHour: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The time formatting down the left hand side of the day view
method weekViewTitle
weekViewTitle: (params: DateFormatterParams) => string;
The week view title
interface CalendarEventTimesChangedEvent
interface CalendarEventTimesChangedEvent<MetaType = any> {}
The output
type when an event is resized or dragged and dropped.
interface CalendarModuleConfig
interface CalendarModuleConfig {}
property a11y
a11y?: Provider;
property dateFormatter
dateFormatter?: Provider;
property eventTitleFormatter
eventTitleFormatter?: Provider;
property utils
utils?: Provider;
interface CalendarMonthViewBeforeRenderEvent
interface CalendarMonthViewBeforeRenderEvent {}
interface CalendarMonthViewEventTimesChangedEvent
interface CalendarMonthViewEventTimesChangedEvent< EventMetaType = any, DayMetaType = any> extends CalendarEventTimesChangedEvent<EventMetaType> {}
property day
day: MonthViewDay<DayMetaType>;
interface CalendarWeekViewBeforeRenderEvent
interface CalendarWeekViewBeforeRenderEvent extends WeekView {}
property header
header: WeekDay[];
interface DateFormatterParams
interface DateFormatterParams {}
The parameter type passed to the date formatter methods.
property date
date: Date;
The date to format.
property daysInWeek
daysInWeek?: number;
The number of days in a week. Can be used to create a shorter or longer week view. The first day of the week will always be the
property excludeDays
excludeDays?: number[];
An array of day indexes (0 = sunday, 1 = monday etc) that will be hidden on the view
property locale
locale?: string;
The users preferred locale.
property weekStartsOn
weekStartsOn?: number;
The start day number of the week
enum CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType
enum CalendarEventTimesChangedEventType { Drag = 'drag', Drop = 'drop', Resize = 'resize',}
enum CalendarView
enum CalendarView { Month = 'month', Week = 'week', Day = 'day',}
Type Aliases
type CalendarDayViewBeforeRenderEvent
type CalendarDayViewBeforeRenderEvent = CalendarWeekViewBeforeRenderEvent;
Package Files (40)
- date-adapters/date-adapter.d.ts
- index.d.ts
- modules/calendar.module.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-a11y/calendar-a11y.interface.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-a11y/calendar-a11y.pipe.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-a11y/calendar-a11y.provider.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-angular-date-formatter/calendar-angular-date-formatter.provider.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-common.module.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-date-formatter/calendar-date-formatter.interface.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-date-formatter/calendar-date-formatter.provider.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-date/calendar-date.pipe.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-event-actions/calendar-event-actions.component.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-event-times-changed-event/calendar-event-times-changed-event.interface.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-event-title-formatter/calendar-event-title-formatter.provider.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-event-title/calendar-event-title.component.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-event-title/calendar-event-title.pipe.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-moment-date-formatter/calendar-moment-date-formatter.provider.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-native-date-formatter/calendar-native-date-formatter.provider.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-next-view/calendar-next-view.directive.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-previous-view/calendar-previous-view.directive.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-today/calendar-today.directive.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-tooltip/calendar-tooltip.directive.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-utils/calendar-utils.provider.d.ts
- modules/common/calendar-view/calendar-view.enum.d.ts
- modules/common/click/click.directive.d.ts
- modules/common/keydown-enter/keydown-enter.directive.d.ts
- modules/common/util/util.d.ts
- modules/day/calendar-day-view/calendar-day-view.component.d.ts
- modules/day/calendar-day.module.d.ts
- modules/month/calendar-month-view/calendar-month-cell/calendar-month-cell.component.d.ts
- modules/month/calendar-month-view/calendar-month-view-header/calendar-month-view-header.component.d.ts
- modules/month/calendar-month-view/calendar-month-view.component.d.ts
- modules/month/calendar-month-view/calendar-open-day-events/calendar-open-day-events.component.d.ts
- modules/month/calendar-month.module.d.ts
- modules/week/calendar-week-view/calendar-week-view-current-time-marker/calendar-week-view-current-time-marker.component.d.ts
- modules/week/calendar-week-view/calendar-week-view-event/calendar-week-view-event.component.d.ts
- modules/week/calendar-week-view/calendar-week-view-header/calendar-week-view-header.component.d.ts
- modules/week/calendar-week-view/calendar-week-view-hour-segment/calendar-week-view-hour-segment.component.d.ts
- modules/week/calendar-week-view/calendar-week-view.component.d.ts
- modules/week/calendar-week.module.d.ts
Dependencies (6)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (1)
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